Approve school vouchers as a way to fight “woke” public schools

No ONE is teaching any 6 year old child about oral sex, or about sex at all AT school. That is simply a religious, Republican fear mongering, disinformation made for people like yourself to go nuts about.

Yes they are. Your hatred toward Republicans is blinding you to the damage being done by liberals. It was on TV - not the lib media you watch - where a parent read from material being taught to elementary school boys (her son among them) which said that boy-on-boy oral sex is an important skill to master if they are homosexual. Elementary school!
And by the way, CRT iS NOT discussed in any other place but Law Schools. It is for discussion only.

Is CRT taught in law school?

As a technical matter, then, CRT is something that law professors argue and write in academic journals about. It is directly taught only in some law schools, where a seminar might be offered to upper division students as an elective.

CRT, from a law prof's POV - Community Legal Aid › node › crt-law-pr..
They are not teaching the theory. They are incorporating the beliefs of the theory into the classroom, and teaching that blacks are oppressed victims. We even had a black father in Loudoun County Virginia stand up in a school board meeting and was LIVID that his son was being talk he was an oppressed victim.
Some people just can't seem to stop themselves from taking anecdotes and trying to claim universal truths. I guess their not knowing anything about the actual topic makes that easier.
Not sure what your smack about my “religious” mind, but shame on you for insulting a fairly observsnt Jew.

My issues are that we don’t need to teach children about oral sex, kick girls out of their OWN locker room because some complained about a biological boy in there.

It went through. I belong to a Jewish Republican group trying to fight antisemitism and anti-Israel propaganda being pushed on liberal colleges - you know, Trump had an EO trying to stop the antisemitism - and we oversaw a massive letter-writing campaign to stop it. But we lost. The liberals are too strong in that county and are determined to teach the leftist perspective. That includes the anti-Israel stance the Muslim wants as part of the curriculum.

It’s not one school. It’s all schools in Fairfax County, VA.

I am unaware of any more anti-Israel tweets, but now because the “Teach Truth” went through, she is free to push the anti-Israel narrative.

And here‘s something else: this Teach Truth is not local. The Muslim woman pushed it at the local School Board, but It is spreading across the entire country, funded by far-Left Democrats who want to be free to teach propaganda.

This person apparently never noticed that all of trump's Jewish appointees stabbed trump in the back

Sessions - ZPF
Gen Millie
DHS appointee
And public education WAS what made this country great - in the last century, where the focus was on math, history, geography, civics, writing, etc. The New Education is all the fake social justice nonsense, with kids barely knowing basic academics, and is bringing this country down.
You just don't 'get it' and you never will.

This open enrollment that you are suggesting is logistically impossible.
If 300 student from schools A,B,C all want to go to school D with their voucher,
can you explain how this would be handled.

1). Staffing
2). Bussing
3). Facility Space

You care to address those and how school D would handle 900 additional students?
Vouchers must also mean that highly disruptive students with an IEP MUST be accepted and MUST be provided a case manager and special education services. Kids who apply to a private school will not be able to be turned away nor ever expelled.
Not sure what your smack about my “religious” mind, but shame on you for insulting a fairly observsnt Jew.

My issues are that we don’t need to teach children about oral sex, kick girls out of their OWN locker room because some complained about a biological boy in there.

It went through. I belong to a Jewish Republican group trying to fight antisemitism and anti-Israel propaganda being pushed on liberal colleges - you know, Trump had an EO trying to stop the antisemitism - and we oversaw a massive letter-writing campaign to stop it. But we lost. The liberals are too strong in that county and are determined to teach the leftist perspective. That includes the anti-Israel stance the Muslim wants as part of the curriculum.

It’s not one school. It’s all schools in Fairfax County, VA.

I am unaware of any more anti-Israel tweets, but now because the “Teach Truth” went through, she is free to push the anti-Israel narrative.

And here‘s something else: this Teach Truth is not local. The Muslim woman pushed it at the local School Board, but It is spreading across the entire country, funded by far-Left Democrats who want to be free to teach propaganda.
My meaning was that you may be allowing your religious education and beliefs to actually believe that such things like small children being taught about oral sex, etc is actually happening anywhere in the US.

That is not happening and there aren't many people who do believe that it is happening.

If it is happening, which schools, which cities and states is this already happening?

I have no hatred for Republicans as you put it in your second response. What I have is an need to respond to false ideas that some things are happening when they are really not.

That Muslim woman has the free speech this country gives her to say anti Israel things. It is the same way in Israel. It does not stop anyone from responding to her lies and putting the truth about it out there. As you know, I do it all the time when posters write something which is not true about Israel, Jews or Judaism.

If you do have the Muslim woman's name I would like to do some research about her.

Please do not assume that all Democrats do is propaganda, or any at all. Each issue is different and you may disagree with any of those ideas, as it is your right to do. I do understand your religious beliefs.

Which TV program had a parent read the material from the elementary school? Is there a video, an article I could see or read?

Lisa, I am of the belief, from what you have written about it, that you do not know the history of black people in this country. If indeed you knew it, read, watched documentaries, read articles, books about it, you might realize that Blacks in this country have always been discriminated against, turned into slaves and not servants, like others who came to the continent.

The oppression of black people has always been real, from not wanting to end slavery to not wanting to allowing them to become citizens, or allowed to vote, or allowed to marry non blacks, etc, etc.

In the past decade their right to vote has been undermined by the repeal of the Voting Act. Now, one party wants to end affirmative action.

There are many States passing laws to cut down the ability of black people to vote in this country.

That parent had the right to not want his child to think that black people are victims, to think of himself as a victim. But in many, too many cases, they are.

They are not allowed to go to schools they would like to. Rent in places they would like to. To get the jobs they have studied for. Their voting rights are being suppressed, etc.

Please, get familiar with the history of Black people from 1619 to present, and then let me know if anything in your thinking has changed or it remains the same.

No link…..just a topic for discussion.

Wouldn‘t the approval of school vouchers, allowing parents to choose an appropriate school for their children, force the School Board to somewhat moderate their attacks on parents, and, more importantly, ratchet down on the CRT wokeness crap they are pushing down their kids’ throats?

Think about it. Affluent parents can already put their kids in private, but the lower-middle class (the biggest segment of the population) are stuck with their kids in public. They can’t afford otherwise. If school officials knew that their unpopular attitudes and instruction were driving away their “customers,” wouldn’t they have to moderate somewhat in order to sell their product?
School vouchers are a no brainer for insuring quality education for everybody but these stupid Moon Bats hate the idea because then they can't brainwash the kids in the public schools.
Vouchers must also mean that highly disruptive students with an IEP MUST be accepted and MUST be provided a case manager and special education services. Kids who apply to a private school will not be able to be turned away nor ever expelled.

A true voucher system rewards merit and punishes kleptocratic failure.

It empowers parents to choose, not leftwing homos dictating to parents.

Private schools will accept vouchers because vouchers are cash for that purpose. But taxpayer funded homos do not tell private schools dog shit.
School vouchers are a no brainer for insuring quality education for everybody but these stupid Moon Bats hate the idea because then they can't brainwash the kids in the public schools.
You just don't 'get it' and you never will. EMH

This open enrollment that you are suggesting is logistically impossible.
If 300 student from schools A,B,C all want to go to school D with their voucher,
can you explain how this would be handled.

1). Staffing
2). Bussing
3). Facility Space

You care to address those and how school D would handle 900 additional students?
My meaning was that you may be allowing your religious education and beliefs to actually believe that such things like small children being taught about oral sex, etc is actually happening anywhere in the US.

That is not happening and there aren't many people who do believe that it is happening.

If it is happening, which schools, which cities and states is this already happening?

I have no hatred for Republicans as you put it in your second response. What I have is an need to respond to false ideas that some things are happening when they are really not.

That Muslim woman has the free speech this country gives her to say anti Israel things. It is the same way in Israel. It does not stop anyone from responding to her lies and putting the truth about it out there. As you know, I do it all the time when posters write something which is not true about Israel, Jews or Judaism.

If you do have the Muslim woman's name I would like to do some research about her.

Please do not assume that all Democrats do is propaganda, or any at all. Each issue is different and you may disagree with any of those ideas, as it is your right to do. I do understand your religious beliefs.

Which TV program had a parent read the material from the elementary school? Is there a video, an article I could see or read?

Lisa, I am of the belief, from what you have written about it, that you do not know the history of black people in this country. If indeed you knew it, read, watched documentaries, read articles, books about it, you might realize that Blacks in this country have always been discriminated against, turned into slaves and not servants, like others who came to the continent.

The oppression of black people has always been real, from not wanting to end slavery to not wanting to allowing them to become citizens, or allowed to vote, or allowed to marry non blacks, etc, etc.

In the past decade their right to vote has been undermined by the repeal of the Voting Act. Now, one party wants to end affirmative action.

There are many States passing laws to cut down the ability of black people to vote in this country.

That parent had the right to not want his child to think that black people are victims, to think of himself as a victim. But in many, too many cases, they are.

They are not allowed to go to schools they would like to. Rent in places they would like to. To get the jobs they have studied for. Their voting rights are being suppressed, etc.

Please, get familiar with the history of Black people from 1619 to present, and then let me know if anything in your thinking has changed or it remains the same.

Your liberalism is blinding you.

Am I supposed to remember what school the woman who read about the oral sex lesson was from?

And I know the history of Black people. We were taught all about slavery and Jim Crow. Our children are failing miserably as leftists want to make everything about black people. Until our kids start showing some basic proficiency in math and reading, what is being taught about blacks is sufficient.

There’s a high school in Baltimore - 99% black - where not ONE kid tested as proficient in math, but they sure all knew how victimized they all are! So when they graduate and can’t get a job, are they going to think it’s because they are if ignoramuses who can’t write a simole sentence? NOPE. They’re going to blame it on….racism.

So don’t tell ME to read up and educate myself more about what happened to blacks in the past. THAT is the very reason we need school vouchers! You leftists think the most important thing is to learn more about the history of black people, and how awful whitey used to be. And in the meantime, our kids can’t do simple division or write a grammatically correct sentence.
No link…..just a topic for discussion.

Wouldn‘t the approval of school vouchers, allowing parents to choose an appropriate school for their children, force the School Board to somewhat moderate their attacks on parents, and, more importantly, ratchet down on the CRT wokeness crap they are pushing down their kids’ throats?

Think about it. Affluent parents can already put their kids in private, but the lower-middle class (the biggest segment of the population) are stuck with their kids in public. They can’t afford otherwise. If school officials knew that their unpopular attitudes and instruction were driving away their “customers,” wouldn’t they have to moderate somewhat in order to sell their product?
That would undermine the intent of publicly-funded education (to indoctrinate children beyond the will of the parents).
Your liberalism is blinding you.

Am I supposed to remember what school the woman who read about the oral sex lesson was from?

And I know the history of Black people. We were taught all about slavery and Jim Crow. Our children are failing miserably as leftists want to make everything about black people. Until our kids start showing some basic proficiency in math and reading, what is being taught about blacks is sufficient.

There’s a high school in Baltimore - 99% black - where not ONE kid tested as proficient in math, but they sure all knew how victimized they all are! So when they graduate and can’t get a job, are they going to think it’s because they are if ignoramuses who can’t write a simole sentence? NOPE. They’re going to blame it on….racism.

So don’t tell ME to read up and educate myself more about what happened to blacks in the past. THAT is the very reason we need school vouchers! You leftists think the most important thing is to learn more about the history of black people, and how awful whitey used to be. And in the meantime, our kids can’t do simple division or write a grammatically correct sentence.
Why is Liberalism blinding me instead of my being well informed on the subjects?

Some schools, not all, are not doing well. It is the same in many other countries. Education has failed a lot of people all over the world.

Sure, let us divert money from Public Schools into Wealthy Private Schools and THAT is going to help the Public School Students do better.
That would undermine the intent of publicly-funded education (to indoctrinate children beyond the will of the parents).
And that is why we see the leftist on the thread fighting against it, and regurgitating stuff about how I need to learn more about Black history, how oppressed they were in the past by whites, and the 1619 project.

He made my point PERFECTLY. Parents don’t want their kids spending time learning MORE about the history of black oppression, and learning to see contemporary blacks as victims, while we are falling further and further behind other developed countries in the world. Parents want their kids proficient in academics and prepared for college, or another career-prep route, and not become little social warriors who get taught about oral sex, have to endure boys in the girls locker room, and grow up to vote for reparations.
Why is Liberalism blinding me instead of my being well informed on the subjects?

Some schools, not all, are not doing well. It is the same in many other countries. Education has failed a lot of people all over the world.

Sure, let us divert money from Public Schools into Wealthy Private Schools and THAT is going to help the Public School Students do better.
So the answer is to keep the children of the working class, whose parents can’t afford private school, locked into the “woke” public school system where they are falling miserably behind? They won’t stand a chance against the affluent private school kids when applying to college.
And that is why we see the leftist on the thread fighting against it, and regurgitating stuff about how I need to learn more about Black history, how oppressed they were in the past by whites, and the 1619 project.

He made my point PERFECTLY. Parents don’t want their kids spending time learning MORE about the history of black oppression, and learning to see contemporary blacks as victims, while we are falling further and further behind other developed countries in the world. Parents want their kids proficient in academics and prepared for college, or another career-prep route, and not become little social warriors who get taught about oral sex, have to endure boys in the girls locker room, and grow up to vote for reparations.
I don't really have a problem with most of the stuff you're complaining about. But it should be up to the parents, and not a matter of "majority rules". Government doesn't need to be involved in raising our kids.
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