April jobs report is 1/4 of what was predicted. A paltry 244K. What happened to Biden's 'Rescue Plan'?

Any comment on Biden's disastrous jobs numbers last month? I'm guessing you have nothing to offer beyond your usual dumassery we have seen so far.

Sure I have a comment on Biden ADDING 244,000 jobs last month.

If you are not happy with the numbers, you should be supporting Biden’s Infrastructure Bill which will create millions of high paying jobs.
You mean Pedo Joe's infrastructure bill that will cost taxpayers $833,333 per job created?

No thanks.

$2.9 TRILLION to create 2.7 Million jobs.

You figure it out, Dumbass.
“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
Evidently the Trumpsters don't know that the plan hasn't even...

Aw, hell with it.

I hope they're just trolling. Otherwise, this level of ignorance is a little depressing.
Both party's have made & will make many mistakes, only a closed mind will blame it ALL on a party that has only been in office for three months.
Any comment on Biden's disastrous jobs numbers last month? I'm guessing you have nothing to offer beyond your usual dumassery we have seen so far.

Sure I have a comment on Biden ADDING 244,000 jobs last month.

If you are not happy with the numbers, you should be supporting Biden’s Infrastructure Bill which will create millions of high paying jobs.
You mean Pedo Joe's infrastructure bill that will cost taxpayers $833,333 per job created?

No thanks.

$2.9 TRILLION to create 2.7 Million jobs.

You figure it out, Dumbass.

Please, please.......tell us you are not this STUPID

2.7 million jobs PLUS all the added public projects
Those JOBS are a biproduct of the infrastructure investment
The last time Xiden and the Dems were in charge and passed a "rescue" plan they gave us double digit UE.
Do you mean like Reagan did when he passed his recovery tax cuts in 1981 and threw us into the 1982 Reagan Recession and double digit UE rate.
we were in a recession in 1981...worst we have had since the great depression.

reagan gave us the faster and biggest recovery ever.

until xiden obama and the dems
The last 3 quarters averaged 14.6% GDP growth.
BULLSHIT you worthless lying scum POS
Tramp's last 4 quaretrs of GDP growth was 2.2%
Hmmmm................I said the last 3 quarters, Dumbass.

Please learn to read simple English.
Who measures GDP over three quarters?
Only someone who is Cherry Picking
Someone who is measuring a recovery of a pandemic, Dumbass.
Looks like his pork filled "Rescue Plan" is a dismal failure.

Hardly. Clearly the economists were wrong. They expected a straight up recovery which may or may not be true. Also worth noting several things about the report. 334,000 jobs were created in the serfvices industry. These are the people who are complaining the loudest. Higher wage industries such as manufacturing saw no growth. Grocery stores saw employment drop which means they let workers go. Also the February report was adjusted downward. You do not make policy based on 1 month's data.

“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
The pandemic is what killed jobs, Dumbass.

This was 1/4 what was expected. Pedo Joe's "Rescue package" is a bust.

But keep waving your hard-on for Trump around, Troll.

It was never a rescue page. It was to help offset the pain that people are feeling because of the pandemic. The infrastructure package is a attemp-to create jobs. Republicans are opposed to it.
“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
The pandemic is what killed jobs, Dumbass.

This was 1/4 what was expected. Pedo Joe's "Rescue package" is a bust.

But keep waving your hard-on for Trump around, Troll.
Yes, because Trump mismanaged the pandemic. More than a million jobs were created in the last two months. Trump really dug us hole, and we all have a job in filling it.
First, those jobs created are from the Trump recovery, not anything Pedo Joe did.

Pedo Joe got his "Rescue Plan" and the jobs immediately tanked. 1/4 of what was expected.
No, those jobs are directly from the stimulus, nothing that Dirty Donald did
Why did jobs tank this month then?


Who said they tanked? A bunch of economists' prediction.
Looks like his pork filled "Rescue Plan" is a dismal failure.

Hardly. Clearly the economists were wrong. They expected a straight up recovery which may or may not be true. Also worth noting several things about the report. 334,000 jobs were created in the serfvices industry. These are the people who are complaining the loudest. Higher wage industries such as manufacturing saw no growth. Grocery stores saw employment drop which means they let workers go. Also the February report was adjusted downward. You do not make policy based on 1 month's data.

oh it's not true...hence why they were off by 3/4 of a million.

and now we have UE going up,. inflation....which equals stagflation....and to top it all off...a gas shortage.

Xiden is on his way to surpass Carter's horrible economy.
“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
The pandemic is what killed jobs, Dumbass.

This was 1/4 what was expected. Pedo Joe's "Rescue package" is a bust.

But keep waving your hard-on for Trump around, Troll.

It was never a rescue page. It was to help offset the pain that people are feeling because of the pandemic. The infrastructure package is a attemp-to create jobs. Republicans are opposed to it.
So Veggie Joe lied when he named it a rescue package.

Got it.

Why wouldn’t Republicans oppose an “infrastructure “ bill where less than 10% goes to actual infrastructure?
His rescue plan is doing what it was designed to do. Keep people on the govt tit instead of building up their lives.
The communist party is using the money to BUY support as they fundementally change the US (destroy it from the inside)...without the stimulus we would already be in a deep deep depression with millions of people calling for biden and his administrations heads. They have to have the spending to keep their own people blm and antif fa from going after them.
Any comment on Biden's disastrous jobs numbers last month? I'm guessing you have nothing to offer beyond your usual dumassery we have seen so far.

Sure I have a comment on Biden ADDING 244,000 jobs last month.

If you are not happy with the numbers, you should be supporting Biden’s Infrastructure Bill which will create millions of high paying jobs.
You mean Pedo Joe's infrastructure bill that will cost taxpayers $833,333 per job created?

No thanks.

$2.9 TRILLION to create 2.7 Million jobs.

You figure it out, Dumbass.

Please, please.......tell us you are not this STUPID

2.7 million jobs PLUS all the added public projects
Those JOBS are a biproduct of the infrastructure investment
INFRASTUCTURE INVESTMENTS? LIKE the SHOVEL READY JOBS that weren't under Obama? Its a money grab--
“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
The pandemic is what killed jobs, Dumbass.

This was 1/4 what was expected. Pedo Joe's "Rescue package" is a bust.

But keep waving your hard-on for Trump around, Troll.

It was never a rescue page. It was to help offset the pain that people are feeling because of the pandemic. The infrastructure package is a attemp-to create jobs. Republicans are opposed to it.
So Veggie Joe lied when he named it a rescue package.

Got it.

Why wouldn’t Republicans oppose an “infrastructure “ bill where less than 10% goes to actual infrastructure?
Well it depends....if you are a big union boss, or a dem politician that has ruined your state's economy and budget through horrible leftist policies...you were rescued. If you were a working class American, you got f-ed.

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