Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid?

I don’t read Info Wars, or anyother propaganda site, asshole, unlike yourself that reads and accepts any left wing bullshit that comes along.
Actually where you get your news is GOP propaganda. It's just more or less insane...

CNN and the NYT. So, I am much less partisan than an asshole than you, you that hates Americans and the working class. You belong to the party of Wall St. that doesn’t give a damn about the working people.

Keep trying to push your hate and dishonesty.
actually I'm a socialist and I care very much about the working class and screw Wall Street

No you don’t, you are just like your hero Hillary who didn’t care about the poor and loved Wall St. you aren’t fooling anyone.
Your evidence of that is that she gave a couple of speeches there- ridiculous.

Thank you for proving my point. You are as dishonest as she is and are all for Wall St. man, we don’t fall for your BS.
Actually where you get your news is GOP propaganda. It's just more or less insane...

CNN and the NYT. So, I am much less partisan than an asshole than you, you that hates Americans and the working class. You belong to the party of Wall St. that doesn’t give a damn about the working people.

Keep trying to push your hate and dishonesty.
actually I'm a socialist and I care very much about the working class and screw Wall Street

No you don’t, you are just like your hero Hillary who didn’t care about the poor and loved Wall St. you aren’t fooling anyone.
Your evidence of that is that she gave a couple of speeches there- ridiculous.

Thank you for proving my point. You are as dishonest as she is and are all for Wall St. man, we don’t fall for your BS.
You appear to be insane have a nice life LOL
CNN and the NYT. So, I am much less partisan than an asshole than you, you that hates Americans and the working class. You belong to the party of Wall St. that doesn’t give a damn about the working people.

Keep trying to push your hate and dishonesty.
actually I'm a socialist and I care very much about the working class and screw Wall Street

No you don’t, you are just like your hero Hillary who didn’t care about the poor and loved Wall St. you aren’t fooling anyone.
Your evidence of that is that she gave a couple of speeches there- ridiculous.

Thank you for proving my point. You are as dishonest as she is and are all for Wall St. man, we don’t fall for your BS.
You appear to be insane have a nice life LOL

No I am sane, you watch and listen to far left BS and I listen to CNN and NYT, you are a partisan hack that has no backing for your BS and are an admitted liar because of your Hillary connection. Dishonest and you can’t defend it and you call me crazy? Lol! You are certifiable.
actually I'm a socialist and I care very much about the working class and screw Wall Street

No you don’t, you are just like your hero Hillary who didn’t care about the poor and loved Wall St. you aren’t fooling anyone.
Your evidence of that is that she gave a couple of speeches there- ridiculous.

Thank you for proving my point. You are as dishonest as she is and are all for Wall St. man, we don’t fall for your BS.
You appear to be insane have a nice life LOL

No I am sane, you watch and listen to far left BS and I listen to CNN and NYT, you are a partisan hack that has no backing for your BS and are an admitted liar because of your Hillary connection. Dishonest and you can’t defend it and you call me crazy? Lol! You are certifiable.
you idiots think Hillary is pro wall Street because she gave a speech or two there for $500,000 another phony scandal from the right
No you don’t, you are just like your hero Hillary who didn’t care about the poor and loved Wall St. you aren’t fooling anyone.
Your evidence of that is that she gave a couple of speeches there- ridiculous.

Thank you for proving my point. You are as dishonest as she is and are all for Wall St. man, we don’t fall for your BS.
You appear to be insane have a nice life LOL

No I am sane, you watch and listen to far left BS and I listen to CNN and NYT, you are a partisan hack that has no backing for your BS and are an admitted liar because of your Hillary connection. Dishonest and you can’t defend it and you call me crazy? Lol! You are certifiable.
you idiots think Hillary is pro wall Street because she gave a speech or two there for $500,000 another phony scandal from the right

You think that is all she did? Seriously? Are you that stupid on the subject? Lol! Look at all those in the Clinton administration that was in deep at Wall St., learn your history and quit believing every left wing website out there.
"Americans who admire socialism..."

Oxymoron right there. Those aren't Americans. We should stop taking in non-Americans into the country, seal the border.
Socialism is only as good as the federal government forcing it on its citizens...
There is a reason why socialism has a 100% failure rate long-term.


View attachment 234016

Still lying I see. Merriam Webster defines Socialism:

so·cial·ism | \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm

Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

The American Heritage Ditionary defines socialism:

1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means of production are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.

Words have meaning apart from what you wish they meant. Stop your lying propaganda.
Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off the violent brainwashed right wing. Notice they say owns business and industry but also controls business and industry. One is communism the other is socialism. No communism is not socialism, socialism is not communism, and Nazism is not socialism or communism. You stoops are terminally confused and misinformed... Cold War dinosaurs at this point.

You ever wonder why only lowlife pieces of shits advocate for “socialism” or beg for free shit as I like to phrase it?
I am happily retired and just want what is best for our people who are pretty stressed out and pretty insane, one-quarter need mental help according to experts. Why don't we have health care Living wage good vacations. Every other country in the world has at least a month paid vacation after a year and all those things complain about about. You people are brainwashed too pathetic.

Haha..the ole “I’m retired and rich, I’m just so fucking noble that I’m willing to beg for free shit for others” bunch of bullshit huh?
“Every other country” DOESN’T have 12-50 million illegal wetbacks abusing their healthcare system...”every other country” has far fewer bottom feeders TAKING, “every other country” has a much higher average tax rate for all.
Think once beggar.
Of course if you subtract the amount of tax they pay for healthcare and infrastructure, they pay about the same as we super duper. And a lot of their average tax comes from taxing the rich their fair share. By the way, you Republicans are all going to hell 4 not wanting to help the poor and blaming them for bad luck and Republican policy of screwing them....

Very Foolish post above

The poor and weak are protected the best by having a wisdom test for voters

3 yr olds are helped most by them not voting and making decisions

The founders protected women the best by not letting their emotions get brainwashed by crooks. With not letting them vote in the crooks[/QUOTE]
You might want to ask the Venezuelans how much socialism has helped them.

Famine in Venezuela | Reinventing Peace
Starvation in Venezuela
By Rhoda Howard-Hassmann On August 21, 2018

By May 2018, approximately 5,000 people per day were leaving Venezuela in search of food (for updated information on Venezuelan refugees see UNHCR). At this rate, 1.8 million people will have left by the end of 2018, joining 1.5 million who have already fled. This is over ten per cent of Venezuela’s population of 32 million.

The Mirriam-Webster dictionary defines famine as “widespread scarcity of food, caused by several factors including… government policies. This phenomenon is usually accompanied or followed by regional malnutrition, starvation, epidemic, and increased mortality.” By this definition, Venezuelans may already be experiencing famine. At the very least, they are experiencing state-induced hunger.

Hugo Chávez was elected President of Venezuela in 1999. He instituted several policies that were meant to feed poor Venezuelans, but actually made the situation worse. From 1999 to 2007 people’s living conditions improved, but food shortages started when oil prices declined. Chávez died in 2013, and was succeeded by Nicolás Maduro, whose even more draconian policies created massive food shortages.

Chávez and Maduro destroyed the market in food by imposing control prices that resulted in underproduction when the official prices did not meet costs of production. Their governments expropriated farms, ranches, and even food distributors such as butchers. There’s very little if anything produced on these expropriated territories. Food is now heavily controlled by the black market and by corrupt importers (often members of the military who are also Maduro’s cronies) who sit on food at the ports to drive up the price. By 2017 malnutrition was confirmed in Venezuela, precipitating the political unrest now roiling the country.

According to Antulio Rosales (“Weaponizing Hunger is a New Low for the Venezuelan President,” Globe and Mail, March 12, 2018, p.A11) and Enrique Krauze (“Hell of a Fiesta,” New York Review of Books, March 8, 2018, pp. 4-7), by early 2018 more than half of all Venezuelans had lost between 19 and 24 pounds, and 90 per cent said they do not have enough money for food. The minimum monthly wage in mid-2017 bought only 12 per cent of one person’s basic food needs, even less now. Sixty per cent of the population lives in extreme poverty. Formerly dormant diseases such as malaria, diphtheria and dengue are reoccurring, while hospitals are extremely short of personnel, medicines, and the most basic equipment. Some people receive subsidized food boxes, but the contents are inconsistent and insufficient, are distributed irregularly, and are more likely to go to supporters of Maduro than others."
Socialism has turned a country with huge oil reserves into a collection of beggars.
Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off the violent brainwashed right wing. Notice they say owns business and industry but also controls business and industry. One is communism the other is socialism. No communism is not socialism, socialism is not communism, and Nazism is not socialism or communism. You stoops are terminally confused and misinformed... Cold War dinosaurs at this point.

You ever wonder why only lowlife pieces of shits advocate for “socialism” or beg for free shit as I like to phrase it?
I am happily retired and just want what is best for our people who are pretty stressed out and pretty insane, one-quarter need mental help according to experts. Why don't we have health care Living wage good vacations. Every other country in the world has at least a month paid vacation after a year and all those things complain about about. You people are brainwashed too pathetic.

Haha..the ole “I’m retired and rich, I’m just so fucking noble that I’m willing to beg for free shit for others” bunch of bullshit huh?
“Every other country” DOESN’T have 12-50 million illegal wetbacks abusing their healthcare system...”every other country” has far fewer bottom feeders TAKING, “every other country” has a much higher average tax rate for all.
Think once beggar.
Of course if you subtract the amount of tax they pay for healthcare and infrastructure, they pay about the same as we super duper. And a lot of their average tax comes from taxing the rich their fair share. By the way, you Republicans are all going to hell 4 not wanting to help the poor and blaming them for bad luck and Republican policy of screwing them....

Very Foolish post above

The poor and weak are protected the best by having a wisdom test for voters

3 yr olds are helped most by them not voting and making decisions

The founders protected women the best by not letting their emotions get brainwashed by crooks. With not letting them vote in the crooks
You might want to ask the Venezuelans how much socialism has helped them.

Famine in Venezuela | Reinventing Peace
Starvation in Venezuela
By Rhoda Howard-Hassmann On August 21, 2018

By May 2018, approximately 5,000 people per day were leaving Venezuela in search of food (for updated information on Venezuelan refugees see UNHCR). At this rate, 1.8 million people will have left by the end of 2018, joining 1.5 million who have already fled. This is over ten per cent of Venezuela’s population of 32 million.

The Mirriam-Webster dictionary defines famine as “widespread scarcity of food, caused by several factors including… government policies. This phenomenon is usually accompanied or followed by regional malnutrition, starvation, epidemic, and increased mortality.” By this definition, Venezuelans may already be experiencing famine. At the very least, they are experiencing state-induced hunger.

Hugo Chávez was elected President of Venezuela in 1999. He instituted several policies that were meant to feed poor Venezuelans, but actually made the situation worse. From 1999 to 2007 people’s living conditions improved, but food shortages started when oil prices declined. Chávez died in 2013, and was succeeded by Nicolás Maduro, whose even more draconian policies created massive food shortages.

Chávez and Maduro destroyed the market in food by imposing control prices that resulted in underproduction when the official prices did not meet costs of production. Their governments expropriated farms, ranches, and even food distributors such as butchers. There’s very little if anything produced on these expropriated territories. Food is now heavily controlled by the black market and by corrupt importers (often members of the military who are also Maduro’s cronies) who sit on food at the ports to drive up the price. By 2017 malnutrition was confirmed in Venezuela, precipitating the political unrest now roiling the country.

According to Antulio Rosales (“Weaponizing Hunger is a New Low for the Venezuelan President,” Globe and Mail, March 12, 2018, p.A11) and Enrique Krauze (“Hell of a Fiesta,” New York Review of Books, March 8, 2018, pp. 4-7), by early 2018 more than half of all Venezuelans had lost between 19 and 24 pounds, and 90 per cent said they do not have enough money for food. The minimum monthly wage in mid-2017 bought only 12 per cent of one person’s basic food needs, even less now. Sixty per cent of the population lives in extreme poverty. Formerly dormant diseases such as malaria, diphtheria and dengue are reoccurring, while hospitals are extremely short of personnel, medicines, and the most basic equipment. Some people receive subsidized food boxes, but the contents are inconsistent and insufficient, are distributed irregularly, and are more likely to go to supporters of Maduro than others."
Socialism has turned a country with huge oil reserves into a collection of beggars.[/QUOTE]
We are all socialists now! Sad the Finland prime minister when Obama Care passed. But I'm sure you know better than socialists do --see also Bernie Sanders.
0S0 conspiracy Nut Job 2 ? Here we go with all the phony scandals never made the New York Times or CNN LOL liar
Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid?

Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid? - Black Community News
By Walter Williams -- A recent Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation survey found that 51 percent of American millennials would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist country. Only 42 percent prefer the latter (Forty-Four Percent of Millennials Prefer Socialism. Do They Know What It Means?). Twenty-five percent of millennials who know who Vladimir Lenin was view him favorably. Lenin was the first premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Half of millennials have never heard of Communist Mao Zedong, who ruled China from 1949 to 1959 and was responsible for the deaths of 45 million Chinese people.… The number of people who died at the hands of Josef Stalin may be as high as 62 million. However, almost one-third of millennials think former President George W. Bush is responsible for more killings than Stalin (How Many Millennials Think Bush Killed More Than Stalin). By the way, Adolf Hitler, head of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was responsible for the deaths of about 20 million people. The Nazis come in as a poor third in terms of history’s most prolific mass murderers. According to professor Rudolph Rummel’s research, the 20th century, mankind’s most brutal century, saw 262 million people’s lives destroyed at the hands of their own governments (20th Century Democide)…. Young people who weren’t alive during World War II and its Cold War aftermath might be forgiven for not knowing the horrors of socialism. Some of their beliefs represent their having been indoctrinated by their K-12 teachers and college professors. There was such leftist hate for former President George W. Bush that it’s not out of the question that those 32 percent of millennials were taught by their teachers and professors that Bush murdered more people than Stalin.... America’s communists, socialists and Marxists have little knowledge of socialist history. Bradley Birzer, a professor of history at Hillsdale College, explains this in an article for The American Conservative titled “Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins.” Joseph Goebbels wrote in 1925, “It would be better for us to end our existence under Bolshevism than to endure slavery under capitalism.” This Nazi sentiment might be shared by Sen. Bernie Sanders and his comrade Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Goebbels added, “I think it is terrible that we and the Communists are.... Cold War aftermath might be forgiven for not knowing the horrors of socialism. Some of their beliefs represent their having been indoctrinated by their K-12 teachers and college professors. There was such leftist hate for former President George W. Bush that it’s not out of the question that those 32 percent of millennials were taught by their teachers and professors that Bush murdered more people than Stalin.... America’s communists, socialists and Marxists have little knowledge of socialist history. Bradley Birzer, a professor of history at Hillsdale College, explains this in an article for The American Conservative titled “Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins.” Joseph Goebbels wrote in 1925, “It would be better for us to end our existence under Bolshevism than to endure slavery. This Nazi sentiment might be shared by Sen. Bernie Sanders and his comrade Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Goebbels added, “I think it is terrible that we and the Communists are bashing in each other’s heads” (Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins)…. Are Americans who admire the world’s most brutal regimes miseducated or stupid? Or do they have some kind of devious agenda?


If Socialism is such an ideal utopia of sunshine, lollipops and everything wonderful then why was the damn Berlin Wall built in the first place? Why all the positive Hype by the biased media for Venezuela that is suffering hyper-inflation, people starving and seeking to leave despite the fact that before the Chavez - Marxist Socialist takeover was the richest country in South America. (Venezuela Before Chávez: Anatomy of an Economic Collapse Edited by Ricardo Hausmann and Francisco R. RodrÃ*guez).
Millennials today are the results decades of infiltration by socialist/communist propagandists posing as educators inculcating brainwashing children from their pre-school training forward. Ideological Marxist Socialist pseudo-educators have revised, rewritten history, misrepresented fact and inserted Marxist Socialism into every classroom. The brainwashed are taught that government should provide them with everything in life without any contribution from them. They are a generation of takers. They don't want to work or think. They believe they are owed something. In answer to Dr. Williams’ question, I would say mislead, lied too and stupid. An innately inquisitive intelligent person can, and probably will overcome faulty teaching. A sensible person can eventually wake up to reality. Those who can’t are simply stupid.
Remember kindergarten children taught to sing the praises of Barack Hussein Obama. This was not only done with the children in the video, it was widely done.
School children sing praises to their savior Obama
The progressives have built a following over these last 3 or 4 decades that believe in a no borders world with a single government to "manage" (rule?) the world and everyone in it. They are dedicated to that end and will not stop...we call them communists today, yesterday they were democrats. Their goals are a direct threat to our nation and rooting them out while maintaining our Constitutional Republic will be difficult but not impossible. Their greatest weakness is their use of our guarantees, while our guarantees are our greatest strength. They constantly expose themselves with their use of media and free speech, as well as the rest of our Constitution, they are so dedicated to eliminate. What's hilarious and tragic is they don't think they can become victims of their own movement.
Here are just a couple typical Dems-Millenials. Rich, Privileged and Stupid.

Steph Curry Claimed NASA Never Landed On The Moon On A Podcast

Back to Earth: Kyrie finds reaction 'hilarious'
Cavs' Kyrie Irving on 'Earth is flat' comments: 'I know the science'

"This is not even a conspiracy theory," Irving told Jefferson and Frye while recording the podcast on an airplane. "The Earth is flat. The Earth is flat. ... It's right in front of our faces. I'm telling you, it's right in front of our faces. They lie to us."

It goes without noting that both men think America is so Racist that a Black Man could never be president or a millionaire in AmeriKKKa.

Last edited:
Of course if you subtract the amount of tax they pay for healthcare and infrastructure, they pay about the same as we super duper. And a lot of their average tax comes from taxing the rich their fair share. By the way, you Republicans are all going to hell 4 not wanting to help the poor and blaming them for bad luck and Republican policy of screwing them....’re wrong.
I’d just pay my own way if I were you...that’s kind of a fundamental thing to do for decent people. Seems easier than begging strangers to pay your
People don't have to beg in a civilized country, which blue states are now and many red... People are in need. T
Before ray gun we used to call them the unfortunate now you doops hate and blame them. God will not be amused.

What civilized country has 12-50 million illegal aliens stealing from the natives?
We have 12. And the last time it was checked, 94% of the adult males work, 6 5% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Every other country has an ID card and doesn't allow that. The Democrats have wanted that and the Republicans have used it to win and demagogue 4 years. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes.

Haha...not one single thing in that post is truthful...not one.
I will go with Pew research over your garbage propaganda and hate, super duper.[/QUOTE]

I didn't notice your reliable source and link. Does it not exist?
Here are just a couple typical Dems-Millenials. Rich, Privileged and Stupid.

Steph Curry Claimed NASA Never Landed On The Moon On A Podcast

Back to Earth: Kyrie finds reaction 'hilarious'
Cavs' Kyrie Irving on 'Earth is flat' comments: 'I know the science'

"This is not even a conspiracy theory," Irving told Jefferson and Frye while recording the podcast on an airplane. "The Earth is flat. The Earth is flat. ... It's right in front of our faces. I'm telling you, it's right in front of our faces. They lie to us."

It goes without noting that both men think America is so Racist that a Black Man could never be president or a millionaire in AmeriKKKa.


The thing that NASA is hiding, is that the Moon is an artificial Satellite constructed by the same species that genetically engineered the human race from apes to keep tabs on us.

Now you know.

5 mind-boggling Moon mysteries that science cannot explain
Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid?

Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid? - Black Community News
By Walter Williams -- A recent Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation survey found that 51 percent of American millennials would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist country. Only 42 percent prefer the latter (Forty-Four Percent of Millennials Prefer Socialism. Do They Know What It Means?). Twenty-five percent of millennials who know who Vladimir Lenin was view him favorably. Lenin was the first premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Half of millennials have never heard of Communist Mao Zedong, who ruled China from 1949 to 1959 and was responsible for the deaths of 45 million Chinese people.… The number of people who died at the hands of Josef Stalin may be as high as 62 million. However, almost one-third of millennials think former President George W. Bush is responsible for more killings than Stalin (How Many Millennials Think Bush Killed More Than Stalin). By the way, Adolf Hitler, head of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was responsible for the deaths of about 20 million people. The Nazis come in as a poor third in terms of history’s most prolific mass murderers. According to professor Rudolph Rummel’s research, the 20th century, mankind’s most brutal century, saw 262 million people’s lives destroyed at the hands of their own governments (20th Century Democide)…. Young people who weren’t alive during World War II and its Cold War aftermath might be forgiven for not knowing the horrors of socialism. Some of their beliefs represent their having been indoctrinated by their K-12 teachers and college professors. There was such leftist hate for former President George W. Bush that it’s not out of the question that those 32 percent of millennials were taught by their teachers and professors that Bush murdered more people than Stalin.... America’s communists, socialists and Marxists have little knowledge of socialist history. Bradley Birzer, a professor of history at Hillsdale College, explains this in an article for The American Conservative titled “Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins.” Joseph Goebbels wrote in 1925, “It would be better for us to end our existence under Bolshevism than to endure slavery under capitalism.” This Nazi sentiment might be shared by Sen. Bernie Sanders and his comrade Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Goebbels added, “I think it is terrible that we and the Communists are.... Cold War aftermath might be forgiven for not knowing the horrors of socialism. Some of their beliefs represent their having been indoctrinated by their K-12 teachers and college professors. There was such leftist hate for former President George W. Bush that it’s not out of the question that those 32 percent of millennials were taught by their teachers and professors that Bush murdered more people than Stalin.... America’s communists, socialists and Marxists have little knowledge of socialist history. Bradley Birzer, a professor of history at Hillsdale College, explains this in an article for The American Conservative titled “Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins.” Joseph Goebbels wrote in 1925, “It would be better for us to end our existence under Bolshevism than to endure slavery. This Nazi sentiment might be shared by Sen. Bernie Sanders and his comrade Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Goebbels added, “I think it is terrible that we and the Communists are bashing in each other’s heads” (Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins)…. Are Americans who admire the world’s most brutal regimes miseducated or stupid? Or do they have some kind of devious agenda?


If Socialism is such an ideal utopia of sunshine, lollipops and everything wonderful then why was the damn Berlin Wall built in the first place? Why all the positive Hype by the biased media for Venezuela that is suffering hyper-inflation, people starving and seeking to leave despite the fact that before the Chavez - Marxist Socialist takeover was the richest country in South America. (Venezuela Before Chávez: Anatomy of an Economic Collapse Edited by Ricardo Hausmann and Francisco R. RodrÃ*guez).
Millennials today are the results decades of infiltration by socialist/communist propagandists posing as educators inculcating brainwashing children from their pre-school training forward. Ideological Marxist Socialist pseudo-educators have revised, rewritten history, misrepresented fact and inserted Marxist Socialism into every classroom. The brainwashed are taught that government should provide them with everything in life without any contribution from them. They are a generation of takers. They don't want to work or think. They believe they are owed something. In answer to Dr. Williams’ question, I would say mislead, lied too and stupid. An innately inquisitive intelligent person can, and probably will overcome faulty teaching. A sensible person can eventually wake up to reality. Those who can’t are simply stupid.
Remember kindergarten children taught to sing the praises of Barack Hussein Obama. This was not only done with the children in the video, it was widely done.
School children sing praises to their savior Obama
I would suggest that anyone who lacks a basic understanding of Marxist thought are those who are miseducated. And a willful ignorance of an idea that has withstood the test of time and offers a way out of an economic system that is clearly failing us is just stupid.
Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid?

Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid? - Black Community News
By Walter Williams -- A recent Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation survey found that 51 percent of American millennials would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist country. Only 42 percent prefer the latter (Forty-Four Percent of Millennials Prefer Socialism. Do They Know What It Means?). Twenty-five percent of millennials who know who Vladimir Lenin was view him favorably. Lenin was the first premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Half of millennials have never heard of Communist Mao Zedong, who ruled China from 1949 to 1959 and was responsible for the deaths of 45 million Chinese people.… The number of people who died at the hands of Josef Stalin may be as high as 62 million. However, almost one-third of millennials think former President George W. Bush is responsible for more killings than Stalin (How Many Millennials Think Bush Killed More Than Stalin). By the way, Adolf Hitler, head of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was responsible for the deaths of about 20 million people. The Nazis come in as a poor third in terms of history’s most prolific mass murderers. According to professor Rudolph Rummel’s research, the 20th century, mankind’s most brutal century, saw 262 million people’s lives destroyed at the hands of their own governments (20th Century Democide)…. Young people who weren’t alive during World War II and its Cold War aftermath might be forgiven for not knowing the horrors of socialism. Some of their beliefs represent their having been indoctrinated by their K-12 teachers and college professors. There was such leftist hate for former President George W. Bush that it’s not out of the question that those 32 percent of millennials were taught by their teachers and professors that Bush murdered more people than Stalin.... America’s communists, socialists and Marxists have little knowledge of socialist history. Bradley Birzer, a professor of history at Hillsdale College, explains this in an article for The American Conservative titled “Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins.” Joseph Goebbels wrote in 1925, “It would be better for us to end our existence under Bolshevism than to endure slavery under capitalism.” This Nazi sentiment might be shared by Sen. Bernie Sanders and his comrade Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Goebbels added, “I think it is terrible that we and the Communists are.... Cold War aftermath might be forgiven for not knowing the horrors of socialism. Some of their beliefs represent their having been indoctrinated by their K-12 teachers and college professors. There was such leftist hate for former President George W. Bush that it’s not out of the question that those 32 percent of millennials were taught by their teachers and professors that Bush murdered more people than Stalin.... America’s communists, socialists and Marxists have little knowledge of socialist history. Bradley Birzer, a professor of history at Hillsdale College, explains this in an article for The American Conservative titled “Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins.” Joseph Goebbels wrote in 1925, “It would be better for us to end our existence under Bolshevism than to endure slavery. This Nazi sentiment might be shared by Sen. Bernie Sanders and his comrade Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Goebbels added, “I think it is terrible that we and the Communists are bashing in each other’s heads” (Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins)…. Are Americans who admire the world’s most brutal regimes miseducated or stupid? Or do they have some kind of devious agenda?


If Socialism is such an ideal utopia of sunshine, lollipops and everything wonderful then why was the damn Berlin Wall built in the first place? Why all the positive Hype by the biased media for Venezuela that is suffering hyper-inflation, people starving and seeking to leave despite the fact that before the Chavez - Marxist Socialist takeover was the richest country in South America. (Venezuela Before Chávez: Anatomy of an Economic Collapse Edited by Ricardo Hausmann and Francisco R. RodrÃ*guez).
Millennials today are the results decades of infiltration by socialist/communist propagandists posing as educators inculcating brainwashing children from their pre-school training forward. Ideological Marxist Socialist pseudo-educators have revised, rewritten history, misrepresented fact and inserted Marxist Socialism into every classroom. The brainwashed are taught that government should provide them with everything in life without any contribution from them. They are a generation of takers. They don't want to work or think. They believe they are owed something. In answer to Dr. Williams’ question, I would say mislead, lied too and stupid. An innately inquisitive intelligent person can, and probably will overcome faulty teaching. A sensible person can eventually wake up to reality. Those who can’t are simply stupid.
Remember kindergarten children taught to sing the praises of Barack Hussein Obama. This was not only done with the children in the video, it was widely done.
School children sing praises to their savior Obama

"Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid? "

People who believe that anyone who would appreciate affordable health care MUST be "COMMUNISTS!" are miseducated AND stupid.
I would suggest that anyone who lacks a basic understanding of Marxist thought are those who are miseducated. And a willful ignorance of an idea that has withstood the test of time and offers a way out of an economic system that is clearly failing us is just stupid.

I think most of us have enough knowledge about Marxism and it’s relatives to understand it’s a philosophy we disagree with and do not want to see our nation embrace.

I’m interested to hear where it is you believe that Capitalism and Republicanism (since we’re a Republic not a Democracy) have failed. I’m not asking if you like or agree with them but where/how have these philosophies failed to work as they are intended
All the winner countries have some socialism .

But most Snowflake Socialists in the USA have no clue.
They think Socialism IN PLACE of Capitalism is good.

Socialism is in one way, like chlorinated drinking water......the most minute amount and it might do some good.....but go over that tiny amount and it's lethal.

Not sure how you call Venezuela and Cuba "Winner" countries?
You folks are strange.

" But most Snowflake Socialists in the USA have no clue.
They think Socialism IN PLACE of Capitalism is good."


We think affordable health care would be great!

We have NO problem with capitalism!. NONE!

You are lying.
In fact, you are engaging in BLOOD LIBEL; demonizing your ENEMIES with extreme lies with the intent of rousing the rabble to violence.

" Not sure how you call Venezuela and Cuba "Winner" countries?"

We do NOT.

We talk about Norway and Finland and Sweden.

YOU REFUSE to talk about THOSE countries.

" You folks are strange."

You are the ones who say VENEZUELA and CUBA when we talk about Norway and Finand.
I would suggest that anyone who lacks a basic understanding of Marxist thought are those who are miseducated. And a willful ignorance of an idea that has withstood the test of time and offers a way out of an economic system that is clearly failing us is just stupid.

I think most of us have enough knowledge about Marxism and it’s relatives to understand it’s a philosophy we disagree with and do not want to see our nation embrace.

I’m interested to hear where it is you believe that Capitalism and Republicanism (since we’re a Republic not a Democracy) have failed. I’m not asking if you like or agree with them but where/how have these philosophies failed to work as they are intended
Not failed, failing.

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