Arctic ice thins dramatically


Walleyes, you continue to be one dumb son of a bitch. When you run the cursor over the picuture, it states that the sea ice is the third lowest ever recorded. Lordy, lordy, don't you ever read before posting:lol::lol::eusa_whistle:

THIRD lowest in 33 years. And more to the point THAT proves the ice is growing BACK. Since we had the LOWEST followed by the second lowest followed by the third lowest. Or does basic math escape you?

No, it does not. Because the basic math says that we will see the ice even lower very soon. Of course, were you not so stuck on stupid, RGS, you would check to see what the real trends are;

I hate to tell you olfraud but the basic math says the exact opposite. Your alarmists are trying to tell you that the Arctic is in a death spiral but it has gained every year since numbnuts uttered that little missive....which has ever since been biting him in the ass. He just hopes no one is paying attention.
THIRD lowest in 33 years. And more to the point THAT proves the ice is growing BACK. Since we had the LOWEST followed by the second lowest followed by the third lowest. Or does basic math escape you?

No, it does not. Because the basic math says that we will see the ice even lower very soon. Of course, were you not so stuck on stupid, RGS, you would check to see what the real trends are;

I hate to tell you olfraud but the basic math says the exact opposite. Your alarmists are trying to tell you that the Arctic is in a death spiral but it has gained every year since numbnuts uttered that little missive....which has ever since been biting him in the ass. He just hopes no one is paying attention.

Old Rocks is a fool. The trend is clear, since the supposed lowest the sea ice has ever been ( never mind the data is only 33 years old) it has grown more each year as evidenced by this very threads op and link. Lowest, second lowest and now 3rd lowest. even a 3rd grader could grasp the concept.
No, it does not. Because the basic math says that we will see the ice even lower very soon. Of course, were you not so stuck on stupid, RGS, you would check to see what the real trends are;

I hate to tell you olfraud but the basic math says the exact opposite. Your alarmists are trying to tell you that the Arctic is in a death spiral but it has gained every year since numbnuts uttered that little missive....which has ever since been biting him in the ass. He just hopes no one is paying attention.

Old Rocks is a fool. The trend is clear, since the supposed lowest the sea ice has ever been ( never mind the data is only 33 years old) it has grown more each year as evidenced by this very threads op and link. Lowest, second lowest and now 3rd lowest. even a 3rd grader could grasp the concept.

Yes indeed. My daughter who just turned 4.5 years old has a greater understanding of the physical world than olfraud or his clones.
Even were that to be the case, how the hell would you know, dumb ass? I doubt that you have ever read a scientific journal in your life.

However, why don't you present a statement from a scientific society that state that AGW is not a fact. How about a National Academy of Science? Even from Outer Slobovia. Or just one major university?

Would you care for me to post the policy statements of the major scientific societies concerning global warming?
Even were that to be the case, how the hell would you know, dumb ass? I doubt that you have ever read a scientific journal in your life.

However, why don't you present a statement from a scientific society that state that AGW is not a fact. How about a National Academy of Science? Even from Outer Slobovia. Or just one major university?

Would you care for me to post the policy statements of the major scientific societies concerning global warming?

Who cares what they say about it now? The people with the money invested in it seem to be abandoning them in droves and the memberships are fighting back against the mindless leaders of the groups. In two years your religion will be dead. What bandwagon will you jump on then?
Arctic ice at low point compared to recent geologic history

Arctic Ice at Low Point Compared to Recent Geologic History
ScienceDaily (June 3, 2010) — Less ice covers the Arctic today than at any time in recent geologic history.

Gee I wonder how they missed the peer reviewed paper that presents compelling evidence for a ice free or near ice free Arctic within the last 5,000 to 10,000 years? It is talked about here and you can follow on from there. Of course it's from Watt so olfraud will discount it, but the paper was done by a bunch of PhD's and they don't know anything they.

New peer reviewed paper says “there appear to have been periods of ice free summers in the central Arctic Ocean” in the early Holocene, about 10-11,000 years ago | Watts Up With That?
Arctic ice at low point compared to recent geologic history

Arctic Ice at Low Point Compared to Recent Geologic History
ScienceDaily (June 3, 2010) — Less ice covers the Arctic today than at any time in recent geologic history.

And yet it is historical fact that from the 20's to the late 40's the pole was warmer then it is now and for a much longer time. Go figure.

Fact? Claimed by whom, and in what journal? RGS, that is nonsense that you just pulled out of your ass.
While Watt's conclusions are, as usual, completely off base, the article does not seem to contradict what is in this article in any way.

Arctic ice at low point compared to recent geologic history

Their conclusion: the current extent of Arctic ice is at its lowest point for at least the last few thousand years.

As scientists pull more sediment cores from the Arctic, Polyak and his collaborators want to understand more details of the past ice extent and to push this knowledge further back in time.

During the summer of 2011, they hope to draw cores from beneath the Chukchi Sea, just north of the Bering Strait between Alaska and Siberia. The currents emanating from the northern Pacific Ocean bring heat that may play an important role in melting the ice across the Arctic, so Polyak expects that the history of this location will prove very important. He hopes to drill cores that date back thousands of years at the Chukchi Sea margin, providing a detailed history of interaction between oceanic currents and ice.

"Later on in this cruise, when we venture into the more central Arctic Ocean, we will aim at harvesting cores that go back even farther," he said. "If we could go as far back as a million years, that would be perfect."

And the people doing this study are top scientists from top of the line institutes and organizations.

Polyak's coauthors on the report hailed from Penn State University, University of Colorado, University of Massachusetts, the U.S. Geological Survey, Old Dominion University, the Geological Survey of Canada, University of Copenhagen, the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, Stockholm University, McGill University, James Madison University, and the British Antarctic Survey.

This research was funded by the US Geological Survey and the National Science Foundation.

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