Are all people in the Tea Party stupid are just the ones they put on TV

Used to be Democrats were all white Christians. Now they're Black Christians, Hollywood Nut-jobs, San Francisco Liberals, Massachusetts Liberals, and yes, white Christians in the South that continue to vote Democrat. Seems the richest in this country are Democrats, and the poorest trailer-park trash and ghetto drug-pushers are Democrats. The GOP seems to be most of the Middle Class.

Linkiepoo, mudwhistle? Most middle class people I know here (in Ohio) are Democrats.

I think this poll will likely satisfy you. I'm assuming it is scientific and whatnot.

Which political party cares most about the middle class? - Yahoo! Answers

Most of the middle class people I know are Republicans.

Go figure.
Meh, you can dismiss my feelings if you wish, Dr. House. I am not alone in how I see things, and a substantive reply might better serve your interests.

Or not.

If you have nothing to argue from, you say nothing, I guess.

My replies are quite substantive...

I cannot be blamed for your failure to see the enlightenment...

You can continue to be a broad-brushing asshat if that's your desire... I care not, but I reserve theright to call you on it...

Fine by me. I ain't changing my POV unless I am persuaded to do so, so we can just sit here and trade insults.

Gotta keep busy somehow, I suppose.

I don't care if you change your uneducated POV or not...

I will continue to call you and any other "hater" out on it, though...
I despise broad brushing asshats who paint an entire group with the actions of a few...

And you estimate the number of these ephemeral tea partiers to be what?

If you count the numbers at Glenn Becks rally, how to you differentitiate them from the Christian Coalition?

How do we know that tea party isn't some PR / marketing gimmick from the RNC, rather than a supposed 'grass roots' group?

The Conspiracy Theories sub-forum is over there -------->
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I despise broad brushing asshats who paint an entire group with the actions of a few...

And you estimate the number of these ephemeral tea partiers to be what?

If you count the numbers at Glenn Becks rally, how to you differentitiate them from the Christian Coalition?

How do we know that tea party isn't some PR / marketing gimmick from the RNC, rather than a supposed 'grass roots' group?

The Conspiracy Theories sub-forum is over there -------->

Percpetions can be managed by mass media and PR experts. The govmnt used a marketing firm to hire that girl to testify that babies were taken from incubators in Kuwait prior to the 1991 Iraq invasion, you recall.

Also many of the Town Halls on Health reform were staged to create "outrage" videos and were deliberately disruptive for effect.
Used to be Democrats were all white Christians. Now they're Black Christians, Hollywood Nut-jobs, San Francisco Liberals, Massachusetts Liberals, and yes, white Christians in the South that continue to vote Democrat. Seems the richest in this country are Democrats, and the poorest trailer-park trash and ghetto drug-pushers are Democrats. The GOP seems to be most of the Middle Class.

Linkiepoo, mudwhistle? Most middle class people I know here (in Ohio) are Democrats.

I think this poll will likely satisfy you. I'm assuming it is scientific and whatnot.

Which political party cares most about the middle class? - Yahoo! Answers

Yahoo Answers?


You do know how it works, right?
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And you estimate the number of these ephemeral tea partiers to be what?

If you count the numbers at Glenn Becks rally, how to you differentitiate them from the Christian Coalition?

How do we know that tea party isn't some PR / marketing gimmick from the RNC, rather than a supposed 'grass roots' group?

The Conspiracy Theories sub-forum is over there -------->

Percpetions can be managed by mass media and PR experts. The govmnt used a marketing firm to hire that girl to testify that babies were taken from incubators in Kuwait prior to the 1991 Iraq invasion, you recall.

Also many of the Town Halls on Health reform were staged to create "outrage" videos and were deliberately disruptive for effect.

You'll fit right in over there ------->
My replies are quite substantive...

I cannot be blamed for your failure to see the enlightenment...

You can continue to be a broad-brushing asshat if that's your desire... I care not, but I reserve theright to call you on it...

Fine by me. I ain't changing my POV unless I am persuaded to do so, so we can just sit here and trade insults.

Gotta keep busy somehow, I suppose.

I don't care if you change your uneducated POV or not...

I will continue to call you and any other "hater" out on it, though...

Maddie howls like a banshee about these mythical 'extremists' and 'haters' in the TEA Parties... and it's fine for her to 'hate' them. What a hypocritical old bitch.
Fine by me. I ain't changing my POV unless I am persuaded to do so, so we can just sit here and trade insults.

Gotta keep busy somehow, I suppose.

I don't care if you change your uneducated POV or not...

I will continue to call you and any other "hater" out on it, though...

Maddie howls like a banshee about these mythical 'extremists' and 'haters' in the TEA Parties... and it's fine for her to 'hate' them. What a hypocritical old bitch.

'Haters' tend to run in uneducated packs... Sadly, they don't care that they are relying on bogus information from biased sources... Additionally, they're first in line to complain about FNC or Rush

Hypocrites indeed....
The Conspiracy Theories sub-forum is over there -------->

Percpetions can be managed by mass media and PR experts. The govmnt used a marketing firm to hire that girl to testify that babies were taken from incubators in Kuwait prior to the 1991 Iraq invasion, you recall.

Also many of the Town Halls on Health reform were staged to create "outrage" videos and were deliberately disruptive for effect.

You'll fit right in over there ------->

Bush Spent $1.6 Bil. on 'Spin'
By Richard Williamson

"DALLAS- The Bush Administration spent $1.4 billion in taxpayer dollars on 137 contracts with advertising agencies over the past two-and-a-half years, according to a Government Accountability Office report released by House Democrats today"

"Ketchum was embroiled in a scandal last year when it was revealed that the Department of Education had paid commentator Armstrong Williams $250,000 to promote President Bush's No Child Left Behind initiative. There was no suggestion of impropriety for most of the contracts, however. GSD&M, for example, has handled advertising for the U.S. Air Force for several years, an account it won through a traditional government review."

"Trends in spending on PR and ad contracts were not documented, but a prior study by the minority staff of the Government Reform Committee found that spending on public relations contracts rose rapidly under the Bush administration. That report found that spending on contracts with public relations firms had increased to $88 million in 2004 from $39 million in 2000, an increase of 128 percent."

Bush Spent $1.6 Bil. on 'Spin' | North America > United States from
And you estimate the number of these ephemeral tea partiers to be what?

If you count the numbers at Glenn Becks rally, how to you differentitiate them from the Christian Coalition?

How do we know that tea party isn't some PR / marketing gimmick from the RNC, rather than a supposed 'grass roots' group?

The Conspiracy Theories sub-forum is over there -------->

Percpetions can be managed by mass media and PR experts. The govmnt used a marketing firm to hire that girl to testify that babies were taken from incubators in Kuwait prior to the 1991 Iraq invasion, you recall.

Also many of the Town Halls on Health reform were staged to create "outrage" videos and were deliberately disruptive for effect.

The original TEA Parties date from 2007 - thus blowing the theory that they were a backlash to Obama, the black guy, the Muslim, yadda, yadda, yadda. They are groups of people who think they're 'Taxed Enough Already'.

Seriously, if you want to find out about the TEA Parties, why not read some legitimate (and, by legitimate, I mean unbiased) information. There's plenty around.... there is also a lot of total bullshit.... which is what Maddie bases her 'opinion' on.
Percpetions can be managed by mass media and PR experts. The govmnt used a marketing firm to hire that girl to testify that babies were taken from incubators in Kuwait prior to the 1991 Iraq invasion, you recall.

Also many of the Town Halls on Health reform were staged to create "outrage" videos and were deliberately disruptive for effect.

You'll fit right in over there ------->

Bush Spent $1.6 Bil. on 'Spin'
By Richard Williamson

"DALLAS- The Bush Administration spent $1.4 billion in taxpayer dollars on 137 contracts with advertising agencies over the past two-and-a-half years, according to a Government Accountability Office report released by House Democrats today"

"Ketchum was embroiled in a scandal last year when it was revealed that the Department of Education had paid commentator Armstrong Williams $250,000 to promote President Bush's No Child Left Behind initiative. There was no suggestion of impropriety for most of the contracts, however. GSD&M, for example, has handled advertising for the U.S. Air Force for several years, an account it won through a traditional government review."

"Trends in spending on PR and ad contracts were not documented, but a prior study by the minority staff of the Government Reform Committee found that spending on public relations contracts rose rapidly under the Bush administration. That report found that spending on contracts with public relations firms had increased to $88 million in 2004 from $39 million in 2000, an increase of 128 percent."

Bush Spent $1.6 Bil. on 'Spin' | North America > United States from

So? You think Obama is different? He's not. And it didn't start with Bush. And every damned government in the western world does exactly the same thing.
Fine by me. I ain't changing my POV unless I am persuaded to do so, so we can just sit here and trade insults.

Gotta keep busy somehow, I suppose.

I don't care if you change your uneducated POV or not...

I will continue to call you and any other "hater" out on it, though...

Maddie howls like a banshee about these mythical 'extremists' and 'haters' in the TEA Parties... and it's fine for her to 'hate' them. What a hypocritical old bitch.

Bitches really piss me off! Lol..
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I heard worse at a Code Pink rally last week. Much worse. Talking about killing Rush Limbaugh. Saying they're gonna pull out a Glock and cap someone. Cutting Clarence Thomas's toes off and feeding them to him. Sending him back to the fields. So much racism out of liberals. The hate and anger was obvious. I think you should just STFU.




























Oh... and did I mention
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