Approve school vouchers as a way to fight “woke” public schools

[ It has already failed ]

GOP lawmakers have introduced The Educational Choice for Children Act in both the Senate and the House. The bill doubles down on Betsy DeVos’s failed idea by proposing a $10 billion school voucher program on the federal level.

The proposal proposes the type of education voucher called a tax credit scholarship. In such a system, a corporation or individual makes a donation to a scholarship granting organization, which in turn offers vouchers to students to attend select private schools. The donors gets to use the donation as a credit against their tax liabilities.

In other words, donors get to make contributions to private schools in place of paying taxes, and because their money never actually touches government hands, tax credit scholarships skirt the entire issue of using tax dollars to fund private religious schools.

The House version was proposed by Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) who says that every child should have a chance for success “regardless of their zip code or socioeconomic background,” though it’s unclear what socioeconomic barriers are faced by families with an income 300% of their area’s median.

Senator Bill Casidy (R-LA) introduced the Senate version, saying that the bill “provides yet another opportunity to empower parents.” Yet as with most school choice legislation, there are no protections for parents and students here. Private schools remain free to decide which students they will accept or reject, and parents who find that their child’s new private school is not serving their needs have no recourse.

The bill is very explicit in saying that the government may not in any way direct how the scholarship granting organization or private schools will conduct their business, and it explicitly says that parents may choose “faith-based schools.”

The bill is clear that handling the funds in this voucher program does not turn schools or scholarship organizations into “state actors;” that distinction’s importance was just underlined by the recent court decision in North Carolina that charter schools are not free to ignore federal law. With vouchers we often discover that while the money may follow the students, the students’ rights do not. This bill is very clear in stating that private schools that receive vouchers remain free to discriminate as they see fit.

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) speaking in support of the bill says that America’s education system needs “more transparency,” yet the proposed voucher system is largely opaque, providing little oversight or accountability for how the money has been spent.

The supporters of the bill are working to strike the same chords as the parental rights movement. Left undiscussed is the research suggesting that voucher programs do not produce excellent educational results.

When it comes to the money being diverted, Welner says, “Why not take the $10 billion per year tax expenditure that this bill's authors want to put into these neovouchers and put the money toward educational interventions that have actually been shown to help children, like high-quality preschool, class-size reduction, community schools, and intensive reading and math interventions and tutoring?”

This type of federal school voucher has been pitched before. Betsy DeVos spent her last years as Secretary of Education pitching her $5 billion Education Freedom Scholarships with no success. It may be that this proposal is simply intended to raise some election-year noise before ending with the same quiet whimper as its predecessor.
That would be best. $10 billion in lost revenue would be a huge cost, but going federal with the idea that education is a consumer good like soup and toilet paper rather than a public common good that we all share responsibility for—that idea would be even more costly to us as a nation.

(full article online)

[ It has already failed ]

GOP lawmakers have introduced The Educational Choice for Children Act in both the Senate and the House. The bill doubles down on Betsy DeVos’s failed idea by proposing a $10 billion school voucher program on the federal level.

The proposal proposes the type of education voucher called a tax credit scholarship. In such a system, a corporation or individual makes a donation to a scholarship granting organization, which in turn offers vouchers to students to attend select private schools. The donors gets to use the donation as a credit against their tax liabilities.

In other words, donors get to make contributions to private schools in place of paying taxes, and because their money never actually touches government hands, tax credit scholarships skirt the entire issue of using tax dollars to fund private religious schools.

The House version was proposed by Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) who says that every child should have a chance for success “regardless of their zip code or socioeconomic background,” though it’s unclear what socioeconomic barriers are faced by families with an income 300% of their area’s median.

Senator Bill Casidy (R-LA) introduced the Senate version, saying that the bill “provides yet another opportunity to empower parents.” Yet as with most school choice legislation, there are no protections for parents and students here. Private schools remain free to decide which students they will accept or reject, and parents who find that their child’s new private school is not serving their needs have no recourse.

The bill is very explicit in saying that the government may not in any way direct how the scholarship granting organization or private schools will conduct their business, and it explicitly says that parents may choose “faith-based schools.”

The bill is clear that handling the funds in this voucher program does not turn schools or scholarship organizations into “state actors;” that distinction’s importance was just underlined by the recent court decision in North Carolina that charter schools are not free to ignore federal law. With vouchers we often discover that while the money may follow the students, the students’ rights do not. This bill is very clear in stating that private schools that receive vouchers remain free to discriminate as they see fit.

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) speaking in support of the bill says that America’s education system needs “more transparency,” yet the proposed voucher system is largely opaque, providing little oversight or accountability for how the money has been spent.

The supporters of the bill are working to strike the same chords as the parental rights movement. Left undiscussed is the research suggesting that voucher programs do not produce excellent educational results.

When it comes to the money being diverted, Welner says, “Why not take the $10 billion per year tax expenditure that this bill's authors want to put into these neovouchers and put the money toward educational interventions that have actually been shown to help children, like high-quality preschool, class-size reduction, community schools, and intensive reading and math interventions and tutoring?”

This type of federal school voucher has been pitched before. Betsy DeVos spent her last years as Secretary of Education pitching her $5 billion Education Freedom Scholarships with no success. It may be that this proposal is simply intended to raise some election-year noise before ending with the same quiet whimper as its predecessor.
That would be best. $10 billion in lost revenue would be a huge cost, but going federal with the idea that education is a consumer good like soup and toilet paper rather than a public common good that we all share responsibility for—that idea would be even more costly to us as a nation.

(full article online)

I have to head out now but will do some research upon my return later this afternoon and post links asserting the benefits of school vouchers, particularly in light of the dismal state of public education.
Sixties Fan

1) You asked for stats to show whether private school students do better than public schools students, and indeed they do: NAEP Studies - 2006461: Comparing Private Schools and Public Schools Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling

2) But that was not the premise of the thread. The discussion I want to have is whether providing vouchers to enable parents - now furious with the transgender stuff, the black victimization stuff, all the other social justice stuff which has them labeled “domestic terrorists” by our government if they dare disagree - to secure an academically-focused school for their kids would force the far-leftists in public schools now running Social Justice Education to move to the center, and back to focusing on reading, writing, and arithmetic.

What it would do is bring competition into the equation. Right now, none but the wealthy can afford private schools, and thus the majority of parents are left with no other option than to keep their kids in the Far-Left Democrat-infested public education system. The School Boards know this, and is why they treat parents (and kids, for that matter) who dissent from Liberalism as the enemies.

Providing school vouchers would force the Social Justice Warriors in the public education world to drop the nonsense and go back to focusing solely on academics.
Sixties Fan

1) You asked for stats to show whether private school students do better than public schools students, and indeed they do: NAEP Studies - 2006461: Comparing Private Schools and Public Schools Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling

2) But that was not the premise of the thread. The discussion I want to have is whether providing vouchers to enable parents - now furious with the transgender stuff, the black victimization stuff, all the other social justice stuff which has them labeled “domestic terrorists” by our government if they dare disagree - to secure an academically-focused school for their kids would force the far-leftists in public schools now running Social Justice Education to move to the center, and back to focusing on reading, writing, and arithmetic.

What it would do is bring competition into the equation. Right now, none but the wealthy can afford private schools, and thus the majority of parents are left with no other option than to keep their kids in the Far-Left Democrat-infested public education system. The School Boards know this, and is why they treat parents (and kids, for that matter) who dissent from Liberalism as the enemies.

Providing school vouchers would force the Social Justice Warriors in the public education world to drop the nonsense and go back to focusing solely on academics.

1) Please name the Far Leftists in those schools and what steps have they taken to make those schools be worse for some students. Which schools are those, please be specific. I am reading too much generalization from your answer.

2) Students in private schools have always done better than those in public schools. More money spent in private than in public schools could be one of the factors? Some Public school students have to work as well as study. It may make a difference.

3) Aren't Private Schools already getting much more money for education than Public ones? Why take any money away from poor public schools, through the vouchers, to give it to Wealthier schools?

4). You keep calling some schools Left leaning, etc, etc.

5) Which schools are those and what are the results of the students grades, without bringing any blame game on left (or Right ) ideas or some such things?

Please, try to leave left or right ideas you may have heard about and try to deal with only the Educational part of all of this. Thanks.
What do you do when all the parents want to use the vouchers to go to the same school?
Obviously the school can't take them all. That happens right now with charter schools. There are far more applicants than open slots.
They’ll have to pick other private schools. And of course, in a couple of years we will have more private schools to meet the new demand.

Those remaining in public school will be those whose parents want them brainwashed to believe the leftist nonsense. I do feel sorry for those kids, but at least we can save more.
The loss of public schools would be a serious blow to our education system. They may be inefficient, but they still teach people how to read, write and do math. Those are critical skills for success in the modern world. Sure, comfortable middle class families would figure it out for their kids, but kids with bad parents or just very poor parents would be seriously hindered by your proposal. Upward mobility for the most disadvantaged young people would be crippled.
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Sixties Fan

1) You asked for stats to show whether private school students do better than public schools students, and indeed they do: NAEP Studies - 2006461: Comparing Private Schools and Public Schools Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling

2) But that was not the premise of the thread. The discussion I want to have is whether providing vouchers to enable parents - now furious with the transgender stuff, the black victimization stuff, all the other social justice stuff which has them labeled “domestic terrorists” by our government if they dare disagree - to secure an academically-focused school for their kids would force the far-leftists in public schools now running Social Justice Education to move to the center, and back to focusing on reading, writing, and arithmetic.

What it would do is bring competition into the equation. Right now, none but the wealthy can afford private schools, and thus the majority of parents are left with no other option than to keep their kids in the Far-Left Democrat-infested public education system. The School Boards know this, and is why they treat parents (and kids, for that matter) who dissent from Liberalism as the enemies.

Providing school vouchers would force the Social Justice Warriors in the public education world to drop the nonsense and go back to focusing solely on academics.
Most schools don't teach nonsense and are academically focused. You've chosen to repeat alt-right talking points. It is called PUBLIC education for a reason. That means they have to cater to everyone.
If you don't like it, put your kids in private or charter school.

1) Please name the Far Leftists in those schools and what steps have they taken to make those schools be worse for some students. Which schools are those, please be specific. I am reading too much generalization from your answer.

2) Students in private schools have always done better than those in public schools. More money spent in private than in public schools could be one of the factors? Some Public school students have to work as well as study. It may make a difference.

3) Aren't Private Schools already getting much more money for education than Public ones? Why take any money away from poor public schools, through the vouchers, to give it to Wealthier schools?

4). You keep calling some schools Left leaning, etc, etc.

5) Which schools are those and what are the results of the students grades, without bringing any blame game on left (or Right ) ideas or some such things?

Please, try to leave left or right ideas you may have heard about and try to deal with only the Educational part of all of this. Thanks.
No, I cannot leave left or right out of this because the entire problem is due to the liberalism-on-steroids sweeping through the public school system. If you are going to deny that the public school system is far to the left - with their transgender crap, their woe-is-me I’m black crap, the CRT crap impacting the entire curriculum - and instead give me homework to list individual schools to show that the education system is liberal, I am not wasting my time.

But I will give you one example of what has happened recently on a NoVa school district - infiltrated entirely by leftists. The sole Muslim woman on the School Board tweeted some hateful, anti-Israel propaganda - this in a district that already has a problem with antisemitism - and some Jews objected and wanted her out. She, being a Muslim and “favored” minority, was of course protected, and she remained. NOW she was the biggest proponent of this Teach Truth initiative (whose truth? The leftists truth of course!), and now the district is free to push their anti-Israel crap on the kids.
And again, I am not leaving left and right out of this. i put this in politics for a reason.
They’ll have to pick other private schools. And of course, in a couple of years we will have more private schools to meet the new demand.

Those remaining in public school will be those whose parents want them brainwashed to believe the leftist nonsense. I do feel sorry for those kids, but at least we can save more.

The majority of private schools have admission standards. Parents and children are interviewed. Little Johnny who struggled in public school won't have a prayer
The majority of private schools have admission standards. Parents and children are interviewed. Little Johnny who struggled in public school won't have a prayer
Then there will likely be demand for students who are………more challenged by the academics. If anything, I’d think that a parent with a kid who “struggles” would be even more opposed to him being subjected to the leftist nonsense - does a 6-year-old REALLY need to learn about oral sex, or sex at all - and placed in an environment where the focus was entirely on academics, and geared more for “C-ish” kids.
Just an open attempt to eliminate public school education

Free Public education is what made this country great

You'd have a point if the "free" public education we have today hadn't devolved into utter garbage and become one of the worst systems of all OECD nations.
No, I cannot leave left or right out of this because the entire problem is due to the liberalism-on-steroids sweeping through the public school system. If you are going to deny that the public school system is far to the left - with their transgender crap, their woe-is-me I’m black crap, the CRT crap impacting the entire curriculum - and instead give me homework to list individual schools to show that the education system is liberal, I am not wasting my time.

But I will give you one example of what has happened recently on a NoVa school district - infiltrated entirely by leftists. The sole Muslim woman on the School Board tweeted some hateful, anti-Israel propaganda - this in a district that already has a problem with antisemitism - and some Jews objected and wanted her out. She, being a Muslim and “favored” minority, was of course protected, and she remained. NOW she was the biggest proponent of this Teach Truth initiative (whose truth? The leftists truth of course!), and now the district is free to push their anti-Israel crap on the kids.
And again, I am not leaving left and right out of this. i put this in politics for a reason.
Right. You do not have the facts, except for fear mongering you believe in, in your religious mind, and could not ever find simply the problems in the education system which would explain your assertion that Vouchers are needed for Private Schools, which would eventually harm schools with less money available to them.

Your issues seem to be homosexuality, teaching the history of American Slavery (which is what CRT is),
Blacks claiming their rights to having equal rights under US laws to vote, good jobs, good education, same right to rent where they want, which does not happen in many places in the US, to this day etc

All of the above is what many Republicans have been against for decades now.

DID the Fairfax school actually scrap the policy, or did it stay? The article is about the school PLANNING to scrap it.

Which State and City is this school at? It does not say?

I have no idea about the full story on this Muslim woman being allowed to stay on the school board.
Many times they are let go, or eventually made to let go. I imagine that someone talked to her and came to the decision of letting her stay. I need more information on that one. Has she posted any more anti Israel words?
Then there will likely be demand for students who are………more challenged by the academics. If anything, I’d think that a parent with a kid who “struggles” would be even more opposed to him being subjected to the leftist nonsense - does a 6-year-old REALLY need to learn about oral sex, or sex at all - and placed in an environment where the focus was entirely on academics, and geared more for “C-ish” kids.

My point is private schools won't accept problem children

A true private school doesn't accept government funding and it's their house, their rules
Then there will likely be demand for students who are………more challenged by the academics. If anything, I’d think that a parent with a kid who “struggles” would be even more opposed to him being subjected to the leftist nonsense - does a 6-year-old REALLY need to learn about oral sex, or sex at all - and placed in an environment where the focus was entirely on academics, and geared more for “C-ish” kids.
Exactly what does this leftist this or that HAVE to do with Vouchers?????? Nothing!!!!!
My question is this:

Why take money away from places that need it to put it into places that do not need it, to people who do not need it? Why make it more difficult for those who cannot afford to go to school, to be able to go to school?

How does one know that the schools in Democratic States are not doing as well and therefore should have some of that money/vouchers, routed to a private school instead?

How well are Republican State schools public schools doing?

So far, the only things I have found about vouchers are these:

What are US school vouchers?

School vouchers are education tax dollars that are diverted from public schools to help subsidize the tuition of private and religious schools. Although some states and cities have limited voucher programs, the only federally funded program is in Washington, D.C.

School Vouchers​

What is the argument against school vouchers?

No matter how you look at it, vouchers undermine strong public education and student opportunity. They take scarce funding from public schools—which serve 90 percent of students—and give it to private schools—institutions that are not accountable to taxpayers.

Vouchers | NEA - National Education Association​


Zionism - the cause of forcing American kids to be raped by leftwing homos
My point is private schools won't accept problem children

A true private school doesn't accept government funding and it's their house, their rules

The trash gets dumped back into the dumpster.

Have a kid that wants to learn? Vouchers are your best hope.

Troublemakers should be tossed out ...
Right. You do not have the facts, except for fear mongering you believe in, in your religious mind, and could not ever find simply the problems in the education system which would explain your assertion that Vouchers are needed for Private Schools, which would eventually harm schools with less money available to them.

Your issues seem to be homosexuality, teaching the history of American Slavery (which is what CRT is),
Blacks claiming their rights to having equal rights under US laws to vote, good jobs, good education, same right to rent where they want, which does not happen in many places in the US, to this day etc

All of the above is what many Republicans have been against for decades now.

DID the Fairfax school actually scrap the policy, or did it stay? The article is about the school PLANNING to scrap it.

Which State and City is this school at? It does not say?

I have no idea about the full story on this Muslim woman being allowed to stay on the school board.
Many times they are let go, or eventually made to let go. I imagine that someone talked to her and came to the decision of letting her stay. I need more information on that one. Has she posted any more anti Israel words?
Blacks claiming their rights to having equal rights under US laws to vote, good jobs, good education, same right to rent where they want, which does not happen in many places in the US, to this day etc

It's obvious you're a Liberal Jew because the Democrats haven't delivered on any of these promises in 50 years.
Then there will likely be demand for students who are………more challenged by the academics. If anything, I’d think that a parent with a kid who “struggles” would be even more opposed to him being subjected to the leftist nonsense - does a 6-year-old REALLY need to learn about oral sex, or sex at all - and placed in an environment where the focus was entirely on academics, and geared more for “C-ish” kids.
No ONE is teaching any 6 year old child about oral sex, or about sex at all AT school. That is simply a religious, Republican fear mongering, disinformation made for people like yourself to go nuts about.

And by the way, CRT iS NOT discussed in any other place but Law Schools. It is for discussion only.

Is CRT taught in law school?

As a technical matter, then, CRT is something that law professors argue and write in academic journals about. It is directly taught only in some law schools, where a seminar might be offered to upper division students as an elective.

CRT, from a law prof's POV - Community Legal Aid › node › crt-law-pr..
Right. You do not have the facts, except for fear mongering you believe in, in your religious mind, and could not ever find simply the problems in the education system which would explain your assertion that Vouchers are needed for Private Schools, which would eventually harm schools with less money available to them.

Not sure what your smack about my “religious” mind, but shame on you for insulting a fairly observsnt Jew.
Your issues seem to be homosexuality, teaching the history of American Slavery (which is what CRT is),
Blacks claiming their rights to having equal rights under US laws to vote, good jobs, good education, same right to rent where they want, which does not happen in many places in the US, to this day etc

All of the above is what many Republicans have been against for decades now.

My issues are that we don’t need to teach children about oral sex, kick girls out of their OWN locker room because some complained about a biological boy in there.
DID the Fairfax school actually scrap the policy, or did it stay? The article is about the school PLANNING to scrap it.
It went through. I belong to a Jewish Republican group trying to fight antisemitism and anti-Israel propaganda being pushed on liberal colleges - you know, Trump had an EO trying to stop the antisemitism - and we oversaw a massive letter-writing campaign to stop it. But we lost. The liberals are too strong in that county and are determined to teach the leftist perspective. That includes the anti-Israel stance the Muslim wants as part of the curriculum.
Which State and City is this school at? It does not say?

It’s not one school. It’s all schools in Fairfax County, VA.
I have no idea about the full story on this Muslim woman being allowed to stay on the school board.
Many times they are let go, or eventually made to let go. I imagine that someone talked to her and came to the decision of letting her stay. I need more information on that one. Has she posted any more anti Israel words?

I am unaware of any more anti-Israel tweets, but now because the “Teach Truth” went through, she is free to push the anti-Israel narrative.

And here‘s something else: this Teach Truth is not local. The Muslim woman pushed it at the local School Board, but It is spreading across the entire country, funded by far-Left Democrats who want to be free to teach propaganda.

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