AR-15 shooting a single .223 round literally rips upper half of the body from victims lower half

Of course. Protection from enemies is absolutely what the 2nd is for. Will some scumbags abuse that Right?


But the 2nd is about protecting the PEOPLE from a corrupt government.

Corrupt governments murder on an industrial scale. I will accept the random scumbag murdering innocents over an out of control government murdering tens of millions any day.
You're Being Tricked Into "One of These Days, You'll See"

It's illogical to believe that a government document would allow a violent overthrow of itself.
The US government won't be able to do so as long as the people are armed.

That's the point.

You don't want bad guys to get guns, but they always do.

130 Parisians died and they had zero chance to defend themselves because their government decided that bad people take precedence over the good people.

Your method results in MORE innocent people dead rather than less.

This has been proven by over 2,000 years of history.
Huffy-Blowhards Have Put Up With the Intolerable

The ruling class has committed one act of treason after another and is smug in its proven security.
You're Being Tricked Into "One of These Days, You'll See"

It's illogical to believe that a government document would allow a violent overthrow of itself.

Then you have never read a thing that the Founders of this country have written.

Thomas Jefferson, who WROTE the Constitution, famously declared that countries should have revolutions every 20 years.

Look who declared "it is ofttimes necessary for the tree of liberty to be nourished by the blood of patriots, AND tyrants."

Then get back to us.
Sitting in an e.g. 8x8 Stryker or 6x6 Fuchs, or e.g. Bradley, no one could give a shit about those 23 million AR-15's. You and your MAGA Wolverines would be simply wiped out.

It is however obvious that the 1984 Movie, Red Dawn - had a profound effect onto your mental state and those paranoid fantasies harbored by MAGA's.

Tell that to the Soviet and American militaries that failed to win victory in Afghanistan.

You really are ignorant.

Tell that to the Soviet and American militaries that failed to win victory in Afghanistan.

You really are ignorant.
Nothing to do with the Hardware at all - but the "restrictions" onto warfare imposed by the UN and respective governments.
And 40-80 thousand foreign troops simply ain't enough to enforce Western Standards, onto a medieval oriented Islamic society consisting of 40+ million inhabitants - that was and is inherently corrupt and was led by a totally incompetent Afghan government.

Therefore ANYONE competent in regards to military and sociopolitical matters - was fully aware from day 1 - that this Bush idiocy in e.g. Afghanistan will never work out.

YOU are indeed ignorant.
The above is your, to me well known personal interpretation.
However there is no "official" MILITIA in the present day USA - but loads of illegal Militias.

In fact, all 50 states prohibit and restrict private militia groups and militia activity with several different kinds of laws as well as provisions included in most state constitutions.

Therefore a State would need to establish an "officially recognized" Militia first - which would then be under State control, and only "validated" members would then according to your own conviction be allowed to "bear arms" - thus rendering the possession of tens, if not hundreds of millions of firearms ILLEGAL.

Furthermore I can't imagine the "legality" for a State - e.g. Arkansas to allow for a militia whilst e.g. Colorado wouldn't - and the Federal government simply acquitting towards some States having a militia and others not. Not even to mention the size of a respective official State militia and it's regulations.
Why did you capitalize state, when the Founders didn’t?

They weren’t referring to any individual State!
Nothing to do with the Hardware at all - but the "restrictions" onto warfare imposed by the UN and respective governments.
And 40-80 thousand foreign troops simply ain't enough to enforce Western Standards, onto a medieval oriented Islamic society consisting of 40+ million inhabitants - that was and is inherently corrupt and was led by a totally incompetent Afghan government.

Therefore ANYONE competent in regards to military and sociopolitical matters - was fully aware from day 1 - that this Bush idiocy in e.g. Afghanistan will never work out.

YOU are indeed ignorant.

Wrong. You really are a moron. The Soviets had NO restrictions on how they fought, and they lost their asses.

The Germans never defeated Tito, they too had no restrictions.

Face it, dumbass, you don't know shit about fighting, or war, or guns.

You are a typical progressive retard.

Now go cry to your momma
Wrong. You really are a moron. The Soviets had NO restrictions on how they fought, and they lost their asses.

The Germans never defeated Tito, they too had no restrictions.

Face it, dumbass, you don't know shit about fighting, or war, or guns.

You are a typical progressive retard.

Now go cry to your momma
The Soviets had up to around 500,000 men in Afghanistan - more or less the same as the US in Vietnam in 1969
The Soviets lost around 15,000 men - the USA lost around 60,000

500,000 men at peak - simply ain't enough to WIN a war against 40 million people - of which millions had fled and were operating from Pakistan. The Soviets were boycotted and embargoed due to their "war-crimes", the US in Vietnam wasn't !!! And unlike your Rambo and other Hollywood production try to portrait the Afghan war, the Mujahedin didn't just fight with AK-47's.

The Germans had overrun and conquered Yugoslavia in 11 days in 1941 - they had no viable manpower in regards to fighting Tito from 1942 onward - since they happen to be in Russia!! and later in e.g. France and Italy. And Tito factually only managed to drive out the Germans due to the Soviet Army getting engaged from 1944 onward. Before he was busy murdering and slaughtering foremost Yugoslav Cetniks, Croatians and Bosnians and fighting with Bulgarian, Hungarian and Italian troops.

You obviously got no idea nor clue about war and it's history - but simply live out wet-dreams about some MAGA ragtags battling it out with the NG and the US Armed Forces.

You are a typical MAGA retard - no go and cry to your scumbag Fuehrer.
Sitting in an e.g. 8x8 Stryker or 6x6 Fuchs, or e.g. Bradley, no one could give a shit about those 23 million AR-15's. You and your MAGA Wolverines would be simply wiped out.

It is however obvious that the 1984 Movie, Red Dawn - had a profound effect onto your mental state and those paranoid fantasies harbored by MAGA's.
You’ve never been inside an armored vehicle. They require constant maintenance. They aren’t like a car, you don’t just jump in and drive away. All the parts are highly stressed and produced by the lowest bidder. The occupants of any armored vehicle are almost blind, that’s the main reason Russia lost so much armor against Ukraine, they sent tanks and APCs in without infantry escorts and they lost a lot of infantry because they sent them in without armored support. You send a Bradley or Stryker into my neighborhood and it would get burned to the ground by a bottle of gasoline. Send a mech/infantry team and the infantry would get killed by snipers and then the tanks or APCs would get burned out by Molotovs. Cities are the death of armored vehicles. In Warsaw, the Jews held off the SS backed up by tanks and heavy assault guns for nearly a month armed with a couple of hundred or so rifles and pistols, Molotov cocktails and homemade explosives. In Berlin, about 85,000 mixed military and civilian fighters cost the Red Army 80,000 dead, over 200,000 wounded, hundreds of tanks and hundreds of artillery pieces. The Germans were the dregs of a defeated army supported by civilian fighters too old, too young, or too infirm for normal combat. To see the quality of the defenders, look at the film of Hitler decorating eight and nine year old children for destroying Russian tanks.
The Soviets had up to around 500,000 men in Afghanistan - more or less the same as the US in Vietnam in 1969
The Soviets lost around 15,000 men - the USA lost around 60,000

500,000 men at peak - simply ain't enough to WIN a war against 40 million people - of which millions had fled and were operating from Pakistan. The Soviets were boycotted and embargoed due to their "war-crimes", the US in Vietnam wasn't !!! And unlike your Rambo and other Hollywood production try to portrait the Afghan war, the Mujahedin didn't just fight with AK-47's.

The Germans had overrun and conquered Yugoslavia in 11 days in 1941 - they had no viable manpower in regards to fighting Tito from 1942 onward - since they happen to be in Russia!! and later in e.g. France and Italy. And Tito factually only managed to drive out the Germans due to the Soviet Army getting engaged from 1944 onward. Before he was busy murdering and slaughtering foremost Yugoslav Cetniks, Croatians and Bosnians and fighting with Bulgarian, Hungarian and Italian troops.

You obviously got no idea nor clue about war and it's history - but simply live out wet-dreams about some MAGA ragtags battling it out with the NG and the US Armed Forces.

You are a typical MAGA retard - no go and cry to your scumbag Fuehrer.

Yeah? So what. The Soviets LOST!


What part of we LOST do you not understand?

Trying to fight against US citizens at this moment will get your army destroyed in days. We armed civilians outnumber ALL the armies of the world, combined, by 1000.

Get that through your thick skull.
Once more, the Founder were referring to the American society, the unique American experiment, that state, not the States in the United States, or they would have Capitalized It
Who cares about your "capitalizing" issue???

The founding fathers weren't referring to the American society - but solely to the political entity of a new founded UNITED STATES of America and it's citizens. That was therefore obliged to maintain a MILITIA - since there was no US Army that could have fought of e.g. the Brits in 1777 - regardless of the Congressional Army, (basically MILITIA) nor the Brits in e.g. 1815.

It's termed the CONSTITUTION of the USA - and not the Constitution of the citizens. And it beholds the Bill of Rights, which spell out Americans rights, in relation to their government.
Therefore the 2nd - was in regards to Americans having a right to bear arms, to kill of Injuns, (since it wasn't a safe nor civilized country at the time) and thus to maintain their respective State Militias. Now is 2024 and not 1777 or 1880.

10th Amendment:
The Tenth Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn’t listed, it belongs to the states or to the people.

However the Constitution section 8 states:
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States.

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, to suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions
As such the MILITIA has the obligation to fight AGAINST e.g. MAGA insurrectionists. And today's MILITIA is nothing else but the NG.

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress

As such the Congress would need to pay for those AR-15's - if it's owners would be members in an OFFICIAL Militia that is under the command and rules of the Congress. However today's MILITIA is the NG - and their arms are indeed being paid for by the government.

Nowhere in the Constitution nor any amendment is it stated that the American citizenry has a right to bear arms, to defend itself against their own government. Just plain MAGA nonsense and fantasied propaganda.
You’ve never been inside an armored vehicle.
You don't know shit about me, and I am very well aware of your posts, that in general lack any military practical knowledge.

BTW - me and my Marder AFV


And before that I was riding with the SADF Ratel ICV in Angola and Namibia.

I served 23 years with the paratrooper, Pz.Gren, Artillery/Missile and German Air-force.
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