Zone1 Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

So the 10 commandments don't apply and you have no reason to be faithful to your wife because Jesus will forgive you.
Not at all

You want to know if we can sin on saturday and be forgiven on sunday?

I dont know, and I try not to test God’s patience to find out the hard way

If God says dont do it that's good enough for me

I only wish I had the iron grip on morality that you claim to have

Because I’m far from perfect
I don't know why people can't understand by now that sex outside marriage is responsible for 90% of the world's ills.
It's probably because they're not hopelessly repressed covert sexual deviants like the OP's church produces.
If God says dont do it that's good enough for me

I only wish I had the iron grip on morality that you claim to have

Because I’m far from perfect
What, you disobey the instructions from god you say are good enough for you?

I hope you're wearing your ceramic underwear when you do that.
Not at all

You want to know if we can sin on saturday and be forgiven on sunday?

I dont know, and I try not to test God’s patience to find out the hard way

If God says dont do it that's good enough for me

I only wish I had the iron grip on morality that you claim to have

Because I’m far from perfect

No one is perfect not even your god. And I don't think not cheating on my wife takes an iron will. I think anyone is capable of moderating their behavior. You obviously have bought into the lie that you are incapable of controlling yourself.

So are you now saying you are fearful of the wrath of a god if you break the commandment on adultery?

You didn't use god as a reason when I asked you why you don't cheat on your wife before.
What, you disobey the instructions from god you say are good enough for you?

I hope you're wearing your ceramic underwear when you do that.
I’m human and not perfect

How about you?

Are you human?

And perfect?
So are you now saying you are fearful of the wrath of a god if you break the commandment on adultery?
You have a far darker view of God than I do

God knows what’s best for us

“Dont touch that stove” is good advice for a child who has never touched a hot stove before

And when we dont listen its not God’s wrath that punishes us but rather the consequences of our own disobedience
Do you ever wonder whether the instructions from god aren't worth obeying?
Well of course you do, otherwise you'd obey them.

You ever wonder whether the "instructions" from God are just delusions, hallucinations, or deliberate attempts to control the population?
You have a far darker view of God than I do

God knows what’s best for us

“Dont touch that stove” is good advice for child who has never touched a hot stove before

And when we dont listen its not God’s wrath that punishes us but rather the consequences of our own disobedience

Tell me what is the punishment for adultery as specified in the Bible?

It's death isn;t it?

So much for forgiveness

Are you going to kill your kid because she touches the stove? Or perhaps beat her with a stick as your god tells you to?
Tell me what is the punishment for adultery as specified in the Bible?

It's death isn;t it?

So much for forgiveness

Are you going to kill your kid because she touches the stove? Or perhaps beat her with a stick as your god tells you to?
In the Old Testament it was death

But Jesus changed that
I think in most cases they are lying to themselves as well as others

But it really depends on what they do after getting married

Fidelity and loyalty are important moral values also that can lead to being a better person and overcoming previous mistakes
Nope. We loved and respected each other before going to the judge and signing a piece of paper. and we did the same way after.
In the Old Testament it was death

But Jesus changed that

So the 10 commandments are now irrelevant? Genesis and the 7 deadly sins are now irrelevant?
But you say that the god of the OT and Jesus are the same god don't you? Or are you worshipping a different god than the one in the OT?

If Jesus and the god of the OT are the same than it's mind was obviously changed and if your god changed its mind how can it be perfect?
There is no rational reason for you to think so

Its still right not to murder or commit adultery

And I said as much but I don't use fear of pissing off a god as my reason for not cheating on my wife or for not murdering anyone and I don't believe that without the fear of a god that I would become a raping murdering animal.
Sex outside marriage indicates devaluation of the person, that they are unworthy of commitment. That encompasses the greed you talk about.

As for you, as I said, you have the choice to go to Hell or not.

The idea that marriage is the ONLY way to be in a committed relationship is nonsense.

I have been in a committed relationship for 12 years. We are not married. We could both walk away from it at any time, without needing lawyers. But we are actually committed.

56% of men and 34% of women will have an affair during their marriage. A recent survey showed 76% of married people would have an affair if they were guaranteed they wouldn't get caught.

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