AR-15 bullet "has so much energy that it can disintegrate 3 inches of leg bone. It would just turn it to dust” -Donald Jenkins, trauma surgeon @UTexas

And? You can do the same for any other rifle round too.......since he had all the time in the world to ferry the bullets up to his hotel room.......
Stoner designed his "assault" weapon to be as lethal as it's larger, heavier predecessors, but use smaller, lighter ammunition so much more could be carried as a standard battlefield load.
Which is the more dangerous gun? Which, ONE in your opinion, should be banned?
Don't confuse the gun grabbers.
Postal (ironic user name) wants to ban any firearm that can kill humans.

Everybody take note.

Why lie? I never said anything even close to that.
Remember when I specifically said never to ban elephant guns.

If they can kill and elephant, they can kill a human. But nobody is worried about people using elephant guns to kill people.

Why lie? I never said anything even close to that.
Remember when I specifically said never to ban elephant guns.

If they can kill and elephant, they can kill a human. But nobody is worried about people using elephant guns to kill people.

What if we ban everything but elephant guns?
It is banned in California. Not because of mass shootings, but because it's use as an assassination tool by snipers. There is very little other practical use for it, except against rhino's.
THIS is an ASSASSINATION TOOL used by snipers. You'd argue with a stick, wouldn't you?

Not at all. I think even a .22 pistol holding 15 or more rounds should be banned, or ban the magazines. Whichever is easier.

Personally i'd go with the magazines.

On the other hand, if you're in the dark in your home, being attacked by multiple armed intruders, fumbling around in the dark trying to find a second magazine or third magazine to protect yourself, is a recipe for your death.
Hydrostatic shock is not a proven's just an unproven theory...

...likely created to sell ammo...

Thanks for the post

I agree with his conclusion:

Martin Fackler has argued that sonic pressure waves do not cause tissue disruption and that temporary cavity formation is the actual cause of tissue disruption mistakenly ascribed to sonic pressure waves.

Which is why I talked about comparing the "wound channel" of the two rounds.
No, I shot too many phone books.
Based solely on your statements here, I don't believe you know which end of the weapon the round exits. You're either dangerous or an ignorant fool.
On the other hand, if you're in the dark in your home, being attacked by multiple armed intruders, fumbling around in the dark trying to find a second magazine or third magazine to protect yourself, is a recipe for your death.

If you think you're going to go up against multiple armed assailants, who very likely are armed better than you are, and defeat them because you have a large capacity magazine, you're dreaming.

Take your Rambo dreams, and return to reality.
If you think you're going to go up against multiple armed assailants, who very likely are armed better than you are, and defeat them because you have a large capacity magazine, you're dreaming.

Take your Rambo dreams, and return to reality.
With an AR pistol in a cqc environment (MY house)?

Yeah, I agree with Markle. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Actually I would just ban magazines But if large capacity magazines are available for a particular type of gun, then the only effective thing to do, is to ban the gun that the shoe fits.
See sheriff video above.

And I already showed a need, so there will be no ban of high cap mags.

I won't stop until we all get unlimited belt-fed machine guns so you're going to lose this battle.
Based solely on your statements here, I don't believe you know which end of the weapon the round exits. You're either dangerous or an ignorant fool.
Sticks and stones may break my bones....

But I have rock chucker, in case somebody comes after me with sticks and stones.

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