Are Americans Who Admire Socialism and Communism Miseducated or Stupid?

All the winner countries have some socialism .

But most Snowflake Socialists in the USA have no clue.
They think Socialism IN PLACE of Capitalism is good.

Socialism is in one way, like chlorinated drinking water......the most minute amount and it might do some good.....but go over that tiny amount and it's lethal.

Not sure how you call Venezuela and Cuba "Winner" countries?
You folks are strange.

" But most Snowflake Socialists in the USA have no clue.
They think Socialism IN PLACE of Capitalism is good."


We think affordable health care would be great!

We have NO problem with capitalism!. NONE!

You are lying.
In fact, you are engaging in BLOOD LIBEL; demonizing your ENEMIES with extreme lies with the intent of rousing the rabble to violence.

" Not sure how you call Venezuela and Cuba "Winner" countries?"

We do NOT.

We talk about Norway and Finland and Sweden.

YOU REFUSE to talk about THOSE countries.

" You folks are strange."

You are the ones who say VENEZUELA and CUBA when we talk about Norway and Finand.

Oh they won’t respond . Hell, you won’t even get an answer to a base question like “what do you consider as “socialism “”?
Here are just a couple typical Dems-Millenials. Rich, Privileged and Stupid.

Steph Curry Claimed NASA Never Landed On The Moon On A Podcast

Back to Earth: Kyrie finds reaction 'hilarious'
Cavs' Kyrie Irving on 'Earth is flat' comments: 'I know the science'

"This is not even a conspiracy theory," Irving told Jefferson and Frye while recording the podcast on an airplane. "The Earth is flat. The Earth is flat. ... It's right in front of our faces. I'm telling you, it's right in front of our faces. They lie to us."

It goes without noting that both men think America is so Racist that a Black Man could never be president or a millionaire in AmeriKKKa.


Funny . All you cons do say the government lies and everything is fake news. You should be on Stephs side !

Speaking of fake news . Kyrie has already said many times he was f’n with the press .
Folks on the Right.....

It's time to stop this nonsense. Or give up and 100% accept it Venezuelans did

But you're not allowed to do nothing and expect a good outcome. Too late for that.
Folks on the Right.....

It's time to stop this nonsense. Or give up and 100% accept it Venezuelans did

But you're not allowed to do nothing and expect a good outcome. Too late for that.
Americans are apathetic. You will do whatever the ruling class convinces you to do.
Americans are apathetic. You will do whatever the ruling class convinces you to do.

True. I had no idea how much so. All western societies are under the same trance.

I'm not sure I can recall a single protest march of more than 20 people on the right in recent memory.

I never realized how weak and pathetic they are and how easily they can be made fools of.
No wonder the Left sees them the way they do.

50% are 100% sure God will set things right....and they can just sit back and enjoy the show.
Another 49.99% thinks their toy guns will protect them.
That ONLY leaves .01% actually awake and willing to make a real difference.
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Not failed, failing.

Make America Great Again. What more needs be said?

MAGA is not an answer to the question that was posed. What part of the Philosophies of Capitalism and Republicanism have failed, or are failing in the United States currrntly?

You may not like those philosophies. You may be totally agatthrm. I still don’t see what arts of them you believe are failing.
Oh they won’t respond . Hell, you won’t even get an answer to a base question like “what do you consider as “socialism “”?

"What do you consider as 'socialism'"? Is a stupid question. There is a definition of economic theory. There is no "consider as socialism" just as there is no what do you consider an automobile, capitalism or an airplane. A hot air balloon is not an airplane.
Not failed, failing.

Make America Great Again. What more needs be said?

MAGA is not an answer to the question that was posed. What part of the Philosophies of Capitalism and Republicanism have failed, or are failing in the United States currrntly?

You may not like those philosophies. You may be totally agatthrm. I still don’t see what arts of them you believe are failing.

I did not address your question directly because it was a non sequitur. I didn't say capitalism was failing to work naturally, as it was intended. Indeed, if you understand Marx, what we are witnessing in our society is the result of capitalism working naturally.

What I'm saying is that capitalism is failing to equitably distribute resources in our society and that is a natural result of capitalism as it develops. MAGA is illustrative of that.
I did not address your question directly because it was a non sequitur. I didn't say capitalism was failing to work naturally, as it was intended. Indeed, if you understand Marx, what we are witnessing in our society is the result of capitalism working naturally.

What I'm saying is that capitalism is failing to equitably distribute resources in our society and that is a natural result of capitalism as it develops. MAGA is illustrative of that.

Ah, I was wondering if you were a “fairness” proponent. Sorry, life isn’t fair. It was never intended to be, and I hope it never is.

I say that as someone who has been ground under the weighty boot of life since the moment I was born with a significant birth defect. I’ve succeeded in life not by demanding others be hamstrung to bring them down to my level but by going the extra mile to succeed on my own.

If you truly believe in dragging everyone sown into the muck to create “equality” rather than offering people the opportunity to become better, then allowing them to succeed or fail on their own merits then we will not have much in common, philosophically.
How do you define socialism, super duper?

Something brain washed functionally illiterate super dupers believe in until you tell them THEY have to pay for the it. :itsok:
You dupes can't define it, you just know it's horrible and very scary LOL. Read something about Bernie Sanders and socialists around the world. They are not communist they are for a always democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Everyone in the modern world has that except us, thanks GOP scumbags and their silly dupes like you...
Last edited:’re wrong.
I’d just pay my own way if I were you...that’s kind of a fundamental thing to do for decent people. Seems easier than begging strangers to pay your
People don't have to beg in a civilized country, which blue states are now and many red... People are in need. T
Before ray gun we used to call them the unfortunate now you doops hate and blame them. God will not be amused.

What civilized country has 12-50 million illegal aliens stealing from the natives?
We have 12. And the last time it was checked, 94% of the adult males work, 6 5% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Every other country has an ID card and doesn't allow that. The Democrats have wanted that and the Republicans have used it to win and demagogue 4 years. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes.

Haha...not one single thing in that post is truthful...not one.
I will go with Pew research over your garbage propaganda and hate, super duper.

I didn't notice your reliable source and link. Does it not exist?[/QUOTE]
Unlike the bs from your GOP propaganda machine, regular journalists let their links disappear. Disappeared in the last year or two... A 2007 Pew research survey. So go off on that super dupes.
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All the winner countries have some socialism .

But most Snowflake Socialists in the USA have no clue.
They think Socialism IN PLACE of Capitalism is good.

Socialism is in one way, like chlorinated drinking water......the most minute amount and it might do some good.....but go over that tiny amount and it's lethal.

Not sure how you call Venezuela and Cuba "Winner" countries?
You folks are strange.

" But most Snowflake Socialists in the USA have no clue.
They think Socialism IN PLACE of Capitalism is good."


We think affordable health care would be great!

We have NO problem with capitalism!. NONE!

You are lying.
In fact, you are engaging in BLOOD LIBEL; demonizing your ENEMIES with extreme lies with the intent of rousing the rabble to violence.

" Not sure how you call Venezuela and Cuba "Winner" countries?"

We do NOT.

We talk about Norway and Finland and Sweden.

YOU REFUSE to talk about THOSE countries.

" You folks are strange."

You are the ones who say VENEZUELA and CUBA when we talk about Norway and Finand.
Half of GOP voters are brainwashed functional morons at this point.
I did not address your question directly because it was a non sequitur. I didn't say capitalism was failing to work naturally, as it was intended. Indeed, if you understand Marx, what we are witnessing in our society is the result of capitalism working naturally.

What I'm saying is that capitalism is failing to equitably distribute resources in our society and that is a natural result of capitalism as it develops. MAGA is illustrative of that.

Ah, I was wondering if you were a “fairness” proponent. Sorry, life isn’t fair. It was never intended to be, and I hope it never is.

I say that as someone who has been ground under the weighty boot of life since the moment I was born with a significant birth defect. I’ve succeeded in life not by demanding others be hamstrung to bring them down to my level but by going the extra mile to succeed on my own.

If you truly believe in dragging everyone sown into the muck to create “equality” rather than offering people the opportunity to become better, then allowing them to succeed or fail on their own merits then we will not have much in common, philosophically.
Life isn't fair.
Tell it to all the people who rested their hope in Trump bringing their jobs back.
Here are just a couple typical Dems-Millenials. Rich, Privileged and Stupid.

Steph Curry Claimed NASA Never Landed On The Moon On A Podcast

Back to Earth: Kyrie finds reaction 'hilarious'
Cavs' Kyrie Irving on 'Earth is flat' comments: 'I know the science'

"This is not even a conspiracy theory," Irving told Jefferson and Frye while recording the podcast on an airplane. "The Earth is flat. The Earth is flat. ... It's right in front of our faces. I'm telling you, it's right in front of our faces. They lie to us."

It goes without noting that both men think America is so Racist that a Black Man could never be president or a millionaire in AmeriKKKa.

The Democrats have a few conspiracy nut jobs, half the GOP voters are conspiracy nut jobs. They believe a ridiculous amount of garbage propaganda and phony scandals against Hillary Obama and other Democrats, all of which have been investigated and nothing has been found except garbage GOP propaganda. And It all leads to disrespect for our excellent law enforcement and other institutions.
People don't have to beg in a civilized country, which blue states are now and many red... People are in need. T
Before ray gun we used to call them the unfortunate now you doops hate and blame them. God will not be amused.

What civilized country has 12-50 million illegal aliens stealing from the natives?
We have 12. And the last time it was checked, 94% of the adult males work, 6 5% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Every other country has an ID card and doesn't allow that. The Democrats have wanted that and the Republicans have used it to win and demagogue 4 years. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes.

Haha...not one single thing in that post is truthful...not one.
I will go with Pew research over your garbage propaganda and hate, super duper.

I didn't notice your reliable source and link. Does it not exist?
Unlike the bs from your GOP propaganda machine, regular journalists let their links disappear. Disappeared in the last year or two... A 2007 Pew research survey. So go off on that super dupes.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for finally admitting that your information is a lie, it never existed.

You lied and you're proud of lying. What a troll.
Life isn't fair.
Tell it to all the people who rested their hope in Trump bringing their jobs back.

Anyone who believes the political promises of a polio gets what they deserve. I learned that even before I was of age to vote by working for a gubernatorial candidate in Connecticut in 1990 (project for a high school Amer. Politics class).
What civilized country has 12-50 million illegal aliens stealing from the natives?
We have 12. And the last time it was checked, 94% of the adult males work, 6 5% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Every other country has an ID card and doesn't allow that. The Democrats have wanted that and the Republicans have used it to win and demagogue 4 years. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes.

Haha...not one single thing in that post is truthful...not one.
I will go with Pew research over your garbage propaganda and hate, super duper.

I didn't notice your reliable source and link. Does it not exist?
Unlike the bs from your GOP propaganda machine, regular journalists let their links disappear. Disappeared in the last year or two... A 2007 Pew research survey. So go off on that super dupes.

Thank you for finally admitting that your information is a lie, it never existed.

You lied and you're proud of lying. What a troll.[/QUOTE]
If you don't know that illegal immigrants work like crazy and don't vote or receive welfare, you are brainwashed racist twit.
About 6.1 Million Illegals Filed Taxes in US – Many Didn't Pay, Received Refunds
By James Agresti | November 7, 2016 | 2:57 PM EST
About 6.1 Million Illegals Filed Taxes in US – Many Didn't Pay, Received Refunds
For years Democrats have wanted a national ID card to end this kind of thing and the open invitation Republicans give illegals. The GOP has only used the idea, the only solution, to attack them and call them Communists and fear-monger the idea. Tell us when you're ready for the solution, scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
To counter more lies from my Progressive good friends.

Cutting welfare to illegal aliens would pay for Trump’s wall
By Paul Sperry
March 10, 2018 |
If a wall stopped just 200,000 of those future crossings, Camarota says, it would pay for itself in fiscal savings from welfare, public education, refundable tax credits and other benefits currently given to low-income, illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America.

If a wall stopped 50 percent of those expected crossings, he says, it would save American taxpayers a whopping $64 billion — almost four times the wall’s cost — to say nothing of the additional billions in federal savings from reduced federal drug interdiction and border-security enforcement.

Camarota explains that illegal border-crossers from Mexico and Central America — who account for more than 75 percent of the illegal immigrant population in the US — are overwhelmingly poor, uneducated and lack English language and other skills. In fact, the average Latino illegal immigrant has less than a 10th-grade education. That means if they work, they tend to make low wages; and as a result pay relatively little in taxes while using public services. And if they have children while in the US, they more often than not receive welfare benefits on behalf of those US-born children, who have the same welfare eligibility as any other citizen.

“A large share of the welfare used by immigrant households is received on behalf of their US-born children,” Camarota said. “This is especially true of households headed by illegal immigrants.”

Therefore, illegal border-crossers create an average fiscal burden of more than $72,000 during their lifetimes, Camarota says. Including costs for their US-born children, the fiscal drain jumps to more than $94,000.

While the national media routinely report that illegal immigrants don’t go on welfare, Camarota says this is a pervasive myth. While in most cases they can’t legally qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid or other public benefits, the reality is that the vast majority of households headed by illegal immigrants are on welfare through their children.

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