Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

Does the Torah/Tanakh speak of The Way; of Truth; of Light?
Deuteronomy contains a verse that states that we have a choice of “Life” or “Death”.
The only reference to light is during creation after the creation of darkness.
Oh, so non-Jews reap the same rewards that Jews reap. Groovy. Let's just go on being non-Jews, then. I mean, what's the difference?
You reap the same rewards IF you are a good, moral person abiding by the Noahide laws.

That’s a key difference between Christianity and Judaism:

- Christians insist you MUST believe that a Jewish carpenter from 2,000 years was the son of G-d, as they do, or you don’t see Heaven.

- Jews believe that G-d just wants people to be good and moral, regardless of religious beliefs, and those who are go to Heaven. Believe in Jesus? Don’t believe in Jesus? Eh… biggie. Just be a good, decent person as G-d wants you to be, and you will have a share in the World to Come.
Exactly. Judaism allows a path to Heaven for people of ALL religions. Christians think their way is the only way and everyone else goes to hell. Very arrogant - and leads to antisemitism.

For example, an Evangelical kept telling me how angry G-d is with Jews. Now how can someone who thinks that NOT think lesser of Jewish people?

Evangelicals tend to be poorly educated, incorporate the Schofield heresy and support Trump.
That’s true. But then again, the anti-Israel BDS crowd vote Democrat.

Jews are very sensitive about civil rights in my experience. They didn't support Apartheid in South Africa either.

Evangelicals are charismatic, Dominionists, Dispensationists and rapture ready. They are futurists.
The Jewish encyclopedia says an anointed warrior king like David who would vanquish the enemies of the Jews. I posted a link earlier.
still waiting for the "LINK" ----"earlier" is kinda
still waiting for the "LINK" ----"earlier" is kinda

Both here and IRL, Christians feel quite comfortable telling Jews why they are wrong - and why Jesus was the Messiah. (It’s quite rude when Christians keeping arguing and warning Jews they will be damned, that G-d is angry with them, etc.), but they never are willing to hear why Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah.

It’s as if they only want to tell Jews (“you’re wrong, and I’ll tell you why) and never want to hear the reasons for the opposite - why Jews think Christians are wrong.

So I’ve written to Christians asking if they would be interested in hearing the Jewish perspective, and they never respond. So I’m asking now:

Are there any Christians here who would like to understand why Jesus is not the Messiah - from the Jewish perspective - or must we simply be silent about our opposite view?

Thank you.
A messiah was foretold in The Old Testament. The description was very detailed. He was to be a powerful politician and military warrior. Jesus does not qualify.
thanks----read it again. NO "WARRIOR KING" knocking off the EMINEEEEES --just a
big shot leader who knows RIGHT from wrong.
For "Warrior King" knocking heads off the
EMINEEEES -----see islam. ------or just review islamic
"art" ------largely scimitars designed to knock off heads and the figurative stuff is even better----generic arabs on horseback waving scimitars. Yemeni jews survived the situation by maintaining a monopoly on the ability to make the silver filigree scimitar handles----and the handles for the giant daggers every "well dressed" arab HERO wears at his waist. Visit a "SAUDI ISLAMIC ART" exposition. Hubby and I did so and Hubby giggled his way
thru describing which jewish community did which
style of Filigree. He even found little comments
hidden in the filigree
Both here and IRL, Christians feel quite comfortable telling Jews why they are wrong - and why Jesus was the Messiah. (It’s quite rude when Christians keeping arguing and warning Jews they will be damned, that G-d is angry with them, etc.), but they never are willing to hear why Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah.

It’s as if they only want to tell Jews (“you’re wrong, and I’ll tell you why) and never want to hear the reasons for the opposite - why Jews think Christians are wrong.

So I’ve written to Christians asking if they would be interested in hearing the Jewish perspective, and they never respond. So I’m asking now:

Are there any Christians here who would like to understand why Jesus is not the Messiah - from the Jewish perspective - or must we simply be silent about our opposite view?

Thank you.
I am Christian and never thought of telling a Jew they are wrong about what they believe. And Lisa you are not "the" Jewish perspective. Just an individual with your only your opinion.
I am Christian and never thought of telling a Jew they are wrong about what they believe. And Lisa you are not "the" Jewish perspective. Just an individual with your only your opinion.
Of course it’s the Jewish perspective, from the Torah point of view. That is the Jewish perspective.

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