Are all people in the Tea Party stupid are just the ones they put on TV

More broad-brushing by the OP....

color me "unsurprised" as you paint....

Meh, you can dismiss my feelings if you wish, Dr. House. I am not alone in how I see things, and a substantive reply might better serve your interests.

Or not.

If you have nothing to argue from, you say nothing, I guess.
you have been DUPED

Maddie and Truthdon'tmatter.... a match made in heaven.... neither of them has the brain they were born with.
More broad-brushing by the OP....

color me "unsurprised" as you paint....

Meh, you can dismiss my feelings if you wish, Dr. House. I am not alone in how I see things, and a substantive reply might better serve your interests.

Or not.

If you have nothing to argue from, you say nothing, I guess.
you have been DUPED

I have been insulted on this thread, but so far, no substantive replies.

I suspect there's a reason for that, Divey.
I have been insulted on this thread, but so far, no substantive replies.

I suspect there's a reason for that, Divey.


I've seen more than a handful of substantive replies. Some having to do with maligning a group based on the actions of a few. Some having to do with rightly identifying your partisan hypocrisy, given that all parties have members similar to those in your cherry picked images. And some astute enough to point out both.

Apparently you missed all of them, and I suspect there's a reason for that. :lol:
Meh, you can dismiss my feelings if you wish, Dr. House. I am not alone in how I see things, and a substantive reply might better serve your interests.

Or not.

If you have nothing to argue from, you say nothing, I guess.
you have been DUPED

I have been insulted on this thread, but so far, no substantive replies.

I suspect there's a reason for that, Divey.
maddy, more likely than not, all those images of "the things you hate about the" TEA Party are likely huffypuffy infiltrators
you have been DUPED
you have been DUPED

I have been insulted on this thread, but so far, no substantive replies.

I suspect there's a reason for that, Divey.
maddy, more likely than not, all those images of "the things you hate about the" TEA Party are likely huffypuffy infiltrators
you have been DUPED

Okie dokie, then, Divey.

No need for any discussion, I'll just assume all is well.
This ain't my way, Anachronism. I been active in state and local politics for my whole life, and I have been a Republican for like 30 years now.

I cannot just sit by and watch the GOP morph into some sort of White Christian Party. I just can't.


I learned my lesson about politics the first time I was ever involved in it..... Way back in the Connecticut Gubenatorial race of 1990. I was in high school at the time, and taking an American Politics class. Part of the requirement for that class was to do a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer work for a political campaign (any one you wanted). I ended up working on the campaign of Independent Gubenatorial Candidate Lowell Weicker. Weicker's entire campaign essentially came down to ONE PLATFORM..... "No Income Tax". It was the primary, if not sole topic of the entire campaign.

Both the R and the D were for creating one due to the mismanagement of the State's funds in the prior couple of administrations. Weicker was very adament that there were other, better ways to fix the problem.

We busted our asses and got him elected. Six weeks later we hung him in effigy in front of the Old State House after he went back on his word and signed a bill creating an Income Tax.

Does this mean we should judge all black people because some are thugs and murderers?

Good to know that stereotyping is the play of the day for liberals.
Palin started the trend of unprepared inept wannabe politicians jumping in front of a TV camera only to make a total ass of themselves and destroying any chance they ever had of gaining any office with the power to make real change. Then came the lovable and laughable Christine O’Donnell, and now Michele Bachmann. Tea Partiers, What’s up with that?

Great post.

You should have seen O'Donnell on the 700 Club.

"oh sure, I love God. EVERYTHING I do is for God."

Completely canned response.
Meh, you can dismiss my feelings if you wish, Dr. House. I am not alone in how I see things, and a substantive reply might better serve your interests.

Or not.

If you have nothing to argue from, you say nothing, I guess.
you have been DUPED

I have been insulted on this thread, but so far, no substantive replies.

I suspect there's a reason for that, Divey.

I've been to Tea Party events. No racism.

I'm guessing you are taking the word of other people who would like you to believe you are hated. Sort of like a dysfunctional parent.
The charge of "racism" is one that the Tea Party movement would like to shake. In the past, it has dismissed the label as only representing a few of its members on the fringe. However, the issue surfaced again on Wednesday when the NAACP -- which made news in July when it asked the Tea Party to repudiate racist elements within its ranks – issued a report that details associations between Tea Party organizations and hate groups in this country.

In a conference call with journalists, NAACP President Benjamin Jealous said that while there are policy disagreements, the civil rights group has "no problem with the Tea Party expressing their views in their great debate in our great democracy." The majority of Tea Party members "are sincere," and some are also in the NAACP, he said.
"We do however have a problem when prominent Tea Party members" use Tea Party events to recruit people for white supremacist groups, Jealous said. The NAACP is urging leadership and members of the Tea Party movement to take additional steps to distance themselves from those Tea Party leaders "who espouse racist ideas, advocate violence, or are formally affiliated with white supremacist organizations."

He said the expulsion of Mark Williams of Tea Party Express was a step in the right direction, but said that Williams had been making controversial statements long before he was ousted for writing a mocking letter suggesting that blacks preferred life under slavery.

Some Tea Party leaders condemned the report, accusing the NAACP of abandoning its civil rights mission and of becoming a mouthpiece of the liberal left.
In a statement before the report's release, Jealous said, "These groups and individuals are out there, and we ignore them at our own peril. They are speaking at Tea Party events, recruiting at rallies and in some cases remain in the Tea Party leadership itself. The danger is not that the majority of Tea Party members share their views, but that left unchecked, these extremists might indirectly influence the direction of the Tea Party and therefore the direction of our country: moving it backward and not forward."
The report, co-authored by Devin Burghart and Leonard Zeskind of the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, examines six Tea Party groups: FreedomWorks Tea Party, 1776 Tea Party, Tea Party Nation, Tea Party Patriots, ResistNet, and Tea Party Express.
Zeskind, who was also on the conference call, said they began research a year ago when they noticed that the white supremacist group had "started a thread to move into the Tea Party." Burghart explained the report's methodology and data-gathering techniques, which included investigating campaign finance reports, printed and online literature, Tea Party membership, government documents and databases (including court cases) finance reports and corporate filings. They also interviewed activists.
A document, "The Tea Party: The Racism Within," lists six "Profiles of Troubling Tea Partiers" with current or one-time ties to white nationalist organizations. It singles out Roan Garcia-Quintana, "advisor and media spokesman" for the 2010 Tax Day Tea Party in South Carolina. A member of ResistNet, he also serves on the National Board of Directors of the Council of Conservative Citizens, whose statement of principles opposes "all efforts to mix the races of mankind."

The NAACP said the decentralized nature of the Tea Party movement makes it difficult to police disparate groups for members who cross the line, but Jealous specifically called on Dick Armey of FreedomWorks and Sarah Palin, who "is out there with Tea Party Express," to take a more aggressive stand against intolerance.
"Here we go again," Judson Phillips, founder of Tea Party Nation, told the Kansas City Star. "This is typical of this liberal group's smear tactics." Phillips was an organizer of the Tea Party national conference in February.

Sal Russo, a California political consultant and chief strategist for the Tea Party Express, told the Star, "To attack a grassroots movement of this magnitude with sundry isolated incidents only goes to show the NAACP has abandoned the cause of civil rights for the advancement of liberal Democrat politics."

In addition to the report, the NAACP has been running Tea Party Tracker, a Web site in partnership with ThinkProgress, Media Matters and New Left Media set up to monitor "extremism in the Tea Party movement."

NAACP Issues Report That Links Tea Party Leaders to 'Hate Groups'

The NAACP is a hate group.
This ain't my way, Anachronism. I been active in state and local politics for my whole life, and I have been a Republican for like 30 years now.

I cannot just sit by and watch the GOP morph into some sort of White Christian Party. I just can't.

Holy smokes, :eusa_whistle:

Fine. You disagree?

Prove it, Stephanie.

You cannot inform the dialogue here with an emoticon.

She wasn't informing the dialogue, she was responding to an outrageous statement with ridicule.

The GOP has always been what it is. Nothing new, they've always been primarily white Christians, as have the dems.








I heard worse at a Code Pink rally last week. Much worse. Talking about killing Rush Limbaugh. Saying they're gonna pull out a Glock and cap someone. Cutting Clarence Thomas's toes off and feeding them to him. Sending him back to the fields. So much racism out of liberals. The hate and anger was obvious. I think you should just STFU.
Holy smokes, :eusa_whistle:

Fine. You disagree?

Prove it, Stephanie.

You cannot inform the dialogue here with an emoticon.

She wasn't informing the dialogue, she was responding to an outrageous statement with ridicule.

The GOP has always been what it is. Nothing new, they've always been primarily white Christians, as have the dems.

Used to be Democrats were all white Christians. Now they're Black Christians, Hollywood Nut-jobs, San Francisco Liberals, Massachusetts Liberals, and yes, white Christians in the South that continue to vote Democrat. Seems the richest in this country are Democrats, and the poorest trailer-park trash and ghetto drug-pushers are Democrats. The GOP seems to be most of the Middle Class.
This ain't my way, Anachronism. I been active in state and local politics for my whole life, and I have been a Republican for like 30 years now.

I cannot just sit by and watch the GOP morph into some sort of White Christian Party. I just can't.

More broad-brushing by the OP....

color me "unsurprised" as you paint....

Meh, you can dismiss my feelings if you wish, Dr. House. I am not alone in how I see things, and a substantive reply might better serve your interests.

Or not.

If you have nothing to argue from, you say nothing, I guess.

My replies are quite substantive...

I cannot be blamed for your failure to see the enlightenment...

You can continue to be a broad-brushing asshat if that's your desire... I care not, but I reserve theright to call you on it...
More broad-brushing by the OP....

color me "unsurprised" as you paint....

Meh, you can dismiss my feelings if you wish, Dr. House. I am not alone in how I see things, and a substantive reply might better serve your interests.

Or not.

If you have nothing to argue from, you say nothing, I guess.

My replies are quite substantive...

I cannot be blamed for your failure to see the enlightenment...

You can continue to be a broad-brushing asshat if that's your desire... I care not, but I reserve theright to call you on it...

Fine by me. I ain't changing my POV unless I am persuaded to do so, so we can just sit here and trade insults.

Gotta keep busy somehow, I suppose.
I despise broad brushing asshats who paint an entire group with the actions of a few...

And you estimate the number of these ephemeral tea partiers to be what?

If you count the numbers at Glenn Becks rally, how to you differentitiate them from the Christian Coalition?

How do we know that tea party isn't some PR / marketing gimmick from the RNC, rather than a supposed 'grass roots' group?
Fine. You disagree?

Prove it, Stephanie.

You cannot inform the dialogue here with an emoticon.

She wasn't informing the dialogue, she was responding to an outrageous statement with ridicule.

The GOP has always been what it is. Nothing new, they've always been primarily white Christians, as have the dems.

Used to be Democrats were all white Christians. Now they're Black Christians, Hollywood Nut-jobs, San Francisco Liberals, Massachusetts Liberals, and yes, white Christians in the South that continue to vote Democrat. Seems the richest in this country are Democrats, and the poorest trailer-park trash and ghetto drug-pushers are Democrats. The GOP seems to be most of the Middle Class.

Linkiepoo, mudwhistle? Most middle class people I know here (in Ohio) are Democrats.
She wasn't informing the dialogue, she was responding to an outrageous statement with ridicule.

The GOP has always been what it is. Nothing new, they've always been primarily white Christians, as have the dems.

Used to be Democrats were all white Christians. Now they're Black Christians, Hollywood Nut-jobs, San Francisco Liberals, Massachusetts Liberals, and yes, white Christians in the South that continue to vote Democrat. Seems the richest in this country are Democrats, and the poorest trailer-park trash and ghetto drug-pushers are Democrats. The GOP seems to be most of the Middle Class.

Linkiepoo, mudwhistle? Most middle class people I know here (in Ohio) are Democrats.

I think this poll will likely satisfy you. I'm assuming it is scientific and whatnot.

Which political party cares most about the middle class? - Yahoo! Answers

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