AR-15 bullet "has so much energy that it can disintegrate 3 inches of leg bone. It would just turn it to dust” -Donald Jenkins, trauma surgeon @UTexas

If we could, there would be no reason to ban guns.
But we can't.
So the answer is "B"
So you are going to 'ban' criminals from getting guns because you 'ban' guns? If you believe that, you are highly delusional.
Charles Whitman killed 11 and wounded 31 in 96 minutes from the tower at the University of Texas using a bolt action rifle. Stephen Paddock killed 60 and wounded 411 in 10 minutes in Vegas using an AR-15. Any questions about why they need to be banned?

‘Bans’ don’t work – whether it’s abortion, Prohibition, or guns.

More government excess and overreach isn’t the answer.
I was referring to the heavy wall of rifle cartridges vs the thin walls of pistol cartridges. Rifle combustion pressures are 60,000 PSI, while pistols run half that.

Twice the pressure, in a barrel at least three times as long, means a lot more speed than a pistol round.

Here's the problem with the entire premise of the argument.

I can kill a bear with one shot from a 30-06.

I can also kill a bear with one shot from a compound bow.

One is very fast and the other is very, very slow...but they accomplish the same goal by a change in weight and design of the business end of the projectile.

The question you're trying to answer boils down to this analogy.

Would it be better to be hit by a Fiat at 120mph or a '76 Cadillac at 50?

The answer is, it depends on so many variables that the only good answer is to take what precautions you can to avoid being hit by either.

Banning one or the other for safety sake is foolishness.
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Call it, requiring a license, and paying a tax, just like with alcohol or cigarettes'.
That's just goofy.

Just like alcohol or cigarettes, I pay tax on my guns and alcohol when they are purchased.

The Japanese would listen for the sound of a stripper clip hitting the ground in WW II. For the same reason it's sane to limit magazine size.

Yeah, that'll work! Just declare large magazines illegal, then roll dump trucks through the South and West sides of Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Detroit, and other Red cities and the gangstas will just toss in their oversized magazines!

The trucks will need guards armed with guns though or the thugs and gangstas will hijack the truck at the end of its route! :D
you banned every progressive from being in the United States, then the country wouldnt be in the mess it is today,
Nope, you’d have a third world country with no science. You’d all be humping rocks looking for the best lookin* turtle, and trying to answer your only self absorbed question, “ if you divorce your wife, can she still remain your sister? “

so, I guess you’d be happier, at least for the 36 years of your total life expectancy.
Just the opposite. The AR-15 type weapon is uniquely deadly based on the way the cartridge acts on the human body. Even though it's a full metal jacket, its interior ballistics of tumbling and high speed, produce devastating wounds. Together with the large capacity magazines, and ability to carry hundreds of rounds, makes them uniquely dangerous. They are weapons of war, and have little other purpose than to kill human beings.
Do you know how full of shit you are?

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