Are Atheists Delusional?

And that matters why?
I didnt say it mattered

And you certainly did argue in favor of the global flood. So saying you never made an argument on that topic is an outright lie.

No, not if I say so. Whether I say so or not, you did.
if you say so

Truly sad. I get that you are embarrassed. But to not even own up to what you posted?

Okey dokey. I guess we are done here.
was only responding to yours

And that matters why?
I didnt say it mattered

And you certainly did argue in favor of the global flood. So saying you never made an argument on that topic is an outright lie.
Is that true progressive hunter? What is your belief on the global flood? Go on record.
off topic and my beliefs are none of your business

we're talking about teaching theory as fact at tax payer expense

No, we were not. YOu have claimed that. But that was a minor part of our conversation.
And that matters why?
I didnt say it mattered

And you certainly did argue in favor of the global flood. So saying you never made an argument on that topic is an outright lie.
Is that true progressive hunter? What is your belief on the global flood? Go on record.
off topic and my beliefs are none of your business

we're talking about teaching theory as fact at tax payer expense

No, we were not. YOu have claimed that. But that was a minor part of our conversation.
and I provided a long list of proof,,,it was your choice to ignore it
Because when people post it to you, you ignore it and troll. Because you are a fraudulent troll.
they post theory and speculation not facts
So how did kangaroos get from Australia to noah’s Ark and back again?

For a while he speculated that Noah could have walked to Australia to get kangaroos. That was hilarious!!
that was you that said that

LMAO!!! So all your discussion of the coastlines, how the oceans were shallow close to land, how you could walk to England or across the Bering Strait if the ocean's water level dropped 200 feet ect ect ect was just idle conversation about geography?

If I believed in Noah’s arc I would tell you that once all the continents were together. And that is true. So perhaps Noah lived on the edge and a great flood hit. He would have floated out to sea until the water went back down. But at the center there was no flood. Africans, Asians, Mexicans humans all went about their business.

This is his tribes ancient stories he won’t let go. Most Christians understand these are just allegories
James Bond said god said something to him. Where’s the proof? Absolutely zero but you agree with him right?

Now here is the mountains of evidence for evolution. Now imagine I hand you all the research done by scientists that all confirm evolution. You doubt all that evidence? Why when you and James have no evidence to back up your fairytales

The only difference between the jesus Moses Mohammad and Joseph Smith stories And fairytales is fairytales happened in a land far far away a long time ago.

Joseph Smith happened in 1800. Mohammad 500 years ago. Jesus 2000 and Moses 7000 years ago
there is no evidence for evolution or you would post it

but like the others you dont even know what it is it claims
There is literally mountains of evidence for evolution. Just look at the fossil record. There is that same mountain of evidence against Biblical creationism.

Alas, creationism, like all supernatural events, can never be proven false. Once you accept the supernatural, anything is possible, including a 6000 year old earth. Just ignore the fact that it looks like it is billions of years old. If God chooses to deceive us then we can't believe our own eyes.

then why none posted>???

and the fossil record is make believe and not proof of anything other than something died
See no evidence exists that will prove to you evolution is real. That is proof you are unevolved

so I'm unevolved because you dont have proof of something???

wouldnt that mean I'm right
In the fossil record old rocks have a specific set of fossils, almost none of which appear in younger rocks. You might claim that these extinct organisms were destroyed in Noah's flood, but why is it that almost no organisms alive today are found as fossils in the older rocks?
Because when people post it to you, you ignore it and troll. Because you are a fraudulent troll.
they post theory and speculation not facts
So how did kangaroos get from Australia to noah’s Ark and back again?

For a while he speculated that Noah could have walked to Australia to get kangaroos. That was hilarious!!
that was you that said that

LMAO!!! So all your discussion of the coastlines, how the oceans were shallow close to land, how you could walk to England or across the Bering Strait if the ocean's water level dropped 200 feet ect ect ect was just idle conversation about geography?
It was wild speculation with no theory at all.
And that matters why?
I didnt say it mattered

And you certainly did argue in favor of the global flood. So saying you never made an argument on that topic is an outright lie.
Is that true progressive hunter? What is your belief on the global flood? Go on record.
off topic and my beliefs are none of your business

we're talking about teaching theory as fact at tax payer expense

No, we were not. YOu have claimed that. But that was a minor part of our conversation.
Did he say his beliefs are none of our business? It is in a debate on why someone believes or doesn’t in god
there is no evidence for evolution or you would post it

but like the others you dont even know what it is it claims
There is literally mountains of evidence for evolution. Just look at the fossil record. There is that same mountain of evidence against Biblical creationism.

Alas, creationism, like all supernatural events, can never be proven false. Once you accept the supernatural, anything is possible, including a 6000 year old earth. Just ignore the fact that it looks like it is billions of years old. If God chooses to deceive us then we can't believe our own eyes.

then why none posted>???

and the fossil record is make believe and not proof of anything other than something died
See no evidence exists that will prove to you evolution is real. That is proof you are unevolved

so I'm unevolved because you dont have proof of something???

wouldnt that mean I'm right
In the fossil record old rocks have a specific set of fossils, almost none of which appear in younger rocks. You might claim that these extinct organisms were destroyed in Noah's flood, but why is it that almost no organisms alive today are found as fossils in the older rocks?
the problem is the fossil record and the geo column,,, I can reproduce the geo column in my backyard in a few minutes
they post theory and speculation not facts
So how did kangaroos get from Australia to noah’s Ark and back again?

For a while he speculated that Noah could have walked to Australia to get kangaroos. That was hilarious!!
that was you that said that

LMAO!!! So all your discussion of the coastlines, how the oceans were shallow close to land, how you could walk to England or across the Bering Strait if the ocean's water level dropped 200 feet ect ect ect was just idle conversation about geography?

If I believed in Noah’s arc I would tell you that once all the continents were together. And that is true. So perhaps Noah lived on the edge and a great flood hit. He would have floated out to sea until the water went back down. But at the center there was no flood. Africans, Asians, Mexicans humans all went about their business.

This is his tribes ancient stories he won’t let go. Most Christians understand these are just allegories
if its true then you can prove it,,until then its just a wildass guess
First, they have taken over secular science and systematically eliminated God as creator and origin of the universe and everything in it. They claim that all of it happened naturally when space and time cannot start by itself. They believe in false science and are delusional, but have convinced others to follow their thinking and path. Yet, they cannot explain how spacetime, the universe, Earth and life started without contradictions. They think DNA popped up by itself. They think the universe popped up from invisible particles. They can't explain Earth's habitability, so think multiverses exist so Earth is mediocre and not special. They claim "mountains of evidence" and their science is fact when we can't see it, test it nor falsify it. You might know some people on this board that fits this description. They want evidence of the truth and when they get it, they deny it or do not believe it. They end believing in false teachers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. How far should their delusions be allowed?

Be allowed ? That Genie got out of the bottle sometime ago. Not sure how it get's put back in unless God himself intervenes soon. Without a full revamp of the educational system within this country (the one that was highjacked by the 60's hippies), there won't be no coming back from the delusional state this nation has been placed into after the highjackjng took place.

There is no reason why solid science and faith cannot exist together in peace. Science itself does not attempt to answer questions outside its understanding. Nothing comes from nothing, but obviously we are here, so there was something. What is the something? You can call it God if you like.

But then to tell people you’ll go to hell for not believing? Or worse! Try being an open atheist in Saudi Arabia or Iraq. Or even try being a Christian over there.
There is literally mountains of evidence for evolution. Just look at the fossil record. There is that same mountain of evidence against Biblical creationism.

Alas, creationism, like all supernatural events, can never be proven false. Once you accept the supernatural, anything is possible, including a 6000 year old earth. Just ignore the fact that it looks like it is billions of years old. If God chooses to deceive us then we can't believe our own eyes.

then why none posted>???

and the fossil record is make believe and not proof of anything other than something died
See no evidence exists that will prove to you evolution is real. That is proof you are unevolved

so I'm unevolved because you dont have proof of something???

wouldnt that mean I'm right
In the fossil record old rocks have a specific set of fossils, almost none of which appear in younger rocks. You might claim that these extinct organisms were destroyed in Noah's flood, but why is it that almost no organisms alive today are found as fossils in the older rocks?
the problem is the fossil record and the geo column,,, I can reproduce the geo column in my backyard in a few minutes

As long as your leaving the madrassah, grab a ball and go play in the street.
then why none posted>???

and the fossil record is make believe and not proof of anything other than something died
See no evidence exists that will prove to you evolution is real. That is proof you are unevolved

so I'm unevolved because you dont have proof of something???

wouldnt that mean I'm right
In the fossil record old rocks have a specific set of fossils, almost none of which appear in younger rocks. You might claim that these extinct organisms were destroyed in Noah's flood, but why is it that almost no organisms alive today are found as fossils in the older rocks?
the problem is the fossil record and the geo column,,, I can reproduce the geo column in my backyard in a few minutes

As long as your leaving the madrassah, grab a ball and go play in the street.

what if I wanted to play at the beach
Notice how Bond the shameless charlatan liar freely and easily changes lanes from "it's faith!" to "it's based on evidence!". This lying moron has lied so much he doesn't even know what he thinks or has said.

Are you really going to try and prove Jesus didn't exist? Atheists are delusional about him not existing. Yet, in the same breath claim aliens exist.
He, a guy named Jesus, may have been crucified and he may have been a prophet whatever that means.

Or a martyr. The story embellished over time.

I just can’t believe the Greeks believed Paul but it really is the greatest story ever told.

The Jews were actually there and they supposedly saw it yet they are still Jews. Very few ancestors of Jesus actually converted to Christianity. It was whites and Greeks and Mexicans who swallow this story. But not the Jews who were there? Their ancestors don’t deny they crucified some guy name Jesus but they don’t corroborate the miracles.

Don’t you find that interesting?
First, they have taken over secular science and systematically eliminated God as creator and origin of the universe and everything in it. They claim that all of it happened naturally when space and time cannot start by itself. They believe in false science and are delusional, but have convinced others to follow their thinking and path. Yet, they cannot explain how spacetime, the universe, Earth and life started without contradictions. They think DNA popped up by itself. They think the universe popped up from invisible particles. They can't explain Earth's habitability, so think multiverses exist so Earth is mediocre and not special. They claim "mountains of evidence" and their science is fact when we can't see it, test it nor falsify it. You might know some people on this board that fits this description. They want evidence of the truth and when they get it, they deny it or do not believe it. They end believing in false teachers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. How far should their delusions be allowed?

Be allowed ? That Genie got out of the bottle sometime ago. Not sure how it get's put back in unless God himself intervenes soon. Without a full revamp of the educational system within this country (the one that was highjacked by the 60's hippies), there won't be no coming back from the delusional state this nation has been placed into after the highjackjng took place.

There is no reason why solid science and faith cannot exist together in peace. Science itself does not attempt to answer questions outside its understanding. Nothing comes from nothing, but obviously we are here, so there was something. What is the something? You can call it God if you like.

But then to tell people you’ll go to hell for not believing? Or worse! Try being an open atheist in Saudi Arabia or Iraq. Or even try being a Christian over there.

I never did that
Ths line from your post is particularly interesting:
"the continents are not floating islands like pangea teaches but land mass connected by low lying lands filled with water between them"

A couple of things wrong with that.
First "Pangea" does not teach anything, it was a super continent that existed millions of years ago.
Second, he continents do, in fact, float. Not on water. But they float nonetheless.
And third, the separation between continents is not just "...low lying lands filled with water...".
He doesn’t even know what he cut copy pasted and posted
You are a forgery. There are people who have forged the Bible to make mockery of it, but you do not know enough to make anyone believe it is even a fake.

There are people who have forged the Bible to make mockery of it ...

Who might that have been bond have you an example ...

"Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works." 2 John 1:9-11

prove by any evidence jesus ever claimed to be a messiah ...

another of the 4th century forgeries, especially egregious - nothing delusional except for those that wrote it and who claim its authenticity. who do not regret their fallacies.
I didnt say it mattered

And you certainly did argue in favor of the global flood. So saying you never made an argument on that topic is an outright lie.
Is that true progressive hunter? What is your belief on the global flood? Go on record.
off topic and my beliefs are none of your business

we're talking about teaching theory as fact at tax payer expense

No, we were not. YOu have claimed that. But that was a minor part of our conversation.
and I provided a long list of proof,,,it was your choice to ignore it


And it was your choice to participate in discussions on other topics. That is not a problem. But don't come on later and deny the other topics.
There is literally mountains of evidence for evolution. Just look at the fossil record. There is that same mountain of evidence against Biblical creationism.

Alas, creationism, like all supernatural events, can never be proven false. Once you accept the supernatural, anything is possible, including a 6000 year old earth. Just ignore the fact that it looks like it is billions of years old. If God chooses to deceive us then we can't believe our own eyes.

then why none posted>???

and the fossil record is make believe and not proof of anything other than something died
See no evidence exists that will prove to you evolution is real. That is proof you are unevolved

so I'm unevolved because you dont have proof of something???

wouldnt that mean I'm right
In the fossil record old rocks have a specific set of fossils, almost none of which appear in younger rocks. You might claim that these extinct organisms were destroyed in Noah's flood, but why is it that almost no organisms alive today are found as fossils in the older rocks?
the problem is the fossil record and the geo column,,, I can reproduce the geo column in my backyard in a few minutes

But you can't make them the age of the geo column.
And you certainly did argue in favor of the global flood. So saying you never made an argument on that topic is an outright lie.
Is that true progressive hunter? What is your belief on the global flood? Go on record.
off topic and my beliefs are none of your business

we're talking about teaching theory as fact at tax payer expense

No, we were not. YOu have claimed that. But that was a minor part of our conversation.
and I provided a long list of proof,,,it was your choice to ignore it


And it was your choice to participate in discussions on other topics. That is not a problem. But don't come on later and deny the other topics.
I deny what you claim I did,,,
Oh, Hollie is a tramp now? lol What is that phrase you are so fond of using about attacking the messenger?

Why were you talking about the beach? It doesn't seem relevant to this topic.
beachs being a conspiracy theory is not a message

Once again, you refuse to answer my question. Try it one more time. Why were you discussing the beach and that the water is shallower close to land?
I wasnt discussing it, just stating fact because some didnt know that they were

Oh, you were just informing people that beaches exist. Ok then.

But you did much more than that.

In our conversation yesterday, I started pressing you to explain how Noah got a kangaroo and a sloth on the Ark. Both of those animals are unique. If they survived, there was no global flood.

What follows is a chronologic listing of your posts:

2/22 at 1:09pm

“your assuming that there was always water between them,,as with the land bridge between russia and alaska it depends on the depth of the water,,,

the continents are not floating islands like pangea teaches but land mass connected by low lying lands filled with water between them

the english channel is at its lowest 200 ft, so drop the water that amount and you can walk from france to england

and if you look at underwater between the main continent and australia its the same thing,,,drop the water level a few hundred feet and they can walk there”

Hollie stated that the oceans are more than 200 feet deep. To which you replied:

2/22 at 6:26pm

“not all of it,,,and close to land its only a foot deep,,,now whos makin shit up”

2/22 at 7:17pm

“not everywhere,,,in the bearing straight its under 100 ft

and listen carfully,,,when you get closer to land the water is shallower,,,”

2/22 at 8:48pm

“not everywhere, and it also depends on how far to the other continent like in the bearing straight”

2/22 at 8:50pm

“well isnt that how the indians came over,,or did they swim??,,,and isnt their recorded accounts of when it still existed?? “

I posted “So rather than admit the great flood is a myth, you will go with the idea that someone walked 25,000 miles to collect a pair of animals.”

To which you responded at 9:33pm with:

“OK going on what I think you are talking about,,,where does it say
1st who said he went and got them??
2nd how do you know they were in australia to start with??
3rd how did they get back there after??
according to you the water was to high,,,

I in no way understand what your talking about with this “

So no, you never actually used the words "Noah walked to get the kangaroo and sloth". But you certainly presented the idea and defended it.
Noah is a myth; The Flood happened around the Mediterranean. The people handing down their oral history about The Flood had to figure out how to answer questions like "if the whole world was flooded, how come we still have animals?"
Those damned critical thinkers.
It’s an ancient story that was told long before the Jewish religion was formally organized. They incorporated this story into their religion but they weren’t the first religion to have this story

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