Zone1 Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?

From the statues and paintings the ancient Egyptians made of themselves we can tell that they were Caucasian.

AncientEgyptians 2.jpg

AncientEgyptians 3.jpg
Negroes are less likely to save money and more likely to go into debt because human evolution has prepared fewer of them for the demands of civilization.

I think rape is a terrible crime, and that nothing justifies it.
There is a reason, and it is historical, not racial.

Mansa Musa
[a] (reigned c. 1312 – c. 1337Mansa Musa - Wikipedia) was the ninth[4] Mansa of the Mali Empire, which reached its territorial peak during his reign. Musa is known for his wealth and generosity. He has been subject to popular claims that he is the wealthiest person in history,[5] but the extent of his actual wealth is not known with any certainty.

It is known from local manuscripts and travellers accounts that Mansa Musa’s wealth came principally from the Mali Empire controlling and taxing the trade in salt from northern regions and especially from gold panned and mined in the gold rich regions to the south: Bambuk, Wangara, Bure, Galam, Taghaza and other such kingdoms over many centuries. Over a very long period Mali had created a large reserve of gold. Mali is also suspected to have been involved in the trade in many goods such as ivory, slaves, spices, silks, and ceramics.
Your point? Obviously a very wealthy and successful civilization.
I would rather hear first hand from someone who has since you carry an obvious bias.
My aunt taught in a poor district in NJ, about 95% black, with all the teachers black. The kids were obnoxious and hostile, and the other teachers shunned her. She finally quit.
he population that is rising faster is that of African Negroes. Because African Negroes have an average IQ of about 75, I do not think that will be good for the progress of civilization and human evolution.

Sure, Adolf Hitler probably thought the same thing about Jews and Slavs.

They have been less effected by Chinese culture and immigration. They are also in warmer climates.

Wow, really? Hey, True story. The Valedictorian of my HS Class, at an elite Catholic institution, was a Filipino. The Salutadictorian was a black guy. Kind of blows all your theories out of the water.

Going back to the equator stuff - where the further you get from it the higher the average IQ of the country - this applies to Jews, as well. Ashkenazi Jews, from places like Central Europe, have higher average IQs than Sephardim from Spain, closer to the equator.

Then again, why haven't the Eskimos taken over the world yet? Actually, your statement kind of proves my point about Zionism... The Jews have become like an abused child that has gotten big enough to abuse someone else. Your comments about the AshkeNAZI Jews being better than the Sephardim Jews is kind of telling, isn't it? Adolf would be proud.

European colonialists brought water purification, electricity, telephone service, hospitals and schools to sub Saharan Africa. All of these are in decay since independence.

European colonialists also ended the Arab slave trade along with cannibalism and human sacrifice.

They ended it after they lost the market for it... Come on, don't try to excuse shitty behavior.

Usually, "Human Sacrifice" and "Cannibalism" are those kind of propaganda tools used to feel superior. The truly awful things in this world- Wars, Colonization, outright Genocide, have mostly been done by white people or Asian people imitating white people.

What gave the Ashkenazim their high IQ averages is the fact that for about a thousand year in Christian countries they were forbidden to own land and to practice most trades. They were allowed to be money lenders, which Christians were not allowed to be. Finance required learning complex skills. Jewish men who could not learn the skills had no children, or they left the faith.
If they were smart, they would have been able to read the room before the Holocaust or the Inquisition.
My aunt taught in a poor district in NJ, about 95% black, with all the teachers black. The kids were obnoxious and hostile, and the other teachers shunned her. She finally quit.

Didn't you also say that your coworkers at the elite private school you tried to keep blacks out of hated you, too. I'm seeing a pattern.

I've never worked at a place where my coworkers hated me. A bunch of former coworkers are showing up at my wedding next week.
this "who is smarter" conversation is utterly idiotic just as the "BELL CURVE"
jerks were idiotic. ---the results of an "intelligence test" are virtually meaningless
as a measure of the INTELLIGENCE of a population and who can build the highest
teepee is a worthless discussion. Right not some jerky arabs have the highest buildings -----but they need hindus for all technical issues----are hindus the smartest in the world? -----it is CERTAINLY NOT WASP IDIOTS. PS---I am
the smartest
Going back to the equator stuff - where the further you get from it the higher the average IQ of the country - this applies to Jews, as well. Ashkenazi Jews, from places like Central Europe, have higher average IQs than Sephardim from Spain, closer to the equator.
Baloney. The Eskimo. Lapps, and such must be absolute genius’ then.

The intelligence arguments promote one of the more notorious racist canards.
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What gave the Ashkenazim their high IQ averages is the fact that for about a thousand year in Christian countries they were forbidden to own land and to practice most trades. They were allowed to be money lenders, which Christians were not allowed to be. Finance required learning complex skills. Jewish men who could not learn the skills had no children, or they left the faith.

In other words, persecution bred Ashnenazi Jews for the intelligence they are known for. This is interesting, when we consider that anti racists claim that racial discrimination is responsible for low IQ averages for Negroes.
Racial discrimination was expressed in different ways with different peoples.
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Baloney. The Eskimo. Lapps, and such must be absolute genius’ then.

The intelligence arguments promote one of the more notorious racist canards.
It’s factual. Ashkenazim have higher than average IQs, and there’s lots of evidence for it. Why are you reluctant to acknowledge such a positive attribute?

It’s factual. Ashkenazim have higher than average IQs, and there’s lots of evidence for it. Why are you reluctant to acknowledge such a positive attribute?

I meant the north bit. IQ is also heavily influenced by other factors.
It’s factual. Ashkenazim have higher than average IQs, and there’s lots of evidence for it. Why are you reluctant to acknowledge such a positive attribute?

IQ tests have a BIAS----they are not measures of PHYSIOLOGY OF THE BRAIN---they are actually constructed to correlate with scholastic success. Scholastic success is dependent on BOTH NATURE (ie the actual physiology of the brain)
and NURTURE (aspects of child rearing----just how the kid was cared for--ie
was BROUGHT UP by its caretaker----from diet, to stimulation. to interaction with
people and environment.) These factors are HIGHLY VARIABLE and to a large
extent dependent on CULTURE.
Sure, Adolf Hitler probably thought the same thing about Jews and Slavs.
There is a vast difference between what one thinks - and what one can proof. E.g. Africans on average being 3000 years behind any other civilization and their respective races and ethnicity.
Wow, really? Hey, True story. The Valedictorian of my HS Class, at an elite Catholic institution, was a Filipino. The Salutadictorian was a black guy. Kind of blows all your theories out of the water.
That Filipino very likely had Spanish ancestry, and Filipinos in general are far more educated, cultured and civilized then Africans. Aside from many of those Muslim retards around Mindanao - As for the African, well Mugabe had a British University degree - so? No one (as far as I have read all the posts) has ever stated that ALL 100% of Africans are dumb and uneducated. However even those educated like Mugabe (BTW he was sponsored by a British farmer couple in Rhodesia), could never shake of their inherent tribal culture and underdeveloped African moral, and social values - especially after returning back to Africa.
Then again, why haven't the Eskimos taken over the world yet?
About the dumbest argument yet - obviously you are not even aware about their natural habitat - it's impossible to develop an advanced civilization in such an environment. However their social and moral values far outweigh those of Africans.
They ended it after they lost the market for it... Come on, don't try to excuse shitty behavior.
The entire Africa and it's local economy went down the drain, upon Europeans deciding to end slavery. Since they never manufactured anything of value. Ending slavery was factually the DEATH VERDICT for Africans and their "economy".
Usually, "Human Sacrifice" and "Cannibalism" are those kind of propaganda tools used to feel superior. The truly awful things in this world- Wars, Colonization, outright Genocide, have mostly been done by white people or Asian people imitating white people.
Massacres or genocide conducted by e.g. Europeans in Africa - where nowhere near Africa's own tribal massacres conducted in the past, until today. And as I had stated before - if Africans would have been able to develop the means - which Europeans had already started to developed 3000 years before them - more then 50% of today's African population wouldn't exist.

More then 80% of those 1,5 million slaughtered civilians in e.g Rwanda were butchered with machetes and clubs. Same goes for around 250,000 African civilians slaughtered by Mugabe and friends in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. (that figure only accounts for registered death during White rule, during the Bush-War) And at least another 200,000 were butchered during Black rule. Imagine the death-toll via modern means. But even armed regular African soldiers - discard their assault rifles in favor of using machetes, clubs and burning car tires to murder off civilians.
After torturing and raping them off course - they are FUCKING animals - over and out.

Yes there are accounts of civilians having beaten e.g. Jewish civilians to death - or an SS guard having slammed a child's head into a wall - 80 years ago. The vast majority of those unfortunate people were simply shot - to the extend that even battle hardened SS and Wehrmacht soldiers started to revolt and develop traumas - hence the final solution was developed by bureaucrats to murder off around 4 to 5 million. Just as despicable - but yet, way more humane then clubbing, torturing/burning and slashing people to death.

Off course now you will be whining and babbling around that I would condone Auschwitz etc. Which I never did nor would.

Even the worst horror-stories or factual occurrences in e.g. Ukraine - are absolutely nowhere near in brutality and certainly not near in any numbers compared to those in Africa.

I have PERSONALLY seen it - the extend of African brutality and their tribal asocial neolithic behavior - aka culture. You personally haven't seen shit - you have never been to Africa - you have never witnessed African countries and their almost entire population being radically drunk and intoxicated over the weekends - killing hundreds of people every single weekend, simply due to provoking head on collisions of busses. trucks and cars on their roads. The vast amount of kids out of wedlock - their teenage and adult males simply not willing to work.

80% of Africa's economy and agriculture is done/performed by their suppressed women. Filthy kids and not being taken care of (due to the women working and their men simply loafing around and humping those women not working) - their utter filthy village environments, and their general prevailing attitude towards rape, stealing and hygiene - you have never seen their public toilets - smeared with their excrement's all over the walls - right up to the ceiling. You have never seen security guards, jumping down from trees - and that were then unable to lock a gate with two chain-links and two padlocks. 50 and more taxi drivers squatting and playing cards - refusing to take passengers - due to the government (their organized union voters) paying them a fixed monthly income.

Rural schools having 12-14 year olds boys sitting next to 7-8 year old girls - due to their tribal customs not allowing their male kids to go to school before ending their shepherd duties. During Rhodesia's White rule - these customs were not tolerated - hence no male kids available for shepherding tasks - and nowadays adult males refusing to do it. Any White Farmers counting more then 20 families being employed on his farm - were obligated by law to maintain a school, teachers and medical trained staff. Now? no one gives a shit.

But people like you talking their asses off - as Europeans being racists and that Rhodesia needs to belong and be ruled by Africans.

You and alike don't know anything - but continue endlessly with your absolute faulty statements and ridiculous faulty arguments.
If they were smart, they would have been able to read the room before the Holocaust or the Inquisition.
The vast majority of Jewish people in Europe weren't moneylenders or bankers - But normal employees, business owners, right down to farmers and workers, (the latter two naturally refuted by Adolf) I can see that Adolf's bullshit teachings have stuck with you.

Since the vast majority of Germans didn't even have any idea as to the future extend of Nazi planed murdering - how should the Jewish population nor anyone else have known.

Back to topic:

NO - Asian-Americans are NOT the new Jews (since American Jews had always been awarded the same privilege as any other White) - whilst Asians have been treated as second class citizens since they arrived in numbers in the USA in the 19th century. Since they are NOT Africans - they however simply worked hard and made sure, that their kids get an education. Which in today's time has obviously paid off for Asians living in the USA in general.

Envy and hatred of the poor and underprivileged towards those being rich, has always existed amongst mankind - it's not something that only Jewish people can exclusively claim for themselves. (Which certain Jewish people love to do). Jews were not persecuted because they had money - but due to their JEWISH CULTURE (respectively their internal networking and Family clan associations (barred/restricted towards non-Jews) and thus developing and furthering their renowned intelligentsia in the process of the past 2000 years). The topic Religion was simply used and exploited by the Christian church to promote their own intelligentsia agenda and to literally kill off and destroy the Jewish intelligentsia.

The Chinese culture is extremely similar to that of the Jewish culture (also more or less extremely restricted towards non-Chinese) and even more diversified amongst the Chinese ethnicity and family-clans themselves. E.g. a Cantonese will hardly employ a non-Cantonese for a leading position in his family or privately owned enterprise. Those non-Jewish Europeans who had realized this and adopted the same system/culture became very rich and successful entrepreneurs themselves, being termed as a Taipan.

As such it doesn't come as a surprise that the only non-Chinese folks that managed to get filthy rich and powerful in China were Jewish people and those Taipans. And it explains as to why Chinese people in general are not well liked outside their own country.

That idiots and foremost the poor (inspired and agitated by their political leaders) pick onto exemplary rich individuals - no matter their race or religion, to express their hate and anger, so as to divert from the real cause of prevailing negative issues, is also a fact.

That Europeans and their societies incl. the USA, are far more open and accessible for non-Europeans is also a fact. So much for all the anti-European racist bull.
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Hector the pictures drawn by Egyptians in hieroglyphics show black people as Egyptians.
I meant the north bit. IQ is also heavily influenced by other factors.
The fact that all kinds of evidence debunks the racist theory of race/IQ and these guys keep arguing about how it's so, is proof of a low IQ from the people who continue arguing..

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