Arctic ice thins dramatically

Why would you doubt it? Historical CO2 was 280-300 ppm during most of human evolution, now it's passing 380. Sure the earth has been getting warmer and colder, but you're missing the point. In the past those changes happened over millenia, while now we're talking only ~200+ years since the advent of the Industrial Revolution. You can't point to the past as a template for the future, if underlying conditions have changed, like humans emitting more CO2 in days than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year!!!

Totally and completely untrue as evidenced by the flash frozen plant life found as the South American glaciers are retreating and of course the famously flash frozen Mammoths found in Siberia and who were notably turned into steaks for the people who discovered them. Imagine that 10,000 year old meat grilled up on teh 'barbie! Yes they preserved most of the critters.

More BS.

Everyone has heard the rumor, but probably only dogs, or passing wolves, ever enjoyed a modern feast of preserved mammoth meat.

Mammoth meat looks like horse meat but quickly rots when it thaws.

Several mammoths were found in permafrost, preserved since the last glacial period.

The most famous was found in 1901 near the banks of the Berezovka River in Siberia. An Academy of Science expedition with dogsleds was quickly sent.

The expedition found a nearly complete carcass, but wolves and dogs had left the skull almost bare.

The meat was dark red, suggesting horse meat, and marbled with fat.

The dogs ate it avidly; the men could not quite steel themselves to try it too. Members of the expedition said the stench was like that of a badly kept stable blended with that of offal.

Members of later trips said scientists never banqueted on or even sampled the meat.

Books that describe a banquet usually lack a place and date.

The rumor seems to have arisen from Siberian natives’ superstitions warning against eating the meat, though the Yakut fed it to their dogs in time of famine.

s0n..........let me tip you off on something. Anybody who takes a gandor in here to check the score comes away with one clear determination: That Old Rocks is a miserable old prick, consumed and obsessed with the agenda of the radical environmentalists. Agenda guys always post up the same exact links, week after week,month after month, year after year. Just like you:up:. Agenda guys always respond to posts with anger and total closemindedness. Just like you.:up: Agenda guys can be found making posts every single day at all hours of the day and night. Just like you:up: Agenda guys rachet up epic posts counts in the same singlular forum ( as if they own it). Just like you:up: Agenda guys invariably display their true intentions within their threads/posts ( destruction of capitalism ). Just like you.:up: Agenda guys are oddballs who find a sliver of the universe where they are only relatively odd but project themselves as a hero to many. Just like you:up: Agenda guys have zero understanding of the political acceptance of their ideology. Just like you.:up:

This forum is my playground s0n............just as it is for West and Ian. This is fun for us...........for you..........a fcukking oddball amongst a small handfull of like oddballs........... this is life and death stuff.................

My suggestion s0n? Get the fcukk out of that backwards ass state of Oregon. Nobody wants to live there except the forgotten ones.......the ones who can go hide in the middle of nowhere.'re fcukking loser and you know it. Personally...........I hope you stick around this forum forever. Id be bummed to shit if you left.
Why would you doubt it? Historical CO2 was 280-300 ppm during most of human evolution, now it's passing 380. Sure the earth has been getting warmer and colder, but you're missing the point. In the past those changes happened over millenia, while now we're talking only ~200+ years since the advent of the Industrial Revolution. You can't point to the past as a template for the future, if underlying conditions have changed, like humans emitting more CO2 in days than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year!!!

Totally and completely untrue as evidenced by the flash frozen plant life found as the South American glaciers are retreating and of course the famously flash frozen Mammoths found in Siberia and who were notably turned into steaks for the people who discovered them. Imagine that 10,000 year old meat grilled up on teh 'barbie! Yes they preserved most of the critters.

More BS.

Everyone has heard the rumor, but probably only dogs, or passing wolves, ever enjoyed a modern feast of preserved mammoth meat.

Mammoth meat looks like horse meat but quickly rots when it thaws.

Several mammoths were found in permafrost, preserved since the last glacial period.

The most famous was found in 1901 near the banks of the Berezovka River in Siberia. An Academy of Science expedition with dogsleds was quickly sent.

The expedition found a nearly complete carcass, but wolves and dogs had left the skull almost bare.

The meat was dark red, suggesting horse meat, and marbled with fat.

The dogs ate it avidly; the men could not quite steel themselves to try it too. Members of the expedition said the stench was like that of a badly kept stable blended with that of offal.

Members of later trips said scientists never banqueted on or even sampled the meat.

Books that describe a banquet usually lack a place and date.

The rumor seems to have arisen from Siberian natives’ superstitions warning against eating the meat, though the Yakut fed it to their dogs in time of famine.

Ohhh you make this too easy. Here's a little ditty from The Straight Dope. I chose it because it is factual and funny at the same time!

The Straight Dope: Prehistoric, it's what's for dinner: Have explorers had feasts of woolly mammoth?
International Falls, MN -46 WITHOUT considering wind chill today. Enough said.

MIAMI (AP) — Record low temperatures chilled Florida from top to bottom Monday, endangering fruit and vegetable crops and taxing the power grid of a state unaccustomed to the cold.
The National Weather Service reported 36 degrees at the Miami airport, beating an 82-year-old record of 37 degrees. It dipped to 42 degrees in Key West, one degree off the record and the second-coldest reading since 1873.

"I even had ice on my car this morning, which was an unbelievable sight for Miami," said Dan Gregoria, meteorologist with the National Weather Service.

It was 14 degrees Monday morning in Tallahassee, breaking the record of 15 set in 1982. Record-tying lows of 29 were observed in Orlando, and Tampa's 25-degree weather beat its old record of 27.

Frosty Florida sets record low temperatures -

I imagine there is a contract out on poor Mr. Gregoria. Blastphemor!

Definition of irony: As the United Nations opened its latest conference on global warming, Mother Nature sent snowstorms and freezing temperatures that disrupted travel all across Europe and much of the Northern Hemisphere. Even Cancun, Mexico's sunny resort city that hosted the confab, was not spared the chill. The UN summit, known as COP16 (the 16th Conference of Parties on global warming), concluded Saturday morning after an all-night marathon session. Cancun may not have experienced blizzards and ice, but it did, nevertheless, get hammered with record low temps for the month of December.

Record Cold at Cancun Climate Confab

Oh, but that is just here in the US, you have to consider the world:

Record low temperatures, heavy snowfall observed across Japan
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- A cold air mass caused heavy snowfall across Japan on Sunday, with temperatures dropping to record lows in some parts of the country, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency.

Record low temperatures, heavy snowfall observed across Japan - The Mainichi Daily News
International Falls, MN -46 WITHOUT considering wind chill today. Enough said.

MIAMI (AP) — Record low temperatures chilled Florida from top to bottom Monday, endangering fruit and vegetable crops and taxing the power grid of a state unaccustomed to the cold.
The National Weather Service reported 36 degrees at the Miami airport, beating an 82-year-old record of 37 degrees. It dipped to 42 degrees in Key West, one degree off the record and the second-coldest reading since 1873.

"I even had ice on my car this morning, which was an unbelievable sight for Miami," said Dan Gregoria, meteorologist with the National Weather Service.

It was 14 degrees Monday morning in Tallahassee, breaking the record of 15 set in 1982. Record-tying lows of 29 were observed in Orlando, and Tampa's 25-degree weather beat its old record of 27.

Frosty Florida sets record low temperatures -

I imagine there is a contract out on poor Mr. Gregoria. Blastphemor!

Definition of irony: As the United Nations opened its latest conference on global warming, Mother Nature sent snowstorms and freezing temperatures that disrupted travel all across Europe and much of the Northern Hemisphere. Even Cancun, Mexico's sunny resort city that hosted the confab, was not spared the chill. The UN summit, known as COP16 (the 16th Conference of Parties on global warming), concluded Saturday morning after an all-night marathon session. Cancun may not have experienced blizzards and ice, but it did, nevertheless, get hammered with record low temps for the month of December.

Record Cold at Cancun Climate Confab

Oh, but that is just here in the US, you have to consider the world:

Record low temperatures, heavy snowfall observed across Japan
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- A cold air mass caused heavy snowfall across Japan on Sunday, with temperatures dropping to record lows in some parts of the country, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency.

Record low temperatures, heavy snowfall observed across Japan - The Mainichi Daily News
Yeah... fucking cold. I was standing at a bus stop at 5:10am this morning in it.

Looking now to the Arctic, here’s a 2010 update (courtesy of Marika Holland) showing the ongoing decrease in September sea ice extent compared to a selection of the AR4 models, again using the A1B scenario (following Stroeve et al, 2007):
Arctic sea ice extent averaged over December 2010 was 12.00 million square kilometers (4.63 million square miles). This is the lowest December ice extent recorded in satellite observations from 1979 to 2010, 270,000 square kilometers (104,000 square miles) below the previous record low of 12.27 million square kilometers (4.74 million square miles) set in 2006 and 1.35 million square kilometers (521,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000average.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
I wonder if the angle of incidence is taken into effect when calculating the albedo of ice free water at high latitudes. ever been in a boat at dusk or dawn?
Lowest ever? Is the pop culture educated left so ignorant that they think 1978 is pre-history? The possibly biased and skewed Arctic Sea and Ice news statistics only goes back to 1979.
Well, we pretty well know what the extent of the Arctic Ice was when the people were trying to find the Northwest Passage. It was not until the last few years that the Northwest Passage was freely traveled.
Lowest ever? Is the pop culture educated left so ignorant that they think 1978 is pre-history? The possibly biased and skewed Arctic Sea and Ice news statistics only goes back to 1979.

The only thing biased and skewed here is your post.
do we have any idea of what the max extent in 1000, 1650, 1850 ad? i think some research needs to be done within this area if not. If they found that this is a anomaly within the last thousand years then maybe people would be more able to agree that it might be a anomaly that is outside the norm.
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As long as there is always ice in my freezer, I'm cool.
Arctic sea ice extent averaged over January 2011 was 13.55 million square kilometers (5.23 million square miles). This was the lowest January ice extent recorded since satellite records began in 1979. It was 50,000 square kilometers (19,300 square miles) below the record low of 13.60 million square kilometers (5.25 million square miles), set in 2006, and 1.27 million square kilometers (490,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
Air temperatures over much of the Arctic were 2 to 6 degrees Celsius (4 to 11 degrees Fahrenheit) above normal in January. Over the eastern Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Baffin Bay/Davis Strait and Labrador Sea, temperatures were at least 6 degrees Celsius (11 degrees Fahrenheit) higher than average. Temperatures were near average over the western Canadian Arctic Archipelago and Scandinavia.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

anyone care to guess from which year this newspaper article comes from?

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