Arctic Wetlands: The Doomsday Bomb?

Butbut, methane is GOOD! It makes me think of cows farts and that always makes me think of Snowflake Liberals who are one big loud cow fart.

Let's note that. Thanks for letting us know the end is near. I guess you also think the oceans are running dry from evaporation? Just as you fail to recognize the mechanisms of rainfall returning water to the Sea, the Earth is self-balancing taking the excess methane and returning it back in the form of storage in rock and organic matter. The Earth knows what she's doing even if you do not. But Liberals cannot understand that as they think they PERSONALLY must micromanage the Climate just as they think it is their mission to micromanage other people's lives.
OK, Toob, present some scientific evidence for your stance on this subject.

It isn't a matter of STANCE, I don't take stances, I make observations. How do you think all of that methane got locked up and stored in all these locations in the first place? Everything runs in cycles and all one needs is to study the history of the planet to see that EVERYTHING runs in cycles. Just as the ocean bobs up and down and your weather oscillates above and below its mean temp., methane and other agents are all cyclically stored and released as required around a mean level the Earth chooses as its median level of balance, and nothing man has done or CAN DO will ever be remotely near its greatest or least antigen in controlling or changing the Earth's cycles. Enjoy the ride. We are not derailing the car, we are merely part of the trip.
Glad you don't work in my trade. You would be dead in a short time. You make assumptions based on nothing at all. This world reacts to the physical and chemical laws of nature. If something changes, then there is a reason. And, through the studies of scientists, we can find out those reasons.

Yeah . . . . what would I know of being a scientist or the physical and chemical laws of nature?! :D
Everything runs in cycles?

It's so tedious...if it all is natural, PROVE it's NATURAL changes.
Ok Moron...

Here is the basic cycles for the last half million or so years...
Iceage vs Current temp trend.jpg

this is our current warm period...

CO2 and Ice Ages.JPG

Here is the last 500,000 years...

Yes the earth is cyclical... as is every single function of earths climate..
Global Warming: BFD

When Earth was much warmer, snakes grew to 60 feet long and turtles were 600 lbs. What's the problem with a warmer planet?
Humans can't survive in that environment.

The fuck we can't
We definitely can't, you want to live in Liberia? You think they are poor not because Ebola easily survives on their sweat and surfaces they touch in such extreme heat and humidity? But why...because they are Black!?

How is that other countries in Africa that are just as hot as Liberia don't have Ebola?
I asked the Danish Meteorological Institute Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut if they were keeping track of the 10C isotherm boundary for the Arctic circle.

They were not. And they are the foremost temperature data on the Arctic in that regards.

The reason this matters is Methane production by wetlands behaves like the Arctic about 5C and below, but behaves like the Tropics about 10C and above.

The evidence for that behavior is in research papers I can try and find but don't have at the time of this writing.

Basically, very little Methane produced by wetlands under 5C, and a lot of Methane produced by wetlands above 10C, with the optimum being somewhere around 32C.

That being said, the Arctic Wetlands, which are currently in a "phase" change from permafrost to arctic wetland, will be crossing the 10C isotherm boundary soon.

It's currently happening, and I think it is the greatest over looked source of Methane today.

And the total area of possible wetlands in the Arctic is GREATER than the current naturally occurring wetlands on Earth today. So the balance of Methane will permanently shift even higher as the Arctic becomes "activated".

I don't think the Earth can currently survive its +4w/m^2 GHG concentration, let alone a full doubling of the Methane component (which accounts for about 1.5 of those watts.).

One Solar Maximum will add another full 1 watt to that input, and the Earth will be pushed over a limit then. That will probably be the straw to break the camel's back, a Solar maximum to push the Arctic fully into a 10C isotherm during summers.

From the same people that brought you "the methane bomb" which was shown a lie and massively overstated comes the same story rewritten...

You are aware that the arctic has been ice free 5 times in this warm period called the Holocene already, don't you? oddly enough, we never had a runaway earth either... So your hypothesis is bull shit by simple empirically observed evidence.

We never had 410+ppm of CO2 and 1850+ppm of Methane and growing during the Holocene either.


ANd the earth has survived over 7,000ppm and higher without ever running away...


Water is the reason... and you guys don't have a damn clue... All of your hype is easily shown a lie.. Empirical Evidence ......
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Butbut, methane is GOOD! It makes me think of cows farts and that always makes me think of Snowflake Liberals who are one big loud cow fart.

Let's note that. Thanks for letting us know the end is near. I guess you also think the oceans are running dry from evaporation? Just as you fail to recognize the mechanisms of rainfall returning water to the Sea, the Earth is self-balancing taking the excess methane and returning it back in the form of storage in rock and organic matter. The Earth knows what she's doing even if you do not. But Liberals cannot understand that as they think they PERSONALLY must micromanage the Climate just as they think it is their mission to micromanage other people's lives.
OK, Toob, present some scientific evidence for your stance on this subject.

It isn't a matter of STANCE, I don't take stances, I make observations. How do you think all of that methane got locked up and stored in all these locations in the first place? Everything runs in cycles and all one needs is to study the history of the planet to see that EVERYTHING runs in cycles. Just as the ocean bobs up and down and your weather oscillates above and below its mean temp., methane and other agents are all cyclically stored and released as required around a mean level the Earth chooses as its median level of balance, and nothing man has done or CAN DO will ever be remotely near its greatest or least antigen in controlling or changing the Earth's cycles. Enjoy the ride. We are not derailing the car, we are merely part of the trip.
Glad you don't work in my trade. You would be dead in a short time. You make assumptions based on nothing at all. This world reacts to the physical and chemical laws of nature. If something changes, then there is a reason. And, through the studies of scientists, we can find out those reasons.

Yeah . . . . what would I know of being a scientist or the physical and chemical laws of nature?! :D
Everything runs in cycles?

It's so tedious...if it all is natural, PROVE it's NATURAL changes.

The more relevant question should be for you to PROVE IT ISN'T NATURAL, Ace, since you are the one making the extraordinary claim saying we must drop everything or doom and gloom, NOT I. I don't need to prove anything.
OK, Toob, present some scientific evidence for your stance on this subject.

It isn't a matter of STANCE, I don't take stances, I make observations. How do you think all of that methane got locked up and stored in all these locations in the first place? Everything runs in cycles and all one needs is to study the history of the planet to see that EVERYTHING runs in cycles. Just as the ocean bobs up and down and your weather oscillates above and below its mean temp., methane and other agents are all cyclically stored and released as required around a mean level the Earth chooses as its median level of balance, and nothing man has done or CAN DO will ever be remotely near its greatest or least antigen in controlling or changing the Earth's cycles. Enjoy the ride. We are not derailing the car, we are merely part of the trip.
Glad you don't work in my trade. You would be dead in a short time. You make assumptions based on nothing at all. This world reacts to the physical and chemical laws of nature. If something changes, then there is a reason. And, through the studies of scientists, we can find out those reasons.

Yeah . . . . what would I know of being a scientist or the physical and chemical laws of nature?! :D
Everything runs in cycles?

It's so tedious...if it all is natural, PROVE it's NATURAL changes.

The more relevant question should be for you to PROVE IT ISN'T NATURAL, Ace, since you are the one making the extraordinary claim saying we must drop everything or doom and gloom, NOT I. I don't need to prove anything.

He is obviously NOT a scientist. He has no basic science skills.. He is a parrot and its looking like, one that is not an american.. His premises are shown a lie very easily. He is only here to post up propaganda.
It's literal. If the Earth heated as much as the "Hothouse Earth" then most of the planet including south of Minnesota would often get to hotter than 37C at 100% humidity.

Which means you can't shed heat and will die without air conditioning.

When that happens Christ will be on his throne.

I don't need to worry about it. And neither do you, because there's only one way you are going to avoid being burned forever. And it isn't by spending envirocultism propaganda.
That's when you should be VERY worried about it.

I'm certain you're in the category "many will say Lord Lord, but I do not know them."

I'm certain you're certain.
It won't keep you comfy as you fry.
You're the most hypocritical anti-Christian person there is.

You hate the poor. Want to take away their welfare, their health care, you tell them to get a job. While you give pittance at your church for "charity" and think you're doing good.

And you deny God's plan for the end times. Global warming.

You can't get more anti-Christ than you are.
This is an atheist deist point of view.. Good works mean nothing so your faith in them is purely misplaced and your mixing of socialist BS in with religion exposes you for what you are.. A socialist with delusions of a centralized all powerful government.

Remember "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" and "your good works will be seen as dirty rags" Nothing man can do will grant him favor in Gods eyes.. Jesus said "If I know you, I will intercede with my father" There is no way to salvation except through Jesus.

So you know how others are in their walk with Jesus?
Butbut, methane is GOOD! It makes me think of cows farts and that always makes me think of Snowflake Liberals who are one big loud cow fart.

Let's note that. Thanks for letting us know the end is near. I guess you also think the oceans are running dry from evaporation? Just as you fail to recognize the mechanisms of rainfall returning water to the Sea, the Earth is self-balancing taking the excess methane and returning it back in the form of storage in rock and organic matter. The Earth knows what she's doing even if you do not. But Liberals cannot understand that as they think they PERSONALLY must micromanage the Climate just as they think it is their mission to micromanage other people's lives.
OK, Toob, present some scientific evidence for your stance on this subject.

It isn't a matter of STANCE, I don't take stances, I make observations. How do you think all of that methane got locked up and stored in all these locations in the first place? Everything runs in cycles and all one needs is to study the history of the planet to see that EVERYTHING runs in cycles. Just as the ocean bobs up and down and your weather oscillates above and below its mean temp., methane and other agents are all cyclically stored and released as required around a mean level the Earth chooses as its median level of balance, and nothing man has done or CAN DO will ever be remotely near its greatest or least antigen in controlling or changing the Earth's cycles. Enjoy the ride. We are not derailing the car, we are merely part of the trip.
Glad you don't work in my trade. You would be dead in a short time. You make assumptions based on nothing at all. This world reacts to the physical and chemical laws of nature. If something changes, then there is a reason. And, through the studies of scientists, we can find out those reasons.

Yeah . . . . what would I know of being a scientist or the physical and chemical laws of nature?! :D
From your posts, nothing at all. You never back up your assertations with peer reviewed articles. You do know that those are, correct?

Like I said, it is all common sense self evident. If I'm so wrong then just PROVE ME WRONG.
Butbut, methane is GOOD! It makes me think of cows farts and that always makes me think of Snowflake Liberals who are one big loud cow fart.

Let's note that. Thanks for letting us know the end is near. I guess you also think the oceans are running dry from evaporation? Just as you fail to recognize the mechanisms of rainfall returning water to the Sea, the Earth is self-balancing taking the excess methane and returning it back in the form of storage in rock and organic matter. The Earth knows what she's doing even if you do not. But Liberals cannot understand that as they think they PERSONALLY must micromanage the Climate just as they think it is their mission to micromanage other people's lives.
OK, Toob, present some scientific evidence for your stance on this subject.

It isn't a matter of STANCE, I don't take stances, I make observations. How do you think all of that methane got locked up and stored in all these locations in the first place? Everything runs in cycles and all one needs is to study the history of the planet to see that EVERYTHING runs in cycles. Just as the ocean bobs up and down and your weather oscillates above and below its mean temp., methane and other agents are all cyclically stored and released as required around a mean level the Earth chooses as its median level of balance, and nothing man has done or CAN DO will ever be remotely near its greatest or least antigen in controlling or changing the Earth's cycles. Enjoy the ride. We are not derailing the car, we are merely part of the trip.
Glad you don't work in my trade. You would be dead in a short time. You make assumptions based on nothing at all. This world reacts to the physical and chemical laws of nature. If something changes, then there is a reason. And, through the studies of scientists, we can find out those reasons.

Yeah . . . . what would I know of being a scientist or the physical and chemical laws of nature?! :D
Everything runs in cycles?

It's so tedious...if it all is natural, PROVE it's NATURAL changes.

That has already been done. It is YOU who must provide evidence for your extraordinary claim. That's how science works, cupcake. Learn the Scientific Method, and follow it.
NWS Weather Fatality, Injury and Damage Statistics

Heat kills 8x more than Cold, statistically.


"Cold weather kills 20 times as many people as hot weather, according to an international study analyzing over 74 million deaths in 384 locations across 13 countries
. The findings also reveal that deaths due to moderately hot or cold weather substantially exceed those resulting from extreme heat waves or cold spells."

Cold weather kills far more people than hot weather
Global Warming: BFD

When Earth was much warmer, snakes grew to 60 feet long and turtles were 600 lbs. What's the problem with a warmer planet?
Humans can't survive in that environment.

It's literal. If the Earth heated as much as the "Hothouse Earth" then most of the planet including south of Minnesota would often get to hotter than 37C at 100% humidity.

Which means you can't shed heat and will die without air conditioning.

When that happens Christ will be on his throne.

I don't need to worry about it. And neither do you, because there's only one way you are going to avoid being burned forever. And it isn't by spending envirocultism propaganda.

You end times lunatic ideas are not going to happen. Christ is not coming back, that is a fallacy.
NWS Weather Fatality, Injury and Damage Statistics

Heat kills 8x more than Cold, statistically.


"Cold weather kills 20 times as many people as hot weather, according to an international study analyzing over 74 million deaths in 384 locations across 13 countries
. The findings also reveal that deaths due to moderately hot or cold weather substantially exceed those resulting from extreme heat waves or cold spells."

Cold weather kills far more people than hot weather

Everything he has posted is easily refuted and an outright lie.. Right out of the Al Gore "were going to burn" propaganda book...
Global Warming: BFD

When Earth was much warmer, snakes grew to 60 feet long and turtles were 600 lbs. What's the problem with a warmer planet?
Humans can't survive in that environment.

It's literal. If the Earth heated as much as the "Hothouse Earth" then most of the planet including south of Minnesota would often get to hotter than 37C at 100% humidity.

Which means you can't shed heat and will die without air conditioning.

When that happens Christ will be on his throne.

I don't need to worry about it. And neither do you, because there's only one way you are going to avoid being burned forever. And it isn't by spending envirocultism propaganda.

You end times lunatic ideas are not going to happen. Christ is not coming back, that is a fallacy.
Are you sure? Have you talked with him about it?
Oddly enough, all of Earth's hottest inter-glacial periods, such as the Hadean, the late Neoproterozoic and the PETM (Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum) all occurred long ago before man and long before industry or any ability to blame climate change on man's industrial activity. Life came, it grew, it evolved and changed as the climate evolved and changed. Of course, man could not survive losing modern industrial activity without going back to an agrarian culture of the 18th century and giving up 2/3rds of its population. But the climate-fear-mongers never want to come to grips with that. Modern human civilization has developed over just the past 10,000 years or so. The period has generally been one of low temperatures and relative global climate stability. As always, the Earth moves on, indifferent to our needs but rather than adapt to meet the Earth, the modern liberal dreams of controlling/changing the Earth to meet HIM.

Maybe the problem isn't the climate but US. If Earth has a problem, maybe it is that it has 7.4 BILLION people on it now, and it is merely making a course correction to re-balance us as it does everything, back to maybe a more reasonable 3 billion. That should be about right. If that happens, it might be survival of the fittest, and my observation has always been that liberals and leftists are usually the WEAKEST.

Are you saying course correction by Earth, above 7.4M people? Well yeah, any rolling ball would spin out if you add to its mass. Further from the Sun, global warming will stop too.
Oddly enough, all of Earth's hottest inter-glacial periods, such as the Hadean, the late Neoproterozoic and the PETM (Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum) all occurred long ago before man and long before industry or any ability to blame climate change on man's industrial activity. Life came, it grew, it evolved and changed as the climate evolved and changed. Of course, man could not survive losing modern industrial activity without going back to an agrarian culture of the 18th century and giving up 2/3rds of its population. But the climate-fear-mongers never want to come to grips with that. Modern human civilization has developed over just the past 10,000 years or so. The period has generally been one of low temperatures and relative global climate stability. As always, the Earth moves on, indifferent to our needs but rather than adapt to meet the Earth, the modern liberal dreams of controlling/changing the Earth to meet HIM.

Maybe the problem isn't the climate but US. If Earth has a problem, maybe it is that it has 7.4 BILLION people on it now, and it is merely making a course correction to re-balance us as it does everything, back to maybe a more reasonable 3 billion. That should be about right. If that happens, it might be survival of the fittest, and my observation has always been that liberals and leftists are usually the WEAKEST.

Are you saying course correction by Earth, above 7.4M people? Well yeah, any rolling ball would spin out if you add to its mass. Further from the Sun, global warming will stop too.

You are aware that adding more people does not increase the mass of the earth... the mass already exists, it will simply change forms. :laugh::happy-1::laugh:
Oddly enough, all of Earth's hottest inter-glacial periods, such as the Hadean, the late Neoproterozoic and the PETM (Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum) all occurred long ago before man and long before industry or any ability to blame climate change on man's industrial activity. Life came, it grew, it evolved and changed as the climate evolved and changed. Of course, man could not survive losing modern industrial activity without going back to an agrarian culture of the 18th century and giving up 2/3rds of its population. But the climate-fear-mongers never want to come to grips with that. Modern human civilization has developed over just the past 10,000 years or so. The period has generally been one of low temperatures and relative global climate stability. As always, the Earth moves on, indifferent to our needs but rather than adapt to meet the Earth, the modern liberal dreams of controlling/changing the Earth to meet HIM.

Maybe the problem isn't the climate but US. If Earth has a problem, maybe it is that it has 7.4 BILLION people on it now, and it is merely making a course correction to re-balance us as it does everything, back to maybe a more reasonable 3 billion. That should be about right. If that happens, it might be survival of the fittest, and my observation has always been that liberals and leftists are usually the WEAKEST.
Good God, that is about the stupidest thing I have ever read. The Hadean interglacial? You dumb ass, that was when our planet was forming and under bombardment.

Hadean Eon | geochronology

Hadean Eon, informal division of Precambrian time occurring between about 4.6 billion and about 4.0 billion years ago. The Hadean Eon is characterized by Earth’s initial formation—from the accretion of dust and gases and the frequent collisions of larger planetesimals—and by the stabilization of its core and crust and the development of its atmosphere and oceans. Throughout part of the eon, impacts from extraterrestrial bodies released enormous amounts of heat that likely prevented much of the rock from solidifying at the surface. As such, the name of the interval is a reference to Hades, a Greek translation of the Hebrew word for hell.
OK, Toob, present some scientific evidence for your stance on this subject.

It isn't a matter of STANCE, I don't take stances, I make observations. How do you think all of that methane got locked up and stored in all these locations in the first place? Everything runs in cycles and all one needs is to study the history of the planet to see that EVERYTHING runs in cycles. Just as the ocean bobs up and down and your weather oscillates above and below its mean temp., methane and other agents are all cyclically stored and released as required around a mean level the Earth chooses as its median level of balance, and nothing man has done or CAN DO will ever be remotely near its greatest or least antigen in controlling or changing the Earth's cycles. Enjoy the ride. We are not derailing the car, we are merely part of the trip.
Glad you don't work in my trade. You would be dead in a short time. You make assumptions based on nothing at all. This world reacts to the physical and chemical laws of nature. If something changes, then there is a reason. And, through the studies of scientists, we can find out those reasons.

Yeah . . . . what would I know of being a scientist or the physical and chemical laws of nature?! :D
Everything runs in cycles?

It's so tedious...if it all is natural, PROVE it's NATURAL changes.

The more relevant question should be for you to PROVE IT ISN'T NATURAL, Ace, since you are the one making the extraordinary claim saying we must drop everything or doom and gloom, NOT I. I don't need to prove anything.
Again, a dumb fuck flaps his ignorant yap. We are currently in the down cycle of the Milankovic Cycles. The sun is putting out less TSI than it has previously. We should be cooling, instead, we are rapidly warming. The only thing that is forcing in that direction is the Anthropogenic increase in GHGs.
Oddly enough, all of Earth's hottest inter-glacial periods, such as the Hadean, the late Neoproterozoic and the PETM (Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum) all occurred long ago before man and long before industry or any ability to blame climate change on man's industrial activity. Life came, it grew, it evolved and changed as the climate evolved and changed. Of course, man could not survive losing modern industrial activity without going back to an agrarian culture of the 18th century and giving up 2/3rds of its population. But the climate-fear-mongers never want to come to grips with that. Modern human civilization has developed over just the past 10,000 years or so. The period has generally been one of low temperatures and relative global climate stability. As always, the Earth moves on, indifferent to our needs but rather than adapt to meet the Earth, the modern liberal dreams of controlling/changing the Earth to meet HIM.

Maybe the problem isn't the climate but US. If Earth has a problem, maybe it is that it has 7.4 BILLION people on it now, and it is merely making a course correction to re-balance us as it does everything, back to maybe a more reasonable 3 billion. That should be about right. If that happens, it might be survival of the fittest, and my observation has always been that liberals and leftists are usually the WEAKEST.

Are you saying course correction by Earth, above 7.4M people? Well yeah, any rolling ball would spin out if you add to its mass. Further from the Sun, global warming will stop too.

You are aware that adding more people does not increase the mass of the earth... the mass already exists, it will simply change forms. :laugh::happy-1::laugh:

Only if those people are made from ashes to ashes by God. But what if they are not made by God?
It isn't a matter of STANCE, I don't take stances, I make observations. How do you think all of that methane got locked up and stored in all these locations in the first place? Everything runs in cycles and all one needs is to study the history of the planet to see that EVERYTHING runs in cycles. Just as the ocean bobs up and down and your weather oscillates above and below its mean temp., methane and other agents are all cyclically stored and released as required around a mean level the Earth chooses as its median level of balance, and nothing man has done or CAN DO will ever be remotely near its greatest or least antigen in controlling or changing the Earth's cycles. Enjoy the ride. We are not derailing the car, we are merely part of the trip.
Glad you don't work in my trade. You would be dead in a short time. You make assumptions based on nothing at all. This world reacts to the physical and chemical laws of nature. If something changes, then there is a reason. And, through the studies of scientists, we can find out those reasons.

Yeah . . . . what would I know of being a scientist or the physical and chemical laws of nature?! :D
Everything runs in cycles?

It's so tedious...if it all is natural, PROVE it's NATURAL changes.

The more relevant question should be for you to PROVE IT ISN'T NATURAL, Ace, since you are the one making the extraordinary claim saying we must drop everything or doom and gloom, NOT I. I don't need to prove anything.
Again, a dumb fuck flaps his ignorant yap. We are currently in the down cycle of the Milankovic Cycles. The sun is putting out less TSI than it has previously. We should be cooling, instead, we are rapidly warming. The only thing that is forcing in that direction is the Anthropogenic increase in GHGs.

We should be cooling, instead, we are rapidly warming.

Thank goodness, Ice Ages really suck.
Oddly enough, all of Earth's hottest inter-glacial periods, such as the Hadean, the late Neoproterozoic and the PETM (Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum) all occurred long ago before man and long before industry or any ability to blame climate change on man's industrial activity. Life came, it grew, it evolved and changed as the climate evolved and changed. Of course, man could not survive losing modern industrial activity without going back to an agrarian culture of the 18th century and giving up 2/3rds of its population. But the climate-fear-mongers never want to come to grips with that. Modern human civilization has developed over just the past 10,000 years or so. The period has generally been one of low temperatures and relative global climate stability. As always, the Earth moves on, indifferent to our needs but rather than adapt to meet the Earth, the modern liberal dreams of controlling/changing the Earth to meet HIM.

Maybe the problem isn't the climate but US. If Earth has a problem, maybe it is that it has 7.4 BILLION people on it now, and it is merely making a course correction to re-balance us as it does everything, back to maybe a more reasonable 3 billion. That should be about right. If that happens, it might be survival of the fittest, and my observation has always been that liberals and leftists are usually the WEAKEST.
Good God, that is about the stupidest thing I have ever read. The Hadean interglacial? You dumb ass, that was when our planet was forming and under bombardment.

Hadean Eon | geochronology

Hadean Eon, informal division of Precambrian time occurring between about 4.6 billion and about 4.0 billion years ago. The Hadean Eon is characterized by Earth’s initial formation—from the accretion of dust and gases and the frequent collisions of larger planetesimals—and by the stabilization of its core and crust and the development of its atmosphere and oceans. Throughout part of the eon, impacts from extraterrestrial bodies released enormous amounts of heat that likely prevented much of the rock from solidifying at the surface. As such, the name of the interval is a reference to Hades, a Greek translation of the Hebrew word for hell.

I believe he was referring to the Huronian Glacial Period.

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