Are all of God's instructions for stoning sluts to be ignored?

Never sure there was a "good" cult.

cult - definition of cult by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

Are you accusing me of having stated that Neubarth is charismatic? I made no such claim.

A congregation of three does not make him charismatic.

Never sure there was a "good" cult.

cult - definition of cult by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

It depends on which definition one uses and how one uses the term. The dictionary definition is more or less neutral, but we tend to think of cult as negative.

"followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices" - Definition in context

By this definition--exclusive system of beliefs and practices- I belong to a cult.
Never sure there was a "good" cult.

cult - definition of cult by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

well, jesus and his followers would have probably been considered a cult during his day, the gnostics could have been considered a cult , the followers of john the baptist at that time as well....?
Never sure there was a "good" cult.

cult - definition of cult by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

well, jesus and his followers would have probably been considered a cult during his day, the gnostics could have been considered a cult , the followers of john the baptist at that time as well....?

The Jews as well.
well, jesus and his followers would have probably been considered a cult during his day, the gnostics could have been considered a cult , the followers of john the baptist at that time as well....?

As they like to say, history is written by the victors. If Christianity hadn't won out in the end, Jesus and his followers would probably be considered a cult today because they are not the norm.
Never sure there was a "good" cult.

cult - definition of cult by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

well, jesus and his followers would have probably been considered a cult during his day, the gnostics could have been considered a cult , the followers of john the baptist at that time as well....?
well, jesus was crucified for basically, being a cultist.
The essence of the issue is that Christians should be stronger in their stand against sin. We, in the United States, have learned to live alongside of sin as if it is perfectly acceptable in our communities. Where is our moral outrage? We should be burning down porn shops and abortion mills. We need to take the war to the enemy and not try to live like the Israelis who were willing to accept the false religions of Baal and Molech and Chemosh in their cities. Anybody who worshipped those false gods (all of them representations of Satan) should have been stoned.

So what are we doing to stand up to the lies and deception of Satan? Are we prepared to put on the armor of God and go out into the streets and go to war as JHVH tells us?

That isn't the way to do it though. It appears that you spend more time reading the OT than you do the New. Yes, the OT hasn't passed away, but ever since Jesus died on the cross we have a new way of approaching things. Killing abortion doctors has always been the stupidest thing I have ever heard people doing. We as christians should be informing people that abortions are a bad thing but not killing them. They are just ignorant for the most part. It is the grace of G-d that transforms lives and eliminates sin. The law is only there to show people that no one is perfect and no one can hold up to the law. The only way we can fulfill the law is by accepting Jesus and HIS righteousness through us can change us.

God sets the example for us. In a few more months he is going to wipe out the whole Earth. He describes it in detail in Revelation and in the Old Testament. Why is He going to kill everybody? Simple, He does not tolerate Sin very well.

You need to go back and read the Bible a bit. Jesus is likely coming soon but there are still some things that are yet to be fulfilled and he says no one will know the day nor the hour. It is like the Jewish wedding, the groom comes for the bride at a time that even he doesn't know save the father. So for us to go around saying he is coming at a certain time is just naive.

Second, He is not going to kill everyone. Yes, there will be a tribulation period of 7 years that will be harder than any other time in history and many people will be killed. But that is not now. Right now, G-d wants EVERY last lost sheep he can get. It is not for you or I to determine that G-d doesn't want someone. I and others such as Care have clearly shown you scriptures showing that Jesus would not have us stoning people as you have stated.

Remeber, the tribulation is a period in which G-d (yes, G-d, not us) pours out his wrath. This is the same wrath poured out on Jesus when he was on the cross such that those who accept him will not see the wrath of G-d upon them but rather his Grace and Love. So why not spend your time, as G-d would have you, preaching the good news while there is still time?

Abortion doctors need to be stoned. God did not take that punishment away for people like Abortion doctors.

WRONG! to say so would negate the grace that saved you and I.

But more than that, the places where they practice their murder of infants need to be burned down to the ground. Any place where abortions are performed needs to be burned to the ground and the people who work there put out of work because it is a place of infant sacrifice to Satan.

Does this ring any bells?

If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
-Romans 12:18-21

God does not pull any punches on this issue. God is a God of Wrath. God is a God of Anger. God is a God of War. God is a God of judgment. It is time that we start doing what He commands us to do.

Which is LOVE, reach out, and if they do not accept turn away. ;)

When God said to go into the Promised Land and slay all of the inhabitants thereof, it was because of their sin. Their penalty was death as mandated by God. He is very serious about this issue. Since we are failing to clean up the Earth, he is coming back to do the job himself. It is going to be an exciting time. Praise God.

You have to read the OT in context with the new. Otherwise you are going to come up with skewed meanings.
Cults vs rteligions.

Well lets see.
Palin had a cult following until McCain picker her as his running mate and then she had a religion.


well, jesus and his followers would have probably been considered a cult during his day, the gnostics could have been considered a cult , the followers of john the baptist at that time as well....?
well, jesus was crucified for basically, being a cultist.

He was crucified becuse he was an economic threat to the church.

lets see crucified right after the ran the moneychangers from the temple? A way to heaven that bypasses the priests business income sources?
The only way we can fulfill the law is by accepting Jesus and HIS righteousness through us can change us....
You need to go back and read the Bible a bit. ... So for us to go around saying he is coming at a certain time is just naive.

Second, He is not going to kill everyone.

Remeber, the tribulation is a period in which G-d (yes, G-d, not us) pours out his wrath.

You have to read the OT in context with the new. Otherwise you are going to come up with skewed meanings.

Boy are you messed up. Since God is unchanging, His instructions are unchanging. You are abusing scripture to present this namby pamby hippy dippy feel good religion that has been the rage since the Mellow Yellow years of the late 1960's. We do not need that hippy crap any more. We need the Bible taken as a whole.

When your hippi dippy interpretation of the New Testament contradicts the basic teachings of the Old Testament, then your hippy dippy crap is wrong. Totally Wrong!

Read the New Testament after understanding the message of the Old Testament first, then you will not make such grossly outlandish interpretations of the New Testament Scripture. Jesus told and showed us how to beat the snot out of the money changers. He promised to destroy the whole damned world with the exception of the elect that we are prone to believe will be spared the last three and a half years of the Tribulation. The Last three and a half years are called the Great Tribulation. As it says in the Revelation of John, Jesus is going to kill the remainder of the people personally when He comes back. Jesus has no patience with sinners who defy him.

You take quotations from Romans that deal with interpersonal relationships for new Christians in the capital of the Roman Empire and pretend that is a new instruction for the whole of the world. That is so totally wrong, I wonder if you have ever read the Bible in total. Notice there are other instructions for other places.

God has not changed his rules. We are not to blindly accept outrageous sin in this world. We are supposed to be stomping it out, not living alongside of it. For you to take such an evil position tells me that you do not know who God is. In that case, get ready for the shock of a lifetime, because God gave us a timeline for His return. The generation that sees Israel reborn shall not pass before all these things are fulfilled. All you need to know are the signs of the times. You have never studied the Bible enough to know that.

Shame on you. Ask God for forgiveness. I think your apostasy is akin to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
This is what crazy NewBarf advocates..enjoy!

[ame=]YouTube - unbelievable gore vioelence kurdish Girl Stoned to Death[/ame]
This is what crazy NewBarf advocates..enjoy!
Huggy is an established pathological liar on this board. I have never advocated beating and stoning a 17 year old girl because she talked to somebody outside of her faith.

As I have repeatedly said we are to stand up against sin. The Bible tells us that over and over and over and over again. 7,777 times because that is what followers of JHVH are to do. We are not be think that we can live alongside of it. We need to deal with sin in our community and we need to be strong.

As I have said, I do not personally advocate stoning, but I do advocate standing up to sin and sinful acts. As a Christian, I would prosecute these men in the video for murder, just as I would prosecute any doctor for a late term abortion as a murderer. God made it very easy to understand that we were supposed to make liberal use of the death penalty for defiance of Him and his commandments. Gods rules do not change, and are not to be compromised. That compromise of His commandments are the reason why he is coming back to destroy the world and everybody living in it. Read Revelation and the Old Testament prophets who warn of the severe judgment of the Earth that is coming very soon.

It is that simple. BE part of the solution, not an unspoken bystander like Huggy who feels that "As long as crime does not hurt him, it is cool."
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Never sure there was a "good" cult.

cult - definition of cult by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.

Are you accusing me of having stated that Neubarth is charismatic? I made no such claim.

A congregation of three does not make him charismatic.


As I have seen in your posts, you are a consistent pathological liar. God does not know you or recognize you because a criminally minded liar like you is of Satan. The Bible is very clear on this. Once you have turned your life over to Satan and embrace one of those cult churches who teach "Feel Good and Love All," you are usually lost and have no place in God's Kingdom.

I just stick to the Bible as the Word of God and if I see somebody like you preaching outrageous lies that contradict the Bible, I immediately know who is leading you astray.

Good rule of thumb, "If it contradicts the Bible, it is false." YOU are FALSE.
You do all know Newbarth is a troll of the Yukon varitey, right? He is pulling your leg. He is fun, in a Pubes kinda way. But anyone trying to reason with him, or talk logic with him, is wasting their breath. He is like SunniMan, William Joyce, et that they post things to get a reaction out of folks. But he is fun to make fun of. I love being called Satan's Whore by him, because he's such a tool. And the fact that this thread is so long, means he's successful in his trolling! Good job Newbarf! :thup:
You do all know Newbarth is a troll of the Yukon varitey, right? He is pulling your leg. He is fun, in a Pubes kinda way. But anyone trying to reason with him, or talk logic with him, is wasting their breath. He is like SunniMan, William Joyce, et that they post things to get a reaction out of folks. But he is fun to make fun of. I love being called Satan's Whore by him, because he's such a tool. And the fact that this thread is so long, means he's successful in his trolling! Good job Newbarf! :thup:

I see. That must be why he didn't respond to my post. No good a troll responding to a troll post on a troll thread. That's like a double negative, right?
You do all know Newbarth is a troll of the Yukon varitey, right? He is pulling your leg. He is fun, in a Pubes kinda way. But anyone trying to reason with him, or talk logic with him, is wasting their breath. He is like SunniMan, William Joyce, et that they post things to get a reaction out of folks. But he is fun to make fun of. I love being called Satan's Whore by him, because he's such a tool. And the fact that this thread is so long, means he's successful in his trolling! Good job Newbarf! :thup:

I see. That must be why he didn't respond to my post. No good a troll responding to a troll post on a troll thread. That's like a double negative, right?

Trolls are like a box of chocolates, you never know when they want to eat you.
You do all know Newbarth is a troll of the Yukon varitey, right? He is pulling your leg. He is fun, in a Pubes kinda way. But anyone trying to reason with him, or talk logic with him, is wasting their breath. He is like SunniMan, William Joyce, et that they post things to get a reaction out of folks. But he is fun to make fun of. I love being called Satan's Whore by him, because he's such a tool. And the fact that this thread is so long, means he's successful in his trolling! Good job Newbarf! :thup:

Unfortunately, I get the sense the he has me on ignore.

Maybe I'm wrong.

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