Arabs and Israelis discuss partnerships for progress. Meanwhile, “Palestinians” are partners in backwardness and terrorism

Arabs drove out 800,000 Jews throughout the Middle East, and unlike Israel, didn’t pay them a cent for their land. They stole their property, their homes, all their worldly assets.

But for some reason you don’t complain about THAT. Oh right, different standards depending on whether they’re Jews or not.

”Zionist” is the hate word for Jews.
Zionism and Judaism are 2 completely separate things. One is a religion, the other is a political movement.
Yeah right, Israel hadn't been a nation five hours when the Arab armies invaded. And their openly declared objective was to kill off the Jews and give their land and property to the resident Arabs. Notice I didn't say Palestinians because Palestine didn't exist. The part of Trans-Jordan that was to be Arab became Jordan, the remainder was to go to the Jews as Israel.
Wrong! The Balfour Declaration only gave the Jews 30% of the land, provided they did not disenfranchise the existing non-Jewish population. But you didn't respect their rights and the place as been violent ever since. That's your fault!
Renowned Arab scholar Fouad Ajami: “The UN vote in 1947 was viewed as Israel's basic title to independence and statehood. The Palestinians and the Arab powers had rejected partition and chosen the path of war. Their choice was to prove calamitous. Palestine became a great Arab shame. Few Arabs were willing to tell the story truthfully, to face its harsh verdict”

The U.N. Can't Deliver a Palestinian State
That's the big lie you keep telling.
Zionism and Judaism are 2 completely separate things. One is a religion, the other is a political movement.
That's not completely accurate. Zionism has many iterations, but all stem from an early religious yearning for a connection to Israel and Jerusalem. Modern political Zionism is a political movement, but one still steeped in religious identity. Christian Zionism coopted that religious fervor for its own ends. There is no "Zionism" without an understanding of Judaism as they are inextricably intertwined.
That's not completely accurate. Zionism has many iterations, but all stem from an early religious yearning for a connection to Israel and Jerusalem. Modern political Zionism is a political movement, but one still steeped in religious identity. Christian Zionism coopted that religious fervor for its own ends. There is no "Zionism" without an understanding of Judaism as they are inextricably intertwined.
Zionists use Judaism much like a cheap whore uses a tampon! If Zionism really respected Judaism, they would look to the Three Oaths which state Jews are to remain in exhale until God comes back down to earth.
Zionists use Judaism much like a cheap whore uses a tampon! If Zionism really respected Judaism, they would look to the Three Oaths which state Jews are to remain in exhale until God comes back down to earth.
I'm not sure you understand the 3 oaths. They do not mean exactly what you seem to think they mean. We ARE still in exile. The Jews in Israel are also, in a very important sense, still in exile.

My knowledge of prostitution is limited to Law and Order reruns so I'm not clear on the tampon reference.
I'm not sure you understand the 3 oaths. They do not mean exactly what you seem to think they mean. We ARE still in exile. The Jews in Israel are also, in a very important sense, still in exile.

My knowledge of prostitution is limited to Law and Order reruns so I'm not clear on the tampon reference.
No, you are not in exile! You have a country. The Pals deserve their's too!
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No, you are not in exhale! You have a country. The Pals deserve their's too!
Yes, I am in exile (and it is weird that you would try to tell me of my own religious and national status). There are no "Palestinians" to deserve a country. There are a variety of Arabs, and they have been offered a country many times. They have rejected the offers because they would be required to co-exist with Israel. When they say "from the river to the sea" they mean the Jordan river to the Mediterranean, thus erasing the entirety of Israel.
Yes, I am in exile (and it is weird that you would try to tell me of my own religious and national status). There are no "Palestinians" to deserve a country. There are a variety of Arabs, and they have been offered a country many times. They have rejected the offers because they would be required to co-exist with Israel. When they say "from the river to the sea" they mean the Jordan river to the Mediterranean, thus erasing the entirety of Israel.
There was over a million non-Jewish land owners in Palestine at the time of the Zionist migration. That is a fact! You moved to the area. You do not have more rights than the people already living there!
RE: Arabs and Israelis discuss partnerships for progress. Meanwhile, “Palestinians” are partners in backwardness and terrorism
SUBTOPIC: What is the nature of the objection?
⁜→ Billo_Really, et al,
Now, this is interesting

You are a historically retarded revisionist Adolf.
It's all part of UN records. I will never kiss Israeli ass! Get that through your fucking head!

I am not (
at all) sure (that) you were requested to "kiss Israeli ass!" I am not sure that anyone in Israel actually cares what you might think, let alone request a submissive posture from you.

Your proxy
ad hominem attitude towards Israelis does not address the antisemitic/anti-Israeli issue. You have not stated your objection to the content clearly.


Most Respectfully,
There was over a million non-Jewish land owners in Palestine at the time of the Zionist migration. That is a fact! You moved to the area. You do not have more rights than the people already living there!
There were many land owners including Jews and non-Jews. If you look at the development of the population over time you will see migrations of Jews joining extant communities well before the 1948 date. In fact, there was a Jewish population in the land constantly for 20 centuries.

There are plenty of documents attesting to the sale of land to immigrants (and native Jews) by Arab landowners (here is some info about that process)
RE: Arabs and Israelis discuss partnerships for progress. Meanwhile, “Palestinians” are partners in backwardness and terrorism
SUBTOPIC: What is the nature of the objection?
⁜→ Billo_Really, et al,
Now, this is interesting


I am not (
at all) sure (that) you were requested to "kiss Israeli ass!" I am not sure that anyone in Israel actually cares what you might think, let alone request a submissive posture from you.

Your proxy
ad hominem attitude towards Israelis does not address the antisemitic/anti-Israeli issue. You have not stated your objection to the content clearly.


Most Respectfully,
This has nothing to do with Judaism. So antisemitism has nothing to do with this issue!
There were many land owners including Jews and non-Jews. If you look at the development of the population over time you will see migrations of Jews joining extant communities well before the 1948 date. In fact, there was a Jewish population in the land constantly for 20 centuries.

There are plenty of documents attesting to the sale of land to immigrants (and native Jews) by Arab landowners (here is some info about that process)
In 1948, the majority of land owners were Arab. You drove 3/4 of a million of them off their land with Jewish terrorism.
This isn't just my opinion, it is UN records.
No, it is your opinion. Your assertion included 3 separate components, each of which is demonstrably wrong in at least most cases. All of which ignore the entire rest of the history and events in the region. But best of luck to you.
No, it is your opinion. Your assertion included 3 separate components, each of which is demonstrably wrong in at least most cases. All of which ignore the entire rest of the history and events in the region. But best of luck to you.
Why thank you! I was right in all three areas! Unfortunately, I'm also on my third beer! Well, gotta go now! Take care my Catholic-hating friend!

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