Zone1 Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?

I ignored most of your twatnoodle posting because you are the idiot who tried to claim people on Taiwan use "Kanji" to write.
I have debunked your false Kanji claim already several times - that you still bring it up just shows the moron you are.
That you ignore Facts - like all morons - is also known
This is equally stupid. Filipinos are Asian. They have Asian features, high cheekbones, flat noses, and black hair. They are a little darker than Japanese or Chinese, because they are a little further south.
Where did I state or claim that Filipinos are not Asians? you moron, and a mixed Filipino (most of them are) are called Eurasians - you moron
Um, read about the Belgian Congo some time. It was almost as bad as the Holocaust, and most people have no idea it ever happened.
This topic is about today's events and those in the USA - and due to racial issues pertaining to segregation laws it makes only sense to revert to 1970 - when ALL segregation laws had been abandoned in the USA. No one cares about IM2's bullshit tactics - constantly bringing in irrelevant matters from 1673.
As such no one gives a shit about what happened or not happened in Belgium Congo 150 years ago. Since it is IRRELEVANT to the topic of today or since 1970. If you want to fabulate about it - open up a respective thread - moron.
From the evidence, the Egyptian empire, was multi-racial and ethnically diverse. It lasted some 3000 years, a testament to it’s success and a rebuttal to racist claims.
There is no SINGLE Egyptian Empire for 3000 years. Unlike e.g. a SINGLE Roman Empire - shows only that you don't know anything about Egypt.
Nobody is born with a high IQ.
Total nonsense claim from a total nonsense talker

How old was e.g. Mozart when he composed, his Requiem, a Minuet and Trio in G major? 5 years old you moron.

I don't know if God had the issues or that humans simply refuse to follow his rules. But one thing is written, and it is something Lisa does not grasp, the Jews made a covenant with God, and Jews were/are to abide by the covenant, or the punishment is severe.
Of course I know Gd made a covenant with the Jews. Don’t be ridiculous.
Actually, the US was the last major country to abolish it... and it took a civil war to do it. And instead of learning our lesson, we turned right around and found new ways to screw black people over.
Another moronic nonsense claim - Czarist Russia and the Ottoman Empire had serfdom and the latter even slavery until 1918.
This chapter tells Jews what's in store for them if they obey or disobey God.

I would suggest that our Jewish poster read this chapter and understand thar those words apply to Jews right now.
This chapter tells Jews what's in store for them if they obey or disobey God.

I would suggest that our Jewish poster read this chapter and understand thar those words apply to Jews right now.
I’m not Orthodox and thus don’t take every word literally, but rather the overall values of Judaism and what Gd wants from us: to do as many mitzvot the best we can, and be aware and atone for our wrongdoings. It’s better, IMO, than thinking a man who lived 2000 years ago will absolve me of my wrongdoings.

But this isn’t a thread to tear apart Jews and their religion. It is to point out that high-achieving Asians are being blocked from elite liberal schools the same ways Jews were in the early part of the 20th century.
I would rather hear first hand from someone who has since you carry an obvious bias.
My dad (RIP)started as a history teacher in the public school system, and taught in predominantly black as well as white schools, and finished his 40 year career as a school superintendent.

Many of his former colleagues who took the same path are still livingI and I still talk to then, because some were my teachers from elementary school through high school.

I'll PM you some of their stories.
Well, first, the fact that you hang out on a racist website with those kinds of losers says a lot. Clearly, you enjoy being a troll, which is kind of sad in and of itself.
Secondly, the biggest problem with our education system is that it teaches to the test. The test has become the point. I always did well in tests... with the actual work, I struggled. (Then again, during college, I had both parents die after protracted illnesses, had to work two minimum wage jobs, and serve in the National Guard... So, while I didn't have a high GPA, just graduating was an accomplishment.)
Congratulations for graduating, despite the odds.

If it makes you feel any better, I was banned from American Renaissance for praising Jews and Orientals.

When I began to post on American Renaissance, the website claimed to value "polite debate." Polite debate has always been my specialty, even in response to your insults, name calling, and obscene words.

American Renaissance no longer makes that claim. Now it claims to promote race realism, while really promoting what it calls "white advocacy." White advocacy would seem to advocate discrimination in favor of white Gentiles in university admissions and hiring decisions, in other words, affirmative action in favor of white, (and probably male) Gentiles. I am opposed to affirmative action, and want all careers to be open to talent, regardless to race.

Moreover, I prefer Orientals to whites. Finally, I admire Jews, respect Judaism, and love Israel. Those opinions, politely expressed, are why I was banned from American Renaissance.
The fact that all kinds of evidence debunks the racist theory of race/IQ and these guys keep arguing about how it's so, is proof of a low IQ from the people who continue arguing..
Post some of that evidence. I want to see data confirming your belief in intrinsic racial equality.
My point is that you jump down my throat when I point out shortcomings of blacks, but you take every opportunity to say something negative about Jews. I will continue to point out this leftist hypocrisy.
It isn't all about you. Nor is what I said negative or specific to Jews. I've probably said far more positive things about Jews than you have about Blacks.

Also, slavery was not only endemic in the ancient world, it was endemic just a few hundred years ago. Yet leftists act as if America was so awful in having slaves, when our country was among the first to abolish it - and it still exists now in some countries.
Do you realize Jim Crowe didn't end until 1964?
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Do you realize Jim Crowe didn't end until 1964?
Since the end of Jim Crow black rates of crime and illegitimacy have increased. Black academic performance has increased very little. It was not supposed to be that way. Black performance and behavior since 1963 has confirmed the arguments of those who wanted to preserve Jim Crow.
It isn't all about you. Nor is what I said negative or specific to Jews. I've probably said far more positive things about Jews than you have about Blacks.

Do you realize Jim Crowe didn't end until 1964?
And, when it was "outlawed" the practices that defined it did not magically disappear the next day.
It isn't all about you. Nor is what I said negative or specific to Jews. I've probably said far more positive things about Jews than you have about Blacks.

Do you realize Jim Crowe didn't end until 1964?
So you’re saying when the Arabs kicked 850,000 Jews out of their homes and stole their property in the 1940s, that makes it the past….but when Jim Crowe was abolished in 1964, that ISN’T the past?

How about slavery? When the blacktivists jump in about slavery and incidents from more than 100 years ago, have you EVER said “that’s in the past“?

More double standards when it comes to Democrats (exception Hector) and the Jews.
In some places Jim Crow is still practiced now, it is just not sanctioned by law.
Since the end of Jim Crow black rates of crime and illegitimacy have increased. Black academic performance has increased very little. It was not supposed to be that way. Black performance and behavior since 1963 has confirmed the arguments of those who wanted to preserve Jim Crow.
Incorrect. But racists make this claim. Ignored in your ignorance is the continuing existence of whites like you who present roadblocks to our progress.
So you’re saying when the Arabs kicked 850,000 Jews out of their homes and stole their property in the 1940s, that makes it the past….but when Jim Crowe was abolished in 1964, that ISN’T the past?

How about slavery? When the blacktivists jump in about slavery and incidents from more than 100 years ago, have you EVER said “that’s in the past“?

More double standards when it comes to Democrats (exception Hector) and the Jews.

Lisa, in the 1940's White Jews came here, got all the benefits other whites got while blacks were excluded. And you might want to go back and study the Balfour Declaration and other associate documents. The look into Jewish behavior relative to various terrorist groups they have created.

"Palestinian and Israeli narratives have always been more reflective of each other than contrasting. Both peoples suffered exile from their homeland and the experience of being refugees. Both believe they have been the victims of historical injustice. Both claim the same land and have a primordial attachment to that specific land. And members of both have engaged in acts of terrorism in the pursuit of national self-determination and independence.

Today, when one considers the issue of terrorism in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the practices of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other groups come most readily to mind. The tactics employed by the Jewish underground in the years before the founding of the state of Israel in 1948 are less contemplated. Bruce Hoffman’s “Anonymous Soldiers” fills that gap. Hoffman has plumbed recently opened archives and the correspondence and diaries of those directly involved to produce a first-rate portrait of two groups in the pre-state Jewish underground: the Irgun Zvai Le’umi, or Irgun (National Military Organization), led during that period by Menachem Begin, and the Lohamei Herut Yisrael, or Lehi (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel), led by Yitzhak Shamir."

When I say Jews get punished for not abiding by the covenant they made with God, this is just one modern example of how that has happened. So Lisa, it's time you dropped your fake Jewish victimhood.
Asians are not angels, but they have the lowest rate of crime of any other group in this unique nation.

In fact, I have read that some younger Asians feel insulted that other groups consider Asians to be so submissive. Some of the younger ones supposedly want to be feared -- as people fear certain other groups!!!

Asians have to be more realistic.

They will have to sacrifice some university seats in order to give those seats to Caucasians and African Americans and Hispanics who simply cannot match the high academic scores of Asians.

It is necessary to do so in order to keep the peace in this strange nation.
So you’re saying when the Arabs kicked 850,000 Jews out of their homes and stole their property in the 1940s, that makes it the past….but when Jim Crowe was abolished in 1964, that ISN’T the past?
I'm saying you have years (a generation) between the two events. In the Middle East, this all taking place in the context of the collapse of empires. creation borders and clash of multiple nationalist movements. Jim Crowe and the policies that continued after, occurred in the US, I am not sure what your point is supposed to be. Jews could (and should) demand recompense from those countries but beyond that, why billify Blacks because of what the Jews went through?

How about slavery? When the blacktivists jump in about slavery and incidents from more than 100 years ago, have you EVER said “that’s in the past“?
I don't, because here, Jim Crowe didn't end until 2964 any of they racist policies continued after. Jim Crowe and the brutal violence of the Civils Rights movement is in living memory. Why are you completely incapable of a knowledging that?

More double standards when it comes to Democrats (exception Hector) and the Jews.
What exactly is YOUR standard?
Lisa, in the 1940's White Jews came here, got all the benefits other whites got while blacks were excluded. And you might want to go back and study the Balfour Declaration and other associate documents. The look into Jewish behavior relative to various terrorist groups they have created.

"Palestinian and Israeli narratives have always been more reflective of each other than contrasting. Both peoples suffered exile from their homeland and the experience of being refugees. Both believe they have been the victims of historical injustice. Both claim the same land and have a primordial attachment to that specific land. And members of both have engaged in acts of terrorism in the pursuit of national self-determination and independence.

Today, when one considers the issue of terrorism in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the practices of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other groups come most readily to mind. The tactics employed by the Jewish underground in the years before the founding of the state of Israel in 1948 are less contemplated. Bruce Hoffman’s “Anonymous Soldiers” fills that gap. Hoffman has plumbed recently opened archives and the correspondence and diaries of those directly involved to produce a first-rate portrait of two groups in the pre-state Jewish underground: the Irgun Zvai Le’umi, or Irgun (National Military Organization), led during that period by Menachem Begin, and the Lohamei Herut Yisrael, or Lehi (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel), led by Yitzhak Shamir."

When I say Jews get punished for not abiding by the covenant they made with God, this is just one modern example of how that has happened. So Lisa, it's time you dropped your fake Jewish victimhood.
It’s time YOU drop the fake black victimhood, and acknowledge all the benefits you’ve gotten due to your skin color.

And as far as the “white privilege” the impoverished, uneducated Jewish immigrants got, that’s just your unwillingness to acknowledge that with the correct traits, people can rise above bigotry. That “whote privilege” blocked Jews from the top universities, had them running into restricted neighborhoods, and prevented them from getting jobs….yes, even in NYC….because the bigots weren’t hiring Jews.

Jews moved above all that due to motivation, discipline, wise choices, and a big emphasis on education. Blacks who are in the underclass would do well for themselves by emulating that, rather than listening to people like you, who I’ve been told isn’t even black at all, who want them to feel like victims of racism.

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