Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid?

Still lying I see. Merriam Webster defines Socialism:

so·cial·ism | \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm

Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

The American Heritage Ditionary defines socialism:

1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means of production are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.

Words have meaning apart from what you wish they meant. Stop your lying propaganda.
Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off the violent brainwashed right wing. Notice they say owns business and industry but also controls business and industry. One is communism the other is socialism. No communism is not socialism, socialism is not communism, and Nazism is not socialism or communism. You stoops are terminally confused and misinformed... Cold War dinosaurs at this point.

You ever wonder why only lowlife pieces of shits advocate for “socialism” or beg for free shit as I like to phrase it?
I am happily retired and just want what is best for our people who are pretty stressed out and pretty insane, one-quarter need mental help according to experts. Why don't we have health care Living wage good vacations. Every other country in the world has at least a month paid vacation after a year and all those things complain about about. You people are brainwashed too pathetic.

Haha..the ole “I’m retired and rich, I’m just so fucking noble that I’m willing to beg for free shit for others” bunch of bullshit huh?
“Every other country” DOESN’T have 12-50 million illegal wetbacks abusing their healthcare system...”every other country” has far fewer bottom feeders TAKING, “every other country” has a much higher average tax rate for all.
Think once beggar.
Of course if you subtract the amount of tax they pay for healthcare and infrastructure, they pay about the same as we super duper. And a lot of their average tax comes from taxing the rich their fair share. By the way, you Republicans are all going to hell 4 not wanting to help the poor and blaming them for bad luck and Republican policy of screwing them....’re wrong.
I’d just pay my own way if I were you...that’s kind of a fundamental thing to do for decent people. Seems easier than begging strangers to pay your
People don't have to beg in a civilized country, which blue states are now and many red... People are in need. T
Before ray gun we used to call them the unfortunate now you doops hate and blame them. God will not be amused.
And of those 52% who prefer socialism or communism, 99.999% prefer socialism, because unlike you they know what it is, always democratic faire capitalism with a good safety net that is the type of government in all successful modern countries, even us when we get Healthcare, though we are a super rich rip off of the nonrich. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed...
Still lying I see. Merriam Webster defines Socialism:

so·cial·ism | \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm

Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

The American Heritage Ditionary defines socialism:

1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means of production are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.

Words have meaning apart from what you wish they meant. Stop your lying propaganda.
Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off the violent brainwashed right wing. Notice they say owns business and industry but also controls business and industry. One is communism the other is socialism. No communism is not socialism, socialism is not communism, and Nazism is not socialism or communism. You stoops are terminally confused and misinformed... Cold War dinosaurs at this point.

You are a lying sack of crap, you are one dumb ass moron if you expect anyone to believe anything in this post.

Franco you are a dishonest hack.
Fine, just don't try this in polite Society anywhere, they think you're nuts LOL.

The dumb shit that translates The dictionary incorrectly? You are one funny idiot. Congrats, Mr Dishonest.
If your knowledge of political science all comes from dictionaries, then you are an idiot. And that is a pretty silly definition. The government owns controls and administrates. Every definition I saw before was owns and or regulates industrial business. Communism is owns, socialism is regulates. In the main..
Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off the violent brainwashed right wing. Notice they say owns business and industry but also controls business and industry. One is communism the other is socialism. No communism is not socialism, socialism is not communism, and Nazism is not socialism or communism. You stoops are terminally confused and misinformed... Cold War dinosaurs at this point.

You ever wonder why only lowlife pieces of shits advocate for “socialism” or beg for free shit as I like to phrase it?
I am happily retired and just want what is best for our people who are pretty stressed out and pretty insane, one-quarter need mental help according to experts. Why don't we have health care Living wage good vacations. Every other country in the world has at least a month paid vacation after a year and all those things complain about about. You people are brainwashed too pathetic.

Haha..the ole “I’m retired and rich, I’m just so fucking noble that I’m willing to beg for free shit for others” bunch of bullshit huh?
“Every other country” DOESN’T have 12-50 million illegal wetbacks abusing their healthcare system...”every other country” has far fewer bottom feeders TAKING, “every other country” has a much higher average tax rate for all.
Think once beggar.
Of course if you subtract the amount of tax they pay for healthcare and infrastructure, they pay about the same as we super duper. And a lot of their average tax comes from taxing the rich their fair share. By the way, you Republicans are all going to hell 4 not wanting to help the poor and blaming them for bad luck and Republican policy of screwing them....’re wrong.
I’d just pay my own way if I were you...that’s kind of a fundamental thing to do for decent people. Seems easier than begging strangers to pay your
People don't have to beg in a civilized country, which blue states are now and many red... People are in need. T
Before ray gun we used to call them the unfortunate now you doops hate and blame them. God will not be amused.[/QUOTE]

More leftwing dishonesty from the most dishonest ass on the board. My could Franco ever tell the truth or is he going to continue lie until he dies?
Still lying I see. Merriam Webster defines Socialism:

so·cial·ism | \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm

Definition of socialism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

The American Heritage Ditionary defines socialism:

1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means of production are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved.

Words have meaning apart from what you wish they meant. Stop your lying propaganda.
Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off the violent brainwashed right wing. Notice they say owns business and industry but also controls business and industry. One is communism the other is socialism. No communism is not socialism, socialism is not communism, and Nazism is not socialism or communism. You stoops are terminally confused and misinformed... Cold War dinosaurs at this point.

You are a lying sack of crap, you are one dumb ass moron if you expect anyone to believe anything in this post.

Franco you are a dishonest hack.
Fine, just don't try this in polite Society anywhere, they think you're nuts LOL.

The dumb shit that translates The dictionary incorrectly? You are one funny idiot. Congrats, Mr Dishonest.
If your knowledge of political science all comes from dictionaries, then you are an idiot. And that is a pretty silly definition. The government owns controls and administrates. Every definition I saw before was owns and or regulates industrial business. Communism is owns, socialism is regulates. In the main..

Now the whiner is crying on the thread! Lol! You can’t make this stupidity up.
Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off the violent brainwashed right wing. Notice they say owns business and industry but also controls business and industry. One is communism the other is socialism. No communism is not socialism, socialism is not communism, and Nazism is not socialism or communism. You stoops are terminally confused and misinformed... Cold War dinosaurs at this point.

You are a lying sack of crap, you are one dumb ass moron if you expect anyone to believe anything in this post.

Franco you are a dishonest hack.
Fine, just don't try this in polite Society anywhere, they think you're nuts LOL.

The dumb shit that translates The dictionary incorrectly? You are one funny idiot. Congrats, Mr Dishonest.
If your knowledge of political science all comes from dictionaries, then you are an idiot. And that is a pretty silly definition. The government owns controls and administrates. Every definition I saw before was owns and or regulates industrial business. Communism is owns, socialism is regulates. In the main..

Now the whiner is crying on the thread! Lol! You can’t make this stupidity up.
Yep, you are an idiot as always.
Merriam Webster didn't want to piss off the violent brainwashed right wing. Notice they say owns business and industry but also controls business and industry. One is communism the other is socialism. No communism is not socialism, socialism is not communism, and Nazism is not socialism or communism. You stoops are terminally confused and misinformed... Cold War dinosaurs at this point.

You ever wonder why only lowlife pieces of shits advocate for “socialism” or beg for free shit as I like to phrase it?
I am happily retired and just want what is best for our people who are pretty stressed out and pretty insane, one-quarter need mental help according to experts. Why don't we have health care Living wage good vacations. Every other country in the world has at least a month paid vacation after a year and all those things complain about about. You people are brainwashed too pathetic.

Haha..the ole “I’m retired and rich, I’m just so fucking noble that I’m willing to beg for free shit for others” bunch of bullshit huh?
“Every other country” DOESN’T have 12-50 million illegal wetbacks abusing their healthcare system...”every other country” has far fewer bottom feeders TAKING, “every other country” has a much higher average tax rate for all.
Think once beggar.
Of course if you subtract the amount of tax they pay for healthcare and infrastructure, they pay about the same as we super duper. And a lot of their average tax comes from taxing the rich their fair share. By the way, you Republicans are all going to hell 4 not wanting to help the poor and blaming them for bad luck and Republican policy of screwing them....’re wrong.
I’d just pay my own way if I were you...that’s kind of a fundamental thing to do for decent people. Seems easier than begging strangers to pay your
People don't have to beg in a civilized country, which blue states are now and many red... People are in need. T
Before ray gun we used to call them the unfortunate now you doops hate and blame them. God will not be amused.[/QUOTE]

What civilized country has 12-50 million illegal aliens stealing from the natives?
You are a lying sack of crap, you are one dumb ass moron if you expect anyone to believe anything in this post.

Franco you are a dishonest hack.
Fine, just don't try this in polite Society anywhere, they think you're nuts LOL.

The dumb shit that translates The dictionary incorrectly? You are one funny idiot. Congrats, Mr Dishonest.
If your knowledge of political science all comes from dictionaries, then you are an idiot. And that is a pretty silly definition. The government owns controls and administrates. Every definition I saw before was owns and or regulates industrial business. Communism is owns, socialism is regulates. In the main..

Now the whiner is crying on the thread! Lol! You can’t make this stupidity up.
Yep, you are an idiot as always.

And you are a liar, most of us on this board know you can’t tell the truth, you are just like Hillary, you lie every chance you get. I will continue to call you out when I see the lies.
You ever wonder why only lowlife pieces of shits advocate for “socialism” or beg for free shit as I like to phrase it?
I am happily retired and just want what is best for our people who are pretty stressed out and pretty insane, one-quarter need mental help according to experts. Why don't we have health care Living wage good vacations. Every other country in the world has at least a month paid vacation after a year and all those things complain about about. You people are brainwashed too pathetic.

Haha..the ole “I’m retired and rich, I’m just so fucking noble that I’m willing to beg for free shit for others” bunch of bullshit huh?
“Every other country” DOESN’T have 12-50 million illegal wetbacks abusing their healthcare system...”every other country” has far fewer bottom feeders TAKING, “every other country” has a much higher average tax rate for all.
Think once beggar.
Of course if you subtract the amount of tax they pay for healthcare and infrastructure, they pay about the same as we super duper. And a lot of their average tax comes from taxing the rich their fair share. By the way, you Republicans are all going to hell 4 not wanting to help the poor and blaming them for bad luck and Republican policy of screwing them....’re wrong.
I’d just pay my own way if I were you...that’s kind of a fundamental thing to do for decent people. Seems easier than begging strangers to pay your
People don't have to beg in a civilized country, which blue states are now and many red... People are in need. T
Before ray gun we used to call them the unfortunate now you doops hate and blame them. God will not be amused.

What civilized country has 12-50 million illegal aliens stealing from the natives?[/QUOTE]
We have 12. And the last time it was checked, 94% of the adult males work, 6 5% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Every other country has an ID card and doesn't allow that. The Democrats have wanted that and the Republicans have used it to win and demagogue 4 years. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes.
Fine, just don't try this in polite Society anywhere, they think you're nuts LOL.

The dumb shit that translates The dictionary incorrectly? You are one funny idiot. Congrats, Mr Dishonest.
If your knowledge of political science all comes from dictionaries, then you are an idiot. And that is a pretty silly definition. The government owns controls and administrates. Every definition I saw before was owns and or regulates industrial business. Communism is owns, socialism is regulates. In the main..

Now the whiner is crying on the thread! Lol! You can’t make this stupidity up.
Yep, you are an idiot as always.

And you are a liar, most of us on this board know you can’t tell the truth, you are just like Hillary, you lie every chance you get. I will continue to call you out when I see the lies.
lying about what. Read the Wikipedia article on socialism and they agree with everything I say. So do all the books and people I've talked to in France and Spain and Netherlands and England. Everywhere but cold war dinosaur American right-wing garbage propaganda which loves confusing the two terms socialism and communism and now even Nazism. Absolute idiocy for Chumps only
lying about what. Read the Wikipedia article on socialism and they agree with everything I say. So do all the books and people I've talked to in France and Spain and Netherlands and England. Everywhere but cold war dinosaur American right-wing garbage propaganda which loves confusing the two terms socialism and communism and now even Nazism. Absolute idiocy for Chumps only

Socialism is only as good as the federal government forcing it on its citizens...
There is a reason why socialism has a 100% failure rate long-term.

I am happily retired and just want what is best for our people who are pretty stressed out and pretty insane, one-quarter need mental help according to experts. Why don't we have health care Living wage good vacations. Every other country in the world has at least a month paid vacation after a year and all those things complain about about. You people are brainwashed too pathetic.

Haha..the ole “I’m retired and rich, I’m just so fucking noble that I’m willing to beg for free shit for others” bunch of bullshit huh?
“Every other country” DOESN’T have 12-50 million illegal wetbacks abusing their healthcare system...”every other country” has far fewer bottom feeders TAKING, “every other country” has a much higher average tax rate for all.
Think once beggar.
Of course if you subtract the amount of tax they pay for healthcare and infrastructure, they pay about the same as we super duper. And a lot of their average tax comes from taxing the rich their fair share. By the way, you Republicans are all going to hell 4 not wanting to help the poor and blaming them for bad luck and Republican policy of screwing them....’re wrong.
I’d just pay my own way if I were you...that’s kind of a fundamental thing to do for decent people. Seems easier than begging strangers to pay your
People don't have to beg in a civilized country, which blue states are now and many red... People are in need. T
Before ray gun we used to call them the unfortunate now you doops hate and blame them. God will not be amused.

What civilized country has 12-50 million illegal aliens stealing from the natives?
We have 12. And the last time it was checked, 94% of the adult males work, 6 5% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Every other country has an ID card and doesn't allow that. The Democrats have wanted that and the Republicans have used it to win and demagogue 4 years. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes.[/QUOTE]

Haha...not one single thing in that post is truthful...not one.
Haha..the ole “I’m retired and rich, I’m just so fucking noble that I’m willing to beg for free shit for others” bunch of bullshit huh?
“Every other country” DOESN’T have 12-50 million illegal wetbacks abusing their healthcare system...”every other country” has far fewer bottom feeders TAKING, “every other country” has a much higher average tax rate for all.
Think once beggar.
Of course if you subtract the amount of tax they pay for healthcare and infrastructure, they pay about the same as we super duper. And a lot of their average tax comes from taxing the rich their fair share. By the way, you Republicans are all going to hell 4 not wanting to help the poor and blaming them for bad luck and Republican policy of screwing them....’re wrong.
I’d just pay my own way if I were you...that’s kind of a fundamental thing to do for decent people. Seems easier than begging strangers to pay your
People don't have to beg in a civilized country, which blue states are now and many red... People are in need. T
Before ray gun we used to call them the unfortunate now you doops hate and blame them. God will not be amused.

What civilized country has 12-50 million illegal aliens stealing from the natives?
We have 12. And the last time it was checked, 94% of the adult males work, 6 5% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Every other country has an ID card and doesn't allow that. The Democrats have wanted that and the Republicans have used it to win and demagogue 4 years. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes.

Haha...not one single thing in that post is truthful...not one.[/QUOTE]
I will go with Pew research over your garbage propaganda and hate, super duper.
The dumb shit that translates The dictionary incorrectly? You are one funny idiot. Congrats, Mr Dishonest.
If your knowledge of political science all comes from dictionaries, then you are an idiot. And that is a pretty silly definition. The government owns controls and administrates. Every definition I saw before was owns and or regulates industrial business. Communism is owns, socialism is regulates. In the main..

Now the whiner is crying on the thread! Lol! You can’t make this stupidity up.
Yep, you are an idiot as always.

And you are a liar, most of us on this board know you can’t tell the truth, you are just like Hillary, you lie every chance you get. I will continue to call you out when I see the lies.
lying about what. Read the Wikipedia article on socialism and they agree with everything I say. So do all the books and people I've talked to in France and Spain and Netherlands and England. Everywhere but cold war dinosaur American right-wing garbage propaganda which loves confusing the two terms socialism and communism and now even Nazism. Absolute idiocy for Chumps only

Can’t help yourself can you? Wikipedia is a solid source? Lol!
Haha..the ole “I’m retired and rich, I’m just so fucking noble that I’m willing to beg for free shit for others” bunch of bullshit huh?
“Every other country” DOESN’T have 12-50 million illegal wetbacks abusing their healthcare system...”every other country” has far fewer bottom feeders TAKING, “every other country” has a much higher average tax rate for all.
Think once beggar.
Of course if you subtract the amount of tax they pay for healthcare and infrastructure, they pay about the same as we super duper. And a lot of their average tax comes from taxing the rich their fair share. By the way, you Republicans are all going to hell 4 not wanting to help the poor and blaming them for bad luck and Republican policy of screwing them....’re wrong.
I’d just pay my own way if I were you...that’s kind of a fundamental thing to do for decent people. Seems easier than begging strangers to pay your
People don't have to beg in a civilized country, which blue states are now and many red... People are in need. T
Before ray gun we used to call them the unfortunate now you doops hate and blame them. God will not be amused.

What civilized country has 12-50 million illegal aliens stealing from the natives?
We have 12. And the last time it was checked, 94% of the adult males work, 6 5% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Every other country has an ID card and doesn't allow that. The Democrats have wanted that and the Republicans have used it to win and demagogue 4 years. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes.

Haha...not one single thing in that post is truthful...not one.[/QUOTE]
Americans who admire socialism start bleeding from their eyes when you inform them they have to pay for it.
How do you define socialism, super duper?
One helps people with the mind of a child to not vote so they won't elect crooks like the democrats

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