Are Atheists Delusional?

The natural world has never produced life itself, nor aliens, nor multiverses, nor birds from dinosaurs, nor humans from apes/chimps and more. None of it you have observed with your own eyes, but somehow "faithfully" believe it. In contrast, life from life and no life from non-life has been demonstrated by the scientific method.
Just we weren't around to see something doesn't mean it didn't happen so be careful when you use the "God is in the gaps" argument. As we learn more and more about the natural world that gap gets smaller and smaller.

What I have observed with my own eyes is the evidence left behind from these events. There is plenty of evidence for birds coming from dinosaurs and how it happened, both fossil and biological.
thats why its called faith,,

and your statement also applies to evolution,,,

there is absolutly no proof birds came from dinos

There actually is compelling evidence that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

All About Archaeopteryx
The natural world has never produced life itself, nor aliens, nor multiverses, nor birds from dinosaurs, nor humans from apes/chimps and more. None of it you have observed with your own eyes, but somehow "faithfully" believe it. In contrast, life from life and no life from non-life has been demonstrated by the scientific method.
Just we weren't around to see something doesn't mean it didn't happen so be careful when you use the "God is in the gaps" argument. As we learn more and more about the natural world that gap gets smaller and smaller.

What I have observed with my own eyes is the evidence left behind from these events. There is plenty of evidence for birds coming from dinosaurs and how it happened, both fossil and biological.
thats why its called faith,,

and your statement also applies to evolution,,,

there is absolutly no proof birds came from dinos

There actually is compelling evidence that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

All About Archaeopteryx

thats all speculation please provide proof that a dino gave birth to a bird
Even if your god was real, why would you worship that blood thirsty tyrant?
you worship trump
I dont even like trump.
And you really just compared trump to the abrahamic god? Lmao
Desperate much? Good lord lol
well you do show the same mindlessness as a trump worshiper

and no I didnt
Yeah, im the mindless one.
Your god hates hypocrites and people who judge.
Dwell on that one, constantine.
Besides God, the only supernatural part is described in the Book of Genesis.
You should read the rest of the Bible. There is plenty of walking on water, miraculous healing, and rising from the death. I never saw any of those in my life.
as far as I know there is only one account of walking on water, if theres another please tell us where

and there are hundreds of accounts of miracles and the dead rising along with miraculous healing

you should get out more
There are plenty of stories of the supernatural but too little evidence.

What supernatural phenomena do you believe in? God, angels, demons, ghosts, leprechauns, dragons, sasquatch, Elvis, Zeus, Allah, etc.
we arent talking about what I believe

wheres you proof a dino gave birth to a bird???
Strawman or ignorance of the subject?
First, they have taken over secular science and systematically eliminated God as creator and origin of the universe and everything in it. They claim that all of it happened naturally when space and time cannot start by itself. They believe in false science and are delusional, but have convinced others to follow their thinking and path. Yet, they cannot explain how spacetime, the universe, Earth and life started without contradictions. They think DNA popped up by itself. They think the universe popped up from invisible particles. They can't explain Earth's habitability, so think multiverses exist so Earth is mediocre and not special. They claim "mountains of evidence" and their science is fact when we can't see it, test it nor falsify it. You might know some people on this board that fits this description. They want evidence of the truth and when they get it, they deny it or do not believe it. They end believing in false teachers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. How far should their delusions be allowed?

which god are you talking about?
The natural world has never produced life itself, nor aliens, nor multiverses, nor birds from dinosaurs, nor humans from apes/chimps and more. None of it you have observed with your own eyes, but somehow "faithfully" believe it. In contrast, life from life and no life from non-life has been demonstrated by the scientific method.
Just we weren't around to see something doesn't mean it didn't happen so be careful when you use the "God is in the gaps" argument. As we learn more and more about the natural world that gap gets smaller and smaller.

What I have observed with my own eyes is the evidence left behind from these events. There is plenty of evidence for birds coming from dinosaurs and how it happened, both fossil and biological.
thats why its called faith,,

and your statement also applies to evolution,,,

there is absolutly no proof birds came from dinos

There actually is compelling evidence that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

All About Archaeopteryx

thats all speculation please provide proof that a dino gave birth to a bird

A nonsense question. Why would a species of dinosaur give birth to a different species?

Have you ever ventured outside of your madrassah?
Even if your god was real, why would you worship that blood thirsty tyrant?
you worship trump
I dont even like trump.
And you really just compared trump to the abrahamic god? Lmao
Desperate much? Good lord lol
well you do show the same mindlessness as a trump worshiper

and no I didnt
Yeah, im the mindless one.
Your god hates hypocrites and people who judge.
Dwell on that one, constantine.
I didnt judge you,,,just describing my encounter
The natural world has never produced life itself, nor aliens, nor multiverses, nor birds from dinosaurs, nor humans from apes/chimps and more. None of it you have observed with your own eyes, but somehow "faithfully" believe it. In contrast, life from life and no life from non-life has been demonstrated by the scientific method.
Just we weren't around to see something doesn't mean it didn't happen so be careful when you use the "God is in the gaps" argument. As we learn more and more about the natural world that gap gets smaller and smaller.

What I have observed with my own eyes is the evidence left behind from these events. There is plenty of evidence for birds coming from dinosaurs and how it happened, both fossil and biological.
thats why its called faith,,

and your statement also applies to evolution,,,

there is absolutly no proof birds came from dinos

There actually is compelling evidence that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

All About Archaeopteryx

thats all speculation please provide proof that a dino gave birth to a bird

A nonsense question. Why would a species of dinosaur give birth to a different species?

Have you ever ventured outside of your madrassah? then how did birds evolve from dinos,,,well I guess they could have just morphed into a bird one day,,,highly unlikely
Even if your god was real, why would you worship that blood thirsty tyrant?
you worship trump
I dont even like trump.
And you really just compared trump to the abrahamic god? Lmao
Desperate much? Good lord lol
well you do show the same mindlessness as a trump worshiper

and no I didnt
Yeah, im the mindless one.
Your god hates hypocrites and people who judge.
Dwell on that one, constantine.
I didnt judge you,,,just describing my encounter
Your desperation is making me sympathize for you bro.
Thats no easy task. Im a big asshole.
you worship trump
I dont even like trump.
And you really just compared trump to the abrahamic god? Lmao
Desperate much? Good lord lol
well you do show the same mindlessness as a trump worshiper

and no I didnt
Yeah, im the mindless one.
Your god hates hypocrites and people who judge.
Dwell on that one, constantine.
I didnt judge you,,,just describing my encounter
Your desperation is making me sympathize for you bro.
Thats no easy task. Im a big asshole.
hey youre a brother asshole,,,

all I want is proof, but nobody has any
Just we weren't around to see something doesn't mean it didn't happen so be careful when you use the "God is in the gaps" argument. As we learn more and more about the natural world that gap gets smaller and smaller.

What I have observed with my own eyes is the evidence left behind from these events. There is plenty of evidence for birds coming from dinosaurs and how it happened, both fossil and biological.
thats why its called faith,,

and your statement also applies to evolution,,,

there is absolutly no proof birds came from dinos

There actually is compelling evidence that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

All About Archaeopteryx

thats all speculation please provide proof that a dino gave birth to a bird

A nonsense question. Why would a species of dinosaur give birth to a different species?

Have you ever ventured outside of your madrassah? then how did birds evolve from dinos,,,well I guess they could have just morphed into a bird one day,,,highly unlikely
So its ignorance of the subject. Gotcha
Just we weren't around to see something doesn't mean it didn't happen so be careful when you use the "God is in the gaps" argument. As we learn more and more about the natural world that gap gets smaller and smaller.

What I have observed with my own eyes is the evidence left behind from these events. There is plenty of evidence for birds coming from dinosaurs and how it happened, both fossil and biological.
thats why its called faith,,

and your statement also applies to evolution,,,

there is absolutly no proof birds came from dinos

There actually is compelling evidence that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

All About Archaeopteryx

thats all speculation please provide proof that a dino gave birth to a bird

A nonsense question. Why would a species of dinosaur give birth to a different species?

Have you ever ventured outside of your madrassah? then how did birds evolve from dinos,,,well I guess they could have just morphed into a bird one day,,,highly unlikely

It's a process called "speciation".

Observed Instances of Speciation
The bible tells us that we were created in god's image, which begs the question: Does god have a penis, belly button, and nipples? Why?
Was he transracial? Obviously, according to some, things dont evolve. Like melatonin
I dont even like trump.
And you really just compared trump to the abrahamic god? Lmao
Desperate much? Good lord lol
well you do show the same mindlessness as a trump worshiper

and no I didnt
Yeah, im the mindless one.
Your god hates hypocrites and people who judge.
Dwell on that one, constantine.
I didnt judge you,,,just describing my encounter
Your desperation is making me sympathize for you bro.
Thats no easy task. Im a big asshole.
hey youre a brother asshole,,,

all I want is proof, but nobody has any
Proof of what? You havent asked me for any proof.
When the entire basis for your creation science is an invisible being that cannot be verified or studied, it does not belong in a science class at all.

Then let us eliminate quantum mechanics with its invisible particles. To the contrary, we can study this invisible being called God because he is explained in the Bible, a non-fiction and historical book. Thus, the Bible with its science inside (not a science book, but science backs up what it says) can be taught in a science class based on creation theory. Creation was what was believed by scientists before the 1850s. If we eliminate creation, then the science after the 1850s, ToE and evolutionary thinking and history could be completely wrong based on starting out with the wrong assumptions. After all, ToE falls apart immediately if long time is eliminated. Why not eliminate long-time since it is based on assumptions of parent-daughter isotopes, uniformitarianism and more.
I dont even like trump.
And you really just compared trump to the abrahamic god? Lmao
Desperate much? Good lord lol
well you do show the same mindlessness as a trump worshiper

and no I didnt
Yeah, im the mindless one.
Your god hates hypocrites and people who judge.
Dwell on that one, constantine.
I didnt judge you,,,just describing my encounter
Your desperation is making me sympathize for you bro.
Thats no easy task. Im a big asshole.
hey youre a brother asshole,,,

all I want is proof, but nobody has any

All I want is proof too. But you sidestep that by claiming all you need is faith.

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