Arctic ice thins dramatically

Chris is an idiot, Mmkay.

And yet this very thread proves it is getting thicker and more of it.

There was a year where you all pointed out according to satellite images and measures the sea ice was the LOWEST it had been in that 30 year window.

The next year the sea ice was the SECOND lowest, as it it GAINED ice and was not a new low.

Then we have this, the next year the sea ice was the third lowest in that window, as in thicker the the second lowest and thicker then the LOWEST.

We need a neon flashing font for posts like this.
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the penguins have been happy with all the extra ice in the Antartic over the last decade.

That is not important.

How do the Penguins feel, being Polar Bear food and now the Polar Bear's get sympathy because the ice does what ice does, melt. (are there Penguins at the north pole)

Its kind of fucked up being a Penguin. Its unequal distribution of sympathy. I have yet to see one liberal say one good thing about Penguins.

Egad, you are trully a dumb fuck. No polar bears in the southern hemisphere, no penguins in the northern hemisphere.

Maybe you did not notice brainiac, I stated that in my post.

Remember the time Old Crock thought only electricity was used to make steel, in the same post that Old Crock stated he worked in a steel foundry, then linked to a site that stated specifically that natural gas had to be used.

Old Crock link's to articles that are the opposite of Old Crock's assertions and claims. Like time discussing Geothermal and Old Crock stated my source, Bloomqueist did not know what he was talking about and I had to tell Old Crock that Old Crock 4 posts earlier used Bloomqueist as a source, even linked to a report by Bloomqueist.

Do the dumb know they are dumb, Old Crock answers that question perfectly.
Yep olfraud and Chris are masters at not understanding what they see. That's OK though, it gives us something to giggle at. Oh BTW the Antarctic is WAY above "normal". In fact it is at the second highest level since measurements began 30 years ago. Proving yet again why none of this really matters anyway. 30 years is nothing in the life of the planet...absolutely nothing, it is equivalent to the time it takes us to blink an eye.


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Above zero temperatures have dominated weather forecasts in Iqaluit this November, where on some days temperatures have risen almost 20 degrees above the average.

Normal temperatures for this time of year in Iqaluit fall between -11 C and -19 C, but the coldest day this month only dipped to about - 9 C.

The mercury crept to 3.5 C in Iqaluit on Nov. 19, a couple degrees shy of the 5.5 C record high registered on the same day in 1977.

And that trend is likely to continue across most of the Arctic this week, said Environment Canada meteorologist Rene Heroux, with more above zero temperatures in store for the Eastern Arctic, including Nunavik.

“Let’s just say it’s not as cold as it’s supposed to be,” Heroux said. “It could be a record-breaking November the way it’s going now.”

Southwesterly winds pushed warm air north this month, meaning higher than usual temperatures everywhere in the Arctic region, Heroux said.

Temperatures have registered 10 C above normal in northern Foxe Basin, 6 C to 8 C above normal in Hudson Strait and 7 C to 9 C above normal in western Hudson Bay.

As a result, Heroux said the development of ice is about four weeks late in Foxe Basin, which remains largely open water.

NunatsiaqOnline 2010-11-22: NEWS: Warm temperatures flood the eastern Arctic
So much for global warming, fact after fact continue to dispel the propaganda that the earth is warming.

CA citrus growers protect crops amid frost warning -

CA citrus growers protect crops amid frost warning
By JASON DEAREN , 11.23.10, 03:40 PM EST

SAN FRANCISCO -- Citrus growers in California's San Joaquin Valley are preparing to fight off crop-damaging frost as a cold front moves into the region.

The National Weather Service has issued a freeze watch for this week, covering key citrus-growing areas in the central and southern parts of the valley.

Temperatures could drop below 28 degrees late Wednesday into Thursday, which can damage citrus if the cold endures for more than three hours.

"We normally anticipate freeze events to occur from December into January, it's rare this early into the season," said Joel Nelsen, president of California Citrus Mutual
BOULDER, CO (KUNC) - Scientists at the at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder say Arctic sea ice is disappearing and that greenhouse gasses are unequivocally to blame.

An area of the Arctic Ocean about the size of Alaska, which was covered in ice at this time of year in the late 1970's, is now ice-free. Jennifer Kay is a climate scientist at NCAR. She says greenhouse gasses, the byproducts of burning fossil fuels for energy, are the cause.

"What's significant from the climate perspective is just that we have these long term trends. We've seen sea ice extents decrease over three decades now. So what matters is the long term context; and really that's what climate is all about," says Kay.

KUNC: Boulder Scientists See Striking Decrease in Arctic Sea Ice Over Past 30 Years (2010-11-24)
BOULDER, CO (KUNC) - Scientists at the at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder say Arctic sea ice is disappearing and that greenhouse gasses are unequivocally to blame.

An area of the Arctic Ocean about the size of Alaska, which was covered in ice at this time of year in the late 1970's, is now ice-free. Jennifer Kay is a climate scientist at NCAR. She says greenhouse gasses, the byproducts of burning fossil fuels for energy, are the cause.

"What's significant from the climate perspective is just that we have these long term trends. We've seen sea ice extents decrease over three decades now. So what matters is the long term context; and really that's what climate is all about," says Kay.

KUNC: Boulder Scientists See Striking Decrease in Arctic Sea Ice Over Past 30 Years (2010-11-24)

The Danes (who have a real vested interest in the state of the sea ice, not about simply stealing money) seem to think otherwise. The Arctic Sea Ice photo for today shows the ice expanding to its normal extent and will most certainly exceed the 20 year average with little effort. Currently the equivalent of 19 Manhattans are being added to the ice every day.


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Melting sea ice has dramatically accelerated warming in the Arctic, where temperatures have risen faster in recent decades than the global average, according to a study released Wednesday.
The study, published in the journal Nature, also suggests that current forecasts underestimate the degree to which the polar region could heat up in the future.

"It was previously thought that loss of sea ice could cause further warming. Now we have confirmation this is already happening," said James Screen, a researcher at the University of Melbourne and co-author of the study.

While itself a consequence of climate change, the shrinking Arctic ice cap has contributed to a "positive feedback loop" in which global warming and loss of ice reinforce each other on a regional scale.

Sea ice loss major cause of Arctic warming: study
THE recent slowdown in the rate of global warming may be an illusion caused by errors in the way the global temperature is measured, according to a Met Office study.

The findings undermine the arguments of climate sceptics who use the reported reduction in the warming rate since 1998 to oppose cutting man-made emissions.

The Met Office, Britain's national weather service, said that this year, which has so far been the second warmest on record behind 1998 according to existing measurements, could turn out to be the warmest once errors have been removed.

The long-term rate of global warming was about 0.16C a decade in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s but it slowed in the past 10 years to between 0.05C and 0.13C, depending on which of three major temperature records is used. The Met Office said that changes in the way ocean temperatures were measured had resulted in an under-estimate of about 0.03C in recent years.

Global temperature rises may be underestimated due to errors, Met Office study says | The Australian
BOULDER, CO (KUNC) - Scientists at the at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder say Arctic sea ice is disappearing and that greenhouse gasses are unequivocally to blame.

An area of the Arctic Ocean about the size of Alaska, which was covered in ice at this time of year in the late 1970's, is now ice-free. Jennifer Kay is a climate scientist at NCAR. She says greenhouse gasses, the byproducts of burning fossil fuels for energy, are the cause.

"What's significant from the climate perspective is just that we have these long term trends. We've seen sea ice extents decrease over three decades now. So what matters is the long term context; and really that's what climate is all about," says Kay.

KUNC: Boulder Scientists See Striking Decrease in Arctic Sea Ice Over Past 30 Years (2010-11-24)

The Danes (who have a real vested interest in the state of the sea ice, not about simply stealing money) seem to think otherwise. The Arctic Sea Ice photo for today shows the ice expanding to its normal extent and will most certainly exceed the 20 year average with little effort. Currently the equivalent of 19 Manhattans are being added to the ice every day.

Walleyes, you continue to be one dumb son of a bitch. When you run the cursor over the picuture, it states that the sea ice is the third lowest ever recorded. Lordy, lordy, don't you ever read before posting:lol::lol::eusa_whistle:
BOULDER, CO (KUNC) - Scientists at the at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder say Arctic sea ice is disappearing and that greenhouse gasses are unequivocally to blame.

An area of the Arctic Ocean about the size of Alaska, which was covered in ice at this time of year in the late 1970's, is now ice-free. Jennifer Kay is a climate scientist at NCAR. She says greenhouse gasses, the byproducts of burning fossil fuels for energy, are the cause.

"What's significant from the climate perspective is just that we have these long term trends. We've seen sea ice extents decrease over three decades now. So what matters is the long term context; and really that's what climate is all about," says Kay.

KUNC: Boulder Scientists See Striking Decrease in Arctic Sea Ice Over Past 30 Years (2010-11-24)

The Danes (who have a real vested interest in the state of the sea ice, not about simply stealing money) seem to think otherwise. The Arctic Sea Ice photo for today shows the ice expanding to its normal extent and will most certainly exceed the 20 year average with little effort. Currently the equivalent of 19 Manhattans are being added to the ice every day.

Walleyes, you continue to be one dumb son of a bitch. When you run the cursor over the picuture, it states that the sea ice is the third lowest ever recorded. Lordy, lordy, don't you ever read before posting:lol::lol::eusa_whistle:

THIRD lowest in 33 years. And more to the point THAT proves the ice is growing BACK. Since we had the LOWEST followed by the second lowest followed by the third lowest. Or does basic math escape you?
We'll let the crusader k00ks continue buiding thier backyard ark's in anticipation of the coming monster floods...............

I figure we can always fall back on Gigantor to save the day if need be...............kick ass on the rising tides and suck out all the terrible C02..............


By the way's it going with that ark project of yours? We want an update!!!!!!!
The Danes (who have a real vested interest in the state of the sea ice, not about simply stealing money) seem to think otherwise. The Arctic Sea Ice photo for today shows the ice expanding to its normal extent and will most certainly exceed the 20 year average with little effort. Currently the equivalent of 19 Manhattans are being added to the ice every day.

Walleyes, you continue to be one dumb son of a bitch. When you run the cursor over the picuture, it states that the sea ice is the third lowest ever recorded. Lordy, lordy, don't you ever read before posting:lol::lol::eusa_whistle:

THIRD lowest in 33 years. And more to the point THAT proves the ice is growing BACK. Since we had the LOWEST followed by the second lowest followed by the third lowest. Or does basic math escape you?

Yes, considering what a simpleton he is the simple facts just don't seem to impress him. He has faith you know, and faith trumps facts.
A NASA analysis has for the first time measured the amount of multiyear ice that is lost from the Arctic each year as a result of melting.

Multiyear ice is ice which makes it through more than one summer, making it ever more resistant to melting as the year’s progress. Or that used to be the case. Now, however, with increasing temperatures in the Arctic region the old sea ice is not lasting as long as it used to.

Ron Kwok and Glenn Cunningham at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California have analysed the amount of ice that melts compared to the amount of ice that is blown out of the Arctic by winds, known as export.

Between 1993 and 2009, 1,400 cubic kilometers (336 cubic miles) of ice was lost as a result of melt, rather than export.

Multiyear Sea Ice Melting and Moving – climate change and environmental news
The Danes (who have a real vested interest in the state of the sea ice, not about simply stealing money) seem to think otherwise. The Arctic Sea Ice photo for today shows the ice expanding to its normal extent and will most certainly exceed the 20 year average with little effort. Currently the equivalent of 19 Manhattans are being added to the ice every day.

Walleyes, you continue to be one dumb son of a bitch. When you run the cursor over the picuture, it states that the sea ice is the third lowest ever recorded. Lordy, lordy, don't you ever read before posting:lol::lol::eusa_whistle:

THIRD lowest in 33 years. And more to the point THAT proves the ice is growing BACK. Since we had the LOWEST followed by the second lowest followed by the third lowest. Or does basic math escape you?

No, it does not. Because the basic math says that we will see the ice even lower very soon. Of course, were you not so stuck on stupid, RGS, you would check to see what the real trends are;

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