Zone1 Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

You ever wonder whether the "instructions" from God are just delusions, hallucinations, or deliberate attempts to control the population?
Another question to consider is whether someone first lives out the ways of God (instructions, if you will) before calling them delusions, hallucinations, or deliberate attempts at control? Doubtful, as God's ways are a path of freedom.
Another question to consider is whether someone first lives out the ways of God (instructions, if you will) before calling them delusions, hallucinations, or deliberate attempts at control? Doubtful, as God's ways are a path of freedom.

Is any path that you are put to death for not walking a path to freedom?
And it's likely more than it could have been. You are so completely wrong.
Numerous studies have shown the damaging effect of sex before marriage on the marriage. If your claim is even truthful, I doubt you're the exception.
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Numerous studies have shown the damaging effect of sex before marriage on the marriage. If your claim is even truthful, I doubt you're the exception.
Numerous studies have shown the damaging effect of sex before marriage on the marriage. If your claim is even truthful, I doubt you're the exception.
Yeah no.
In the late 90s and up till 2001, I was an IT manager. And in those days, you needed to know network security, which means you need to know how hackers work, how viruses get in, and how to find them.

On my off time, I found myself fixing friends computers. Mostly removing malware.
Soon I was running a little business out of my home. And word got around.
I probably fixed somewhere around 100 - 150 PCs till I stopped. And the reason I stopped, was rampant pornography. Wives wanting to know if the virus came from something their husbands were doing, or their children (it was, it always was)

THE POINT - out of all of those PCs, only 2 had no pornography on them. Two.
And plenty of those folks were church goers. Even a minister. And boy did he like some naked young girls.

Trying to suppress human desires only magnifies the problem.
Numerous studies have shown the damaging effect of sex before marriage on the marriage. If your claim is even truthful, I doubt you're the exception.
You have an extremely narrow world view. We have friends that have been together as long as we have. never married. Raised 2 fully functioning adults. In love with each other Faithful to each other. Take off your reality distorting glasses and see the world as it really is.
And I said as much but I don't use fear of pissing off a god as my reason for not cheating on my wife or for not murdering anyone and I don't believe that without the fear of a god that I would become a raping murdering animal.
You seem determined to ignore my words

When we disobey God we are punishing ourselves
Numerous studies have shown the damaging effect of sex before marriage on the marriage.
Is it possible to be more repressed? One would have to be an Irish priest I'd imagine.

Or an American bishop.
I was glad my 2 wives had sex before me... heck yeah.
They knew what to do, wasn't nervous or afraid and wanted to, and knew how to - please me.
And I, them, because I previously learned by experience
I was glad my 2 wives had sex before me... heck yeah.
They knew what to do, wasn't nervous or afraid and wanted to, and knew how to - please me.
And I, them, because I previously learned by experience
Much more likely for people who have had multiple sex partners before marriage for the marriage to be damaged.
Is it possible to be more repressed? One would have to be an Irish priest I'd imagine.

Or an American bishop.
How am I repressed? My sex life has been wonderful for 36 years. The repression is having to rely on unreliable unfaithful unloving sex outside a marriage.
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You have an extremely narrow world view. We have friends that have been together as long as we have. never married. Raised 2 fully functioning adults. In love with each other Faithful to each other. Take off your reality distorting glasses and see the world as it really is.
Your anecdote, in the unlikely event it is true, is not the norm.
Yeah no.
In the late 90s and up till 2001, I was an IT manager. And in those days, you needed to know network security, which means you need to know how hackers work, how viruses get in, and how to find them.

On my off time, I found myself fixing friends computers. Mostly removing malware.
Soon I was running a little business out of my home. And word got around.
I probably fixed somewhere around 100 - 150 PCs till I stopped. And the reason I stopped, was rampant pornography. Wives wanting to know if the virus came from something their husbands were doing, or their children (it was, it always was)

THE POINT - out of all of those PCs, only 2 had no pornography on them. Two.
And plenty of those folks were church goers. Even a minister. And boy did he like some naked young girls.

Trying to suppress human desires only magnifies the problem.
Thank for your anecdote, but it does not disprove the studies that show sex before marriage damages marriages. In fact it has nothing to do with it.

And I'll say this. Decades ago, I looked at a couple sites to see what was on them, just out of curiosity. There was absolutely nothing enticing about them. There was never any kissing, any love shown, and the actors were not attractive. I never took the step of downloading anything or getting their more involved content. I honestly don't understand the attraction of these sites. The point of this is the presence of someone having looked at a porn site doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Trying to suppress human desires only magnifies the problem.
That's absolutely false. Man has the willpower to overcome many physical temptations, and people are better off for having done so. Generally these temptations fade over time. Ask anyone who has quit smoking.
The view accepting sex outside marriage will doom you, right off the top. The Marxist left has lured so many into this trap by their media and social influence. I don't know why people can't understand by now that sex outside marriage is responsible for 90% of the world's ills. Such a seemingly simple innocuous act has enormous consequences.

The figure is at least 69%, as reflected on people's view on sex outside marriage, and probably a whole lot more. A 1969 poll reported only 21% saying it was acceptable. How the world has fallen! The Marxists have been very successful in leading people to Hell.

For those who say eternal punishment is unfair, I'll remind you it is your choice.

“Enter through the narrow gate. The gate is wide and the road is wide that leads to hell, and many people enter through that gate. But the gate is small and the road is narrow that leads to true life. Only a few people find that road. - Matthew 7: 13-14.


the suffering in hell is proportionate to the offenses committed against God. There are levels in hell where some people will suffer more than others we can suffer more intensely and held because the body is no longer subject to the limitations of human flesh, and great fear upon them.

Just even the idea of the resurrection because they know when they get their body back their sufferings will increase in hell the suffering in our body is much worse much more intense than we could even comprehend.

For those men and women, who hate the resurrection, the question is why this is because of past sin, from this present time and future, those who sin do not believe in the afterlife, or any existence other than their own, they just believe that after they die there's no more existence, this is called predestination, but the soul is eternal, when your body is in the spirit your soul it'll be resurrected your body will be resurrected, and this is where you meet the judgments of your deeds in the individual life

Here I understand for some to speak of hell is an uncomfortable topic but just as we don't like to speak of the devil and his demons it is also important to remind ourselves what awaits us, God, in this life everyone around you in hell hates you nobody loves you not your parents, not your children, not your spouse not your guardian Angel the Saints or God nobody, even in this life it's if we sense that someone does not like us we at least know that someone loves.

But not in hell you're totally cut off from love and the effects of love now God loves your human nature still, but the effects of his love are totally cut off from you.

Nobody can stand you are a foul Wretch something completely unworthy you are reprobate of love, you shall pleas justice from all eternity, but you shall never escape it, your hatred for God and his justice shall consume you the torment of your suffering would be like a furnace.

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