April Jobs report looks dismal, March numbers to be revised????

gee do you think that chart has anything to do with Bush crashing the world wide economy ?
Don't kid yourself, it is still bad.

Having said that, if Romney is elected, he will not be allowed to go back to the Bush way.
Looks like Obama will be calling in the "Plunge Protection Team" I mean "The President's Working Group". Get ready for the coming QE3. Buy GOLD!

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.1% as 342,000 workers dropped out of the labor force.

April jobs report: Hiring slows, unemployment falls - May. 4, 2012

How can unemployment fall when you have 342,000 workers dropping from the labor force? And don't say those are just retiring baby boomer ed.

It's called math. The formula is Unemployed/(Employed + Unemployed)
March 2012 the numbers were: Employed = 142,034,000, Unemployed = 12,673,000
For a rate of 12,673,000/(142,034,000 + 12,673,000) = 12,673,000/154,707,000 = 0.082 = 8.2%

April 2012, the numbers were Employed = 141,865,000 Unemployed = 12,673,000
For a rate of 12,673,000/(141,865,000 + 12,673,000) = 12,673,000/154,365,000 = 0.081 = 8.1%

What part of that is unclear?

The part where you left out how the not-in number and how it effects the overall UE rate for what ever reason that number is going through the roof at a record pace

This thing is such a mess. Bottom line is by October of this year it will be below 8%, what ever it takes
If ANY-ONE thinks that adding 115k jobs is good after 41 months of Obama, there in denial
gee do you think that chart has anything to do with Bush crashing the world wide economy ?

Best I can fund was that GWB bought 1 home in 2008
Hos credit I am sure is impeccable
So what was it he did to cause the credit bubble
JRK, shut the fuck up. No one wants to listen your sighing and crying and lying. Our party, with a lot of help from the Dems, set the economy up for a massive crash. Your constant denial reveals a shallow mind and a callow integrity. So, just shut the fuck up if you can't offer honesty.

Obama has had three and a half years. He had a Dem Congress for the first two years, so GOP obstructionism (yeah, we are guilty of that) is not defense for Dem inability to react.

We need a president and two parties to work together if we wish to succeed.
Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.1% as 342,000 workers dropped out of the labor force.

April jobs report: Hiring slows, unemployment falls - May. 4, 2012

How can unemployment fall when you have 342,000 workers dropping from the labor force? And don't say those are just retiring baby boomer ed.

It's called math. The formula is Unemployed/(Employed + Unemployed)
March 2012 the numbers were: Employed = 142,034,000, Unemployed = 12,673,000
For a rate of 12,673,000/(142,034,000 + 12,673,000) = 12,673,000/154,707,000 = 0.082 = 8.2%

April 2012, the numbers were Employed = 141,865,000 Unemployed = 12,673,000
For a rate of 12,673,000/(141,865,000 + 12,673,000) = 12,673,000/154,365,000 = 0.081 = 8.1%

What part of that is unclear?

The part where you left out how the not-in number and how it effects the overall UE rate for what ever reason that number is going through the roof at a record pace

But it doesn't affect the rate. It's not part of the formula. You have to look at the Labor Force Participation rate or the employment-population ratio for not in the labor force to be a factor.
I addressed this many times the faux unemployment rate is bullshit. It essential calculates the longtime unemployed (the people in the MOST TROUBLE) who "stop looking" as employed. I guarantee these people don't considered themselves employed. Only in America can 300K people who have been unemployed for a long time and are considered not looking are a positive tick on the unemployment rate!

Obama advisors are probably saying if only we could get another million to say they aren't working we could get this unemployment number trouble fixed!

JRK, shut the fuck up. No one wants to listen your sighing and crying and lying. Our party, with a lot of help from the Dems, set the economy up for a massive crash. Your constant denial reveals a shallow mind and a callow integrity. So, just shut the fuck up if you can't offer honesty.

Obama has had three and a half years. He had a Dem Congress for the first two years, so GOP obstructionism (yeah, we are guilty of that) is not defense for Dem inability to react.

We need a president and two parties to work together if we wish to succeed.

This is key (my emphasis)
And Obama absolutely could not and would not work with Republicans at all.
Neither could Pelosi or Reid....and here we are.
The numbers aren't dismal but they aren't good either.

You must be kidding!
True Unemployment between 15-20%
Faux 8.1%
Over 6 million LONGTIME unemployed not considered in the unemployment rate
Under-employment rate at it's highest rate since the Great Depression
More people on food stamps then ever in history
More people falling below the poverty line, since the great depression
Record Foreclosure rates still happening
A budget deficit of $2.5 tril and the Dimcrats want it to be $4 trillion
A Deficit of $14 trillion
Gas at $4+
Record African American unemployment
Record youth unemployment
Record recent college grad unemployment
Record increases in health insurance costs and premiums
Record number of people getting on SS disability
Student Loan Bubble is bursting as we speak

The list goes on and on, the state of the economy us horrendous!
JRK, shut the fuck up. No one wants to listen your sighing and crying and lying. Our party, with a lot of help from the Dems, set the economy up for a massive crash. Your constant denial reveals a shallow mind and a callow integrity. So, just shut the fuck up if you can't offer honesty.

Obama has had three and a half years. He had a Dem Congress for the first two years, so GOP obstructionism (yeah, we are guilty of that) is not defense for Dem inability to react.

We need a president and two parties to work together if we wish to succeed.

This is key (my emphasis)
And Obama absolutely could not and would not work with Republicans at all.
Neither could Pelosi or Reid....and here we are.

And your partisanship is unneeded and absolutely contrary to successful government.

You are ignoring that the GOP engaged in willful obstructionism from day one.

So get off your high horse.

We need Romney, Boehner, and somebody much more moderate than McConnell in the Senate to lead our side of the government. We must exclude all Tea Party and far right wacks from leadership positions.
This is what the real US jobs situation looks like. Job creation has already peaked for the year a couple months back. :eek: We are headed for our 4th bounce along the bottom. Obama is officially the No-Recovery / No Jobs President unless you are a rich Wallstreet executive.


It is called seasonable variation. It happens every year. During the winter, fewer people are employed. During the winter, outdoor jobs are less in the dead cold of the snow through much of the country. Construction work falls off in the winter. Harvesting of crops fall off during the winter.

Do you know what seasonal means?
It's called math. The formula is Unemployed/(Employed + Unemployed)
March 2012 the numbers were: Employed = 142,034,000, Unemployed = 12,673,000
For a rate of 12,673,000/(142,034,000 + 12,673,000) = 12,673,000/154,707,000 = 0.082 = 8.2%

April 2012, the numbers were Employed = 141,865,000 Unemployed = 12,673,000
For a rate of 12,673,000/(141,865,000 + 12,673,000) = 12,673,000/154,365,000 = 0.081 = 8.1%

What part of that is unclear?

The part where you left out how the not-in number and how it effects the overall UE rate for what ever reason that number is going through the roof at a record pace

But it doesn't affect the rate. It's not part of the formula. You have to look at the Labor Force Participation rate or the employment-population ratio for not in the labor force to be a factor.

Still pelting the same bull shit lines I see!
Since the numbers are always moving and being adjusted, etc. for unemployment, and are subject to political manipulation, I would prefer that we monitor only one number; the quantity of people who are EMPLOYED.

This is a hard number that needs no manipulation. And this number will simply tell us how many people are working in the private and public sectors. Just as we look at GDP/GNP, the output of the economy, why not look at the quantity of workers required to achieve this output? Seems stupid to talk about vague unemployment numbers.

Regarding Obama promising to create jobs in the 'private' sector...this is BS! The government can buy stuff from the private sector and this may or may not increase jobs. But the government CANNOT create jobs in the private sector. All Obama can do is make sure the US government is creating the best possible situation for US business to compete and survive and grow.

Today Obama says "if we're going to recover all the jobs we lost in the recession". Well news flash Obama...whether these US jobs are recovered or not is at the discretion of the private sector economy. The private sector economy is a separate entity from government and society! This entity will not remain static; it will increase and decrease due to influences within the USA and around the world. The problem comes when people and business are not prepared for the down times...when government is deep in debt...when government expenditures are misplaced on military and HS and foreign affairs while neglecting domestic needs.

Lastly, Obama and government cannot be adversaries of industry with government policies and politics and in parallel expect industry to give a crap about unemployment issues...
JRK, shut the fuck up. No one wants to listen your sighing and crying and lying. Our party, with a lot of help from the Dems, set the economy up for a massive crash. Your constant denial reveals a shallow mind and a callow integrity. So, just shut the fuck up if you can't offer honesty.

Obama has had three and a half years. He had a Dem Congress for the first two years, so GOP obstructionism (yeah, we are guilty of that) is not defense for Dem inability to react.

We need a president and two parties to work together if we wish to succeed.

This is key (my emphasis)
And Obama absolutely could not and would not work with Republicans at all.
Neither could Pelosi or Reid....and here we are.

And your partisanship is unneeded and absolutely contrary to successful government.

You are ignoring that the GOP engaged in willful obstructionism from day one.

So get off your high horse.

We need Romney, Boehner, and somebody much more moderate than McConnell in the Senate to lead our side of the government. We must exclude all Tea Party and far right wacks from leadership positions.

Me on a high horse?
Um....no. Search through my posts there Elrod. It is what my Avatar alludes to...we don't get anywhere throwing rocks at eachother. I was merely making the point that Obama didn't even try to work with the Republicans. After closed door mettings with only democrats a couple dozen times the Cons got pissed and it was all over at that point.
I don't ignore anything...both parties are equally corrupt and useless.
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It's called math. The formula is Unemployed/(Employed + Unemployed)
March 2012 the numbers were: Employed = 142,034,000, Unemployed = 12,673,000
For a rate of 12,673,000/(142,034,000 + 12,673,000) = 12,673,000/154,707,000 = 0.082 = 8.2%

April 2012, the numbers were Employed = 141,865,000 Unemployed = 12,673,000
For a rate of 12,673,000/(141,865,000 + 12,673,000) = 12,673,000/154,365,000 = 0.081 = 8.1%

What part of that is unclear?

The part where you left out how the not-in number and how it effects the overall UE rate for what ever reason that number is going through the roof at a record pace

But it doesn't affect the rate. It's not part of the formula. You have to look at the Labor Force Participation rate or the employment-population ratio for not in the labor force to be a factor.

Of course it does
For what ever reason your not on the not in list that makes you not on the official UE list
Its the only reason the UE rate went below 9% in NOV of 2011, It has everything to do with why so many question what is really going

The drop in the unemployment rate comes with an asterisk: while there was a 278,000 gain in employment, there was a concurrent labor force decline of 315,000 from October. It would be far preferable for the unemployment rate to drop because the economy is creating over 200,000 per month consistently, rather than due to would-be employees leaving the work force, either because they're retiring or they're simply too discouraged to keep looking for a job. If some of those people resume their job searches, we could see the unemployment rate tick up next month.

Thats not in in list that has grown by over 1.3 million sense that Nov Data
Do your DD on this matter, you do not lower a 9% UE rate with 200k jobs .4%
November Unemployment: Why the big drop? - CBS News
The numbers aren't dismal but they aren't good either.

You must be kidding!
True Unemployment between 15-20%
Faux 8.1%
Over 6 million LONGTIME unemployed not considered in the unemployment rate
Under-employment rate at it's highest rate since the Great Depression
More people on food stamps then ever in history
More people falling below the poverty line, since the great depression
Record Foreclosure rates still happening
A budget deficit of $2.5 tril and the Dimcrats want it to be $4 trillion
A Deficit of $14 trillion
Gas at $4+
Record African American unemployment
Record youth unemployment
Record recent college grad unemployment
Record increases in health insurance costs and premiums
Record number of people getting on SS disability
Student Loan Bubble is bursting as we speak

The list goes on and on, the state of the economy us horrendous!

Is bad
of course you will get the Left and their sidekicks, the concerned trolls
trying to blame Republicans

But Papa Obama had two years with total Democrat control
and they wasted time/ resources to give him a faux legacy- Papa ObamaCare
instead of working on jobs

So sad, they put politics above the people of the US
If any one thinks that the not in number does not effect the UE rate is in denial
There has been over 1 million people added to that list from Nov through Jan (2011-2012)
If those 1+ million got added to the UE number BHO approval rating would be 40% or lower becuse the UE rate would be well over 9%

there is only 6.3 million out of the 88 million even looking for for work
A reminder and those of you want to learn how politcally motivated this system really is, take a look and ask your slef how do we put this many people in the not in pool?

Unemployment rate
8.7 8.4 7.7 9.0 8.5 8.3 8.3 8.2 8.1
Not in labor force
86,248 88,288 88,879 85,726 86,697 87,874 87,564 87,897 88,419
Persons who currently want a job
6,482 6,041 6,328 6,518 6,385 6,319 6,378 6,299 6,366
Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

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