AR-15 shooting a single .223 round literally rips upper half of the body from victims lower half

You are certainly correct in view of revolutions - that owned their success entirely to the National Armed Forces supporting those rebellions. However all these kind of revolutions had as a prerequisite - extreme poverty and no viable economic infrastructure - which is not the case in the USA. And above all - due to a latent corrupt society in those countries - the military penal code and as such military discipline was never in full effect.

Aside from that, I refuse to indulge some MAGA nut-heads/radicals in their paranoid fantasy - of battling it out with the NG and/or the US Armed Forces. The MAGA movement has it's justified reasons and existed way before the human scumbag took "personal" advantage out of it. And additionally made a public farce out of MAGA, (worldwide) latest via his ill-bread insurrectionist attempt on Jan.6th.

The very thing that according to the US Constitution - the MILITIA is supposed to prevent and to even fight against insurrectionists.
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, to suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions

Romania had a successful revolt without military support.

You really have no clue do you.
Romania had a successful revolt without military support.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Romania is a classic example as to where the National Armed Forces sided with the population - you dolt

The Romanian Revolution started in the city of Timișoara on December 16, as one ethnic Hungarian pastor spoke out against regime policies. This led to massive protests and a crackdown by the military. Ceaușescu then made a speech at Palace (now Revolution) Square, on December 21, where people in the crowd, who had been bussed in to show support, began openly booing him and chanting “Timisoara!”

Rank-and-file members of the military switched, almost unanimously, from supporting the dictator to backing the protesting population. Rioting in several Romanian cities forced Ceausescu and his wife Elena, who was also Deputy Prime Minister, to flee the next day. They were quickly captured, tried, and then executed on Christmas Day 1989. The death penalty was then quickly abolished by the new government.



You really have no clue do you.
Indeed YOU don't have any clue in this matter.
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:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Romania is a classic example as to where the National Armed Forces sided with the population - you dolt

The Romanian Revolution started in the city of Timișoara on December 16, as one ethnic Hungarian pastor spoke out against regime policies. This led to massive protests and a crackdown by the military. Ceaușescu then made a speech at Palace (now Revolution) Square, on December 21, where people in the crowd, who had been bussed in to show support, began openly booing him and chanting “Timisoara!”

Rank-and-file members of the military switched, almost unanimously, from supporting the dictator to backing the protesting population. Rioting in several Romanian cities forced Ceausescu and his wife Elena, who was also Deputy Prime Minister, to flee the next day. They were quickly captured, tried, and then executed on Christmas Day 1989. The death penalty was then quickly abolished by the new government.

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View attachment 917315

Indeed YOU don't have any clue in this matter.

Not until the leadership got killed. You dolt
left can debate the "well regulated militia" all they want to and try to interpret it as meaning "only the military should have guns." But that would negate the rest of the amendment.
No where in the 2 a does it say one way or another who should have guns. The 2@ actually mandates as a necessity that we have a well regulated militia to insure insure for our common defense.

private ownership one way or another isn’t even addressed. States acan do whatever they wish as far as regulation is concerned that also conform to the FFA, And they have
I NEVER denied that you moron - I had even stated that the MILITIA is nothing else but a theoretical manpower-pool - to recruit man&women that can be called up to serve in the NG and the US Armed Forces in the event of a war.

And it doesn't change the FACT - that not a single US state allows for a Militia (unless under government control and administration) nor that any US state at present maintains one (if so, you would get your AR-15 etc. paid for) - and no US state has "legalized" any those private self-appointed, wannabe Rambo Militias.
46 states have militias you retard.
46 states have militias you retard.
Correction….Actually, 50 states, 3 territories and DC have a well regulated militia.

Today, as defined by the Militia Act of 1903, the term "militia" is used to describe two classes within the United States:[8]

  • Organized militia – consisting of the National Guardand Naval Militia.[9][10]
  • Unorganized militia – comprising the reserve militia: every able-bodied man of at least 17 and under 45 years of age, who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.[11]
Correction….Actually, 50 states, 3 territories and DC have a well regulated militia.

Today, as defined by the Militia Act of 1903, the term "militia" is used to describe two classes within the United States:[8]

  • Organized militia – consisting of the National Guardand Naval Militia.[9][10]
  • Unorganized militia – comprising the reserve militia: every able-bodied man of at least 17 and under 45 years of age, who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.[11]

The National Guard is not a militia.
nope it isnt but 46 states have state militias only 4 states dont.
50 states have organized militia, anything else is a joke.
While unorganized militia is activated by the draft.
The fact is, that all 50 states prohibit private paramilitary activity….As long as they don’t hurt themselves, the states allow them to play soldier…
nope it isnt but 46 states have state militias only 4 states dont.

Militia Act of 1903 (32 Stat. 775),[1] also known as the Efficiency in Militia Act of 1903 or the Dick Act, was legislation enacted by the United States Congress to create what would become the modern National Guard from a subset of the militia, and codify the circumstances under which the Guard could be federalized.

It is the organized militia. No militia can be well regulated without federal funds. The idea that yesterdays militia can be in anything but a joke without federal funding is ridiculous. We realized that in 1903. 125 years later, people still think a band of misfits has a place…it does not.

The proud boys thought they had a role.
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The national Guard is the federalized portion of the supposed militia but in reality, it is not militia at all it is part of the army. 46 states have militias separate from the Guard.
The national Guard is the federalized portion of the supposed militia but in reality, it is not militia at all it is part of the army. 46 states have militias separate from the Guard.
Show me an official MILITIA ID, issued from any state you can dream of.
Show me an official state Form - used to request payment for the purchase of weapons by an official state Militia member.

There isn't a single official Militia registered in the USA, that would be under the administration (therefore legalized and official) of any state. - there is only the NG.

The only other group aside from the NG, are the SDF's - organized, administered and commanded by the State government and Homeland security.

Therefore ALL these private Militias, such as the Californian "Echo" etc. etc. are ALL Illegal.
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The national Guard is the federalized portion of the supposed militia but in reality, it is not militia at all it is part of the army. 46 states have militias separate from the Guard.

In reality there are two militias, organized and unorganized.
The guard unit serves as a dual function….organized under STATE CONTROL and under call up by the feds otherwise.

. Without federal funding, it would be as useless as the unorganized militia. So let’s get real. The unorganized militia is useless in this day and age. They knew that in 1903. May be 46 states have a militia but 50 states and three territories have a federally funded well regulated militia. They are actually used by states frequently….your unorganized militia, laughable. The only way they can be activated is by the draft, individually.
Read, a subset…

The Militia Act of 1903 (32 Stat. 775),[1] also known as the Efficiency in Militia Act of 1903 or the Dick Act, was legislation enacted by the United States Congress to create what would become the modern National Guard from a subset of the militia, and codify the circumstances under which the Guard could be federalized. It also provided federal funds to pay for equipment and training, including annual summer encampments. The new National Guard was to organize units of similar form and quality to those of the regular Army, and intended to achieve the same training, education, and readiness requirements as active duty units.[2]
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Show me an official MILITIA ID, issued from any state you can dream of.

There isn't a single official Militia registered in the USA, that would be under the administration (therefore legalized and official) of any state. - there is only the NG.

Therefore ALL these private Militias, such as the Californian "Echo" etc. etc. are ALL Illegal.
the only hope these so called militia members can play real soldier, is to be drafted or enlist….
Not until the leadership got killed. You dolt
Your reply only gives proof, towards the stubbornness and known trait of yours and all other radicals - to deny FACTS.

Read again:
Rank-and-file members of the military switched, almost unanimously, from supporting the dictator to backing the protesting population. Rioting in several Romanian cities forced Ceausescu and his wife Elena, who was also Deputy Prime Minister, to flee the next day. They were quickly captured, tried, and then executed on Christmas Day 1989. The death penalty was then quickly abolished by the new government.

As such "the leadership" got executed three days AFTER the Romanian National Forces sided with the population on December 21st and had therefore conducted a successful revolution. As opposed to the Romanian National Armed Forces factually having beaten down the ongoing Peoples Revolution from December 16th to 21st - before they decided to switch sides on December 21st.
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This home was destroyed by a near miss from a single bullet fired by an AR15.


Just the shear force of the passing bullet tore away half of the house. The occupants are missing and assumed vaporized.
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