Are Atheists Delusional?

so you cant prove the age of rocks,,,GOT IT

so then how do you know how old fossils are???
Why does it matter? Do you doubt that fossils found in rocks above others are younger?
that would be based on the geo column,,,if I can replicate it in a few minutes and add dead animals at that time it would mean they are all the same age
I'm guessing you think you can replicate it in a few minutes but you've never tried and really don't understand what is involved.

Let's consider a real geo column from Louisiana. What you'll find is that there are marine sediments (sediments formed under water) with land sediments above them. Above the land sediments you'll find marine sediments. In that 20 mile thick geo column you'll find thousands of marine layers interspersed with land sediments. Can you replicate that in your backyard?
all that aside ,,how can you tell the age of the fossils if you dont know the age of the rock???

7th grade science has the answer. You madrassah attendees are at a disadvantage.
is that the same as it is everywhere,,,cause I would think its region specific

and what you call land sediments, that would be open air I guess, so how do fossils happen in open air if it takes millions of yrs for the layers to build up???

wouldnt the animal rot or get eaten??

the point about me doing it at home is it doesnt take millions of yrs to create layers it takes a very short time

and yes I've done it with a soda bottle a hand full of dirt and a glass of water
You are right, it is region specific. There is no universal geo column (which might be the case for a global flood).

There are many ways fossils can form, the key is rapid burial. If you go to Mount St. Helens you find thick layers of ash laid down on land. There is a good chance that any organism buried there may become fossilized.

What you were able to do at home with your one soda bottle was create a single marine sequence. Tell me how you would create interspersed marine and land sequences?

rapid burial is about the only way to get fossils

and the bottle dirt thing is just to simulate soil layering,,,the distribution of animals would be region specific and in no way can be observed or studied on that scale

but again how do you know the age of the fossils if you dont know thw age of the rocks???
so you cant prove the age of rocks,,,GOT IT

so then how do you know how old fossils are???
Why does it matter? Do you doubt that fossils found in rocks above others are younger?
that would be based on the geo column,,,if I can replicate it in a few minutes and add dead animals at that time it would mean they are all the same age
I'm guessing you think you can replicate it in a few minutes but you've never tried and really don't understand what is involved.

Let's consider a real geo column from Louisiana. What you'll find is that there are marine sediments (sediments formed under water) with land sediments above them. Above the land sediments you'll find marine sediments. In that 20 mile thick geo column you'll find thousands of marine layers interspersed with land sediments. Can you replicate that in your backyard?
all that aside ,,how can you tell the age of the fossils if you dont know the age of the rock???

7th grade science has the answer. You madrassah attendees are at a disadvantage.
dont 7th graders get stoned on the beach???
The Kent Hovind Creation Seminar (4 of 7): Lies in the Textbooks

Wow! This guy says God hate liars and then he lies again and again all through this video.
Besides how does he know what God hates? Does he speak for God? Apparently.
all that aside ,,how can you tell the age of the fossils if you dont know the age of the rock???
Do you agree that we can tell the relative ages of the fossils? That's all I'm asking, I'm not saying they are millions of years old, only that the ones on the bottom are older than the ones above them. I'm not sure why you're having such a problem with that?
how do you know the ones on the bottom are older if the action of them getting there can be simulated in minutes on a small scale,,

and exactly how much older??? 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???

or does it mean they got there first??? if so how much sooner 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???

all thats why the geo column is so important and if it can be simulated in a short time then the millions of yrs are in question

they say it takes millions of yrs to make coal,,but they have made it in a few hours in a lab,,,same goes for oil
because they are teaching lies about the origins of man

Evolution is a FACT
God is a Theory
sorry evolution is a religion

and god is faith

There is more evidence to support the Theory of Evolution than any other explanation.
nones ever been presented,,,maybe you would like to try???

You are the first on these forums, that I have seen, that wants to deny that the Colorado River carved the Grand Canyon. Why do you think the Grand Canyon was not carved by a river? We can see it still happening. We can measure it.
Because they’re going on belief and not facts. The danger comes when Republicans assume belief is fact.
all that aside ,,how can you tell the age of the fossils if you dont know the age of the rock???
Do you agree that we can tell the relative ages of the fossils? That's all I'm asking, I'm not saying they are millions of years old, only that the ones on the bottom are older than the ones above them. I'm not sure why you're having such a problem with that?
how do you know the ones on the bottom are older if the action of them getting there can be simulated in minutes on a small scale,,

and exactly how much older??? 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???

or does it mean they got there first??? if so how much sooner 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???

all thats why the geo column is so important and if it can be simulated in a short time then the millions of yrs are in question

they say it takes millions of yrs to make coal,,but they have made it in a few hours in a lab,,,same goes for oil
All over the world the deeper you go the less complex the fossils are. Go back in time and the fossils become less complex.
It’s so obvious that if there were a flood they would all be mixed together. But they aren’t. They’re in layers. Just like they would be if evolution was real and the earth was billions of years old.

In this day and age it’s difficult to believe that there could be people living in a modern country that would be so ignorant that they believe that the earth is only thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt.
So the grand canyon was created by drainage from Noah's flood? Despite the fact that there is not enough water on the planet to cover the entire surface. And despite the fact that other cultures that existed at the same time as the flood have no mention of it in their legends and history?

As for the problems with Lucy and other reconstructed hominids, there are certain constants in biology. Not every bone must be present. If you find a human skeleton with one full set of arm bones, are you going to assume he only had one arm? Or will you use the one you have to make the opposite arm match?
yyour comebacks are classic bullshit

as per the noah claims the waters of the deep broke open,,and if you were educated you would know that there is as much water under the surface as above,,,and if the claims were also true the mountains didnt exist until after, in which there is plenty of water to cover the earth

and ONE ARM???

come one you can do better than that

what I'm saying is you cant know what anything looked like with one tooth or 25? bones

only fabrication with a presupposed goal in mind can do that

So all the mountains on the planet rose up in the last few thousand years? Not only that, but they radically changed the rate at which they rise, so that the slower rate of rising we can measure today would fool us? LMAO!!

And I guess you buy into that 6 million year old planet? And that men & dinosaurs co-existed?
if men didnt see dinos then why all the pictures,sculptures paintings and written accounts about them

and who exactly talked to every human that ever lived to know no one has ever seen them
I have to agree with you here

The Flintstones had a pet Dino andFred used one down at the quarry
see,,, documented proof

you are such a dumbass

Flintstones are as real as your lame theories
yyour comebacks are classic bullshit

as per the noah claims the waters of the deep broke open,,and if you were educated you would know that there is as much water under the surface as above,,,and if the claims were also true the mountains didnt exist until after, in which there is plenty of water to cover the earth

and ONE ARM???

come one you can do better than that

what I'm saying is you cant know what anything looked like with one tooth or 25? bones

only fabrication with a presupposed goal in mind can do that

So all the mountains on the planet rose up in the last few thousand years? Not only that, but they radically changed the rate at which they rise, so that the slower rate of rising we can measure today would fool us? LMAO!!

And I guess you buy into that 6 million year old planet? And that men & dinosaurs co-existed?
if men didnt see dinos then why all the pictures,sculptures paintings and written accounts about them

and who exactly talked to every human that ever lived to know no one has ever seen them
I have to agree with you here

The Flintstones had a pet Dino andFred used one down at the quarry
see,,, documented proof

you are such a dumbass

Flintstones are as real as your lame theories
the flintstones are real,,,I can observe them and study them
all that aside ,,how can you tell the age of the fossils if you dont know the age of the rock???
Do you agree that we can tell the relative ages of the fossils? That's all I'm asking, I'm not saying they are millions of years old, only that the ones on the bottom are older than the ones above them. I'm not sure why you're having such a problem with that?
how do you know the ones on the bottom are older if the action of them getting there can be simulated in minutes on a small scale,,

and exactly how much older??? 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???

or does it mean they got there first??? if so how much sooner 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???

all thats why the geo column is so important and if it can be simulated in a short time then the millions of yrs are in question

they say it takes millions of yrs to make coal,,but they have made it in a few hours in a lab,,,same goes for oil
All over the world the deeper you go the less complex the fossils are. Go back in time and the fossils become less complex.
It’s so obvious that if there were a flood they would all be mixed together. But they aren’t. They’re in layers. Just like they would be if evolution was real and the earth was billions of years old.

In this day and age it’s difficult to believe that there could be people living in a modern country that would be so ignorant that they believe that the earth is only thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt.
what do you mean by complex???
So all the mountains on the planet rose up in the last few thousand years? Not only that, but they radically changed the rate at which they rise, so that the slower rate of rising we can measure today would fool us? LMAO!!

And I guess you buy into that 6 million year old planet? And that men & dinosaurs co-existed?
if men didnt see dinos then why all the pictures,sculptures paintings and written accounts about them

and who exactly talked to every human that ever lived to know no one has ever seen them
I have to agree with you here

The Flintstones had a pet Dino andFred used one down at the quarry
see,,, documented proof

you are such a dumbass

Flintstones are as real as your lame theories
the flintstones are real,,,I can observe them and study them
You realize that cartoons aren’t real people, don’t you?
all that aside ,,how can you tell the age of the fossils if you dont know the age of the rock???
Do you agree that we can tell the relative ages of the fossils? That's all I'm asking, I'm not saying they are millions of years old, only that the ones on the bottom are older than the ones above them. I'm not sure why you're having such a problem with that?
how do you know the ones on the bottom are older if the action of them getting there can be simulated in minutes on a small scale,,

and exactly how much older??? 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???

or does it mean they got there first??? if so how much sooner 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???

all thats why the geo column is so important and if it can be simulated in a short time then the millions of yrs are in question

they say it takes millions of yrs to make coal,,but they have made it in a few hours in a lab,,,same goes for oil
All over the world the deeper you go the less complex the fossils are. Go back in time and the fossils become less complex.
It’s so obvious that if there were a flood they would all be mixed together. But they aren’t. They’re in layers. Just like they would be if evolution was real and the earth was billions of years old.

In this day and age it’s difficult to believe that there could be people living in a modern country that would be so ignorant that they believe that the earth is only thousands of years old and we were shimmered into being from dirt.
what do you mean by complex???
Gawd, you’re stoopid.
if men didnt see dinos then why all the pictures,sculptures paintings and written accounts about them

and who exactly talked to every human that ever lived to know no one has ever seen them
I have to agree with you here

The Flintstones had a pet Dino andFred used one down at the quarry
see,,, documented proof

you are such a dumbass

Flintstones are as real as your lame theories
the flintstones are real,,,I can observe them and study them
You realize that cartoons aren’t real people, don’t you?
so you cant prove the age of rocks,,,GOT IT

so then how do you know how old fossils are???
Why does it matter? Do you doubt that fossils found in rocks above others are younger?
that would be based on the geo column,,,if I can replicate it in a few minutes and add dead animals at that time it would mean they are all the same age
Lets see, if you make a geo column in your backyard, and add dead animals, then it WOULD be the same age.
No, we were not. YOu have claimed that. But that was a minor part of our conversation.
and I provided a long list of proof,,,it was your choice to ignore it


And it was your choice to participate in discussions on other topics. That is not a problem. But don't come on later and deny the other topics.
I deny what you claim I did,,,

Perhaps you should reread your own posts.
no need,,,I know what I posted

Then you know that you participated in a discussion on the global flood, and defended it.
I have to agree with you here

The Flintstones had a pet Dino andFred used one down at the quarry
see,,, documented proof

you are such a dumbass

Flintstones are as real as your lame theories
the flintstones are real,,,I can observe them and study them
You realize that cartoons aren’t real people, don’t you?
Wasn’t sure with all the dumb shit you post.
and I provided a long list of proof,,,it was your choice to ignore it


And it was your choice to participate in discussions on other topics. That is not a problem. But don't come on later and deny the other topics.
I deny what you claim I did,,,

Perhaps you should reread your own posts.
no need,,,I know what I posted

Then you know that you participated in a discussion on the global flood, and defended it.
I gave it as an option based on currently evidence
how do you know the ones on the bottom are older if the action of them getting there can be simulated in minutes on a small scale,,

and exactly how much older??? 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???

or does it mean they got there first??? if so how much sooner 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???

all thats why the geo column is so important and if it can be simulated in a short time then the millions of yrs are in question

they say it takes millions of yrs to make coal,,but they have made it in a few hours in a lab,,,same goes for oil
Let me back up a bit. When you performed your backyard experiment (for which I applaud you) you found that the column you created was sorted by density, pebbles on the bottom, sand in the middle, and mud on top. That is a sequence and you can assume if you found it as rock layers that it was laid down at the same time (geologically speaking). Geo columns are made up of many, many such sequences. You would have to repeat your soda bottle experiment thousands of times to produce a set of sequences like those found in nature. Since you're repeating the process for each sequence, the first sequence is older than the last one you do. Again the actual span of time is unimportant to my point.
how do you know the ones on the bottom are older if the action of them getting there can be simulated in minutes on a small scale,,

and exactly how much older??? 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???

or does it mean they got there first??? if so how much sooner 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???

all thats why the geo column is so important and if it can be simulated in a short time then the millions of yrs are in question

they say it takes millions of yrs to make coal,,but they have made it in a few hours in a lab,,,same goes for oil
Let me back up a bit. When you performed your backyard experiment (for which I applaud you) you found that the column you created was sorted by density, pebbles on the bottom, sand in the middle, and mud on top. That is a sequence and you can assume if you found it as rock layers that it was laid down at the same time (geologically speaking). Geo columns are made up of many, many such sequences. You would have to repeat your soda bottle experiment thousands of times to produce a set of sequences like those found in nature. Since you're repeating the process for each sequence, the first sequence is older than the last one you do. Again the actual span of time is unimportant to my point.
thats why I said on a small scale,,,and a global flood could be that larger scale and it would also explain a lot of other things like fossil grave yards

and the span of time is everything since the claim is millions of years and its also the basis for evolution theory,

going off your theory how long between those layers??? 5 minutes or 50 million yrs???
it does make a difference

they claim coal takes millions of yrs but we can do it in hours

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