AR-15 shooting a single .223 round literally rips upper half of the body from victims lower half

Who cares about your "capitalizing" issue???

The founding fathers weren't referring to the American society - but solely to the political entity of a new founded UNITED STATES of America and it's citizens. That was therefore obliged to maintain a MILITIA - since there was no US Army that could have fought of e.g. the Brits in 1777 - regardless of the Congressional Army, (basically MILITIA) nor the Brits in e.g. 1815.

It's termed the CONSTITUTION of the USA - and not the Constitution of the citizens. And it beholds the Bill of Rights, which spell out Americans rights, in relation to their government.
Therefore the 2nd - was in regards to Americans having a right to bear arms, to kill of Injuns, (since it wasn't a safe nor civilized country at the time) and thus to maintain their respective State Militias. Now is 2024 and not 1777 or 1880.

10th Amendment:
The Tenth Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn’t listed, it belongs to the states or to the people.

However the Constitution section 8 states:
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, to suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions
As such the MILITIA has the obligation to fight AGAINST e.g. MAGA insurrectionists. And today's MILITIA is nothing else but the NG.

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress

As such the Congress would need to pay for those AR-15's - if it's owners would be members in an OFFICIAL Militia that is under the command and rules of the Congress. However today's MILITIA is the NG - and their arms are indeed being paid for by the government.

Nowhere in the Constitution nor any amendment is it stated that the American citizenry has a right to bear arms, to defend itself against their own government. Just plain MAGA nonsense and fantasied propaganda.

Yeah, it does you blithering fool.

The Bill of Rights are nine limitations on what government can do to the citizenry...and one final option.

That final option is the 2nd Amendment.

Sucks to be you.
You don't know shit about me.
Yeah we do. You're an ignorant clod who thinks your opinion matters.

If what you claimed were true about the 2nd Amendment, we WOULD HAVE BEEN DISARMED LONG AGO!

You don't know shit about me.

BTW - me and my Marder AFV

View attachment 916802
Then you know damned well that your post is a lie. Troops locked inside an AFV can’t control anything outside it. They can kill anyone who blunders into their sights, but those are going to be innocent civilians. By the way, where are you in that photo?
Then you know damned well that your post is a lie. Troops locked inside an AFV can’t control anything outside it. They can kill anyone who blunders into their sights, but those are going to be innocent civilians. By the way, where are you in that photo?
You have obviously never served in a Pz. Gren unit - we do not go in single nor "Blind", nor without cover, (and I am not talking about infantry cover) and one can see and observe very well from within an AFV. And a Molotov cocktail doesn't do shit to a Marder AFV nor Fuchs . The IDF is ripping those Hamas asses, with their IVF's in Gaza. (And these Hamas fellows are way better equipped) then these wannabe MAGA Militias aka dream-boys.

Who and how do you think that e.g. rearward MG on a Marder was operated? not to mention the great visibility from those weapon side ports, and their hatch mounted prisms and the commanders periscope 8x and 360 degree view (the side ports and rear MG removed from 1A3 onward).

No I am not in this photo, since I took this photo.
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You have obviously never served in a Pz. Gren unit - we do not go in single nor "Blind", nor without cover, (and I am not talking about infantry cover) and one can see and observe very well from within an AFV. And a Molotov cocktail doesn't do shit to an AFV. The IDF is ripping those Hamas asses, with their IVF's in Gaza.

Who and how do you think that e.g. rearward MG on a Marder was operated? not to mention the great visibility from those weapon side ports, and their hatch mounted prisms and the commanders periscope 8x and 360 degree view (the side ports and rear MG removed from 1A3 onward).

No I am not in this photo, since I took this photo.

How many BMP's did the Soviets lose in Afghanistan? I'll give you a hint, slightly more than 1,300. How did a bunch of tribal, no technology, fighters destroy so many?
How many BMP's did the Soviets lose in Afghanistan? I'll give you a hint, slightly more than 1,300. How did a bunch of tribal, no technology, fighters destroy so many?
Not via AR-15's, pistols, nor AK-47's - you idiot.

And the vast majority of those Russian BMP's were destroyed in roadside ambushes, foremost mines and IED's, partially via RPG's and ATGM's - and NOT by small arms whilst fighting in villages or towns. - moron.
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Who cares about your "capitalizing" issue???

The founding fathers weren't referring to the American society - but solely to the political entity of a new founded UNITED STATES of America and it's citizens. That was therefore obliged to maintain a MILITIA - since there was no US Army that could have fought of e.g. the Brits in 1777 - regardless of the Congressional Army, (basically MILITIA) nor the Brits in e.g. 1815.

It's termed the CONSTITUTION of the USA - and not the Constitution of the citizens. And it beholds the Bill of Rights, which spell out Americans rights, in relation to their government.
Therefore the 2nd - was in regards to Americans having a right to bear arms, to kill of Injuns, (since it wasn't a safe nor civilized country at the time) and thus to maintain their respective State Militias. Now is 2024 and not 1777 or 1880.

10th Amendment:
The Tenth Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn’t listed, it belongs to the states or to the people.

However the Constitution section 8 states:
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, to suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions
As such the MILITIA has the obligation to fight AGAINST e.g. MAGA insurrectionists. And today's MILITIA is nothing else but the NG.

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress

As such the Congress would need to pay for those AR-15's - if it's owners would be members in an OFFICIAL Militia that is under the command and rules of the Congress. However today's MILITIA is the NG - and their arms are indeed being paid for by the government.

Nowhere in the Constitution nor any amendment is it stated that the American citizenry has a right to bear arms, to defend itself against their own government. Just plain MAGA nonsense and fantasied propaganda.
You’re so deluded, incorrect and wronger than Paul Krugman that it makes no sense to refute this point by point.

You simply have it all totally, completely WRONG!
Not via AR-15's, pistols, nor AK-47's - you idiot.

And the vast majority of those Russian BMP's were destroyed in roadside ambushes, foremost mines and IED's, partially via RPG's and ATGM's - and NOT by small arms whilst fighting in villages or towns. - moron.

Correct, for once. But you know what? The Mujahideen were ALL armed with small arms as well.

They weren't armed with sticks now. Were they!



Nothing to do with the Hardware at all - but the "restrictions" onto warfare imposed by the UN and respective governments.
And 40-80 thousand foreign troops simply ain't enough to enforce Western Standards, onto a medieval oriented Islamic society consisting of 40+ million inhabitants - that was and is inherently corrupt and was led by a totally incompetent Afghan government.

Therefore ANYONE competent in regards to military and sociopolitical matters - was fully aware from day 1 - that this Bush idiocy in e.g. Afghanistan will never work out.

YOU are indeed ignorant.
Saddled on a Dead Horse

Because of Deserter Dubya's and Darth Evader's ignorance of war, Cowboy Georgie's "excellent adventure" in Afghanistan was doomed to a disastrous ending. But it is politically convenient for the Chickenhawk-loving GOPers to put all the blame on Biden.
You obviously got no idea nor clue about war and its history - but simply live out wet dreams about some MAGA ragtags battling it out with the US Armed Forces.
Pansies Aren't Panzers

The only GIs in the Rainbow-infested military who are worth anything in combat will join MAGA against the Deep State. And they will take the Globalist cabal's weapons with them. This has happened in all successful revolutions.
Who cares about your "capitalizing" issue???

The founding fathers weren't referring to the American society - but solely to the political entity of a new founded UNITED STATES of America and it's citizens. That was therefore obliged to maintain a MILITIA - since there was no US Army that could have fought of e.g. the Brits in 1777 - regardless of the Congressional Army, (basically MILITIA) nor the Brits in e.g. 1815.

It's termed the CONSTITUTION of the USA - and not the Constitution of the citizens. And it beholds the Bill of Rights, which spell out Americans rights, in relation to their government.
Therefore the 2nd - was in regards to Americans having a right to bear arms, to kill of Injuns, (since it wasn't a safe nor civilized country at the time) and thus to maintain their respective State Militias. Now is 2024 and not 1777 or 1880.

10th Amendment:
The Tenth Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn’t listed, it belongs to the states or to the people.

However the Constitution section 8 states:
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, to suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions
As such the MILITIA has the obligation to fight AGAINST e.g. MAGA insurrectionists. And today's MILITIA is nothing else but the NG.

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress

As such the Congress would need to pay for those AR-15's - if it's owners would be members in an OFFICIAL Militia that is under the command and rules of the Congress. However today's MILITIA is the NG - and their arms are indeed being paid for by the government.

Nowhere in the Constitution nor any amendment is it stated that the American citizenry has a right to bear arms, to defend itself against their own government. Just plain MAGA nonsense and fantasied propaganda.
Follow the Money or You'll Be Led by the Nose

We shouldn't listen to the Constitution pundits paid by the ruling class. The hidden purpose of the Second Amendment was to avoid paying for a standing army, its training, and its small arms. The ruling class has not only been too stingy to protect us from the very beginning of their tyranny, they have also failed to compensate war veterans properly, because their gutless brats have never had to fight for us, whom they despise. Captain Daniel Shays should have been the only Founding Father, not those plutocratic plotters who devised the elitist Constitution.
Yeah we do. You're an ignorant clod who thinks your opinion matters.

If what you claimed were true about the 2nd Amendment, we WOULD HAVE BEEN DISARMED LONG AGO!
Gun-Grabbing Gambit

The hoplophobes don't need to disarm us. By taking away our right to eliminate anyone attacking us, unless he is still endangering our life, and often not even then (as with George Zimmerman), they've found a more effective means to disarm us without doing it literally.

Second, we should have the right to kill criminals in cold blood. Scaring them away only turns them loose on the rest of society. Those who only care about their own safety are selfish, the root of all treason.
You have obviously never served in a Pz. Gren unit - we do not go in single nor "Blind", nor without cover, (and I am not talking about infantry cover) and one can see and observe very well from within an AFV. And a Molotov cocktail doesn't do shit to a Marder AFV nor Fuchs . The IDF is ripping those Hamas asses, with their IVF's in Gaza. (And these Hamas fellows are way better equipped) then these wannabe MAGA Militias aka dream-boys.

Who and how do you think that e.g. rearward MG on a Marder was operated? not to mention the great visibility from those weapon side ports, and their hatch mounted prisms and the commanders periscope 8x and 360 degree view (the side ports and rear MG removed from 1A3 onward).

No I am not in this photo, since I took this photo.
All the King's Men Jumped off the Wall

Unless MAGA is all hot air, which admittedly there are indication of, they will have the tanks of the GI patriots who switch sides. In fact, the war might be fought at the military bases first, killing off the Diversies and their officers.
Pansies Aren't Panzers

The only GIs in the Rainbow-infested military who are worth anything in combat will join MAGA against the Deep State. And they will take the Globalist cabal's weapons with them. This has happened in all successful revolutions.
You are certainly correct in view of revolutions - that owned their success entirely to the National Armed Forces supporting those rebellions. However all these kind of revolutions had as a prerequisite - extreme poverty and no viable economic infrastructure - which is not the case in the USA. And above all - due to a latent corrupt society in those countries - the military penal code and as such military discipline was never in full effect.

Aside from that, I refuse to indulge some MAGA nut-heads/radicals in their paranoid fantasy - of battling it out with the NG and/or the US Armed Forces. The MAGA movement has it's justified reasons and existed way before the human scumbag took "personal" advantage out of it. And additionally made a public farce out of MAGA, (worldwide) latest via his ill-bread insurrectionist attempt on Jan.6th.

The very thing that according to the US Constitution - the MILITIA is supposed to prevent and to even fight against insurrectionists.
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, to suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions
It doesn't change the FACT - that there isn't a single "official" unorganized State Militia in existence.

So get one done first, and then we can see about what would then happen to those "arms" that are not in the possession of Militia members. And as I had indicated already - as to how many people would even be acquitted towards a respective States unorganized Militia, and what those "Militia regulations" would include/pertain to.

Anything else is just wishful thinking and therefore plain theory. However anyone above the age of 45 (not being a member in the NG or a former US Armed Forces member - up to age 64) is excluded from the Militias "recruitment pool". wooosh - there go a hundred million arms.

BTW - what does in your opinion, the existing NG represent? According to my knowledge: it's an existing "organized Militia".
I'm sorry...but you are 100% wrong.

By law, every able bodied male citizen of the USA age 17 to 45 is a part of the militia.

Drat, foiled again.

Back to the old leftwing loon drawing board.


Next try some Acme rocket skates! 👍
I'm sorry...but you are 100% wrong.

By law, every able bodied male citizen of the USA age 17 to 45 is a part of the militia.
I NEVER denied that you moron - I had even stated that the MILITIA is nothing else but a theoretical manpower-pool - to recruit man&women that can be called up to serve in the NG and the US Armed Forces in the event of a war.

And it doesn't change the FACT - that not a single US state allows for a Militia (unless under government control and administration) nor that any US state at present maintains one (if so, you would get your AR-15 etc. paid for) - and no US state has "legalized" any those private self-appointed, wannabe Rambo Militias.
I NEVER denied that you moron - I had even stated that the MILITIA is nothing else but a theoretical manpower-pool - to recruit man&women that can be called up to serve in the NG and the US Armed Forces in the event of a war.

And it doesn't change the FACT - that not a single US state allows for a Militia (unless under government control and administration) nor that any US state at present maintains one (if so, you would get your AR-15 etc. paid for) - and no US state has "legalized" any those private self-appointed, wannabe Rambo Militias.
Then have you read the 2nd Amendment?

This is it...the whole thing, every jot and tiddle...

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Can you please point out the part where this right is contingent on any authorization by any government entity?

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