AR-15 bullet "has so much energy that it can disintegrate 3 inches of leg bone. It would just turn it to dust” -Donald Jenkins, trauma surgeon @UTexas

Saying all firearms are deadly is not an honest argument. If I accidently discharge a .22short, the danger from it is not much greater than from a high powered BB gun.
If I accidently discharge a Barrett .50 BMG, it's uniquely deadly to anybody within several miles. And like the line from "Johnny Dangerously", Danny Vermin described his gun as "It can shoot through schools."
You're going to have to share some sources because it's quite clear that you've never actually handled a gun, have you?
Actually people blame every tool used to hurt, or kill another human. They just put it into comparative terms. They weigh the benefits of a knife, vs it's dangers.

Take cars, while none of banned, many face huge insurance surcharges based on the horsepower (hence the danger). New York City bans knives over 6 inches, unless the person can show a legitimate reason to possess it.
So you want to treat guns like cars and have higher costs based on horsepower? Or maybe stopping power? So you do not want to limit guns at all you just want to have higher insurance rates?
Some cities already have very strict gun laws in place a similar to the knife law and exactly how well is that working. Gun crime has gone to the point it is hard to register right?
No......the 77 minutes the 400 cops allowed the guy to repeatedly shoot those kids caused Abatis pointed out, you are likely going to find out that he spent his free time shooting children over and over again.....while the police stood outside.....
Did you see the recent video of a teenage man and his girlfriend in NYC fighting a transit cop? The cop's partner didn't help and another cop came up later in the video and also didn't help.

We're used to cops being heroes and, no doubt, many are; perhaps even most are, but many cops weren't hired for their willingness to stop crime; they were hired for sex, gender, race, or other visual traits. Many cops are not heroes and cannot be counted on even when they get there; it's not just Uvalde; it's nationwide.
The Japanese would listen for the sound of a stripper clip hitting the ground in WW II. For the same reason it's sane to limit magazine size.
The Garand didn’t use stripper clips. It used “en bloc” eight round disposable clips. Both the Japanese and Germans listened for the ping the ejected clips made when the hit the ground. GIs knew this and used expended clips to fool the Axis troops into exposing themselves by tossing them on the ground.
Thanks for the post

I agree with his conclusion:

Martin Fackler has argued that sonic pressure waves do not cause tissue disruption and that temporary cavity formation is the actual cause of tissue disruption mistakenly ascribed to sonic pressure waves.

Which is why I talked about comparing the "wound channel" of the two rounds.
It's been a long, boring, pointless discussion on the ballistics of the .223/5.56. Mostly you lie and listen to every rumor you hear. But the point is, who cares? If you don't want shot with my AR-15 don't come in my house uninvited.

Your school shooting posts are pointless because more school shooting deaths have been by other than AR-15s. The gun model doesn't matter when a shooter gets into a room with a bunch of unarmed children, unarmed teachers, unarmed administrators, and coward cops.

Seems like you'd be going after the 9mm that blows your lungs out of your body, as I hear it from Biden.
Call it, requiring a license, and paying a tax, just like with alcohol or cigarettes'.

A quick reveal on your ignorance........

Which of these is a PROTECTED CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT?......(not to mention God given)

1). Cigarettes
2). Alcohol

Relax, you have forever to think about it.
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Do they kill people?
No, but they are considered free speech apparatus that the founders didn't consider just like automatic and semiautomatic weapons weren't considered by the founders. You can't ban technical advances in one amendment while allowing them in others. At least you can't if you have the least amount of honesty.
AWWW, now see what we've done? Poor little Postman has tucked tail and fled the scene Wednesday afternoon. We hurt his little feelings.

No, but they are considered free speech apparatus that the founders didn't consider just like automatic and semiautomatic weapons weren't considered by the founders. You can't ban technical advances in one amendment while allowing them in others. At least you can't if you have the least amount of honesty.
Are You the person who posted in here that the Uvalde police were more important that the massacred kids. That is the repub stance. Guns over Kids
Speech and bullets cannot be equated.

Yeah.....because you won't have free speech without access to guns.....lots of guns....just ask the 15 million Europeans murdered by the socialists after they had their guns taken from them by their governments...or the 25 million Russians, the 70 million chinese........and on and on...

When only the government has guns, speech isn't a Right, it is something permitted by the government...until it isn't ........
Speech and bullets cannot be equated.

I posted an event in China....the communists in charge of the banks simply stole the life savings of 10s of thousands of Chinese citizens.....those citizens showed up at the banks to use their speech to protest.....the communists sent in hired goons to beat up and grab those people and their speech......

That wouldn't happen in the U.S............yet......but you guys are doing your best to take our guns so you can send in goons whenever you beat and silence any opposition....

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