AR-15 bullet "has so much energy that it can disintegrate 3 inches of leg bone. It would just turn it to dust” -Donald Jenkins, trauma surgeon @UTexas

Another lie from the dishonest right.

No one is ‘going after’ semi-auto pistols, regardless the caliber.

What’s boring is the right’s incessant lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.
Until you are. (you are)

See, we just don't believe you and you must accept that you are not trustworthy, so yes you are trying to ban everything, you fucking cocksucker.
The carnage sparked new calls to reinstate a ban on assault rifles like the AR-15, which were designed as weapons of war.
In addition to ‘bans’ not working, there are likely some 40 million assault weapons in the US that would still be in the hands of private citizens the consequence of a grandfather provision; assault weapons that can still be used in mass shootings.
Charles Whitman killed 11 and wounded 31 in 96 minutes from the tower at the University of Texas using a bolt action rifle. Stephen Paddock killed 60 and wounded 411 in 10 minutes in Vegas using an AR-15. Any questions about why they need to be banned?

Gee, I wonder what .45-70 .405 gr government bullets do?

AR-15 bullets are what, 62 grain? :rolleyes:
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Charles Whitman killed 11 and wounded 31 in 96 minutes from the tower at the University of Texas using a bolt action rifle. Stephen Paddock killed 60 and wounded 411 in 10 minutes in Vegas using an AR-15. Any questions about why they need to be banned?

Fuck you you're a fascist pig. You don't need the ability to give your fascist opinion.
In addition to ‘bans’ not working, there are likely some 40 million assault weapons in the US that would still be in the hands of private citizens the consequence of a grandfather provision; assault weapons that can still be used in mass shootings.
Ima volunteer to loan mine out to killers! Hey joeb, when you get done butchering babies you can borrow it!
In addition to ‘bans’ not working, there are likely some 40 million assault weapons in the US that would still be in the hands of private citizens the consequence of a grandfather provision; assault weapons that can still be used in mass shootings.
There are an infinite number of assault weapons in the world. Because anything can be used as a weapon to assault someone.hands nd feet are used more than rifles are used to assault with.
No one is ‘going after’ semi-auto pistols, regardless the caliber.

What’s boring is the right’s incessant lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.
Just because you deny what is happening in this bill that just passed the house doesn't make it not true. Your lies are no longer effective when it meeting reality.
“All guns are deadly” is disingenuous and misleading.

Not all guns are equal in their efficiency to kill.

This is another lie in an attempt to minimize the deadliness of assault weapons, another failed ‘argument’ against banning assault weapons.

Conservatives need to stop with the lies and dishonesty – assault weapons should not be banned because it’s bad governance and poor public policy, more government excess and overreach.
Hands and feet kill more people than rifles
Yeah, but it makes MAGA feel so manly.....
Is the AR-15 mentioned in the US Constitution?
No it isn't however no weapon is specifically mentioned. The courts have interpreted that in order for a weapon to be protected by the second amendment it must have some reasonable expectations for the efficiency of a militia and supplied by the individual citizens.

AR-15 bullet "has so much energy that it can disintegrate 3 inches of leg bone. It would just turn it to dust​

And that’s what makes them so handy for shooting large groups of people.

AR-15 bullet "has so much energy that it can disintegrate 3 inches of leg bone. It would just turn it to dust​

And that’s what makes them so handy for shooting large groups of people.
Delusional is a terrible thing.
Saying all firearms are deadly is not an honest argument. If I accidently discharge a .22short, the danger from it is not much greater than from a high powered BB gun.
If I accidently discharge a Barrett .50 BMG, it's uniquely deadly to anybody within several miles. And like the line from "Johnny Dangerously", Danny Vermin described his gun as "It can shoot through schools."
You truly are ignorant.

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