CDZ Are anti gunners serious when they say they will stop at 10 round magazines?

Being that when the second amendment was written, firearm technology was limited to muzzle loading single shot weapons. And the 1700's wasn't prone to serial murders or terrorism. Times have changed, mindsets have changed, and technology has advanced beyond what our forefathers could have comprehended. We have to reassess our need for firearms (and various side issues relating to them) and put things in perspective.

firearm technology was limited to muzzle loading single shot weapons


why do you keep making that claim
I knew someone would say this. Please, we are not talking about some esoteric weapons here. Our forefathers didn't have modern day guns in mind when they wrote the 2nd amendment, let alone realize how their rulings would be abused by future generations. They couldn't have known . Well, we DO.

they surely did

the did not pen

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed except
for the Lorenzoni pistol
If they foresaw 200 years down the road their decision would allow the slaughter of 20 children at a elementary school, I think we would have a different set of principals in motion now.

no they depended on the Idea of good guys have the same firepower to stop the bad guys

who kill children in the schools and other gun free zones

instead being helpless sheep watching their children get slaughtered
By the way, I like the idea of guns, and the freedom they symbolize. On the other hand, I know what harm they can do, I have never owned one, and I will never hurt anyone. I have no problem living in an America were nobody has guns. Why is that such a big deal?
By the way, I like the idea of guns, and the freedom they symbolize. On the other hand, I know what harm they can do, I have never owned one, and I will never hurt anyone. I have no problem living in an America were nobody has guns. Why is that such a big deal?

problem is

the bad guys do not honor such ideas

so the idea of a gun free world is absurd
By the way, I like the idea of guns, and the freedom they symbolize. On the other hand, I know what harm they can do, I have never owned one, and I will never hurt anyone. I have no problem living in an America were nobody has guns. Why is that such a big deal?

problem is

the bad guys do not honor such ideas

so the idea of a gun free world is absurd
Well, you realize this is a cyclical argument. There's always bad guys. If we never had guns or if we are armed to the teeth. They got guns, we need guns to protect us...
By the way, I like the idea of guns, and the freedom they symbolize. On the other hand, I know what harm they can do, I have never owned one, and I will never hurt anyone. I have no problem living in an America were nobody has guns. Why is that such a big deal?

problem is

the bad guys do not honor such ideas

so the idea of a gun free world is absurd
Well, you realize this is a cyclical argument. There's always bad guys. If we never had guns or if we are armed to the teeth.

yes there are always bad guys that is the point

i will protect myself and family with firearms if need be

you can protect yours with a book to throw at them

that is your choice
By the way, I like the idea of guns, and the freedom they symbolize. On the other hand, I know what harm they can do, I have never owned one, and I will never hurt anyone. I have no problem living in an America were nobody has guns. Why is that such a big deal?

problem is

the bad guys do not honor such ideas

so the idea of a gun free world is absurd
Well, you realize this is a cyclical argument. There's always bad guys. If we never had guns or if we are armed to the teeth.

yes there are always bad guys that is the point

i will protect myself and family with firearms if need be

you can protect yours with a book to throw at them

that is your choice
Well, domestic incidents tend to be the most violent things. I have seen fathers threatening sons with guns, I have known of husbands shooting to death their wives in fit a pique. Protecting the family? This claim rings a little hollow.
By the way, I like the idea of guns, and the freedom they symbolize. On the other hand, I know what harm they can do, I have never owned one, and I will never hurt anyone. I have no problem living in an America were nobody has guns. Why is that such a big deal?

problem is

the bad guys do not honor such ideas

so the idea of a gun free world is absurd
Well, you realize this is a cyclical argument. There's always bad guys. If we never had guns or if we are armed to the teeth.

yes there are always bad guys that is the point

i will protect myself and family with firearms if need be

you can protect yours with a book to throw at them

that is your choice
Well, domestic incidents tend to be the most violent things. I have seen fathers threatening sons with guns, I have known of husbands shooting to death their wives in fit a pique. Protecting the family? This claim rings a little hollow.

rare incidents

has not happened in our household

maybe you come from a violent family

perhaps already barred from owning firearms
Don't be ridiculous. A gun specifically designed for military use in combat has no reasonable purpose for civilian use, even if it is no longer full auto capable.

I think you missed this part ...

The Founding Fathers could not have foreseen the advancements in modern technology ... BUT
They had just used the firearms they had available to overthrow an oppressive government in a Revolution.

It would be stupid to think they did not consider that when writing the Second Amendment ... :thup:

Furthermore ... The Second Amendment doesn't say a damn thing about hunting ... But it does say "the People" have the right to bear arms.
We aren't asking people like you for something we don't already have ... You are attempting to limit our existing freedoms.

You have nothing to barter with ... We will not come to a compromise because you have nothing to offer.

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By the way, I like the idea of guns, and the freedom they symbolize. On the other hand, I know what harm they can do, I have never owned one, and I will never hurt anyone. I have no problem living in an America were nobody has guns. Why is that such a big deal?

problem is

the bad guys do not honor such ideas

so the idea of a gun free world is absurd
Well, you realize this is a cyclical argument. There's always bad guys. If we never had guns or if we are armed to the teeth.

yes there are always bad guys that is the point

i will protect myself and family with firearms if need be

you can protect yours with a book to throw at them

that is your choice
Well, domestic incidents tend to be the most violent things. I have seen fathers threatening sons with guns, I have known of husbands shooting to death their wives in fit a pique. Protecting the family? This claim rings a little hollow.

rare incidents

has not happened in our household

maybe you come from a violent family

perhaps already barred from owning firearms
Domestic violence, like any crime will happen sans guns. people will use fists, knives, bludgeon or whatever. guns just make it easier, do we need to enable criminals? I am OK without guns. I am good without condoning any sort of violence. But Guns? My father was in WWII, he fought the fascists.He was shot by a Japanese soldier . Years later, I confronted him in one of his drunken post war traumatic rages, with a gun in his hand, he threatened to shoot me. I loved him, his was my father. Not seeing firearms in such a glowing halo unquestionable aura as some of you. Sorry.
Don't be ridiculous. A gun specifically designed for military use in combat has no reasonable purpose for civilian use, even if it is no longer full auto capable.

I think you missed this part ...

The Founding Fathers could not have foreseen the advancements in modern technology ... BUT
They had just used the firearms they had available to overthrow an oppressive government in a Revolution.

It would be stupid to think they did not consider that when writing the Second Amendment ... :thup:

Furthermore ... The Second Amendment doesn't say a damn thing about hunting ... But it does say "the People" have the right to bear arms.
We aren't asking people like you for something we don't already have ... You are attempting to limit our existing freedoms.

You have nothing to barter with ... We will not come to a compromise because you have nothing to offer.


So why do so many gun nuts try to pretend that it is just an every day civilian rifle? I think you have an honest reason to say what you say, even if I disagree with you for several specific reasons. The large majority of gun nuts will just say anything to try supporting their position, even making obvious lies about a gun specifically designed for combat being just another gun.
I like guns in a weird way. They aren't the problem. I like cars, too. 60' Bonneville for instance. You can use it to go the grocery store, or travel cross country or even race it. Or use it to mow down countless pedestrians.But we don't Guns might look cool, but they were engineered to kill. You don't use them for much else, sport (OK) self protection. We Need guns to protect is from guns...really? When is the last time you needed your car to protect you from another car?
Don't be ridiculous. A gun specifically designed for military use in combat has no reasonable purpose for civilian use, even if it is no longer full auto capable.

I think you missed this part ...

The Founding Fathers could not have foreseen the advancements in modern technology ... BUT
They had just used the firearms they had available to overthrow an oppressive government in a Revolution.

It would be stupid to think they did not consider that when writing the Second Amendment ... :thup:

Furthermore ... The Second Amendment doesn't say a damn thing about hunting ... But it does say "the People" have the right to bear arms.
We aren't asking people like you for something we don't already have ... You are attempting to limit our existing freedoms.

You have nothing to barter with ... We will not come to a compromise because you have nothing to offer.


So why do so many gun nuts try to pretend that it is just an every day civilian rifle? I think you have an honest reason to say what you say, even if I disagree with you for several specific reasons. The large majority of gun nuts will just say anything to try supporting their position, even making obvious lies about a gun specifically designed for combat being just another gun.
Actually since the supreme court ruled a weapon must be of use to the military to be protected by the 2nd you make a valid argument WHY the ar-15 can not be banned, thanks for that.
Don't be ridiculous. A gun specifically designed for military use in combat has no reasonable purpose for civilian use, even if it is no longer full auto capable.

I think you missed this part ...

The Founding Fathers could not have foreseen the advancements in modern technology ... BUT
They had just used the firearms they had available to overthrow an oppressive government in a Revolution.

It would be stupid to think they did not consider that when writing the Second Amendment ... :thup:

Furthermore ... The Second Amendment doesn't say a damn thing about hunting ... But it does say "the People" have the right to bear arms.
We aren't asking people like you for something we don't already have ... You are attempting to limit our existing freedoms.

You have nothing to barter with ... We will not come to a compromise because you have nothing to offer.


So why do so many gun nuts try to pretend that it is just an every day civilian rifle? I think you have an honest reason to say what you say, even if I disagree with you for several specific reasons. The large majority of gun nuts will just say anything to try supporting their position, even making obvious lies about a gun specifically designed for combat being just another gun.
Actually since the supreme court ruled a weapon must be of use to the military to be protected by the 2nd you make a valid argument WHY the ar-15 can not be banned, thanks for that.

So you admit it isn't just a gun like any other.
So why do so many gun nuts try to pretend that it is just an every day civilian rifle? I think you have an honest reason to say what you say, even if I disagree with you for several specific reasons. The large majority of gun nuts will just say anything to try supporting their position, even making obvious lies about a gun specifically designed for combat being just another gun.

I don't know why people say what they say ... You would do better to ask them I guess ... :dunno:
If you are wondering (don't know) ... The Colt Arms 7.62 x 39 AR-15 I own is identical to the one I was issued in the military minus the full auto selection.
I am not giving you a hard time ... I am trying to help you and other people understand.

I think it is important for you to understand that I honestly understand your point of view.

I am trained and qualified (by the military [no longer active duty]) in the use of my AR-15.
I have passed background checks on several occasions ... I own a lot of firearms I use for a lot of different purposes.
I have a Conceal and Carry permit ... I have been fingerprinted ... Checked and re-checked (regularly).
I secure my firearms properly ... Keep them well regulated and in proper working condition.

I have done everything possible to stay compliant with the law ... And I appreciate the liberties I am allowed by our Constitution.

I live in a rural area ... The Sheriff's Department is 20 minutes away at best.
I am prepared to take care of myself should the need arise.
I am not asking you nor the government for anything.
I am not willing to sacrifice my liberties nor the opportunity to protect myself to the best of my abilities with a firearm I know will do the job if I need it to.

I mean really ... What do you have to offer?
You cannot provide me with anything I don't already have ... And I am not asking for your permission.


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