Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

buttercup----no doubt you are cute like a little buttercup----BUT YOU NEVER MET MUSLIMS.
I have. I have worked CLOSELY with muslims for many decades. I can ASSURE YOU----as utterly
disdainful of my religion----which is Judaism--and also on other religious of the people with whom
I also worked ----like HINDUISM and BUDDHISM-----muslims EXPECTORATE and DEFECATE and
ERUCTATE-----on christianity. The BS "we honor the virgin mother and jesus----is pure and
utter BS-----they honor the MUSLIMAH MARY and THE MUSLIM JESUS. The very first time I was in a mosque (do not gasp---more than 50 years ago----it was a GOOD FRIDAY-----the topic of the
"SERMON" (khutbah jumaat) was the FACT that christians are PERVERSE LIARS and the ENEMEEES
OF ISLAAAAM.) This, directed at a bunch of muslim kids-----Good friday----school holiday in New YORK CITY. I was an invited visitor-----I took deep breaths to avoid vomiting on the carpet

Haha. I lived in Riyadh Saudi Arabia for 2 years, when I was a kid, because of my Dad's job, so yes, I have not only met Muslims but lived in a Muslim country.

But what I was talking about was online, I have noticed that Muslims often are very respectful of Jesus, even though of course they don't believe He is the Son of God.

So yes, of course I know they have a different view of Jesus, I never claimed otherwise, I was just talking about the respect shown in online interactions, in my experience.
this is not medical advice ...

good - then let me chose for you ...

the omission by the c-bible - during that time no one believed in the sin they claim jesus chose to sacrifice himself for ... that is entirely made up - by their bible latter.
the 1st century events were a repudiation of moses and judiasm the cowardly jews then used the romans, supposedly their enemy to kill jesus under false accusations ...
- jesus was simply murdered for expressing the true heavenly religion of antiquity, liberation theology, self determination ... those in the 1st century (desert area) were to neanderthal to understand.

in retrospect of the other two, the highlighted reference is undoubtedly a cause for jesus's death at that immediate time and those others willing to die for the true religion than the one based on hereditary idolatry ...
Well, since the 1st century church was JEWISH, your "Jewish beliefs" today may not be what they were in the 1st century.

When you place your "beliefs" over everything else, you leave no possibility for growth.

Every Passover points to the reason Jesus had to come to die. Jews, of all people, should have understood the symbolism
you have clueless---and know nothing about Judaism. Jews do----because jews have been
prolific WRITERS for more almost 3000 years-----whereas-----your ancestors were MOSTLY
ILLITERATES. Your finals statement----STINKS LIKE FECES.
Jesus actually addressed the conquering Messiah and Judge aspect and why He didn't come YET to deliver ISRAEL (not JUST the Jews) in Luke 12:

I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed! 51 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division
Luke never met jesus and did not even speak his language----He was a GREEK
Haha. I lived in Riyadh Saudi Arabia for 2 years, when I was a kid, because of my Dad's job, so yes, I have not only met Muslims but lived in a Muslim country.

But what I was talking about was online, I have noticed that Muslims often are very respectful of Jesus, even though of course they don't believe He is the Son of God.

So yes, of course I know they have a different view of Jesus, I never claimed otherwise, I was just talking about the respect shown in online interactions, in my experience.
They consider Him a prophet, but they think the Bible has been corrupted.

When I was taking Hebrew classes, the subject of Jesus came up. I asked the instructor what she thought of Jesus. She said, "we believe he was a prophet."

I was excited and perplexed in my naivety. I thought to myself, "if you consider Him a prophet, why don't you obey Him?". But I never asked that.

I later told this to my Jewish friend. He told me, "she was just being diplomatic. She actually meant He was a FALSE prophet."
Haha. I lived in Riyadh Saudi Arabia for 2 years, when I was a kid, because of my Dad's job, so yes, I have not only met Muslims but lived in a Muslim country.

But what I was talking about was online, I have noticed that Muslims often are very respectful of Jesus, even though of course they don't believe He is the Son of God.

So yes, of course I know they have a different view of Jesus, I never claimed otherwise, I was just talking about the respect shown in online interactions, in my experience.
I know all about the "respect" part----- It is very superficial and upfront----but I IS A JEW---as
far as they are concerned they SEE ME AS LIKELY to shit on christianity to the same extent THEY DO.
Thus they have NO PROBLEM shitting on "mary and jesus" in my presence. YOU are very naive-----btw----my hubby was born in a Shariah shit hole
I understand... but I don't think that it's that word that broke the faith in two.
Christians should not have any issues with accepting the point Jesus was/is not the Messiah Jews were/are expecting.

It is enough that Jews do not accept Jesus' other claims, namely that Jesus, having both a human and the divine nature, is One with God; that Jesus was sent by God; that Jesus did and proclaimed only what the Father authorized him to do and to proclaim. All those are points of faith, and my belief because Jesus' teachings and proclamations have held firm and are true when applied to my life. My own experiences of God have been through Jesus as taught by the Apostles, scripture, and the Catholic faith.

I believe Moses did speak of one greater than himself, and that one is Jesus. Other than that, I do not believe the Old Testament is so much a prophecy of Jesus as a foreshadowing of Jesus--that all of Jewish history testifies of him. My belief. Years ago another Jew scoffed and said the Old Testament could be turned into a foreshadowing of a rooster. I don't think so, but then there is no doubt he knows the Old Testament better than I. ;)

The Old Testament prophecies that some Christian Internet sites say reference Jesus? Maybe. But, first and foremost, they speak of things that relate to Judaism--both the Jewish faith and the history of Judaism. In regards to possible prophecies (other than the one by Moses) I stick with foreshadowing, and I believe Matthew's Gospel is inspirational in this regard.
you have clueless---and know nothing about Judaism. Jews do----because jews have been
prolific WRITERS for more almost 3000 years-----whereas-----your ancestors were MOSTLY
ILLITERATES. Your finals statement----STINKS LIKE FECES.

Luke never met jesus and did not even speak his language----He was a GREEK
Luke traveled with Paul and spoke with eyewitnesses who knew Jesus.
Christians should not have any issues with accepting the point Jesus was/is not the Messiah Jews were/are expecting.

I agree, in fact I have stated numerous times on this thread that the Jews of that day were expecting a different type of Messiah.

I thought I made that clear. But I'm still not sure what your point is?

This is kind of what I was getting at earlier, I just don't know what your point is. Of course, Jews were expecting a different type of Messiah, but that's because they didn't realize that in the Scriptures the Messiah is portrayed not only as a Conquering King but also as a Suffering Servant.

So as I said before, it doesn't matter what people believe....what matters is what is the truth, what does the Bible say. Jews need salvation just as much as anyone else. Throughout the Bible it's clear that physical lineage in and of itself does not cut it. I don't want to put words in your mouth or assume things that aren't true, but if I read between the lines, I get the feeling that you don't think the Jewish people need Jesus, because they have "their own Messiah" (who has yet to come but they're still waiting.)

If that is what you believe, then I firmly disagree. But like I said before, I don't want to try to pry your beliefs out of you. Maybe we just have different communication styles, but when I read your posts, it's hard to know what you actually believe.
Haha. I lived in Riyadh Saudi Arabia for 2 years, when I was a kid, because of my Dad's job, so yes, I have not only met Muslims but lived in a Muslim country.

But what I was talking about was online, I have noticed that Muslims often are very respectful of Jesus, even though of course they don't believe He is the Son of God.

So yes, of course I know they have a different view of Jesus, I never claimed otherwise, I was just talking about the respect shown in online interactions, in my experience.

That story about the time you and your sister hopped the wall and chillaxed in their tent was kind of funny. I forgwt whose tent it was, but was a funny story. Off-topic, but I just remembered that when I saw the exchange.
buttercup----no doubt you are cute like a little buttercup----BUT YOU NEVER MET MUSLIMS.
I have. I have worked CLOSELY with muslims for many decades. I can ASSURE YOU----as utterly
disdainful of my religion----which is Judaism--and also on other religious of the people with whom
I also worked ----like HINDUISM and BUDDHISM-----muslims EXPECTORATE and DEFECATE and
ERUCTATE-----on christianity. The BS "we honor the virgin mother and jesus----is pure and
utter BS-----they honor the MUSLIMAH MARY and THE MUSLIM JESUS. The very first time I was in a mosque (do not gasp---more than 50 years ago----it was a GOOD FRIDAY-----the topic of the
"SERMON" (khutbah jumaat) was the FACT that christians are PERVERSE LIARS and the ENEMEEES
OF ISLAAAAM.) This, directed at a bunch of muslim kids-----Good friday----school holiday in New YORK CITY. I was an invited visitor-----I took deep breaths to avoid vomiting on the carpet
Muhammad's sermons often said, "Save yourselves. I cannot save you. Return to the God of Abraham. "

You evidently had a very bad experience 50 years ago. Pity you've been to the middle east.
I agree, in fact I have stated numerous times on this thread that the Jews of that day were expecting a different type of Messiah.

I thought I made that clear. But I'm still not sure what your point is?

This is kind of what I was getting at earlier, I just don't know what your point is. Of course, Jews were expecting a different type of Messiah, but that's because they didn't realize that in the Scriptures the Messiah is portrayed not only as a Conquering King but also as a Suffering Servant.

So as I said before, it doesn't matter what people believe....what matters is what is the truth, what does the Bible say. Jews need salvation just as much as anyone else. Throughout the Bible it's clear that physical lineage in and of itself does not cut it. I don't want to put words in your mouth or assume things that aren't true, but if I read between the lines, I get the feeling that you don't think the Jewish people need Jesus, because they have "their own Messiah" (who has yet to come but they're still waiting.)

If that is what you believe, then I firmly disagree. But like I said before, I don't want to try to pry your beliefs out of you. Maybe we just have different communication styles, but when I read your posts, it's hard to know what you actually believe.
She's intentionally vague. Her liberal leanings dictate she can't "offend" anyone of an oppressed minority.

Jesus plainly said He came to cause division. Moses also caused division. The People either stood with Moses or self appointed Korah. Most chose wrong.

Noah caused division. He preached for 120 years. ALL rejected him. And the world died.

God wants His people to speak boldly. Not to deliberately "offend," but also to not hold back. How people respond is on them, not you.
That story about the time you and your sister hopped the wall and chillaxed in their tent was kind of funny. I forgwt whose tent it was, but was a funny story.

Yes! I'll never forget that. Being inside a bedouin tent. 😀 They were actually very kind to us, but it was funny the way the whole thing happened. (you have a good memory) ;) I feel very blessed because I had opportunities to experience other cultures growing up, and not only was that a good education but it made me appreciate what we have as Americans.
They consider Him a prophet, but they think the Bible has been corrupted.

When I was taking Hebrew classes, the subject of Jesus came up. I asked the instructor what she thought of Jesus. She said, "we believe he was a prophet."

I was excited and perplexed in my naivety. I thought to myself, "if you consider Him a prophet, why don't you obey Him?". But I never asked that.

I later told this to my Jewish friend. He told me, "she was just being diplomatic. She actually meant He was a FALSE prophet."
They believe Jesus was the purest of the prophets, born of a virgin from the mind of God.
So as I said before, it doesn't matter what people believe....what matters is what is the truth, what does the Bible say. Jews need salvation just as much as anyone else. Throughout the Bible it's clear that physical lineage in and of itself does not cut it. I don't want to put words in your mouth or assume things that aren't true, but if I read between the lines, I get the feeling that you don't think the Jewish people need Jesus, because they have "their own Messiah" (who has yet to come but they're still waiting.)
The Messiah Jews look forward to has nothing to do with the afterlife, but with the present life here on earth. The Jews have their own everlasting Covenant with God. Jesus' life, death, and resurrection (whether people believe in these things or not) redeemed the entire world, opening up the path to God (the Way of Salvation) to everyone. Jews (for the most part) have always been following the Way of Salvation.
... the Old Testament is so much a prophecy of Jesus as a foreshadowing of Jesus--

how so ... good news were that true -

jesus did attempt to reestablish the original church / religion and showed little to no affinity for existing jewish geographic or cultural identities.

all hail jesus, redeemer of goodness.
The Messiah Jews look forward to has nothing to do with the afterlife, but with the present life here on earth. The Jews have their own everlasting Covenant with God. Jesus' life, death, and resurrection (whether people believe in these things or not) redeemed the entire world, opening up the path to God (the Way of Salvation) to everyone. Jews (for the most part) have always been following the Way of Salvation.
So Jesus LIED when He said, "I AM the Way. No man can come to the Father EXCEPT THROUGH ME"
Yes! I'll never forget that. Being inside a bedouin tent. 😀 They were actually very kind to us, but it was funny the way the whole thing happened. (you have a good memory) ;) I feel very blessed because I had opportunities to experience other cultures growing up, and not only was that a good education but it made me appreciate what we have as Americans.
I was in a Bedouin tent, too, and found them very nice. Of course, it was part of a tour and they were compensated for hosting us, but still….they were quite pleasant. The main thing I remember is that their coffee was the strongest I‘ve ever had, and my stomach objected. (I’ll spare you the details.)

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