Are Americans Who Believe Pres. Donald's Lie's Dumb or Only Brainwashed?

It's beyond my ability to comprehend how people can accept being lied to on such a prolific level. I understand people lie, and politicians tell lies, but the Trump ridiculous level of lying reaches never before accepted levels.
Your answer indicates you seem to accept being brainwashed as a routine or are too stupid to comprehend the repercussions of having a grossly misinformed voter base and the general population. Thomas Jefferson tried to warn us.


Your meat puppet faggot messiah was the worst liar since your last messiah hitlery or her lying ass husband.

Trumps lies haven't cost me anything, I don't even know what they are, then again I don't give a shit because he is fixing the damage the sociopaths you support have wrought. You sniveling servile zealots exist in a false reality, and then you have the gall to claim people ignore your agitprop are "misinformed"?

Fuck you. Fuck your meat puppet faggot and that sociopath hag.


They won’t list them.

All I have seen is him saying unemployment would be 20% if he wasn’t in office. :21:

It’s bizarre...he is the biggest liar of all time, but the ones calling him a liar won’t list his worst lies.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.


brainwashed AND dumb.

It's easy to brainwash the dumb.

They are so dumb they have no idea they have been brainwashed!
It's beyond my ability to comprehend how people can accept being lied to on such a prolific level. I understand people lie, and politicians tell lies, but the Trump ridiculous level of lying reaches never before accepted levels.
Your answer indicates you seem to accept being brainwashed as a routine or are too stupid to comprehend the repercussions of having a grossly misinformed voter base and the general population. Thomas Jefferson tried to warn us.


Your meat puppet faggot messiah was the worst liar since your last messiah hitlery or her lying ass husband.

Trumps lies haven't cost me anything, I don't even know what they are, then again I don't give a shit because he is fixing the damage the sociopaths you support have wrought. You sniveling servile zealots exist in a false reality, and then you have the gall to claim people ignore your agitprop are "misinformed"?

Fuck you. Fuck your meat puppet faggot and that sociopath hag.


You sound like such a pleasant fellow!
No link, no nothing except a rant by an ignorant ungrateful angry hypocrite SOB who would rather live under an oppressive democrat regime than in a booming economy.
Really? You need a link to convince you Donald Trump is a compulsive serial liar. Type "Trump lies" into Google or any search engine from any country in rhe world and you will have multiple lists of thousands of Trump lies, misinformation and misstatements. He is the most prolific liar in Presidential history.
No, he did not win the 2016 election in a landslide and no, his EC margin was not the largest in recent memory, and no, he did not watch thousands of American Muslims on television dancing in the NJ streets.

Once again how many lies did Trump tell that forced me to buy something..

Apparently, his lies convinced you to vote for him!

I vote by moving,. (Illinois , south Carolina now Wyoming) the last time was 2001 for goof ball bush jr..

Now I will ask this question one more time what did Trump do that's so bad for the country?


That is like asking "What is so bad about cancer?"
No link, no nothing except a rant by an ignorant ungrateful angry hypocrite SOB who would rather live under an oppressive democrat regime than in a booming economy.
Really? You need a link to convince you Donald Trump is a compulsive serial liar. Type "Trump lies" into Google or any search engine from any country in rhe world and you will have multiple lists of thousands of Trump lies, misinformation and misstatements. He is the most prolific liar in Presidential history.
No, he did not win the 2016 election in a landslide and no, his EC margin was not the largest in recent memory, and no, he did not watch thousands of American Muslims on television dancing in the NJ streets.

Once again how many lies did Trump tell that forced me to buy something..

Apparently, his lies convinced you to vote for him!
List the lies he's told as president during the campaign leading up to becoming the President, and then after becoming the President.

People voted, and Trump has acted for them against great resistance and obstruction, especially concerning the odds that were running against him.

You have brought "ignorance" and "uneducated" to a new, and rarified level!
No link, no nothing except a rant by an ignorant ungrateful angry hypocrite SOB who would rather live under an oppressive democrat regime than in a booming economy.
Really? You need a link to convince you Donald Trump is a compulsive serial liar. Type "Trump lies" into Google or any search engine from any country in rhe world and you will have multiple lists of thousands of Trump lies, misinformation and misstatements. He is the most prolific liar in Presidential history.
No, he did not win the 2016 election in a landslide and no, his EC margin was not the largest in recent memory, and no, he did not watch thousands of American Muslims on television dancing in the NJ streets.

Once again how many lies did Trump tell that forced me to buy something..

Apparently, his lies convinced you to vote for him!
List the lies he's told as president during the campaign leading up to becoming the President, and then after becoming the President.

People voted, and Trump has acted for them against great resistance and obstruction, especially concerning the odds that were running against him.

You have brought "ignorance" and "uneducated" to a new, and rarified level!

Another non retort, are you a transgender?

It's beyond my ability to comprehend how people can accept being lied to on such a prolific level. I understand people lie, and politicians tell lies, but the Trump ridiculous level of lying reaches never before accepted levels.
Your answer indicates you seem to accept being brainwashed as a routine or are too stupid to comprehend the repercussions of having a grossly misinformed voter base and the general population. Thomas Jefferson tried to warn us.


Your meat puppet faggot messiah was the worst liar since your last messiah hitlery or her lying ass husband.

Trumps lies haven't cost me anything, I don't even know what they are, then again I don't give a shit because he is fixing the damage the sociopaths you support have wrought. You sniveling servile zealots exist in a false reality, and then you have the gall to claim people ignore your agitprop are "misinformed"?

Fuck you. Fuck your meat puppet faggot and that sociopath hag.


They won’t list them.

All I have seen is him saying unemployment would be 20% if he wasn’t in office. :21:

It’s bizarre...he is the biggest liar of all time, but the ones calling him a liar won’t list his worst lies.
You are a liar like Trump. Trump lies get listed all rhe time here on USMB. Some have even been listed in this thread. There are long lists of thousands of his lies available online from multiple sources. Why don't you Google "Trump lies"? You have been asked to do so several times but continue to play stupid, confirming the premise of the thread. If you did you would have thousands of samples of Trump lies.
Really? You need a link to convince you Donald Trump is a compulsive serial liar. Type "Trump lies" into Google or any search engine from any country in rhe world and you will have multiple lists of thousands of Trump lies, misinformation and misstatements. He is the most prolific liar in Presidential history.
No, he did not win the 2016 election in a landslide and no, his EC margin was not the largest in recent memory, and no, he did not watch thousands of American Muslims on television dancing in the NJ streets.

Once again how many lies did Trump tell that forced me to buy something..

Apparently, his lies convinced you to vote for him!
List the lies he's told as president during the campaign leading up to becoming the President, and then after becoming the President.

People voted, and Trump has acted for them against great resistance and obstruction, especially concerning the odds that were running against him.

You have brought "ignorance" and "uneducated" to a new, and rarified level!

Another non retort, are you a transgender?


Not worthy of a serious response. You will have to do better than that.
It's up to Democrat socialists to make sure everyone thinks like they do. Disagreement will not be tolerated.
Once again how many lies did Trump tell that forced me to buy something..

Apparently, his lies convinced you to vote for him!
List the lies he's told as president during the campaign leading up to becoming the President, and then after becoming the President.

People voted, and Trump has acted for them against great resistance and obstruction, especially concerning the odds that were running against him.

You have brought "ignorance" and "uneducated" to a new, and rarified level!

Another non retort, are you a transgender?


Not worthy of a serious response. You will have to do better than that.
They do anything to deflect and run away from addressing the issue like cowards.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

The same could be asked of the people who believe the media. Dumb or brainwashed? I give most the benefit of the doubt and dub as brainwashed.
It's up to Democrat socialists to make sure everyone thinks like they do. Disagreement will not be tolerated.
It's called freedom Comrade. Being able to convince people to believe as you yourself do is called freedom.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.
Neither really, imo. They simply agree with policies of having a fence and not allowing children to apply for asylum because they only want limited immigration, if any, for people they think are like them, and having Justices like Kavenaugh whom they think will strike down any law that requires them to do anything they feel is contrary to their Christian faith, even when all Christians don't agree with them on policy. It's basically a nativist/distrust of govt view.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

Funny how you’re concerned about a lying president the press (that you believe is honest) scrutinizes every word of. It’s the people on the right and left who make excuses to believe lies you should be annoyed with. If only lefties made a point to educate themselves about how the news can manipulate the masses... Trump may lie but he doesn’t have the power to publish reams of propaganda on a daily basis. He doesn’t have the power to pass his opinion off as fact, write long articles cherry-picking info and leaving other pertinent info out in order to preach a narrative.

For instance, why are people concerned about hush payments Trump made before he ran for president? Maybe bc they media is suppressing the fact more of them were made before July 2015 than after?

Even in the face of Benghazi and its subsequent media storm, the media wants you to believe Obama’s tenure was scandal free. Even if you think there was no wrongdoing on Obama or Hillary’s part, Benghazi was still a scandal. They literally report scandals and then years later report there were no scandals and we’re expected to trust them?
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

The same could be asked of the people who believe the media. Dumb or brainwashed? I give most the benefit of the doubt and dub as brainwashed.
Not even close to being the same. "Media" refers to millions of independent entities and individuals. Donald Trump is one specific individual.
Compared to the last 3 presidents, Trump is like a beacon of honesty and truth in politics.

I personally don't give a shit if he lies to bed wetters who believe political whores. He is undoing the damage caused by that meat puppet faggot obozo.

That makes up for everything.
It's beyond my ability to comprehend how people can accept being lied to on such a prolific level. I understand people lie, and politicians tell lies, but the Trump ridiculous level of lying reaches never before accepted levels.
Your answer indicates you seem to accept being brainwashed as a routine or are too stupid to comprehend the repercussions of having a grossly misinformed voter base and the general population. Thomas Jefferson tried to warn us.

Why can’t you see the media is misinforming just as many people as Trump is? Because you don’t want to see it.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

The same could be asked of the people who believe the media. Dumb or brainwashed? I give most the benefit of the doubt and dub as brainwashed.
Not even close to being the same. "Media" refers to millions of independent entities and individuals. Donald Trump is one specific individual.

Doesn’t matter. Lies are lies. You’re giving the media a pass just because they make up more than one person? That’s even worse! Sounds like faulty logic if you ask me. It’s okay if THEY lie, but not okay if HE lies. How about it’s not okay for anyone to lie?
Apparently, his lies convinced you to vote for him!
List the lies he's told as president during the campaign leading up to becoming the President, and then after becoming the President.

People voted, and Trump has acted for them against great resistance and obstruction, especially concerning the odds that were running against him.

You have brought "ignorance" and "uneducated" to a new, and rarified level!

Another non retort, are you a transgender?


Not worthy of a serious response. You will have to do better than that.
They do anything to deflect and run away from addressing the issue like cowards.

What's to address he has been doing that his entire life and once again name one lie he said that tried to force me to buy something?

Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

The same could be asked of the people who believe the media. Dumb or brainwashed? I give most the benefit of the doubt and dub as brainwashed.
Not even close to being the same. "Media" refers to millions of independent entities and individuals. Donald Trump is one specific individual.

The reason you’re not concerned about the media’s lies is because you support their agenda. The same reason Trump supporters don’t mind his lies. It’s an ugly truth but true nonetheless.

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