Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows
By Brian Kahn

Published: March 6th, 2017Quote
Here’s your monthly reminder: something just isn’t right in the Arctic. February continued a string of record or near-record monthly sea ice lows.

Warm weather ensured Arctic sea ice hit its lowest extent ever recorded for February. Sea ice covered 5.51 million square miles, which is 455,600 square miles below average or a chunk of missing sea ice four times the size of Italy. That just isn’t normal.

Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows

I will keep posting updates until I have no more data to display...The threat to our environment is too severe.
Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows
By Brian Kahn

Published: March 6th, 2017Quote
Here’s your monthly reminder: something just isn’t right in the Arctic. February continued a string of record or near-record monthly sea ice lows.

Warm weather ensured Arctic sea ice hit its lowest extent ever recorded for February. Sea ice covered 5.51 million square miles, which is 455,600 square miles below average or a chunk of missing sea ice four times the size of Italy. That just isn’t normal.

Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows

I will keep posting updates until I have no more data to display...The threat to our environment is too severe.
Great news! No longer will cold be killing millions of people. Millions of acres now open for farming that were once ice covered.
Well, we have a House, Senate, and President violently anti-science, so I expect that we will drop behind in this vital area.
Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows
By Brian Kahn

Published: March 6th, 2017Quote
Here’s your monthly reminder: something just isn’t right in the Arctic. February continued a string of record or near-record monthly sea ice lows.

Warm weather ensured Arctic sea ice hit its lowest extent ever recorded for February. Sea ice covered 5.51 million square miles, which is 455,600 square miles below average or a chunk of missing sea ice four times the size of Italy. That just isn’t normal.

Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows

I will keep posting updates until I have no more data to display...The threat to our environment is too severe.
Great news! No longer will cold be killing millions of people. Millions of acres now open for farming that were once ice covered.
LOL Yes, dumb ass, millions of acres of what once was permafrost open to farming, once it has unloaded the CO2 and CH4 it has in storage. And what millions of people is the present weather killing? And I have seen much of those acres. They were scoured clean of soil by the continental glaciers. Much of the rest will be peatbogs. It will be decades to centuries before it is farmable, and like present peat bogs, prone to huge fires when dried out.
Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows
By Brian Kahn

Published: March 6th, 2017Quote
Here’s your monthly reminder: something just isn’t right in the Arctic. February continued a string of record or near-record monthly sea ice lows.

Warm weather ensured Arctic sea ice hit its lowest extent ever recorded for February. Sea ice covered 5.51 million square miles, which is 455,600 square miles below average or a chunk of missing sea ice four times the size of Italy. That just isn’t normal.

Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows

I will keep posting updates until I have no more data to display...The threat to our environment is too severe.
Great news! No longer will cold be killing millions of people. Millions of acres now open for farming that were once ice covered.
LOL Yes, dumb ass, millions of acres of what once was permafrost open to farming, once it has unloaded the CO2 and CH4 it has in storage. And what millions of people is the present weather killing? And I have seen much of those acres. They were scoured clean of soil by the continental glaciers. Much of the rest will be peatbogs. It will be decades to centuries before it is farmable, and like present peat bogs, prone to huge fires when dried out.
Fact remains life on earth had it's greatest growth during the hottest periods of history.
Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows
By Brian Kahn

Published: March 6th, 2017Quote
Here’s your monthly reminder: something just isn’t right in the Arctic. February continued a string of record or near-record monthly sea ice lows.

Warm weather ensured Arctic sea ice hit its lowest extent ever recorded for February. Sea ice covered 5.51 million square miles, which is 455,600 square miles below average or a chunk of missing sea ice four times the size of Italy. That just isn’t normal.

Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows

I will keep posting updates until I have no more data to display...The threat to our environment is too severe.

^ Fake News

Barrow, -17F
Alert -33F
Kotelny -2F
and completing the 4 cardinal point tour around the Arctic:
Golomjannyj Is -11F

Arctic Weather Map
Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows
By Brian Kahn

Published: March 6th, 2017Quote
Here’s your monthly reminder: something just isn’t right in the Arctic. February continued a string of record or near-record monthly sea ice lows.

Warm weather ensured Arctic sea ice hit its lowest extent ever recorded for February. Sea ice covered 5.51 million square miles, which is 455,600 square miles below average or a chunk of missing sea ice four times the size of Italy. That just isn’t normal.

Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows

I will keep posting updates until I have no more data to display...The threat to our environment is too severe.

Strange....the eye in the sky says that the ice is essentially unchanged from 2006...and recent research has found that there is more ice in the arctic now than there has been for most of the past 10,000 years....

The sky is not falling matthew...not at all..

You warmers are pathological more and more evidence comes to light showing how dishonest you are, your response is to double down and tell bigger lies...very strange psychology at work there...

Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows
By Brian Kahn

Published: March 6th, 2017Quote
Here’s your monthly reminder: something just isn’t right in the Arctic. February continued a string of record or near-record monthly sea ice lows.

Warm weather ensured Arctic sea ice hit its lowest extent ever recorded for February. Sea ice covered 5.51 million square miles, which is 455,600 square miles below average or a chunk of missing sea ice four times the size of Italy. That just isn’t normal.

Arctic Sea Ice Continues Its Astonishing Streak of Lows

I will keep posting updates until I have no more data to display...The threat to our environment is too severe.


The only good ice is......water.

Well old rocks, it seems that your graphs don't agree with the satellite photos... Your graph makes claims that the photos show are not correct...fake graphs...fake news...fake alarm...fake is all fake all the time with you glassy eyed chanting cultists.

March 2006 held the record for the lowest maximum ice extent for many years. Your comparison tells us we've matched a record-setter.


  • upload_2017-3-7_18-39-41.png
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Well, we have a House, Senate, and President violently anti-science, so I expect that we will drop behind in this vital area.


We'll drop behind in many other areas from cancer research, heart disease research and the ability to warn people from tornadoes, hurricanes and flash floods. Thousand of more will die yearly.....It isn't just climate science.

It is sicken.

Well old rocks, it seems that your graphs don't agree with the satellite photos... Your graph makes claims that the photos show are not correct...fake graphs...fake news...fake alarm...fake is all fake all the time with you glassy eyed chanting cultists.

Looking carefully at the eastern extent, and the western extent. Both are obviously lower in 2017. You lose.
Well, we have a House, Senate, and President violently anti-science, so I expect that we will drop behind in this vital area.


We'll drop behind in many other areas from cancer research, heart disease research and the ability to warn people from tornadoes, hurricanes and flash floods. Thousand of more will die yearly.....It isn't just climate science.

It is sicken.

All the better.

BTW: It appears, from your posts, that we are dropping behind in (1) Critical Thinking (2) Grammar (3) Spelling.
March 2006 held the record for the lowest maximum ice extent for many years. Your comparison tells us we've matched a record-setter.

Sorry didn't even hold it for 1 year...


Well old rocks, it seems that your graphs don't agree with the satellite photos... Your graph makes claims that the photos show are not correct...fake graphs...fake news...fake alarm...fake is all fake all the time with you glassy eyed chanting cultists.

Looking carefully at the eastern extent, and the western extent. Both are obviously lower in 2017. You lose.

Sorry guy...but I don't....fake news produced by fake science never wins...wipe those glassy eyes and stop chanting long enough to learn something...
And 2006 was a record LOW maximum extent. You've CHERRY-PICKED your comparison here.

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