Are Atheists Delusional?

we're talking about teaching theory as fact at tax payer expense

only christians pay taxes ... you just can't stand being removed from public education.
I never said that
I never said that

said what - that it was an expense ...
that only christians paid
that only christians paid

neither did I - why is your concern a reason for discussion.
we're talking about teaching theory as fact at tax payer expense

only christians pay taxes ... you just can't stand being removed from public education.
I never said that
I never said that

said what - that it was an expense ...
that only christians paid
that only christians paid

neither did I - why is your concern a reason for discussion.
you said I said it,,,I didnt
In the fossil record old rocks have a specific set of fossils, almost none of which appear in younger rocks. You might claim that these extinct organisms were destroyed in Noah's flood, but why is it that almost no organisms alive today are found as fossils in the older rocks?
the problem is the fossil record and the geo column,,, I can reproduce the geo column in my backyard in a few minutes
The geo column in Louisiana is 20+ miles thick. You either have a very large back yard or you don't understand either the fossil record or the geo column.
then tell me how do you tell the age of rock??
Sediments are deposited one on top of another and always start horizontal. It is obvious that, if the layers remain horizontal, the older rocks are below those above them.
how old are they???
Why do you care what their absolute age is? Because you could then deflect the question by attacking radio isotope dating? My question is based on the relative ages of rock, their absolute age is irrelevant to the question.
Is that true progressive hunter? What is your belief on the global flood? Go on record.
off topic and my beliefs are none of your business

we're talking about teaching theory as fact at tax payer expense

No, we were not. YOu have claimed that. But that was a minor part of our conversation.
and I provided a long list of proof,,,it was your choice to ignore it


And it was your choice to participate in discussions on other topics. That is not a problem. But don't come on later and deny the other topics.
I deny what you claim I did,,,

Perhaps you should reread your own posts.
the problem is the fossil record and the geo column,,, I can reproduce the geo column in my backyard in a few minutes
The geo column in Louisiana is 20+ miles thick. You either have a very large back yard or you don't understand either the fossil record or the geo column.
then tell me how do you tell the age of rock??
Sediments are deposited one on top of another and always start horizontal. It is obvious that, if the layers remain horizontal, the older rocks are below those above them.
how old are they???
Why do you care what their absolute age is? Because you could then deflect the question by attacking radio isotope dating? My question is based on the relative ages of rock, their absolute age is irrelevant to the question.

so you cant prove the age of rocks,,,GOT IT

so then how do you know how old fossils are???
off topic and my beliefs are none of your business

we're talking about teaching theory as fact at tax payer expense

No, we were not. YOu have claimed that. But that was a minor part of our conversation.
and I provided a long list of proof,,,it was your choice to ignore it


And it was your choice to participate in discussions on other topics. That is not a problem. But don't come on later and deny the other topics.
I deny what you claim I did,,,

Perhaps you should reread your own posts.
no need,,,I know what I posted
that was you that said that

LMAO!!! So all your discussion of the coastlines, how the oceans were shallow close to land, how you could walk to England or across the Bering Strait if the ocean's water level dropped 200 feet ect ect ect was just idle conversation about geography?

If I believed in Noah’s arc I would tell you that once all the continents were together. And that is true. So perhaps Noah lived on the edge and a great flood hit. He would have floated out to sea until the water went back down. But at the center there was no flood. Africans, Asians, Mexicans humans all went about their business.

This is his tribes ancient stories he won’t let go. Most Christians understand these are just allegories
if its true then you can prove it,,until then its just a wildass guess

No, it is not "...just a wildass guess". It is a well researched topic. The reason we know it did not happen are well documented. Your insistence that there be "proof" is a standard that cannot be met on events that happened millions of years ago.
all that proof and you post none of it,,,
Because you won’t accept any of it. I can go find the evidence, post it, then you’ll refute it with ignorant flat earth arguments.

You’ve already seen all the evidence. You doubt the experts but believe your preacher and republicans, both of which own you mentally
I didnt say it mattered

And you certainly did argue in favor of the global flood. So saying you never made an argument on that topic is an outright lie.
Is that true progressive hunter? What is your belief on the global flood? Go on record.
off topic and my beliefs are none of your business

we're talking about teaching theory as fact at tax payer expense
Is that what this is about? What do you want schools to teach?

By the way. The best private school in Michigan teaches evolution as fact. It’s not being forced on them. Most of the parents are god fearing people. Still they don’t have a problem with evolution.

Only extreme religious nuts don’t accept it. Well go to a catholic private school then.
they should teach the truth,

and who are you to speak for other people???
The truth is this is the evidence and what the scientific community believes. You are talking about a science class right?

And your flat earth kid is free to challenge the teacher or go off to college, major in science, start producing papers that can be peer reviewed.

This is why you have a beef with religion. It doesn’t take you seriously. A war against science. How sad
so you cant prove the age of rocks,,,GOT IT

so then how do you know how old fossils are???
Why does it matter? Do you doubt that fossils found in rocks above others are younger?
that would be based on the geo column,,,if I can replicate it in a few minutes and add dead animals at that time it would mean they are all the same age
LMAO!!! So all your discussion of the coastlines, how the oceans were shallow close to land, how you could walk to England or across the Bering Strait if the ocean's water level dropped 200 feet ect ect ect was just idle conversation about geography?

If I believed in Noah’s arc I would tell you that once all the continents were together. And that is true. So perhaps Noah lived on the edge and a great flood hit. He would have floated out to sea until the water went back down. But at the center there was no flood. Africans, Asians, Mexicans humans all went about their business.

This is his tribes ancient stories he won’t let go. Most Christians understand these are just allegories
if its true then you can prove it,,until then its just a wildass guess

No, it is not "...just a wildass guess". It is a well researched topic. The reason we know it did not happen are well documented. Your insistence that there be "proof" is a standard that cannot be met on events that happened millions of years ago.
all that proof and you post none of it,,,
Because you won’t accept any of it. I can go find the evidence, post it, then you’ll refute it with ignorant flat earth arguments.

You’ve already seen all the evidence. You doubt the experts but believe your preacher and republicans, both of which own you mentally
so your scared to prove it?

and I've seen no proof
If I believed in Noah’s arc I would tell you that once all the continents were together. And that is true. So perhaps Noah lived on the edge and a great flood hit. He would have floated out to sea until the water went back down. But at the center there was no flood. Africans, Asians, Mexicans humans all went about their business.

This is his tribes ancient stories he won’t let go. Most Christians understand these are just allegories
if its true then you can prove it,,until then its just a wildass guess

No, it is not "...just a wildass guess". It is a well researched topic. The reason we know it did not happen are well documented. Your insistence that there be "proof" is a standard that cannot be met on events that happened millions of years ago.
all that proof and you post none of it,,,
Because you won’t accept any of it. I can go find the evidence, post it, then you’ll refute it with ignorant flat earth arguments.

You’ve already seen all the evidence. You doubt the experts but believe your preacher and republicans, both of which own you mentally
so your scared to prove it?

and I've seen no proof
I know and I’m sure you’ve done your research on any evidence I present so why waste my time on the unconvinceable
If I believed in Noah’s arc I would tell you that once all the continents were together. And that is true. So perhaps Noah lived on the edge and a great flood hit. He would have floated out to sea until the water went back down. But at the center there was no flood. Africans, Asians, Mexicans humans all went about their business.

This is his tribes ancient stories he won’t let go. Most Christians understand these are just allegories
if its true then you can prove it,,until then its just a wildass guess

No, it is not "...just a wildass guess". It is a well researched topic. The reason we know it did not happen are well documented. Your insistence that there be "proof" is a standard that cannot be met on events that happened millions of years ago.
all that proof and you post none of it,,,
Because you won’t accept any of it. I can go find the evidence, post it, then you’ll refute it with ignorant flat earth arguments.

You’ve already seen all the evidence. You doubt the experts but believe your preacher and republicans, both of which own you mentally
so your scared to prove it?

and I've seen no proof
Are you butt hurt that socialism schools you are too broke to avoid teach what we believe not what you believe?

So no problem for me that I can’t convince you. My position is the current status quo. It up to you to convince us to change. Right now we won.
Notice there are no scientific schools that deny evolution coming up with cures for cancer or Alzheimer’s? It’s always a scientist or school who believes in evolution that comes up with a cure for polio or treatment for diabetes
so you cant prove the age of rocks,,,GOT IT

so then how do you know how old fossils are???
Why does it matter? Do you doubt that fossils found in rocks above others are younger?
that would be based on the geo column,,,if I can replicate it in a few minutes and add dead animals at that time it would mean they are all the same age
I'm guessing you think you can replicate it in a few minutes but you've never tried and really don't understand what is involved.

Let's consider a real geo column from Louisiana. What you'll find is that there are marine sediments (sediments formed under water) with land sediments above them. Above the land sediments you'll find marine sediments. In that 20 mile thick geo column you'll find thousands of marine layers interspersed with land sediments. Can you replicate that in your backyard?
so you cant prove the age of rocks,,,GOT IT

so then how do you know how old fossils are???
Why does it matter? Do you doubt that fossils found in rocks above others are younger?
that would be based on the geo column,,,if I can replicate it in a few minutes and add dead animals at that time it would mean they are all the same age
I'm guessing you think you can replicate it in a few minutes but you've never tried and really don't understand what is involved.

Let's consider a real geo column from Louisiana. What you'll find is that there are marine sediments (sediments formed under water) with land sediments above them. Above the land sediments you'll find marine sediments. In that 20 mile thick geo column you'll find thousands of marine layers interspersed with land sediments. Can you replicate that in your backyard?
is that the same as it is everywhere,,,cause I would think its region specific

and what you call land sediments, that would be open air I guess, so how do fossils happen in open air if it takes millions of yrs for the layers to build up???

wouldnt the animal rot or get eaten??

the point about me doing it at home is it doesnt take millions of yrs to create layers it takes a very short time

and yes I've done it with a soda bottle a hand full of dirt and a glass of water
so you cant prove the age of rocks,,,GOT IT

so then how do you know how old fossils are???
Why does it matter? Do you doubt that fossils found in rocks above others are younger?
that would be based on the geo column,,,if I can replicate it in a few minutes and add dead animals at that time it would mean they are all the same age
I'm guessing you think you can replicate it in a few minutes but you've never tried and really don't understand what is involved.

Let's consider a real geo column from Louisiana. What you'll find is that there are marine sediments (sediments formed under water) with land sediments above them. Above the land sediments you'll find marine sediments. In that 20 mile thick geo column you'll find thousands of marine layers interspersed with land sediments. Can you replicate that in your backyard?
all that aside ,,how can you tell the age of the fossils if you dont know the age of the rock???
is that the same as it is everywhere,,,cause I would think its region specific

and what you call land sediments, that would be open air I guess, so how do fossils happen in open air if it takes millions of yrs for the layers to build up???

wouldnt the animal rot or get eaten??

the point about me doing it at home is it doesnt take millions of yrs to create layers it takes a very short time

and yes I've done it with a soda bottle a hand full of dirt and a glass of water
You are right, it is region specific. There is no universal geo column (which might be the case for a global flood).

There are many ways fossils can form, the key is rapid burial. If you go to Mount St. Helens you find thick layers of ash laid down on land. There is a good chance that any organism buried there may become fossilized.

What you were able to do at home with your one soda bottle was create a single marine sequence. Tell me how you would create interspersed marine and land sequences?
all that aside ,,how can you tell the age of the fossils if you dont know the age of the rock???
Do you agree that we can tell the relative ages of the fossils? That's all I'm asking, I'm not saying they are millions of years old, only that the ones on the bottom are older than the ones above them. I'm not sure why you're having such a problem with that?

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