Arctic ice thins dramatically

If CLIMATEGATE was a hoax why have the alarmists lost every major program they were trying to enact?

The desperation of calling the outing of fraud "a hoax" is the sign of mental illness.

AGW is a proven fraud. Jones openly admitted to being a fraud and that the entire program is a fraud.

Konradv is mentally retarded. Good to point and laugh at, not to be taken seriously.

Just shows how the badly denier hoax is going. They don't have the facts, so they have to go with lies and invective. No one admitted fraud. Usually the ones screaming "fraud" the loudest are the real fraudsters. Keep havingyour little funsies, but while you're at it, please explain why temps are going up during a solar minimum?

:lol::lol::lol: Sure konny sure! The "denier" hoax is losing so badly that you guys are going to lose Kyoto next year, and there are no other international climate treaties that are now being considered. For a supposedly thinking human beng you sure leave a lot to be desired. But it is par for the course for a religious fanatic.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Warming air from climate change isn't the only thing that will speed ice melting near the poles — so will the warming water beneath the ice, a new study points out.

Increased melting of ice in Greenland and parts of Antarctica has been reported as a consequence of global warming, potentially raising sea levels. But little attention has been paid to the impact of warmer water beneath the ice.

Now, Jianjun Yin of the University of Arizona and colleagues report the warming water could mean polar ice melting faster than had been expected. Their report was published Sunday in the journal Nature Geoscience.

While melting floating ice won't raise sea level, ice flowing into the sea from glaciers often reaches the bottom, and grounded ice melted by warm water around it can produce added water to the sea.

"Ocean warming is very important compared to atmospheric warming because water has a much larger heat capacity than air," Yin explained. "If you put an ice cube in a warm room, it will melt in several hours. But if you put an ice cube in a cup of warm water, it will disappear in just minutes."

In addition, Yin explained, if floating ice along the coastal areas melts it will allow the flow of glaciers to accelerate, bringing more ice into the seas.

"This mean that both Greenland and Antarctica are probably going to melt faster than the scientific community previously thought," co-author Jonathan T. Overpeck said in a statement.

The Associated Press: Warming ocean could melt ice faster than thought
The state of the oceans can best be likened to a case of multiple organ failure in urgent need of intervention, suggests the most comprehensive analysis yet of the world's marine ecosystems.

Global warming, overfishing and plastic pollution are wreaking havoc at an unprecedented rate on marine life, reported scientists at a recent meeting of the International Program on the State of the Ocean (IPSO).

The impacts of climate change — acidifying oceans, coral bleaching and habitat loss — are the biggest cause of decline in ocean health, and the hardest to solve, some researchers told SolveClimate News in interviews.

Global warming will "swamp everything," said Tony Pitcher, a professor of fisheries from the University of British Columbia who attended the meeting. "The effects are all around … If we don't do something quickly, the oceans in 50 years won't look like they do today."

Warming, Overfishing, Plastic Pollution Destroying Ocean Life: Scientists | Reuters
The state of the oceans can best be likened to a case of multiple organ failure in urgent need of intervention, suggests the most comprehensive analysis yet of the world's marine ecosystems.

Global warming, overfishing and plastic pollution are wreaking havoc at an unprecedented rate on marine life, reported scientists at a recent meeting of the International Program on the State of the Ocean (IPSO).

The impacts of climate change — acidifying oceans, coral bleaching and habitat loss — are the biggest cause of decline in ocean health, and the hardest to solve, some researchers told SolveClimate News in interviews.

Global warming will "swamp everything," said Tony Pitcher, a professor of fisheries from the University of British Columbia who attended the meeting. "The effects are all around … If we don't do something quickly, the oceans in 50 years won't look like they do today."

Warming, Overfishing, Plastic Pollution Destroying Ocean Life: Scientists | Reuters

When the science mocks your theory, go straight to hysteria
There is more solid scientific evidence that Big Foot is just Gigantopithecus than there is for ManMade Global Warming.

There is more solid scientific evidence that Earth's Moon could be a hollow, artificial sphere than there is for ManMade Global Warming.
Everyone has their own opinion. Mine is global warming/climate change IS happening and 95% of it is cause by man. Pee on that.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Warming air from climate change isn't the only thing that will speed ice melting near the poles — so will the warming water beneath the ice, a new study points out.

Increased melting of ice in Greenland and parts of Antarctica has been reported as a consequence of global warming, potentially raising sea levels. But little attention has been paid to the impact of warmer water beneath the ice.

Now, Jianjun Yin of the University of Arizona and colleagues report the warming water could mean polar ice melting faster than had been expected. Their report was published Sunday in the journal Nature Geoscience.

While melting floating ice won't raise sea level, ice flowing into the sea from glaciers often reaches the bottom, and grounded ice melted by warm water around it can produce added water to the sea.

"Ocean warming is very important compared to atmospheric warming because water has a much larger heat capacity than air," Yin explained. "If you put an ice cube in a warm room, it will melt in several hours. But if you put an ice cube in a cup of warm water, it will disappear in just minutes."

In addition, Yin explained, if floating ice along the coastal areas melts it will allow the flow of glaciers to accelerate, bringing more ice into the seas.

"This mean that both Greenland and Antarctica are probably going to melt faster than the scientific community previously thought," co-author Jonathan T. Overpeck said in a statement.

The Associated Press: Warming ocean could melt ice faster than thought

I guess they missed this study huh? Why am I not seems up to half the thickness of the Antarctic ice sheet is accreting FROM BELOW. It's amazing what happens when scientists actually go out into the world and do real science as opposed to playing with poorly designed and thought out computer models.

An International Polar Year aerogeophysical investigation of the high interior of East Antarctica reveals widespread freeze-on that drives significant mass redistribution at the bottom of the ice sheet. While surface accumulation of snow remains the primary mechanism for ice sheet growth, beneath Dome A 24% of the base by area is frozen-on ice. In some places, up to half the ice thickness has been added from below. These ice packages result from conductive cooling of water ponded near the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountain ridges and supercooling of water forced up steep valley walls. Persistent freeze-on thickens the ice column, alters basal ice rheology and fabric and upwarps the overlying ice sheet, including the oldest atmospheric climate archive, and drives flow behavior not captured in present models.

Widespread Persistent Thickening of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet by Freezing from the Base

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