Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid?

Life isn't fair.
Tell it to all the people who rested their hope in Trump bringing their jobs back.

Anyone who believes the political promises of a polio gets what they deserve. I learned that even before I was of age to vote by working for a gubernatorial candidate in Connecticut in 1990 (project for a high school Amer. Politics class).
It's a group of people who want government to save them from the ravages of capitalism, despite their claims to the contrary.

You're not quite so old as I imagined.
Life isn't fair.
Tell it to all the people who rested their hope in Trump bringing their jobs back.

Anyone who believes the political promises of a polio gets what they deserve. I learned that even before I was of age to vote by working for a gubernatorial candidate in Connecticut in 1990 (project for a high school Amer. Politics class).
It's a group of people who want government to save them from the ravages of capitalism, despite their claims to the contrary.

You're not quite so old as I imagined.
The fact remains socialism always has to be forced on those that want nothing to do with it.
To counter more lies from my Progressive good friends.

Cutting welfare to illegal aliens would pay for Trump’s wall
By Paul Sperry
March 10, 2018 |
If a wall stopped just 200,000 of those future crossings, Camarota says, it would pay for itself in fiscal savings from welfare, public education, refundable tax credits and other benefits currently given to low-income, illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America.

If a wall stopped 50 percent of those expected crossings, he says, it would save American taxpayers a whopping $64 billion — almost four times the wall’s cost — to say nothing of the additional billions in federal savings from reduced federal drug interdiction and border-security enforcement.

Camarota explains that illegal border-crossers from Mexico and Central America — who account for more than 75 percent of the illegal immigrant population in the US — are overwhelmingly poor, uneducated and lack English language and other skills. In fact, the average Latino illegal immigrant has less than a 10th-grade education. That means if they work, they tend to make low wages; and as a result pay relatively little in taxes while using public services. And if they have children while in the US, they more often than not receive welfare benefits on behalf of those US-born children, who have the same welfare eligibility as any other citizen.

“A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households is received on behalf of their US-born children,” Camarota said. “This is especially true of households headed by illegal immigrants.”

Therefore, illegal border-crossers create an average fiscal burden of more than $72,000 during their lifetimes, Camarota says. Including costs for their US-born children, the fiscal drain jumps to more than $94,000.

While the national media routinely report that illegal immigrants don’t go on welfare, Camarota says this is a pervasive myth. While in most cases they can’t legally qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid or other public benefits, the reality is that the vast majority of households headed by illegal immigrants are on welfare through their children.
All because the kids go to school... Those on welfare etcetera are American citizens. Tell us when you and the GOP are ready for a national ID card that would end this b*******
It's a group of people who want government to save them from the ravages of capitalism, despite their claims to the contrary.

You're not quite so old as I imagined.

Anyone who wants to be “saved” from Capitslism needs to be taken out back behind the woodshed.

I’m probably older than you imagined... age is a mentality not a measure of time on Earth, and I feel like I’m about 95 most days.
Whenever you want a good laugh, ask them where the money is going to come from.

Or ask them what socialism is:

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Life isn't fair.
Tell it to all the people who rested their hope in Trump bringing their jobs back.

Anyone who believes the political promises of a polio gets what they deserve. I learned that even before I was of age to vote by working for a gubernatorial candidate in Connecticut in 1990 (project for a high school Amer. Politics class).
It's a group of people who want government to save them from the ravages of capitalism, despite their claims to the contrary.

You're not quite so old as I imagined.
Complains about some imaginary ravages of capitalism on a computer made possible by capitalism.

Clearly you are as young and dumb as I thought
Life isn't fair.
Tell it to all the people who rested their hope in Trump bringing their jobs back.

Anyone who believes the political promises of a polio gets what they deserve. I learned that even before I was of age to vote by working for a gubernatorial candidate in Connecticut in 1990 (project for a high school Amer. Politics class).
It's a group of people who want government to save them from the ravages of capitalism, despite their claims to the contrary.

You're not quite so old as I imagined.
Complains about some imaginary ravages of capitalism on a computer made possible by capitalism.

Clearly you are as young and dumb as I thought
Capitalist development was a necessary part of human development. What we have to consider now is the future development of humanity and how capitalism affects it. Obviously you have decided that there are no other options. Me, not so much. As time passes more will start to rethink things.
Life isn't fair.
Tell it to all the people who rested their hope in Trump bringing their jobs back.

Anyone who believes the political promises of a polio gets what they deserve. I learned that even before I was of age to vote by working for a gubernatorial candidate in Connecticut in 1990 (project for a high school Amer. Politics class).
It's a group of people who want government to save them from the ravages of capitalism, despite their claims to the contrary.

You're not quite so old as I imagined.
Complains about some imaginary ravages of capitalism on a computer made possible by capitalism.

Clearly you are as young and dumb as I thought
Capitalist development was a necessary part of human development. What we have to consider now is the future development of humanity and how capitalism affects it. Obviously you have decided that there are no other options. Me, not so much. As time passes more will start to rethink things.
Communism and socialism are failures of the past not developments of the future. If someone comes up with something better fine but that is not communism or socialism.
Capitalist development was a necessary part of human development. What we have to consider now is the future development of humanity and how capitalism affects it. Obviously you have decided that there are no other options. Me, not so much. As time passes more will start to rethink things.

There is no future. At best I’ve got another 30 years on this side of Eternity and then I’m gone. Probably far less than 30 years. Why would I burden myself with the problems of future generations that I will not be a part of?
Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid?

Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid? - Black Community News
By Walter Williams -- A recent Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation survey found that 51 percent of American millennials would rather live in a socialist or communist country than in a capitalist country. Only 42 percent prefer the latter (Forty-Four Percent of Millennials Prefer Socialism. Do They Know What It Means?). Twenty-five percent of millennials who know who Vladimir Lenin was view him favorably. Lenin was the first premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Half of millennials have never heard of Communist Mao Zedong, who ruled China from 1949 to 1959 and was responsible for the deaths of 45 million Chinese people.… The number of people who died at the hands of Josef Stalin may be as high as 62 million. However, almost one-third of millennials think former President George W. Bush is responsible for more killings than Stalin (How Many Millennials Think Bush Killed More Than Stalin). By the way, Adolf Hitler, head of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was responsible for the deaths of about 20 million people. The Nazis come in as a poor third in terms of history’s most prolific mass murderers. According to professor Rudolph Rummel’s research, the 20th century, mankind’s most brutal century, saw 262 million people’s lives destroyed at the hands of their own governments (20th Century Democide)…. Young people who weren’t alive during World War II and its Cold War aftermath might be forgiven for not knowing the horrors of socialism. Some of their beliefs represent their having been indoctrinated by their K-12 teachers and college professors. There was such leftist hate for former President George W. Bush that it’s not out of the question that those 32 percent of millennials were taught by their teachers and professors that Bush murdered more people than Stalin.... America’s communists, socialists and Marxists have little knowledge of socialist history. Bradley Birzer, a professor of history at Hillsdale College, explains this in an article for The American Conservative titled “Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins.” Joseph Goebbels wrote in 1925, “It would be better for us to end our existence under Bolshevism than to endure slavery under capitalism.” This Nazi sentiment might be shared by Sen. Bernie Sanders and his comrade Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Goebbels added, “I think it is terrible that we and the Communists are.... Cold War aftermath might be forgiven for not knowing the horrors of socialism. Some of their beliefs represent their having been indoctrinated by their K-12 teachers and college professors. There was such leftist hate for former President George W. Bush that it’s not out of the question that those 32 percent of millennials were taught by their teachers and professors that Bush murdered more people than Stalin.... America’s communists, socialists and Marxists have little knowledge of socialist history. Bradley Birzer, a professor of history at Hillsdale College, explains this in an article for The American Conservative titled “Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins.” Joseph Goebbels wrote in 1925, “It would be better for us to end our existence under Bolshevism than to endure slavery. This Nazi sentiment might be shared by Sen. Bernie Sanders and his comrade Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Goebbels added, “I think it is terrible that we and the Communists are bashing in each other’s heads” (Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins)…. Are Americans who admire the world’s most brutal regimes miseducated or stupid? Or do they have some kind of devious agenda?


If Socialism is such an ideal utopia of sunshine, lollipops and everything wonderful then why was the damn Berlin Wall built in the first place? Why all the positive Hype by the biased media for Venezuela that is suffering hyper-inflation, people starving and seeking to leave despite the fact that before the Chavez - Marxist Socialist takeover was the richest country in South America. (Venezuela Before Chávez: Anatomy of an Economic Collapse Edited by Ricardo Hausmann and Francisco R. RodrÃ*guez).
Millennials today are the results decades of infiltration by socialist/communist propagandists posing as educators inculcating brainwashing children from their pre-school training forward. Ideological Marxist Socialist pseudo-educators have revised, rewritten history, misrepresented fact and inserted Marxist Socialism into every classroom. The brainwashed are taught that government should provide them with everything in life without any contribution from them. They are a generation of takers. They don't want to work or think. They believe they are owed something. In answer to Dr. Williams’ question, I would say mislead, lied too and stupid. An innately inquisitive intelligent person can, and probably will overcome faulty teaching. A sensible person can eventually wake up to reality. Those who can’t are simply stupid.
Remember kindergarten children taught to sing the praises of Barack Hussein Obama. This was not only done with the children in the video, it was widely done.
School children sing praises to their savior Obama

Should have made this a poll, lol.

They are BOTH! Enough said!
Life isn't fair.
Tell it to all the people who rested their hope in Trump bringing their jobs back.

Anyone who believes the political promises of a polio gets what they deserve. I learned that even before I was of age to vote by working for a gubernatorial candidate in Connecticut in 1990 (project for a high school Amer. Politics class).
It's a group of people who want government to save them from the ravages of capitalism, despite their claims to the contrary.

You're not quite so old as I imagined.
Complains about some imaginary ravages of capitalism on a computer made possible by capitalism.

Clearly you are as young and dumb as I thought
Capitalist development was a necessary part of human development. What we have to consider now is the future development of humanity and how capitalism affects it. Obviously you have decided that there are no other options. Me, not so much. As time passes more will start to rethink things.
Communism and socialism are failures of the past not developments of the future. If someone comes up with something better fine but that is not communism or socialism.
Moving from a competitive economic system to one that is cooperative would be an evolution of human development and is a defining quality of Marxist thought. It is the future......if we have any.
"Miseducated" and stupid are certainly not mutually exclusive.
When and if our species discovers no single ideology will save us from extinction we may, just may, figure out how not to engineer our collective demise. To have a tribal mentality in charge of weapons of mass distruction and to allow one person, such as President Toadstool or Thug Putin to have the power to initiate the final war speaks volumes about how evolution can make some awful mistakes from which there’s no return.
May you all dream about that red button tonight.
Anyone who believes the political promises of a polio gets what they deserve. I learned that even before I was of age to vote by working for a gubernatorial candidate in Connecticut in 1990 (project for a high school Amer. Politics class).
It's a group of people who want government to save them from the ravages of capitalism, despite their claims to the contrary.

You're not quite so old as I imagined.
Complains about some imaginary ravages of capitalism on a computer made possible by capitalism.

Clearly you are as young and dumb as I thought
Capitalist development was a necessary part of human development. What we have to consider now is the future development of humanity and how capitalism affects it. Obviously you have decided that there are no other options. Me, not so much. As time passes more will start to rethink things.
Communism and socialism are failures of the past not developments of the future. If someone comes up with something better fine but that is not communism or socialism.
Moving from a competitive economic system to one that is cooperative would be an evolution of human development and is a defining quality of Marxist thought. It is the future......if we have any.

The defining quality of Marxist thought is tyranny and oppression. Cooperation is something which is strictly and exclusively voluntary based on individual volitional choice. When it is forced it is no longer cooperation at all it is slavery which is the essence of marxist thought.

Slavery is a regressive step backwards in human development
And of those 52% who prefer socialism or communism, 99.999% prefer socialism, because unlike you they know what it is, always democratic faire capitalism with a good safety net that is the type of government in all successful modern countries, even us when we get Healthcare, though we are a super rich rip off of the nonrich. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed...

Yea, and it’s working out great in France.
Even Better In

In England
You Can Be Refused A Medical Procedure
Even If You'll Pay Yourself
Because That's Unfair To Others
"Miseducated" and stupid are certainly not mutually exclusive.
When and if our species discovers no single ideology will save us from extinction we may, just may, figure out how not to engineer our collective demise. To have a tribal mentality in charge of weapons of mass distruction and to allow one person, such as President Toadstool or Thug Putin to have the power to initiate the final war speaks volumes about how evolution can make some awful mistakes from which there’s no return.
May you all dream about that red button tonight.
Perhaps you're too young to remember, but we've been through this nonsense with Reagan. Ya gotta come up with something new. It's sooo tired.
"Miseducated" and stupid are certainly not mutually exclusive.
When and if our species discovers no single ideology will save us from extinction we may, just may, figure out how not to engineer our collective demise. To have a tribal mentality in charge of weapons of mass distruction and to allow one person, such as President Toadstool or Thug Putin to have the power to initiate the final war speaks volumes about how evolution can make some awful mistakes from which there’s no return.
May you all dream about that red button tonight.


It's a group of people who want government to save them from the ravages of capitalism, despite their claims to the contrary.

You're not quite so old as I imagined.
Complains about some imaginary ravages of capitalism on a computer made possible by capitalism.

Clearly you are as young and dumb as I thought
Capitalist development was a necessary part of human development. What we have to consider now is the future development of humanity and how capitalism affects it. Obviously you have decided that there are no other options. Me, not so much. As time passes more will start to rethink things.
Communism and socialism are failures of the past not developments of the future. If someone comes up with something better fine but that is not communism or socialism.
Moving from a competitive economic system to one that is cooperative would be an evolution of human development and is a defining quality of Marxist thought. It is the future......if we have any.

The defining quality of Marxist thought is tyranny and oppression. Cooperation is something which is strictly and exclusively voluntary based on individual volitional choice. When it is forced it is no longer cooperation at all it is slavery which is the essence of marxist thought.

Slavery is a regressive step backwards in human development
There is nothing oppressive or tyrannical about Marxism. It is simply a different way of organizing the way we produce the things that we use. It is actually less tyrannical than capitalism.
You've been conditioned your entire life to view the economy from only perspective. You can't see that it is the capitalists who enforce, with violence, their way of doing things.
Complains about some imaginary ravages of capitalism on a computer made possible by capitalism.

Clearly you are as young and dumb as I thought
Capitalist development was a necessary part of human development. What we have to consider now is the future development of humanity and how capitalism affects it. Obviously you have decided that there are no other options. Me, not so much. As time passes more will start to rethink things.
Communism and socialism are failures of the past not developments of the future. If someone comes up with something better fine but that is not communism or socialism.
Moving from a competitive economic system to one that is cooperative would be an evolution of human development and is a defining quality of Marxist thought. It is the future......if we have any.

The defining quality of Marxist thought is tyranny and oppression. Cooperation is something which is strictly and exclusively voluntary based on individual volitional choice. When it is forced it is no longer cooperation at all it is slavery which is the essence of marxist thought.

Slavery is a regressive step backwards in human development
There is nothing oppressive or tyrannical about Marxism. It is simply a different way of organizing the way we produce the things that we use. It is actually less tyrannical than capitalism.
You've been conditioned your entire life to view the economy from only perspective. You can't see that it is the capitalists who enforce, with violence, their way of doing things.

Marx himself proves you wrong.

Marx demands despotism and tyranny over others.

Marx clearly stated his vision demands dictatorship of the proletariat which means tyranny.

A dictator is a dictator is a dictator and they are all tyrannical even if they come from the proletariat.

It is not a different way of organizing production it is in fact a different way of FORCING production. Which is precisely what seizing the means of production is about.

First you seize it by force then you force it to function a certain way with workers who have to work.

That is slavery.

I cannot see mythology.

There is no force in trading pay for labor no matter how much you lie to the contrary.

That is why capitalism is morally superior to your regressive and outdated system. Capitalism is based on free will, marxism is based on violence.

You can deny those facts all day but you cannot refute then as they come from Marx himself
Complains about some imaginary ravages of capitalism on a computer made possible by capitalism.

Clearly you are as young and dumb as I thought
Capitalist development was a necessary part of human development. What we have to consider now is the future development of humanity and how capitalism affects it. Obviously you have decided that there are no other options. Me, not so much. As time passes more will start to rethink things.
Communism and socialism are failures of the past not developments of the future. If someone comes up with something better fine but that is not communism or socialism.
Moving from a competitive economic system to one that is cooperative would be an evolution of human development and is a defining quality of Marxist thought. It is the future......if we have any.

The defining quality of Marxist thought is tyranny and oppression. Cooperation is something which is strictly and exclusively voluntary based on individual volitional choice. When it is forced it is no longer cooperation at all it is slavery which is the essence of marxist thought.

Slavery is a regressive step backwards in human development
There is nothing oppressive or tyrannical about Marxism. It is simply a different way of organizing the way we produce the things that we use. It is actually less tyrannical than capitalism.
You've been conditioned your entire life to view the economy from only perspective. You can't see that it is the capitalists who enforce, with violence, their way of doing things.

Wow, you're quite the programmed little Marxist.

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