Are all of God's instructions for stoning sluts to be ignored?

We don't need to run surveillance on n00barf.......he's already confessed to adultery.

Interesting, when did I confess to adultery? I have been totally faithful to all of my wives.

Just curious, did you divorce them all or did they all die?

Yes, you know where I am going with this.

Also, didn't you admit earlier in this thread that you had had thousands of women before you became a Christian?

Simple questions regarding clarity.

How about answering my different questions to you that I have asked.

Were you a virgin when you married? Have you only been sexually intimate with one person? Hell, no I've fucked thousands of women. Married a few of them, too.

and Why did you list sluts in your opening post of this thread and not once mention the men? Why lie like that? When you do that you are of your father the Devil. I have mentioned men over and over and over and over again, and you have lied over and over and over again..

Also, do you think you are very much like the men that Christ spoke out to, that were going to stone the adulteress and are a chauvinist? I am no chauvinist or Calvinist. I am a Puritan, free from sin's stain because I accepted God and Jesus' sacrifice on the cross as I have said hundreds of times. And yes, I have repented of my sins. You constantly ignore my posts to that effect and then lie like hell about me. That is because your god is satan, the father of all liars.

Is your soul clean as a whistle Neubarth, to where you can continually throw stones and condemn others to hell or speak for God? I do not speak for God, and never have tried to. God speaks for Himself through the Bible. He says to stone those stinking filthy sluts and that is what we have to do. All of the sins that He says we are to punish with death need to be treated that way. We do not have the right to chose what sins we will accept and what sins we can avoid. Why do you lie like that?

I think you are probably committing the UNFORGIVABLE are sinning against the Holy Spirit, who is within me and others on this board that you I have told you before Neubarth....BE CAREFUL.The holy spirit is not within you. You are a damned liar and the Holy Spirit is not and will not tolerate liars like you and your clique from hell. You are of your father the Devil. That is obvious to any who have read all of the thousands of lies in your posts.


I call on that one.
Before I became a Christian, I was a sailor who was extremely good looking. Then I was a porn star. Then I became a Christian and my life turned totally around. It can happen, you know. Other horrible sinners have turned to Christ once they became convinced that they were living in sin.

And the words of Our Lord:

Matt 19:8-9

He [Jesus] saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.

And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

Okay, now that you have my interest piqued in this thread again, I want to see how you explain this.

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The essence of the issue is that Christians should be stronger in their stand against sin. We, in the United States, have learned to live alongside of sin as if it is perfectly acceptable in our communities. Where is our moral outrage? We should be burning down porn shops and abortion mills. We need to take the war to the enemy and not try to live like the Israelis who were willing to accept the false religions of Baal and Molech and Chemosh in their cities. Anybody who worshipped those false gods (all of them representations of Satan) should have been stoned.

So what are we doing to stand up to the lies and deception of Satan? Are we prepared to put on the armor of God and go out into the streets and go to war as JHVH tells us?

That isn't the way to do it though. It appears that you spend more time reading the OT than you do the New. Yes, the OT hasn't passed away, but ever since Jesus died on the cross we have a new way of approaching things. Killing abortion doctors has always been the stupidest thing I have ever heard people doing. We as christians should be informing people that abortions are a bad thing but not killing them. They are just ignorant for the most part. It is the grace of G-d that transforms lives and eliminates sin. The law is only there to show people that no one is perfect and no one can hold up to the law. The only way we can fulfill the law is by accepting Jesus and HIS righteousness through us can change us.

God sets the example for us. In a few more months he is going to wipe out the whole Earth. He describes it in detail in Revelation and in the Old Testament. Why is He going to kill everybody? Simple, He does not tolerate Sin very well.

Abortion doctors need to be stoned. God did not take that punishment away for people like Abortion doctors. But more than that, the places where they practice their murder of infants need to be burned down to the ground. Any place where abortions are performed needs to be burned to the ground and the people who work there put out of work because it is a place of infant sacrifice to Satan.

God does not pull any punches on this issue. God is a God of Wrath. God is a God of Anger. God is a God of War. God is a God of judgment. It is time that we start doing what He commands us to do.

When God said to go into the Promised Land and slay all of the inhabitants thereof, it was because of their sin. Their penalty was death as mandated by God. He is very serious about this issue. Since we are failing to clean up the Earth, he is coming back to do the job himself. It is going to be an exciting time. Praise God.
The end has been coming in every decade since Jesus died.

For those that are absolutely wrong in their conviction of it.

So far at least, but I will go on statistics.
Interesting, when did I confess to adultery? I have been totally faithful to all of my wives.
Just curious, did you divorce them all or did they all die?

Yes, you know where I am going with this.

Also, didn't you admit earlier in this thread that you had had thousands of women before you became a Christian?

Simple questions regarding clarity.

He [Jesus] saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.

And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.


Immie, I was raised an atheist. Nobody in my family practiced any real religion. My father had four wives and a hundred mistresses. Womanizing was a way of life for me.

But here I am, pure as the driven snow, forgiven of all sin and ready to go to battle for God. All He has to do is tell me who He wants me to kill. Go into the land and slay all of the inhabitants thereof.
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You may have a promising career in fiction n00barf.

BTW........what was your rate/rating? (Methinks I smells a rat..........)
Interesting, when did I confess to adultery? I have been totally faithful to all of my wives.
Just curious, did you divorce them all or did they all die?

Yes, you know where I am going with this.

Also, didn't you admit earlier in this thread that you had had thousands of women before you became a Christian?

Simple questions regarding clarity.

He [Jesus] saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.

And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.


Immie, I was raised an atheist. Nobody in my family practiced any real religion. My father had four wives and a hundred mistresses. Womanizing was a way of life for me from the age of 13 on. After high school I went into the Navy and traveled the world, determined not to ever commit matrimony, which seemed a horrible sin to me because it was wasteful of resources (mine) and took away from the thrill of the chase. I was fashion model beautiful/handsome and women were naturally attracted to me.

When Carly wrote that song about me and then said that she's bet that I'd think the song was about me, she was right. As soon as I heard the song, I knew she wrote that part about me and I remember the party I walked into. It was in Charleston South Carolina, and she told me her name was Elizabeth Simon, but it was the same hair and so on. She was about ten pounds heavier than in her photo on the album that had that song in it. The Guy with the Learjet was not me. That was her next boyfriend.

At the party in question, she asked me to go home with her and I turned her down. She then told me that I was stuck up. I wasn't, I just did not have any money on me, and I knew from experience that Jewish princesses expected their men to pay for their entertainment. Besides, a cute little redhead asked me first, and I had told her to enjoy herself first and if she was still wet for me, I'd go with her in about two hours. She agreed.

Eventually, I left the Navy and entered college. I was feeling guilty about all of the men I had killed in the previous six years, including over a hundred Nazi's in Latin America, and was earnestly seeking after some religion that would console me, or I was going to become an alcoholic, when some cute little brunette that I was banging told me about becoming a Christian. All I had to do was confess my sins and all of the killing and womanizing and fighting and boozing would be forgiven me by Jesus Himself as long as I felt sorry about it and confessed all of the horrible evil that I had done and asked for forgiveness. At any rate, I thought about that for several months and about twenty different girlfriends, and then called the pretty little brunette up and asked her to come on over and help me with that prayer stuff. Well, she did, after a quickie, and then I was saved. Now, I didn't stop womanizing for a while. I joined a Christian singles group and was banging all of the girls in there when one of the guys who was not getting any told me that a true Christian has to give up on sex outside of marriage.

Now, I didn't think that he was all that serious, so he asked several religious leaders in town to talk to me and they explained that God favored monogamy over wantonness and suggested that I look for a future wife. Now, this was really hard for me to grasp, as I saw myself as God's gift to women. To restrict myself to just one woman seemed wrong, but the concept gradually grew on me, and I asked a cute little redhead who did not jump into bed with me on the first date to be my wife. She then jumped into bed with me and a few weeks later we went to Las Vegas and were married. Most of the Christian ministers in my home town were dead set against marrying any of the town's "virgins" to a man like me, so I had no other choice. Just to keep it simple, we were united in a civil ceremony, but not before God.

Well, that marriage lasted two children long and when the youngest of the kids was three, she started fooling around with her boss at work. I told her to go to him, because she was no longer my wife. I kept the kids, but eventually agreed to joint custody. A year and a half and a hundred girlfriends later, I met and married a wonderful Christian Woman who insisted that I marry her in a religious ceremony, so we were married in a Lutheran Church in the eyes of God. We had a bunch of children together, adopted a boatload more and even raised a few strays.

Now, I suppose you are going to try to tell me that I have committed adultery. I say I have not, because I never even had a quickie with any other wild wet woman while I was married. When I put out my first wife I was legally divorced in the eyes of God, and I waited until I was divorced in the eyes of the state before I started accommodating wet women again. Once they found out I was single between marriages, they were relentless in their pursuit of me. The woman who married me did so after telling me that if I had confessed my sins before God, I was totally forgiven and she married me once I told her that I had told God about my sins over the previous 18 days. It took a long time to confess all of that stuff.

But here I am, pure as the driven snow, forgiven of all sin and ready to go to battle for God. All He has to do is tell me who He wants me to kill. Go into the land and slay all of the inhabitants thereof.

Well, I have to admit, I have only skimmed over most of that and will go back an try to read it shortly.

Couple of points I see off the bat here... I do not think God makes allowances for the "it depends on how you define adultery" argument. Adultery is adultery and by my reading of the Word of God, I'm a layman so please forgive me if I am incorrect, adultery is any sex outside of marriage. I do not recall an exclusion for having been an atheist at the time. I do, however, recall that Our Lord, Jesus Christ died on the cross to take on the sins of the world, which I understand to be limited to the sins of believers, therefore, your sins would have now... assuming you are a true believer and I take your word that you are... been forgiven.

I'm currently studying the Book of Leviticus and I had a question just a little while ago. I was studying chapter 20 in which the laws against adultery are characterized as being punishable by death, funny how I hit that particular chapter today. My question is regarding the stoning and opportunity for repentance. Is there any length of time in which the adulterer and/or the adulteress are given to repent? I read Leviticus 20 and I think what God is saying is that if someone is caught in the sin of adultery we are to pull them out of the tent and stone them right then and there. Are they given even a second's worth of time to repent of their sins?

But here I am, pure as the driven snow, forgiven of all sin and ready to go to battle for God. All He has to do is tell me who He wants me to kill. Go into the land and slay all of the inhabitants thereof.

Scary thought, because I can imagine Scott Roeder, Paul Hill, Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph all saying the same thing before they went out and killed for their god.

You may have a promising career in fiction n00barf.

BTW........what was your rate/rating? (Methinks I smells a rat..........)

I was a Nuc EM.

Because I needed corrective lenses, I was restricted to Surface ships, and when I graduated from Nuc School (After half a year in Vallejo and half a year in Idaho Falls, Idaho) I had to wait until a nuc billet opened up on one of the four surface ships (Enterprise, Long Beach, Bainbridge and the Truxtun)

To wait my turn, I was assigned to Mine Squadron Ten in Charleston, South Carolina where I went through another six months of training to be a mine countermeasures specialist. I sailed over to the Med on two occasions.

Eventually, I went to the West Coast and served a year on the Truxtun DDGN 35, where in 1972 -1973 we were air traffic control ship for North Vietnam. We stood off of Haiphong Harbor and vectored in all of the bombing runs over that country when Nixon was trying to bomb them into submission.
You may have a promising career in fiction n00barf.

BTW........what was your rate/rating? (Methinks I smells a rat..........)

I was a Nuc EM.

Because I needed corrective lenses, I was restricted to Surface ships, and when I graduated from Nuc School (After half a year in Vallejo and half a year in Idaho Falls, Idaho) I had to wait until a nuc billet opened up on one of the four surface ships (Enterprise, Long Beach, Bainbridge and the Truxtun)

To wait my turn, I was assigned to Mine Squadron Ten in Charleston, South Carolina where I went through another six months of training to be a mine countermeasures specialist. I sailed over to the Med on two occasions.

Eventually, I went to the West Coast and served a year on the Truxtun DDGN 35, where in 1972 -1973 we were air traffic control ship for North Vietnam. We stood off of Haiphong Harbor and vectored in all of the bombing runs over that country when Nixon was trying to bomb them into submission.

So.......when did the killing of Nazis happen?

When Carly wrote that song about me and then said that she's bet that I'd think the song was about me, she was right. As soon as I heard the song, I knew she wrote that part about me and I remember the party I walked into. It was in Charleston South Carolina, and she told me her name was Elizabeth Simon, but it was the same hair and so on. She was about ten pounds heavier than in her photo on the album that had that song in it. The Guy with the Learjet was not me. That was her next boyfriend.

At the party in question, she asked me to go home with her and I turned her down. She then told me that I was stuck up. I wasn't, I just did not have any money on me, and I knew from experience that Jewish princesses expected their men to pay for their entertainment. Besides, a cute little redhead asked me first, and I had told her to enjoy herself first and if she was still wet for me, I'd go with her in about two hours. She agreed.

Eventually, I left the Navy and entered college. I was feeling guilty about all of the men I had killed in the previous six years, including over a hundred Nazi's in Latin America, and was earnestly seeking after some religion that would console me, or I was going to become an alcoholic, when some cute little brunette that I was banging told me about becoming a Christian. All I had to do was confess my sins and all of the killing and womanizing and fighting and boozing would be forgiven me by Jesus Himself as long as I felt sorry about it and confessed all of the horrible evil that I had done and asked for forgiveness. At any rate, I thought about that for several months and about twenty different girlfriends, and then called the pretty little brunette up and asked her to come on over and help me with that prayer stuff. Well, she did, after a quickie, and then I was saved. Now, I didn't stop womanizing for a while. I joined a Christian singles group and was banging all of the girls in there when one of the guys who was not getting any told me that a true Christian has to give up on sex outside of marriage.

What operation was that, and were you operating with a SEAL team?
Well, I have to admit, I have only skimmed over most of that and will go back an try to read it shortly.

Couple of points I see off the bat here... I do not think God makes allowances for the "it depends on how you define adultery" argument. Adultery is adultery and by my reading of the Word of God, I'm a layman so please forgive me if I am incorrect, adultery is any sex outside of marriage. I do not recall an exclusion for having been an atheist at the time. I do, however, recall that Our Lord, Jesus Christ died on the cross to take on the sins of the world, which I understand to be limited to the sins of believers, therefore, your sins would have now... assuming you are a true believer and I take your word that you are... been forgiven.

I'm currently studying the Book of Leviticus and I had a question just a little while ago. I was studying chapter 20 in which the laws against adultery are characterized as being punishable by death, funny how I hit that particular chapter today. My question is regarding the stoning and opportunity for repentance. Is there any length of time in which the adulterer and/or the adulteress are given to repent? I read Leviticus 20 and I think what God is saying is that if someone is caught in the sin of adultery we are to pull them out of the tent and stone them right then and there. Are they given even a second's worth of time to repent of their sins?

But here I am, pure as the driven snow, forgiven of all sin and ready to go to battle for God. All He has to do is tell me who He wants me to kill. Go into the land and slay all of the inhabitants thereof.

Scary thought, because I can imagine Scott Roeder, Paul Hill, Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph all saying the same thing before they went out and killed for their god.


Immie, different religions define adultery differently. Different denominations define adultery differently. So when responding to a question, it depends upon what the person posing the question believes. Personally, I am prone to believe that any sex before marriage or after the marriage vows is adultery if it is not with the person you have married. Other people tell me I am wrong. At any rate, I have not had sex with another while married. Conservative Christian denominations tell me that the first marriage was not really a marriage because it was not blessed by God in a church ceremony. If that is what they believe, then who am I to argue with them. Did I commit the sin of fornication? Hell yes! I was a fornicator from the depths of hell, and quite frankly I enjoyed it and reverted back to my old ways after my first wife had her affair. But eventually, I got my act straight.

As regards being a soldier for God. Go talk to Joshua and Caleb. Seeing that you made the other comparisons, do you think that Joshua was like onto Hitler or Stalin?
What operation was that, and were you operating with a SEAL team?

Straight cash. Fifty percent paid up front, and fifty percent paid after the son of a bitch was eliminated. This came about after the Eichmann fiasco. The Mossad was taken off of the cases of the Nazi's who fled to other countries and the Aman was assigned. The Nazi's were tried in absentia, sentenced to death and subsequently executed or given the opportunity to kill themselves. Over half of them opted to commit suicide.
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Yep........just like I thought........bullshit artist. There is no fucking way that you could have been a merc and a member of the Navy's nuclear team.

Just don't happen asshole.......what about your yearly review for your Top Secret? What about the way that Rickover kept the nukes on a tight leash during his tenure?

Yeah......right......just like I thought.......another liar trying to pass themselves off as military.
Yep........just like I thought........bullshit artist. There is no fucking way that you could have been a merc and a member of the Navy's nuclear team.

Just don't happen asshole.......what about your yearly review for your Top Secret? What about the way that Rickover kept the nukes on a tight leash during his tenure?

Yeah......right......just like I thought.......another liar trying to pass themselves off as military.
You are insane as well as a pathological liar. First of all, I had no Top Secret Clearance. I had a Secret Clearance that was brought up to date after I arrived on the Truxtun. Second of all, the man who flew down to Latin America did not use my name or my passport. He flew as a Mexican National by the last name of Aleman.

How stupid are you? I will put it all in a book eventually and it will most likely be a best seller. Your assumptions are totally false because you know nothing about the Navy. There was no Top Secret Clearance requirement to go through Nuc School.
Yep........just like I thought........bullshit artist. There is no fucking way that you could have been a merc and a member of the Navy's nuclear team.

Just don't happen asshole.......what about your yearly review for your Top Secret? What about the way that Rickover kept the nukes on a tight leash during his tenure?

Yeah......right......just like I thought.......another liar trying to pass themselves off as military.
You are insane as well as a pathological liar. First of all, I had no Top Secret Clearance. I had a Secret Clearance that was brought up to date after I arrived on the Truxtun. Second of all, the man who flew down to Latin America did not use my name or my passport. He flew as a Mexican National by the last name of Aleman.

How stupid are you? I will put it all in a book eventually and it will most likely be a best seller. Your assumptions are totally false because you know nothing about the Navy. There was no Top Secret Clearance requirement to go through Nuc School.

Delusions of demons, delusions of grandeuer.
Sluts (Women who lose their virginity before marriage) are to be stoned.
Women who practice witchcraft are to be stoned.
Adulterers are to be stoned if the testimony is adequate.
People who have sex with animals are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with other men are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with children are to be stoned.
People who worship any god but JHVH are to be stoned.

Defying God in one thing ends up in defying God in all things. Thus I propose that all people who defy God should be stoned. Do you agree?

Although execution is mentioned frequently in the Torah, the criteria for implementing it are so strongly to make it nearly impossible.

In fact, a jewish court that had an execution once in 70 years was considered a blood thirsty court.

The Death Penalty in Jewish Tradition - My Jewish Learning

According to the Mishnah (Sanhedrin 1:4) the death penalty could only be inflicted, after trial, by a Sanhedrin composed of twenty-three judges and there were four types of death penalty (Sanhedrin 7:1): stoning, burning, slaying (by the sword), and strangling. A bare reading of these and the other accounts in the tractate would seem to suggest a vast proliferation of the death penalty. Yet, throughout the Talmudic literature, this whole subject is viewed with unease, so much so that according to the rules stated in that literature the death penalty could hardly ever have been imposed.

For instance, it is ruled that two witnesses are required to testify not only that they witnessed the act for which the criminal has been charged but that they had warned him beforehand that if he carried out the act he would be executed, and he had to accept the warning, stating his willingness to commit the act despite his awareness of its consequences. The criminal's own confession is not accepted as evidence. Moreover, circumstantial evidence is not admitted.
Delusions of demons, delusions of grandeuer.
You are the only demon that I know of. You are possessed by Satan himself. Totally evil in everything that you do and say.

but newbarf,
how come sky dancer is the only one that gets to play demon?

He forgets that he calls Echo Zulu and Care4all demons. I think women earn special demonic places in Newbarf's heart.

I know I'm bad, I'm soooo baad. I'm a devil with a blue dress on.
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According to n00barf, anyone that doesn't believe in the God of hellfire and brimstone is going to hell.

And, again according to n00barf, if you don't believe in God, you're going to hell, and therefore a demon.
According to n00barf, anyone that doesn't believe in the God of hellfire and brimstone is going to hell.

And, again according to n00barf, if you don't believe in God, you're going to hell, and therefore a demon.

For Neubarth:
[ame=]YouTube - Sympathy for the devil by Guns 'n' Roses[/ame]
Delusions of demons, delusions of grandeuer.
You are the only demon that I know of. You are possessed by Satan himself. Totally evil in everything that you do and say.

but newbarf,
how come sky dancer is the only one that gets to play demon?

Very simple. She openly blasphemes God's Holy spirit. She, like Satan, tries to mislead the elect. She is condemned to death by God.

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