Zone1 Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?

Again, no. The period of exploration, colonization and imperialism was actually BAD for most of the world, capping off with the World Wars when the empires largely destroyed each other because they were too fucking greedy.

The reality is, the "dominance" or Euro-centric culture is only a blip in history, Before Columbus, the big economies were India and China. China and India are starting to reassert their rightful positions. Ebb and Flow.
With an average IQ of 105 I expect much from China. With an average IQ of 82 I expect much less from India.
China has always been prosperous compared to the rest of the world. Until the Italian Renaissance and the Age of Discovery China was more advanced than Europe.

The problem with "Prosperity" is that most people never see it. I am not sure what this brain damage is that you all live vicariously because someone else got rich (usually off your labor).

It simply is not true that the Congo or anywhere in Sub Saharan Africa, except for Southern Africa settled by European, ever had a prosperous economy.

You mean got screwed by Europeans.

the worm is turning, as white people continue to shrink as a percentage of the world's population. Will future histories look back us fondly? I doubt it.
With an average IQ of 105 I expect much from China. With an average IQ of 82 I expect much less from India.
Going back to the equator stuff - where the further you get from it the higher the average IQ of the country - this applies to Jews, as well. Ashkenazi Jews, from places like Central Europe, have higher average IQs than Sephardim from Spain, closer to the equator.
the worm is turning, as white people continue to shrink as a percentage of the world's population. Will future histories look back us fondly? I doubt it.
The population that is rising faster is that of African Negroes. Because African Negroes have an average IQ of about 75, I do not think that will be good for the progress of civilization and human evolution.

You mean got screwed by Europeans.
European colonialists brought water purification, electricity, telephone service, hospitals and schools to sub Saharan Africa. All of these are in decay since independence.

European colonialists also ended the Arab slave trade along with cannibalism and human sacrifice.
Going back to the equator stuff - where the further you get from it the higher the average IQ of the country - this applies to Jews, as well. Ashkenazi Jews, from places like Central Europe, have higher average IQs than Sephardim from Spain, closer to the equator.
What gave the Ashkenazim their high IQ averages is the fact that for about a thousand year in Christian countries they were forbidden to own land and to practice most trades. They were allowed to be money lenders, which Christians were not allowed to be. Finance required learning complex skills. Jewish men who could not learn the skills had no children, or they left the faith.

In other words, persecution bred Ashnenazi Jews for the intelligence they are known for. This is interesting, when we consider that anti racists claim that racial discrimination is responsible for low IQ averages for Negroes.
Why do whites like Hector not understand how they are examples of how white racism still exists?

I'm surprised he can use a computer because he keeps repeating stuff that's been long discredited.
Why do whites like Hector not understand how they are examples of how white racism still exists?

I'm surprised he can use a computer because he keeps repeating stuff that's been long discredited.
White racism still exists because black social pathology still exists to reinforce it. Indeed, black social pathology has gotten worse since the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty was passed into law. This substantiates the arguments of those who opposed the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty at the time they were debated in Congress.

I am surprised that there are so many taboos against discussing low average IQ's for blacks and high rates of crime and illegitimacy.
By "Oriental" I mean China and nations that learned civilization from China. I can usually tell the difference between them and other Mongoloids. DNA evidence always can.
Good God Hectar…”Mongoloids”? You spout racist rhetoric like a pro. There aren’t multiple “oriental“ races“…only evidence that the entire concept of race is fuzzy.

When you talk about Blacks you talk as if the stats of a subgroup of Black Americans apply the world over. You ignore the incredible variety of cultures your racial categories fall into and apply cultural differences to inherent “racial” characteristics. This is a perfect example where it is inconvenient to include “orientals” from poor countries since s it messes with claims of racial superiority. People are people the world over and the differences largely cultural.

Ignoring the role of culture and ignoring chunks of human history in order to promote a perceived “superiority” of a race (oriental, white, Jewish) over another (always seems to be Black with you guys) IS racist, not “truth”.
China has always been prosperous compared to the rest of the world. Until the Italian Renaissance and the Age of Discovery China was more advanced than Europe.

It simply is not true that the Congo or anywhere in Sub Saharan Africa, except for Southern Africa settled by European, ever had a prosperous economy.
African empires (prosperous)
Good God Hectar…”Mongoloids”? You spout racist rhetoric like a pro. There aren’t multiple “oriental“ races“…only evidence that the entire concept of race is fuzzy.
"The Inequality Taboo," Charles Murray, Commentary, September 2005

The Harvard geneticist Richard Lewontin originated the idea of race as a social construct in 1972, arguing that the genetic differences across races were so trivial that no scientist working exclusively with genetic data would sort people into blacks, whites, or Asians. Inhis words, "racial classification is now seen to be ofvirtually no genetic or taxonomic significance. Lewontin's position, which quickly became a tenet of political correctness, carried with it a potential means of being falsified.

If he was correct, then a statistical analysis of genetic markers would not produce clusters corresponding to common racial labels.In the last few years, that test has become feasible, and now we know that Lewontin was wrong.

Several analyses have confirmed the genetic reality of group identities going under the label of race orethnicity. In the most recent, published this year,all but five ofthe 3,636 subjects fell into the clusterof genetic markers corresponding to their selfidentified ethnic group. When a statistical procedure, blind to physical characteristics and workingexclusively with genedc information, classifies 99.9percent of the individuals in a large sample in thesame way they classify themselves, it is hard toargue that race is imaginary.


I wish Charles Murray posted a website naming this experiment. Nevertheless, it is a good experiment because it is double blind, and can easily be reproduced.

Putting this in my own words I will say that a person's race can usually be determined by appearance, and always by DNA analysis.

Once we acknowledge that race is a legitimate biological category, it becomes legitimate to document the way the races differ in average qualities important to civilization. It is also legitimate to look for genetic reasons for the differences. That research is already being done.
African empires (prosperous)
They never equaled European and Oriental civilizations. They were also Bantu. The Bantu never developed indigenous systems of writing and mathematics, like the Mayan Indians did in the New Word.
Washington, DC has one of the best funded public school systems in the United States. It also has the highest percentage of Negroes in the schools and the lowest test scores.
what else does Washington DC have? What are the demographics? With all those
"SENATORS" around-----does the town also have lots of prostitutes and relatively
"loose" kids? "Best Funded" but "dumb kids"? Did anyone ever look into the back-
grounds of the school kids and their parents and their lifestyles? Are the children
who live in the White House in the stats?
You mean got screwed by Europeans.
Name me a single Sub-Saharan country that had a prosperous economy - BEFORE Europeans arrived.

Trading baskets - plucking wild fruits, maintaining small crop fields, selling uncut stones, and herding some cows, doesn't represent a prosperous economy.

And e.g. Mali, Ghana/Wagdu, Songhai NEVER had a prosperous society - but a few tribal leaders (Kings) that lived in luxury - due to trading off their RAW natural resources (especially slaves) - because they did not posses or even bother to obtain/develop the technology to refine raw natural products. Just like Bokassa, Mobutu, Idi Amin, Mugabe and a dozen and more others leading a lavish lifestyle - whilst their population is starving or murdered off 400 years later. Especially after gaining their independence.

Typical Lefty&Lib - never been to Africa but sprouting racist bull against Europeans.
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"The Inequality Taboo," Charles Murray, Commentary, September 2005

The Harvard geneticist Richard Lewontin originated the idea of race as a social construct in 1972, arguing that the genetic differences across races were so trivial that no scientist working exclusively with genetic data would sort people into blacks, whites, or Asians. Inhis words, "racial classification is now seen to be ofvirtually no genetic or taxonomic significance. Lewontin's position, which quickly became a tenet of political correctness, carried with it a potential means of being falsified.

If he was correct, then a statistical analysis of genetic markers would not produce clusters corresponding to common racial labels.In the last few years, that test has become feasible, and now we know that Lewontin was wrong.

Several analyses have confirmed the genetic reality of group identities going under the label of race orethnicity. In the most recent, published this year,all but five ofthe 3,636 subjects fell into the clusterof genetic markers corresponding to their selfidentified ethnic group. When a statistical procedure, blind to physical characteristics and workingexclusively with genedc information, classifies 99.9percent of the individuals in a large sample in thesame way they classify themselves, it is hard toargue that race is imaginary.


I wish Charles Murray posted a website naming this experiment. Nevertheless, it is a good experiment because it is double blind, and can easily be reproduced.

Putting this in my own words I will say that a person's race can usually be determined by appearance, and always by DNA analysis.

Once we acknowledge that race is a legitimate biological category, it becomes legitimate to document the way the races differ in average qualities important to civilization. It is also legitimate to look for genetic reasons for the differences. That research is already being done.
Your argument makes no sense in the study of population genetics. ----in sum and
substance, ----If a population is genetically isolated to the point that statistically
it can be described as having an IDENTIFIABLE DNA PROFILE---<<< that is proof that there are differences in intellectual potential between large subgroups of
humans .................NOPE!!!!!!!
what else does Washington DC have? What are the demographics? With all those
"SENATORS" around-----does the town also have lots of prostitutes and relatively
"loose" kids? "Best Funded" but "dumb kids"? Did anyone ever look into the back-
grounds of the school kids and their parents and their lifestyles? Are the children
who live in the White House in the stats?
White residents of Washington, DC who can afford to, send their children to white private schools. This is also true of affluent liberal residents of Washington, DC.

This 14th-Century African Emperor Remains the Richest Person in History

Forget today’s tech billionaires. The wealth of Mansa Musa of Mali was too vast to be imagined—or equaled.

The Rise of Mansa Musa and the Mali Empire
Musa became ruler of the Mali Empire in 1312, taking the throne after his predecessor, Abu-Bakr II, for whom he’d served as deputy, went missing on a voyage he took by sea to find the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. Musa’s rule came at a time when European nations were struggling due to raging civil wars and a lack of resources. During that period, the Mali Empire flourished thanks to ample natural resources like gold and salt.

And under the rule of Musa, the prosperous empire grew to span a sizeable portion of West Africa, from the Atlantic coast to the inland trading hub of Timbuktu and parts of the Sahara Desert. As the territory grew while Musa was on the throne, so did the economic standing of its citizens.

You would figure such high IQ people would know this.
What gave the Ashkenazim their high IQ averages is the fact that for about a thousand year in Christian countries they were forbidden to own land and to practice most trades. They were allowed to be money lenders, which Christians were not allowed to be. Finance required learning complex skills. Jewish men who could not learn the skills had no children, or they left the faith.

In other words, persecution bred Ashnenazi Jews for the intelligence they are known for. This is interesting, when we consider that anti racists claim that racial discrimination is responsible for low IQ averages for Negroes.
Nope-----actually---LONG LONG ago-----something like 2500 years ago---a very
influential Rabbi issued an EDICT. -------(keep in mind---something like 2500
years ago.) "ALL JEWISH BOYS MUST BE TAUGHT TO READ" A jewish boy who
could not read for the past 2500 years has been virtually UNMARRIAGABLE
and, therefore, in the relatively closed communities of jews----HAD NO KIDS ---
or, at least, no jewish kids. Reading and writing are complex brain requiring
activities. The edict was almost an experiment in Eugenics

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