Zone1 Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?

With an average IQ of 105 I expect much from China. With an average IQ of 82 I expect much less from India.
That same ratio exists in our nation in important employees in corporate ways. All of our military hardware's should cost much less to produce today even it is still overpriced. Commercial products the same. The egos of those hired from equity means nothing to them. Military, Space, Domestic corporate, and all others infected. And that does not include the corruption from all of those. Without Musk we would still have no astronaut access to low earth orbit. Mind you, the space shuttle last flew in 2011. 2011! Equity! Equity! Equity!.. Living off the past.

This 14th-Century African Emperor Remains the Richest Person in History

Forget today’s tech billionaires. The wealth of Mansa Musa of Mali was too vast to be imagined—or equaled.

The Rise of Mansa Musa and the Mali Empire
Musa became ruler of the Mali Empire in 1312, taking the throne after his predecessor, Abu-Bakr II, for whom he’d served as deputy, went missing on a voyage he took by sea to find the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. Musa’s rule came at a time when European nations were struggling due to raging civil wars and a lack of resources. During that period, the Mali Empire flourished thanks to ample natural resources like gold and salt.

And under the rule of Musa, the prosperous empire grew to span a sizeable portion of West Africa, from the Atlantic coast to the inland trading hub of Timbuktu and parts of the Sahara Desert. As the territory grew while Musa was on the throne, so did the economic standing of its citizens.

You would figure such high IQ people would know this.

Mansa Musa
[a] (reigned c. 1312 – c. 1337Mansa Musa - Wikipedia) was the ninth[4] Mansa of the Mali Empire, which reached its territorial peak during his reign. Musa is known for his wealth and generosity. He has been subject to popular claims that he is the wealthiest person in history,[5] but the extent of his actual wealth is not known with any certainty.

It is known from local manuscripts and travellers accounts that Mansa Musa’s wealth came principally from the Mali Empire controlling and taxing the trade in salt from northern regions and especially from gold panned and mined in the gold rich regions to the south: Bambuk, Wangara, Bure, Galam, Taghaza and other such kingdoms over many centuries. Over a very long period Mali had created a large reserve of gold. Mali is also suspected to have been involved in the trade in many goods such as ivory, slaves, spices, silks, and ceramics.
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That same ratio exists in our nation in important employees in corporate ways. All of our military hardware's should cost much less to produce today even it is still overpriced. Commercial products the same. The egos of those hired from equity means nothing to them. Military, Space, Domestic corporate, and all others infected. And that does not include the corruption from all of those. Without Musk we would still have no astronaut access to low earth orbit. Mind you, the space shuttle last flew in 2011. 2011! Equity! Equity! Equity!.. Living off the past.
Equity, diversity, an inclusion are no match for excellence, merit, and qualifications.
White residents of Washington, DC who can afford to, send their children to white private schools. This is also true of affluent liberal residents of Washington, DC.
Thanks----that does have an effect on the STATS. You can be sure that black
residents of Washington DC ALSO send their kids to "white private schools"---
and those kids who are called "black" in the hood---like hispanics and
north africans etc----sorta WHITEN UP depending on the social positions
of their parents ---- in the stats. In fact---in the study
of sociology in the USA----regardless of skin hue and regardless of
actual economic status, Jewish kids are ALL---white and upper middle class

This 14th-Century African Emperor Remains the Richest Person in History

Forget today’s tech billionaires. The wealth of Mansa Musa of Mali was too vast to be imagined—or equaled.

The Rise of Mansa Musa and the Mali Empire
Musa became ruler of the Mali Empire in 1312, taking the throne after his predecessor, Abu-Bakr II, for whom he’d served as deputy, went missing on a voyage he took by sea to find the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. Musa’s rule came at a time when European nations were struggling due to raging civil wars and a lack of resources. During that period, the Mali Empire flourished thanks to ample natural resources like gold and salt.

And under the rule of Musa, the prosperous empire grew to span a sizeable portion of West Africa, from the Atlantic coast to the inland trading hub of Timbuktu and parts of the Sahara Desert. As the territory grew while Musa was on the throne, so did the economic standing of its citizens.

You would figure such high IQ people would know this.
The Mali Empire was NEVER prosperous - just individuals like Mansa Musa and his appointed cronies. And vastly influenced and helped onto their feet by the ARABS. The average African in Mali was poor and uneducated as dirt, just as today. And again one does not provide for a prosperous economy and society by simply selling of raw minerals and natural recources such as salt and gold.

A prosperous economy beholds foremost an INDUSTRY and Trade- like those in Flanders in the 14th century - producing woven textiles and naming their richest city in Europe GELDERN = aka MONEY.

As for being the richest person in the world - this infantile article doesn't provide a single fact or proof towards his wealth. No bookkeeping records - NOTHING - except FABLE - fabulously wealthy.

Ever hear of a guy called Jacob Fugger the Rich? in the 15th century - proven via BOOKKEEPING records. !!!! And that was an INDIVIDUAL business person and not some despotic King or Emperor robbing his country and it's people of their money and livelihood.

But I don't expect an African like you to understand and know this.
Equity, diversity, an inclusion are no match for excellence, merit, and qualifications.
Our space program is a jewel. Wearing a huge bright ring that shines for the political class. We have new competitors now. And our space program is totally woke. Last night I watched a landing of Space X dragon craft from the space station the female pundit on TV streaming who is an astronaut spewed resentment about having to stay in the spacecraft for near an hour before she was able to leave it in a previous mission. Imagine this with Apollo 13 and other missions.
The Mali Empire was NEVER prosperous - just individuals like Mansa Musa and his appointed cronies. And vastly influenced and helped onto their feet by the ARABS. The average African in Mali was poor and uneducated as dirt, just as today. And again one does not provide for a prosperous economy and society by simply selling of raw minerals and natural recources such as salt and gold.

A prosperous economy beholds foremost an INDUSTRY and Trade- like those in Flanders in the 14th century - producing woven textiles and naming their richest city in Europe GELDERN = aka MONEY.

As for being the richest person in the world - this infantile article doesn't provide a single fact or proof towards his wealth. No bookkeeping records - NOTHING - except FABLE - fabulously wealthy.

Ever hear of a guy called Jacob Fugger the Rich? in the 15th century - proven via BOOKKEEPING records. !!!! And that was an INDIVIDUAL business person and not some despotic King or Emperor robbing his country and it's people of their money and livelihood.

But I don't expect an African like you to understand and know this.

One of the sources of Mansa Musa's wealth was capturing and selling Negro slaves.
Your argument makes no sense in the study of population genetics. ----in sum and
substance, ----If a population is genetically isolated to the point that statistically
it can be described as having an IDENTIFIABLE DNA PROFILE---<<< that is proof that there are differences in intellectual potential between large subgroups of
humans .................NOPE!!!!!!!
Either you did not read what I wrote or you did not understand it. A person's race can usually be determined by appearance and always by DNA analysis. The different races differ significantly in average intelligence as well as in rates of crime and illegitimacy. These differences are determined genetically.
Equity, diversity, an inclusion are no match for excellence, merit, and qualifications.
Calm yourself, Hector, you are making me nervous. Remember what
happened to the BOISTEROUS Hector in the ODYSSEY
Either you did not read what I wrote or you did not understand it. A person's race can usually be determined by appearance and always by DNA analysis. The different races differ significantly in average intelligence as well as in rates of crime and illegitimacy. These differences are determined genetically.
I understood your point ---and that of the BELL CURVE people ---probably before you
were born----to wit---about 50 years ago. Sorry ---but the genetic RACIAL theory of
intelligence has not been proven. What HAS been demonstrated is----the human brain
across the board has the same average potential ACROSS THE BOARD (ie planet) The
fact that IQ testing reveals differences related to different races is -----proof of nothing
Calm yourself, Hector, you are making me nervous. Remember what
happened to the BOISTEROUS Hector in the ODYSSEY

I understood your point ---and that of the BELL CURVE people ---probably before you
were born----to wit---about 50 years ago. Sorry ---but the genetic RACIAL theory of
intelligence has not been proven. What HAS been demonstrated is----the human brain
across the board has the same average potential ACROSS THE BOARD (ie planet) The
fact that IQ testing reveals differences related to different races is -----proof of nothing
The different races have different average intelligence. That is obvious by test scores, academic performance, and the different kind of societies they create and maintain.
Only you can look at the awful behavior of white people and think it's a virtue.
Whites of European ancestry have created the most advanced, the most affluent, and the most humane civilization in history. That is why so many third world people. are moving to Europe, the United States, and Canada - often at the risk of their lives.
Blacks are more likely to go into debt because a whole criminal banking industry targets them. White people will get favorable mortgages and credit card rates, blacks get preyed on by Payday Loan companies. I am amazed by your level of victim-blaming. Do you go to the Rape Crisis Center and tell those women they shouldn't have dressed like sluts?
Negroes are less likely to save money and more likely to go into debt because human evolution has prepared fewer of them for the demands of civilization.

I think rape is a terrible crime, and that nothing justifies it.
They also invest in education.
Have you ever sat in a black majority public high school?

It is not the fault of whites that black teenagers sass their teachers, skip class class, and refuse to do their homework.

It is not our fault that blacks commit all those crimes and have all those illegitimate children that we are supposed to support on welfare.
Have you ever sat in a black majority public high school?

It is not the fault of whites that black teenagers sass their teachers, skip class class, and refuse to do their homework.

It is not our fault that blacks commit all those crimes and have all those illegitimate children that we are supposed to support on welfare.
Have you? I believe another member asked that.
Negroes are less likely to save money and more likely to go into debt because human evolution has prepared fewer of them for the demands of civilization.

I think rape is a terrible crime, and that nothing justifies it.
There are many reasons for that…but it won’t fit on a bumper sticker.
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