Zone1 Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?

As for Asians

Asian Immigrants and What No One Mentions Aloud​

Many people, reading of the clear discrimination against Asians, become all righteous, thinking of those poor, hardworking Asians. Come to America, work hard, and look how the system screws them.

But that reaction ignores the stereotype.

The stereotype, delicately put: first and second generation Chinese, Korean, and Indian Americans often fail to embody the sterling academic credentials they include with their applications, and do not live up to the expectations these universities have for top tier students.

Less delicately put: They cheat.

The fact that all kinds of evidence debunks the racist theory of race/IQ and these guys keep arguing about how it's so, is proof of a low IQ from the people who continue arguing..
There is no evidence that "debunks" the importance of being born with a high IQ. Over a century of scientific research and experience confirms the validity of IQ tests, and of significant average differences between the races.
As for Asians

Asian Immigrants and What No One Mentions Aloud​

Many people, reading of the clear discrimination against Asians, become all righteous, thinking of those poor, hardworking Asians. Come to America, work hard, and look how the system screws them.

But that reaction ignores the stereotype.

The stereotype, delicately put: first and second generation Chinese, Korean, and Indian Americans often fail to embody the sterling academic credentials they include with their applications, and do not live up to the expectations these universities have for top tier students.

Less delicately put: They cheat.

The assertion that high IQ scores and academic performance is one I often encountered on American Renaissance. White supremacists rejected the fact that they did not belong to the most superior race.

Orientals do not need to cheat. They succeed because of good gene alleles.
It’s factual. Ashkenazim have higher than average IQs, and there’s lots of evidence for it. Why are you reluctant to acknowledge such a positive attribute?

Because frankly, I never saw it. Certainly not from your posts...

That Filipino very likely had Spanish ancestry, and Filipinos in general are far more educated, cultured and civilized then Africans. Aside from many of those Muslim retards around Mindanao - As for the African, well Mugabe had a British University degree - so? No one (as far as I have read all the posts) has ever stated that ALL 100% of Africans are dumb and uneducated. However even those educated like Mugabe (BTW he was sponsored by a British farmer couple in Rhodesia), could never shake of their inherent tribal culture and underdeveloped African moral, and social values - especially after returning back to Africa.

I ignored most of your twatnoodle posting because you are the idiot who tried to claim people on Taiwan use "Kanji" to write. This is equally stupid. Filipinos are Asian. They have Asian features, high cheekbones, flat noses, and black hair. They are a little darker than Japanese or Chinese, because they are a little further south.

the rest of your shit is another bit of babbling by a racist loser.

Massacres or genocide conducted by e.g. Europeans in Africa - where nowhere near Africa's own tribal massacres conducted in the past, until today. And as I had stated before - if Africans would have been able to develop the means - which Europeans had already started to developed 3000 years before them - more then 50% of today's African population wouldn't exist.

Um, read about the Belgian Congo some time. It was almost as bad as the Holocaust, and most people have no idea it ever happened.
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Hector the pictures drawn by Egyptians in hieroglyphics show black people as Egyptians.
From the evidence, the Egyptian empire, was multi-racial and ethnically diverse. It lasted some 3000 years, a testament to it’s success and a rebuttal to racist claims.
There is no evidence that "debunks" the importance of being born with a high IQ. Over a century of scientific research and experience confirms the validity of IQ tests, and of significant average differences between the races.

Nobody is born with a high IQ. Testing is biased and not always a factor for success.
What counts a lot more is attitude, work ethic, and common sense.

The assertion that high IQ scores and academic performance is one I often encountered on American Renaissance. White supremacists rejected the fact that they did not belong to the most superior race.

Well, first, the fact that you hang out on a racist website with those kinds of losers says a lot. Clearly, you enjoy being a troll, which is kind of sad in and of itself.
Secondly, the biggest problem with our education system is that it teaches to the test. The test has become the point. I always did well in tests... with the actual work, I struggled. (Then again, during college, I had both parents die after protracted illnesses, had to work two minimum wage jobs, and serve in the National Guard... So, while I didn't have a high GPA, just graduating was an accomplishment.)
From the evidence, the Egyptian empire, was multi-racial and ethnically diverse. It lasted some 3000 years, a testament to it’s success and a rebuttal to racist claims.
The Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews. What a racist country.

Thankfully, we had Gd on our side.
From the evidence, the Egyptian empire, was multi-racial and ethnically diverse. It lasted some 3000 years, a testament to it’s success and a rebuttal to racist claims.
Yes, it was multiracial. And it was in Africa, which some folks fail to remember. Or they come up with that sub-Saharan garbage, which gets destroyed by the fact that Ethiopia/Abyssinia was also a great kingdom as well as Benin, which was Dahomey.
The Jews weren’t exactly stellar citizens of the ancient world either (the concept of human rights did not exist). But that myth is debatable.

And right on cue.…you jump in to say negative things about Jews and slap around our beliefs. I don’t see you posting how Muslim beliefs are wrong.

And blacks….are they such stellar citizens? And wasn’t it other blacks who caught them and enslaved them?

More hypocrisy of ledtists.
The assertion that high IQ scores and academic performance is one I often encountered on American Renaissance. White supremacists rejected the fact that they did not belong to the most superior race.

Orientals do not need to cheat. They succeed because of good gene alleles.
There is something to be said about cheating, but it is not racial. We get applicants from China for grad school and everyone one of them seems to have top GRE scores regardless of GPA. Cheating is a big issue with Chinese students but it is a cultural, not racial thing.
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And right on cue.…you jump in to say negative things about Jews and slap around our beliefs.
That isn’t allowed? You have no problem saying negative things about Blacks. Point is, slavery was endemic in the ancient. Pitting one civilization against another to downgrade it is meaningless. If there is no real evidence to support the story, it isn’t a slap, it is what it is. A cultural myth. No different than any number of stories integral to a culture’s identity. And no less important.
Reading the bible tells a story about Jews that Lisa doesn't want to face.
There was lots of bad behavior in both testiments…God had a lot of anger management issues.
That isn’t allowed? You have no problem saying negative things about Blacks. Point is, slavery was endemic in the ancient. Pitting one civilization against another to downgrade it is meaningless. If there is no real evidence to support the story, it isn’t a slap, it is what it is. A cultural myth. No different than any number of stories integral to a culture’s identity. And no less important.
My point is that you jump down my throat when I point out shortcomings of blacks, but you take every opportunity to say something negative about Jews. I will continue to point out this leftist hypocrisy.

Also, slavery was not only endemic in the ancient world, it was endemic just a few hundred years ago. Yet leftists act as if America was so awful in having slaves, when our country was among the first to abolish it - and it still exists now in some countries.
The Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews. What a racist country.

Thankfully, we had Gd on our side.

There is ZERO evidence the Hebrews were ever enslaved in Egypt.

Other than the Bible, that is.

The same book that has Talking Snakes and Giants in it.

“The truth is that virtually every modern archeologist who has investigated the story of the Exodus, with very few exceptions, agrees that the way the Bible describes the Exodus is not the way it happened, if it happened at all,” Wolpe told his congregants.

Wolpe’s startling sermon may have seemed blasphemy to some. In fact, however, the rabbi was merely telling his flock what scholars have known for more than a decade. Slowly and often outside wide public purview, archeologists are radically reshaping modern understanding of the Bible. It was time for his people to know about it, Wolpe decided.

After a century of excavations trying to prove the ancient accounts true, archeologists say there is no conclusive evidence that the Israelites were ever in Egypt, were ever enslaved, ever wandered in the Sinai wilderness for 40 years, or ever conquered the land of Canaan under Joshua’s leadership. On the contrary, the prevailing view is that most of Joshua’s fabled military campaigns never occurred--archeologists have uncovered ash layers and other signs of destruction at the relevant time at only one of the many battlegrounds mentioned in the Bible

It should also be pointed out that even if you take the fairy stories in the Bible at Face Value, the Hebrews were not slaves, they were just not allowed to leave or practice their religion. When they did leave, the first thing they did was - wait for it - set down rules for slavery.

The problem with such stories is that we are applying modern sensibilities to historical documents. Today, we all know slavery was wrong. Well, everyone but Hector12 , but he's a mutant. So we re-interpret these fairy stories as a condemnation of slavery, and ignore all the parts of the Bible where Slavery is fully endorsed by Yahweh.

So, what is the big obsession the Bible has with Egypt?

Well, the Egyptian Gods had this huge temple complex at Karnak that was the envy of the world, while the Temple of Soloman was about the size of a barn. Egypt was a major Empire, while Israel was a bunch of squabbling tribes fighting other squabbling tribes. Someone was having a little bit of religious penis envy.
There was lots of bad behavior in both testiments…God had a lot of anger management issues.
And here ^^^ we have a leftist saying negative things about Gd.

What about Mohammed? He was a pedophile who promoted killing Jews. Any complaints about the Muslims??
Also, slavery was not only endemic in the ancient world, it was endemic just a few hundred years ago. Yet leftists act as if America was so awful in having slaves, when our country was among the first to abolish it - and it still exists now in some countries.

Actually, the US was the last major country to abolish it... and it took a civil war to do it. And instead of learning our lesson, we turned right around and found new ways to screw black people over.
And here ^^^ we have a leftist saying negative things about Gd.

What about Mohammed? He was a pedophile who promoted killing Jews. Any complaints about the Muslims??

Muslims worship the same God you do.
And, yes, there are parts of the Koran that are pretty shitty. Just like the Bible or the Talmud or the Book or Mormon (which is just bad Bible Fan Fic).

Here's the thing. Our problem with the Muslims isn't that their beliefs are any worse than your beliefs.

Our problem with the Islamic world is our foreign policy.

We've continued the imperialistic policies of the Europeans.
We support the Zionist Entity.
We prop up truly awful governments in that region to keep the oil flowing.
We have occupied, invaded or bombed 14 countries over there since the 1980's.

This is why they hate us.

Yet we don't understand why we failed in Iraq and Afghanistan, any more than we understand why we failed in Vietnam 50 years ago or the Philippines 120 years ago.

People just don't like it when you invade their country and start pushing them around.
There was lots of bad behavior in both testiments…God had a lot of anger management issues.
I don't know if God had the issues or that humans simply refuse to follow his rules. But one thing is written, and it is something Lisa does not grasp, the Jews made a covenant with God, and Jews were/are to abide by the covenant, or the punishment is severe.

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