Zone1 Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?

Incorrect. But racists make this claim. Ignored in your ignorance is the continuing existence of whites like you who present roadblocks to our progress.
We are your alibi for your deficiencies. Fix them yourselves. Stop doing so poorly in school and on mental aptitude tests. Stop committing all those crimes. Stop having all those illegitimate children.
Asians are not angels, but they have the lowest rate of crime of any other group in this unique nation.

In fact, I have read that some younger Asians feel insulted that other groups consider Asians to be so submissive. Some of the younger ones supposedly want to be feared -- as people fear certain other groups!!!

Asians have to be more realistic.

They will have to sacrifice some university seats in order to give those seats to Caucasians and African Americans and Hispanics who simply cannot match the high academic scores of Asians.

It is necessary to do so in order to keep the peace in this strange nation.
This is more white racist drivel. Asians have not had to give up anything.
I'm saying you have years (a generation) between the two events. In the Middle East, this all taking place in the context of the collapse of empires. creation borders and clash of multiple nationalist movements. Jim Crowe and the policies that continued after, occurred in the US, I am not sure what your point is supposed to be. Jews could (and should) demand recompense from those countries but beyond that, why billify Blacks because of what the Jews went through?

I don't, because here, Jim Crowe didn't end until 2964 any of they racist policies continued after. Jim Crowe and the brutal violence of the Civils Rights movement is in living memory. Why are you completely incapable of a knowledging that?

What exactly is YOUR standard?
It's obvious that Lisa has a problem and really zone 1 has protected her from the disdain her opinion deserves. She ignores any and all fact to cling to a belief that is racist on it's face.

Jews such as Lisa are violating the covenant that was made between them and god. Specifically love your neighbor as you love yourself.
Lisa also fails to mention a very critical bit of information.

An intriguing look at the history of Jewish name changing​

Most of the countless immigrants who changed their names in America were Jews. In New York in 1942, the proportion was about 66 per cent, followed by Slavic immigrants at 11 per cent and Italians at 8 per cent. The high proportion of Jewish name changers persisted until the 1980s.

Fermaglich cited a Canadian sociologist, Erving Goffman, who observed that Jewish name changers sought to avoid drawing attention to themselves; many faced repeated episodes of confusion, embarrassment and inconvenience because of their names. She found that most of the Jewish petitioners “darkly hinted” at the discreet anti-Semitism that often prevented them from advancing in the work world.

Blacks could not change our names to blend in and to escape racism. 66 percent of the blacks in America were not passing for white. So don't try that one.
This is more white racist drivel. Asians have not had to give up anything.

Blacks could not change our names to blend in and to escape racism. 66 percent of the blacks in America were not passing for white. So don't try that one.
Orientals could not change their names to escape racism. Because most of them performed and behaved well hostility against them dissipated.
I have debunked your false Kanji claim already several times -
No, you didn't. Chinese people write in Hanzi, not Kanji.
Where did I state or claim that Filipinos are not Asians? you moron, and a mixed Filipino (most of them are) are called Eurasians - you moron
Except, there were never really enough Europeans in the Philippines to change the racial mix.

This topic is about today's events and those in the USA - and due to racial issues pertaining to segregation laws it makes only sense to revert to 1970

Um, no, your original statement that I responded to was.

Massacres or genocide conducted by e.g. Europeans in Africa - where nowhere near Africa's own tribal massacres conducted in the past, until today.

To which I pointed out the Belgian Misrule of the Congo by Leopold II was as bad as the Holocaust. 7 million people died, and millions more were maimed.
Congratulations for graduating, despite the odds.

What odds? Frankly, I benefited massively from White Privilege, and the rest was my own hard work.

If it makes you feel any better, I was banned from American Renaissance for praising Jews and Orientals.
No, you are still a reprehensible human being.. A cockroach is still a cockroach.
When I began to post on American Renaissance, the website claimed to value "polite debate." Polite debate has always been my specialty, even in response to your insults, name calling, and obscene words.

Cockroaches don't merit polite debate. They merit a big of 10 1/2 Wide.

American Renaissance no longer makes that claim. Now it claims to promote race realism, while really promoting what it calls "white advocacy." White advocacy would seem to advocate discrimination in favor of white Gentiles in university admissions and hiring decisions, in other words, affirmative action in favor of white, (and probably male) Gentiles. I am opposed to affirmative action, and want all careers to be open to talent, regardless to race.

As long as they aren't the wrong color, amiright?

Moreover, I prefer Orientals to whites.
Then you wouldn't use a racist term like "Oriental".
Orientals could not change their names to escape racism. Because most of them performed and behaved well hostility against them dissipated.

Bullshit. Hate Crimes against Asians are at an all-time high.

And as far as the “white privilege” the impoverished, uneducated Jewish immigrants got, that’s just your unwillingness to acknowledge that with the correct traits, people can rise above bigotry. That “whote privilege” blocked Jews from the top universities, had them running into restricted neighborhoods, and prevented them from getting jobs….yes, even in NYC….because the bigots weren’t hiring Jews.

They also banned Irish, Germans, Catholics, Italians, Poles, etc. from these same institutions. And I'll be honest, you guys spend a lot of time wanting to get into the WASP club instead of making your own destiny.

Jews moved above all that due to motivation, discipline, wise choices, and a big emphasis on education. Blacks who are in the underclass would do well for themselves by emulating that, rather than listening to people like you, who I’ve been told isn’t even black at all, who want them to feel like victims of racism.

Bullshit. The difference is when Jews came here, they were just another group of white people. Nobody cared what God you worshipped, mostly. White Privilege is alive and well.
Lisa also fails to mention a very critical bit of information.

An intriguing look at the history of Jewish name changing​

Most of the countless immigrants who changed their names in America were Jews. In New York in 1942, the proportion was about 66 per cent, followed by Slavic immigrants at 11 per cent and Italians at 8 per cent. The high proportion of Jewish name changers persisted until the 1980s.

Fermaglich cited a Canadian sociologist, Erving Goffman, who observed that Jewish name changers sought to avoid drawing attention to themselves; many faced repeated episodes of confusion, embarrassment and inconvenience because of their names. She found that most of the Jewish petitioners “darkly hinted” at the discreet anti-Semitism that often prevented them from advancing in the work world.

Blacks could not change our names to blend in and to escape racism. 66 percent of the blacks in America were not passing for white. So don't try that one.
I think that is frequently overlooked. Both Blacks and Jews have unquestionably suffered persecution in this country, but with very different histories and very different abilities to blend in.

I don’t know if Lisa really doesn’t recognizes this or just chooses not to. A Black person is always a Black person. The history of racism in this country is a lot more brutal and dehumanizing than the history of antisemitism in this country. That’s not to make light of it, but it is a fact. A Black person will be recognized as a Black person.

A Jewish person, Lisa in fact, interchangeably self identifies as White and Jewish. A Black person doesn’t have that option.
Lisa also fails to mention a very critical bit of information.

An intriguing look at the history of Jewish name changing​

Most of the countless immigrants who changed their names in America were Jews. In New York in 1942, the proportion was about 66 per cent, followed by Slavic immigrants at 11 per cent and Italians at 8 per cent. The high proportion of Jewish name changers persisted until the 1980s.

Two bits of fun here.
Without giving away my family name, the way my family name was pronounced in Germany is very different than how it is pronounced here. At some point, my Grandfather either wanted to sound LESS German (He also stopped calling himself "Ludwig" and started calling himself "Louis" by 1940) or he just got tired of correcting people. Probably for the best, the German pronunciation sounds sillier.

One of my Resume Clients told me that Jews from Russia often had unpronounceable names. So the boys at Ellis Island would just assign them all names like "Goldstien" or "Goldberg".

Orientals tend to be more prosperous than whites because they tend to be more intelligent.

That's not true, either. Most Asian countries are dirt poor. This is why you can easily get yourself a mail-order bride, which would greatly ease your "issues". I mean, only for a few years until she gets her citizenship, then she'll run away from you faster than you did when you saw the scary black man.
What odds? Frankly, I benefited massively from White Privilege, and the rest was my own hard work.

No, you are still a reprehensible human being.. A cockroach is still a cockroach.

Cockroaches don't merit polite debate. They merit a big of 10 1/2 Wide.

As long as they aren't the wrong color, amiright?

Then you wouldn't use a racist term like "Oriental".

"How to Disagree," by Paul Graham

DH0. Name-calling.

This is the lowest form of disagreement, and probably also the most common. We've all seen comments like this:
u r a fag!!!!!!!!!!
But it's important to realize that more articulate name-calling has just as little weight. A comment like
The author is a self-important dilettante.
is really nothing more than a pretentious version of "u r a fag."


How to Disagree


The Los Angeles Times

It is now politically incorrect to use the word “Oriental,”...

As an Oriental, I am bemused. Apparently Asians are supposed to feel demeaned if someone refers to us as Orientals. But good luck finding a single Asian American who has ever had the word spat at them in anger. Most Asian Americans have had racist epithets hurled at them at one time or another: Chink, slant eye, gook, Nip, zipperhead. But Oriental isn’t in the canon.

And why should it be? Literally, it means of the Orient or of the East, as opposed to of the Occident or of the West. Last I checked, geographic origin is not a slur. If it were, it would be wrong to label people from Mississippi as Southerners...

I see self-righteous, fragile egos eager to find offense where none is intended. A wave of anti-Oriental discrimination is not sweeping the country. Besides, the term has been steadily falling out of circulation since the 1950s, and it’s mainly used today by older Asians and the proprietors of hundreds if not thousands of restaurants, hotels, shops and organizations with Oriental in their name. The well-intentioned meddlers will create trouble for exactly the population they want to defend...

My profession, Oriental medicine, is among those on the receiving end of the identity-politics outbreak. A funny thing I noticed is that my Caucasian (dare I say Occidental?) colleagues, not my Asian colleagues, are most eager to remove Oriental from public discourse...

In my field, the word “Oriental” appears in the title of 17 of the 58 accredited graduate-level schools, 21 of the 33 state associations and eight of the 24 national associations...

Are we really going to waste time, energy and millions of dollars to rebrand our entire discipline — rename our schools and boards, redesign corporate identities, websites and publications and send out thousands of revised diplomas — all to wipe away an insult that doesn’t exist?

We have more important things to worry about. Big pharma is busy patenting the active compounds in the herbal formulas that Orientals have been prescribing for millenniums. The World Health Organization and National Institutes of Health have long recognized the efficacy of acupuncture (the mainstream of Oriental medicine) in treating dozens of conditions. More than 20 million Americans have used acupuncture. Yet neither Medicare, Medicaid nor federal employees’ insurance covers the procedure. Practitioners of Oriental medicine have struggled for years to gain acceptance with the Occidental medical community and with insurance companies and federal and state governments. Yet here we are focusing our efforts on language.

Jayne Tsuchiyama is a doctor of acupuncture and Oriental medicine.


These name prohibitions are silly. I have been told not to use the word "Negro." Well, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. used that word fifteen times in his "I have a dream" speech.

Then there is the term "colored people." We are not supposed to use that term, but we can use the term "people of color." Go figure.

By the way, do you know what "NAACP" means? It means "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People."
I think that is frequently overlooked. Both Blacks and Jews have unquestionably suffered persecution in this country, but with very different histories and very different abilities to blend in.

I don’t know if Lisa really doesn’t recognizes this or just chooses not to. A Black person is always a Black person. The history of racism in this country is a lot more brutal and dehumanizing than the history of antisemitism in this country. That’s not to make light of it, but it is a fact. A Black person will be recognized as a Black person.

A Jewish person, Lisa in fact, interchangeably self identifies as White and Jewish. A Black person doesn’t have that option.
Blacks and Jews of good will have always worked together and have been allies. Lisa appears to miss that or she overstates the Jewish side of the relationship.
Asians are not angels, but they have the lowest rate of crime of any other group in this unique nation.

In fact, I have read that some younger Asians feel insulted that other groups consider Asians to be so submissive. Some of the younger ones supposedly want to be feared -- as people fear certain other groups!!!
This so called "submissiveness" of Asians has it's roots in Colonialism. Right into the 50th and early 60'ies it wasn't uncommon for Asians in e.g. Singapore to get beaten off with canes by e.g. Brits who deemed it inappropriate for Asians to walk alongside them on a sidewalk. In order to survive under European controlled territories - and to conduct business - extreme politeness towards Europeans was the tactic applied by Asians - then termed to be "submissive" by Europeans.

Naturally today's younger Asians (no matter in which foreign country they live) and especially those who are born in e.g. the USA - feel angered if their elder generation applies this politeness - they simply just want to be seen as equivalent to Europeans and therefore see their capabilities as being acknowledged.
Asians have to be more realistic.

They will have to sacrifice some university seats in order to give those seats to Caucasians and African Americans and Hispanics who simply cannot match the high academic scores of Asians.

It is necessary to do so in order to keep the peace in this strange nation.
I guess you are trying to make a joke.

In case you are not, Asians are fully aware that aside from high-school performance scores, $$ and "old boy system" rules the entry determination at elite institutions in the USA. The old boy system can be used by those responsible to grant admission as a racist tool. $$$ can't.

As such if an Asian with a high score and $$$ can't get admission to an elite institute - naturally the suspicion towards racism comes in. The USA is AFAIK the only country in the world that introduced racial quotas or so called racial-equality quotas for institutions. Introduced and enforced by Lefty&Libs who are known to be the worst racists, the USA and other Western countries have to offer.
Simply using their own racist mindset in order to enforce that e.g. Africans or whoever, who are simply unqualified to enter an elite institute - can be manipulated/forced towards granting admission.

The true "issue" has nothing to do with race or racism - but the harmony and profit mindset, that rules the economy of the USA or any other country.

E.g. If one does not have family or an old boy connection to e.g. BMW in Germany - chances that you get an application reply for a position: "despite your high qualification we regret to ........" is 99.8%. There are simply too many people that want to work at e.g. BMW - therefore in order to maintain harmony amongst the existing work/employee force - preference is clearly given for those beholding the necessary qualification and with family connections.
Then there are hundreds of supplier companies and big time customers who have family members that want to work at BMW. Naturally the old boy system comes in - essential in regards to profit.

And an elite university works in exactly the same manner - the only difference is that the old boy system is far more dominant - due to "contributions" aka $$$

Naturally Lefty&Libs or an African that received a negative application reply, will immediately yell and whine about RACISM, BLM or LGBTq, etc. etc. And Lefty&Libs will make it a life-task to enforce, manipulate the government into introducing racial-equality, gender-equality, religious-equality and whatever other bullshit onto e.g. BMW.

Lefty&Libs are the certain DEATH of any functioning society. However they only pose a factual danger in Fake-Democratic countries. (Those with no plebiscites).

Therefore is is absolutely natural and logical for e.g. Russia, India, China, etc. etc. to tell the Western-Fake-Democratic system to FUCK OFF, and if necessary e.g. Ukraine, to go to war, in order to preserve one's culture and society. aka one's survival.
No, you are still a reprehensible human being.. A cockroach is still a cockroach.
Cockroaches don't merit polite debate. They merit a big of 10 1/2 Wide.
Then you wouldn't use a racist term like "Oriental".
You do not merit polite debate, but I give it to you anyway to illustrate the differences between us in character and personality. I prefer fact based and logical arguments, and decline to lower myself to your level. Your comments rarely rise above the level of what one can read on the walls of a public rest room.


The Los Angeles Times

It is now politically incorrect to use the word “Oriental,”...

As an Oriental, I am bemused. Apparently Asians are supposed to feel demeaned if someone refers to us as Orientals. But good luck finding a single Asian American who has ever had the word spat at them in anger. Most Asian Americans have had racist epithets hurled at them at one time or another: Chink, slant eye, gook, Nip, zipperhead. But Oriental isn’t in the canon....

I see self-righteous, fragile egos eager to find offense where none is intended. A wave of anti-Oriental discrimination is not sweeping the country. Besides, the term has been steadily falling out of circulation since the 1950s, and it’s mainly used today by older Asians and the proprietors of hundreds if not thousands of restaurants, hotels, shops and organizations with Oriental in their name. The well-intentioned meddlers will create trouble for exactly the population they want to defend.

My profession, Oriental medicine, is among those on the receiving end of the identity-politics outbreak. A funny thing I noticed is that my Caucasian (dare I say Occidental?) colleagues, not my Asian colleagues, are most eager to remove Oriental from public discourse...

In my field, the word “Oriental” appears in the title of 17 of the 58 accredited graduate-level schools, 21 of the 33 state associations and eight of the 24 national associations. Though the new federal legislation does not require us to act, it has increased pressure to toe the politically correct line.

Are we really going to waste time, energy and millions of dollars to rebrand our entire discipline — rename our schools and boards, redesign corporate identities, websites and publications and send out thousands of revised diplomas — all to wipe away an insult that doesn’t exist?

We have more important things to worry about.

Jayne Tsuchiyama is a doctor of acupuncture and Oriental medicine.

Blacks and Jews of good will have always worked together and have been allies. Lisa appears to miss that or she overstates the Jewish side of the relationship.
Jews were very active in the civil rights movement. But, there is antisemitism among Blacks and racism among Jews.
No, you didn't. Chinese people write in Hanzi, not Kanji.
The discussion was about TAIWAN you moron, and specifically during Japanese occupation from 1890-1945 - you moron.
And the fact that Kanji derives from Hanzi - you moron - and the FACT that until today specific Kanji characters are used in Taiwanese newspapers - you moron.
Except, there were never really enough Europeans in the Philippines to change the racial mix.
Again you proof that you got absolutely no clue to what a Filipino is. Nor of what ethnicity they are composed of - you moron

About one in every four (26.0%) of the 108.67 million household population in 2020 reported Tagalog as their ethnicity
And these are in majority mixed with Europeans and Chinese.

Among the 108.67 million household population, 93.09 million or 85.7 percent were classified as non-Indigenous Peoples (non-IPs).
The remaining 15.56 million household population were IPs identified by National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP)

As for your Belgium Congo drivel - I had told you to open up an own thread - your figures are bull and based on pure ESTIMATES, deriving from hot air. Only brought into this Topic, desperately hoping to score points, as usual - by posting IRRELEVANT and false claims onto a totally different topic.

FACT is the period that you refer to 1885-1905, involved a Belgium lead military/police force (Force Public) of at maximum 18000 men.
Whereby the latter strength only came in from 1897 onward. Before that, the average strength of that contingent was 10000.

To promote the absurdness that 10000/18000 men could control and genocide 5-10 million Congo-Africans in 20 years is beyond absurdity. The vast majority of slave work and suppression was as usual in Africa, conducted and overseen by African tribal leaders and their tribal clans.

You and other bigot racists are trying to sell to the world, and to those having been in Africa, that approximately 25 million Congo-Africans were unable to drive out a 10000/18000 ragtag force of men. (consisting to 80% of Africans). Hiding and disguising the FACT that it was Congo-African tribes themselves, due to their inherent tribal killing and suppressive culture towards other tribes, that enabled the Belgians to exploit their Colony. Resulting into the death of whatever number of Africans.

And I did not post in view of what happened a 100 or 200 years ago in Africa - you moron, but what happened from 1970 onward till TODAY in Africa - or did Mugabe, Idi Amin or Bokassa live a 100 or 200 years ago? did the Rwanda genocide occur 100 or 200 years ago? You off course had to bring in a totally irrelevant issue, that happened 120-140 years ago.
You are what you are - a pure Lefty&Lib moron.

As I had stated: if you want to continue this moronic claim of yours, or your racist pals - open up a respective thread.
A Black person is always a Black person. .... A Black person will be recognized as a Black person.
Off course - naturally, unlike someone like you and your pals are colorblind.
So an African to you is what? an Eskimo? - the drivel you and your racist pals keep spreading is unbelievable.
A Jewish person, Lisa in fact, interchangeably self identifies as White and Jewish. A Black person doesn’t have that option.
More ridiculous drivel - e.g. Sammy Davis Jun. never had a problem with telling people that he is Jewish. Neither did Cassius Clay have any issue with telling people he is now a Muslim, and want's to be called Mohamed Ali.

Jews or being a Jewish person has absolutely NOTHING to do with race - but simply and only with religion.
Ever heard of "Operation Salome"? NONE of them was WHITE or European - but ALL were Jewish people. As such a Jewish person can RIGHTFULLY describe/depict himself in any color-spectrum that might apply towards him/her.

And whatever color a Jewish person might choose or be identified with by others e.g. White or European - still does NOT prevent racist minded people like you or your pals to attack him for being a Jewish person.

I have NEVER in my life - ever attacked or publicly degraded a person due to his skin color or religion. But I am stating FACTS in regards to Africans and any other race - in view of their existing culture and practiced social behavior. As such I personally don't care or give a shit about someones skin color, that the vast majority of those living in Sub-Saharan Africa are indeed BLACK - is not my fault, nor is it theirs.

I do not have a problem or any serious issue with e.g. Tamils who are partially way more dark aka BLACK then Africans. Three very good friends of mine since my childhood are Tamils. And it doesn't change the FACT, that the vast majority of Tamils will always be seen as Black people - especially amongst Indians themselves.

The fanatic racist mindset and drivel, expressed/forwarded by people like you, IM2 and JoeB131 is simply OUTRAGEOUS.
"How to Disagree," by Paul Graham

YOu can keep spamming this shit all day, but a Racist doesn't deserve "polite discussion".

You do not merit polite debate, but I give it to you anyway to illustrate the differences between us in character and personality. I prefer fact based and logical arguments, and decline to lower myself to your level. Your comments rarely rise above the level of what one can read on the walls of a public rest room.

Uh, guy, you can try to pretend you are an intellectual by repeating debunked studies to make you feel better about your inadequacies, but at the end of the day, you are a sad little man.

The discussion was about TAIWAN you moron, and specifically during Japanese occupation from 1890-1945 - you moron.

Uh, the people on Taiwan were Chinese when the Japanese arrived, and they were still Chinese when the Japanese left.

Again you proof that you got absolutely no clue to what a Filipino is. Nor of what ethnicity they are composed of - you moron

About one in every four (26.0%) of the 108.67 million household population in 2020 reported Tagalog as their ethnicity
And these are in majority mixed with Europeans and Chinese.

No Citation... Filipinos are Asians... One of my dearest friends is a Filipina; she'd find your comments laughable.

As for your Belgium Congo drivel - I had told you to open up an own thread - your figures are bull and based on pure ESTIMATES, deriving from hot air. Only brought into this Topic, desperately hoping to score points, as usual - by posting IRRELEVANT and false claims onto a totally different topic.

Your point was that Europeans never did anything as bad to Africans as they did to each other.... I gave you a very specific example of where their policies were near-genicidal.

Uh, the people on Taiwan were Chinese when the Japanese arrived, and they were still Chinese when the Japanese left.
The statement was: "unlike the PRC, Taiwan still uses old Mandarin/Kanji characters in their newspapers"
No one aside from you, brought in the word or term Chinese - you moron
No Citation... Filipinos are Asians... One of my dearest friends is a Filipina; she'd find your comments laughable.
I never mentioned or stated that Filipinos are not Asians - you moron.
"If" your Filipina friend would find my comments laughable (official demographics and statements from the Philippine government) - then she would be just a moron like you.
Any Asian or a person that grew up in South-East-Asia (like me), is fully aware about the respective composition and ethnicity in regards to countries like e.g. Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, etc, etc.

Only a moronic Lefty&Lib like you, who has never been to Africa or South-East-Asia (unlike me) (and I am talking about living and working there for decades) not some holiday at some Hilton beach hotel - will try to raise an argument of him knowing more then me about these countries and it's people. you moron.
Your point was that Europeans never did anything as bad to Africans as they did to each other.... I gave you a very specific example of where their policies were near-genicidal..
My timeline was in reference from 1970 till today - you moron. E.g. Mugabe and Rhodesia - you moron.

And not a single Colonial power could have done anything or controlled it's African colonies, without employing the existing murderous and tribal neolithic mindset of Africans - that had been practicing their own developed suppressive tribal system - centuries and millennia before any European ever arrived in Africa.

Why do you think Matablele aka Ndebele (Zulu nation) and Shona (Kaffer nation) hate each others guts until today and slaughtered each other off - with unspeakable brutality, during the Rhodesian Bush-war - after their Black independence, right until today. Approximately 150,000 dead, butchered civilians - unofficial estimates range to 300,000. - you moron

Terrorist and genocidal leader Robert Mugabe was Shona, Terrorist and genocidal leader Nkomo was Ndebele. - you know nothing moron.

During the entire Rhodesian Bush-war (15 years) under White rule, around 10000 Black civilians died - of those more then 8,000 were killed and butchered off by their own Independence terrorist forces, and less then 2000 were attributed due to military crossfire. - you moron

You are not even aware that figures pertaining to killed and butchered people in Southern Africa, behold the same to twice that number in regards to MUTILATIONS. Those start of with cutting of ears, lips and noses right down to chopping off hands, arms and what ever your imagination allows you. There is a reason as to why I refer to those committing such atrocities as being ANIMALS - and behaving as such right into today's 21st century - you know nothing moron.

And Lefty&Lib morons like you described two incidents - involving tens of thousands of violent and armed black mobs - in South Africa in 1960, Sharpeville with 69 shot dead (not butchered) , and Langa 1985 with 35 shot dead, (not butchered) as MASSACRES !!! end eventually bringing down White rule in SA and making a hellhole out of a once prosperous South Africa, that benefited Blacks and Whites.

And under Black rule, the average annual homicide count in SA since 1992 - is registered at 30,000 people - according to Interpol 52,000 in 2022, and naturally racist folks like you couldn't be bothered - or give a shit, - you despicable moron.

Instead of acquitting to FACTS pertaining from 1970 - to today, - you bring in non-related and unproven numbers and accusations from Belgium Congo from 1895. - you moron.
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