April Jobs report looks dismal, March numbers to be revised????

It is called seasonable variation. It happens every year. During the winter, fewer people are employed. During the winter, outdoor jobs are less in the dead cold of the snow through much of the country. Construction work falls off in the winter. Harvesting of crops fall off during the winter.

Do you know what seasonal means?

Yes I do. The real problem is the percent of our population that have jobs keeps on declining since Democrats took control in January 1, 2007. There has been no recovery in jobs. We only experience seasonal bumps along a flat line. Shall we call this Obamacrats new normal employment level? It truly sucks for the unemployed & their friends & family who are supporting them.

I took the 16 to 19 out of employment and population, to see what "independent adult" employment looks like. Then, for the heck of it, I decided to see how it lined up seasonally.

There are two peaks for the 20 an over. Interesting.



"Shall we call this Obamacrats new normal employment level?"

I thought the free market was suppose handle this stuff. Why are you blaming the government for what they aren't suppose to be doing anyways?

It is my opinion that the free market is waiting for BHO to get out of the way
I do not know that Romney is the answer
Oil land based exploration/extraction and production
Natural gas powered turbines to replace out dated coal burners
A clear and well defined tax policy with no threats
Figure out what Obama-care in its final form is going to do the free market
A corporate tax rate that rewards US production, unlike the union non-union issue that was put in front of the building of the new fighter jets (forgive me, I cannot remember the company that wanted to build the facility in SC?)
Threats such as those have not helped either
JRK finally got something right. Yay!

If he wants unbridled capitalism, Romney ain't his guy. Neither will the Republican House and the Democratic Senate next year. Both groups will be closer in party numbers to each other, and both groups will have moderates replacing extremists.

But JRK got something right. Yay!
It is called seasonable variation. It happens every year. During the winter, fewer people are employed. During the winter, outdoor jobs are less in the dead cold of the snow through much of the country. Construction work falls off in the winter. Harvesting of crops fall off during the winter.

Do you know what seasonal means?

Harvesting of crops fall off during the winter.
Farm jobs are not counted with the non farm jobs.

What are you talking about? Where do you get the idea that farm jobs are not counted in the total employment numbers? That just stupid.

Do you know what the difference is between farm and non farm jobs? I think when the report comes out it always has non farm jobs.

Table B-1. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector and selected industry detail
Table B-1. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector and selected industry detail

Table B-2. Average weekly hours and overtime of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted

Table B-3. Average hourly and weekly earnings of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted
Farm jobs are not counted with the non farm jobs.

What are you talking about? Where do you get the idea that farm jobs are not counted in the total employment numbers? That just stupid.

Do you know what the difference is between farm and non farm jobs? I think when the report comes out it always has non farm jobs.

Table B-1. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector and selected industry detail
Table B-1. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector and selected industry detail

Table B-2. Average weekly hours and overtime of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted

Table B-3. Average hourly and weekly earnings of all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted

There are so many mis informed people in this country, It is why GWB was treated as the way he was and the reason BHO won as well as the left wing of the Dem party in 08.
I have seen so much Mis information on this thread as I have on the Iraq war and why we really went there

The big spin today what little I followed it was the "Seasonally adjusted" is why we had such bad numbers
I bet there has been no discussion as the large movement in the number of people added to "not-in" column

Informed voters and Romney wins 32-33 states
AP had all ready made comment that the "U-3" rate would be below 8% by November, and made no mention of the "not-in" number going to the moon
JRK is being as silly in this thread as he was in the Iraq thread where got a serious fail.
I must be delusional too. I could have sworn that we just had our 26th consecutive month of private sector job growth, the UE rate ticked downward and gas prices have eased of late. But.....the mood is so sour among so many here...........there must be some bad news consuming them.
I must be delusional too. I could have sworn that we just had our 26th consecutive month of private sector job growth, the UE rate ticked downward and gas prices have eased of late. But.....the mood is so sour among so many here...........there must be some bad news consuming them.

What job growth we are a long way from 2009 levels and that wasn't even bottom.

JRK is being as silly in this thread as he was in the Iraq thread where got a serious fail.

Jokey time for you too take your meds you're being delusional

Jake, the mis information about why went into Iraq rivals the lack of understanding as to the problems we are having with Jobs and the lack of understanding to the left as what those problems are
I still have you on ignore, bigred responding exposed another fact less and as usual non informative thread from you

We have enjoyed educating those who were at a total loss with these discussions, then you come along Jake and there you are, just being Jake
Nothing to add, just being Jake
Why is that Jake? and what is it about this thread that has had well over 100 responses on it that you feel is a failure sense you joined it at this stage?

Was the weak job growth?
The lack of understanding what a non-farm payroll is?
Maybe it was the large amount of people that have been put in the "not in" category?
Was it the part that we discussed we were still short of 08 levels? How about that section that covered how we could go from 9% UE to 8.6% UE in 4 weeks?
or the lack of an explanation as to how we could add well over 1 million people to the not in category in just 8 weeks and the in column actually falling?
Can you explain to us why that occurred Jake?

Was the Fox article that was called a lie, that later was proved to be actually a fact and the person who posted that claim was called out?
Which portion of this thread Jake did you see as a failure?
And BTW folks...you can't make this sh*t up...Obama said today that the April data "is good news, good to see that America is consistently adding jobs".

Now I ask you...do you believe he knows what is behind the data? Of course he does. And what does that make him?
JRK is being as silly in this thread as he was in the Iraq thread where got a serious fail.

Jokey time for you too take your meds you're being delusional

Jake, the mis information about why went into Iraq rivals the lack of understanding as to the problems we are having with Jobs and the lack of understanding to the left as what those problems are
I still have you on ignore, bigred responding exposed another fact less and as usual non informative thread from you

We have enjoyed educating those who were at a total loss with these discussions, then you come along Jake and there you are, just being Jake
Nothing to add, just being Jake
Why is that Jake? and what is it about this thread that has had well over 100 responses on it that you feel is a failure sense you joined it at this stage?

Was the weak job growth?
The lack of understanding what a non-farm payroll is?
Maybe it was the large amount of people that have been put in the "not in" category?
Was it the part that we discussed we were still short of 08 levels? How about that section that covered how we could go from 9% UE to 8.6% UE in 4 weeks?
or the lack of an explanation as to how we could add well over 1 million people to the not in category in just 8 weeks and the in column actually falling?
Can you explain to us why that occurred Jake?

Was the Fox article that was called a lie, that later was proved to be actually a fact and the person who posted that claim was called out?
Which portion of this thread Jake did you see as a failure?

JRK is conveniently forgetting that we discussed his failure in his OPs in several threads.

You could have never admit the OP fail although his arguments never held up and he could not defeat the counter arguments.

Tis what tis. Anyone can go back and look them up.
Jokey time for you too take your meds you're being delusional

Jake, the mis information about why went into Iraq rivals the lack of understanding as to the problems we are having with Jobs and the lack of understanding to the left as what those problems are
I still have you on ignore, bigred responding exposed another fact less and as usual non informative thread from you

We have enjoyed educating those who were at a total loss with these discussions, then you come along Jake and there you are, just being Jake
Nothing to add, just being Jake
Why is that Jake? and what is it about this thread that has had well over 100 responses on it that you feel is a failure sense you joined it at this stage?

Was the weak job growth?
The lack of understanding what a non-farm payroll is?
Maybe it was the large amount of people that have been put in the "not in" category?
Was it the part that we discussed we were still short of 08 levels? How about that section that covered how we could go from 9% UE to 8.6% UE in 4 weeks?
or the lack of an explanation as to how we could add well over 1 million people to the not in category in just 8 weeks and the in column actually falling?
Can you explain to us why that occurred Jake?

Was the Fox article that was called a lie, that later was proved to be actually a fact and the person who posted that claim was called out?
Which portion of this thread Jake did you see as a failure?

JRK is conveniently forgetting that we discussed his failure in his OPs in several threads.

You could have never admit the OP fail although his arguments never held up and he could not defeat the counter arguments.

Tis what tis. Anyone can go back and look them up.

Jokey's Jrunk again :eusa_whistle::lol:
And BTW folks...you can't make this sh*t up...Obama said today that the April data "is good news, good to see that America is consistently adding jobs".

Now I ask you...do you believe he knows what is behind the data? Of course he does. And what does that make him?

26 months of job growth straight is good news.

Unfortunately, less than 1/2 of the jobs have been replaced from what was lost because of the GOP/Dem-caused recession .

We cannot go back to a barely regulated banking, commercial and investment, system.

The nice thing is that Romney, when elected, will call the bankers in and tell them, "Guys, you caused it, you are not getting off, you will commit your trillions to job growth, or we will tighten down, by executive order if necessary, on you. Get to work or else."

Any of you libertarians or neo-econs are up the creek with no paddle.

Romney is the right guy to get this economy going again.
And BTW folks...you can't make this sh*t up...Obama said today that the April data "is good news, good to see that America is consistently adding jobs".

Now I ask you...do you believe he knows what is behind the data? Of course he does. And what does that make him?

It is all about November to him and 4 more years. I would be ashamed to show my face to have 88 million people on the not in category and another 12.5 million UE and he says that on a month in which we add a little over 100k and we add another 500k to the not in category that is good news?
It has become absurd. His problem is he is lying to people who are living this economy
That is close to 100 million people in this country that are not working, living off of some sort of Govt aid and by golly I am thank full many of them have that
Last edited:
And BTW folks...you can't make this sh*t up...Obama said today that the April data "is good news, good to see that America is consistently adding jobs".

Now I ask you...do you believe he knows what is behind the data? Of course he does. And what does that make him?

It is all about November to him and 4 more years. I would be ashamed to show my face to have 88 million people on the not in category and another 12.5 million UE and he says that on a month in which we add a little over 100k and we add another 500k to the not in category
It become absurd. His problem is he is lying to people who are living this economy

26 months of job growth straight is good news.

Unfortunately, less than 1/2 of the jobs have been replaced from what was lost because of the GOP/Dem-caused recession .

We cannot go back to a barely regulated banking, commercial and investment, system.

The nice thing is that Romney, when elected, will call the bankers in and tell them, "Guys, you caused it, you are not getting off, you will commit your trillions to job growth, or we will tighten down, by executive order if necessary, on you. Get to work or else."

Any of you libertarians or neo-econs are up the creek with no paddle.

Romney is the right guy to get this economy going again.
And BTW folks...you can't make this sh*t up...Obama said today that the April data "is good news, good to see that America is consistently adding jobs".

Now I ask you...do you believe he knows what is behind the data? Of course he does. And what does that make him?

It is all about November to him and 4 more years. I would be ashamed to show my face to have 88 million people on the not in category and another 12.5 million UE and he says that on a month in which we add a little over 100k and we add another 500k to the not in category
It become absurd. His problem is he is lying to people who are living this economy

26 months of job growth straight is good news.

Unfortunately, less than 1/2 of the jobs have been replaced from what was lost because of the GOP/Dem-caused recession .

We cannot go back to a barely regulated banking, commercial and investment, system.

The nice thing is that Romney, when elected, will call the bankers in and tell them, "Guys, you caused it, you are not getting off, you will commit your trillions to job growth, or we will tighten down, by executive order if necessary, on you. Get to work or else."

Any of you libertarians or neo-econs are up the creek with no paddle.

Romney is the right guy to get this economy going again.

Job growth versus jobs lose does not equal out.
That is what I said, bigrebnc: I am glad you are catching on.

Romney will make it happen.
In other words, there have been 26 straight months of job growth, but that the overall job loss caused by the bushie and will GOP/Dem congress policies has not been recovered. Yes, job growth has occurred. To say otherwise is an obvious lie, which will not go over with clear thinking Republicans, moderates, and independents.

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