Are atheists destroying the US?

Hollie, you can't prove that God does not exist.


You will have to live with that all rational peoples know that.
Hollie, you can't prove that God does not exist.


You will have to live with that all rational peoples know that.
Spammer, you will have to live with the fact that your gawds have been disproven and you can't "prove it isn't". You YEC'ists will have to accept your failure at being a rational "people's".

Period! <----- note my use of an exclamation point that trumps your silly attempt at melodrama.

So, now would be a good time to offer your Gawds did it General Creation Theory of Supermagical Design.
:) You are spamming in your last two posts and trolling generally, unhappy Hollie.
:) You are spamming in your last two posts and trolling generally, unhappy Hollie.
You're still reduced to spamming as you still can't cobble together a relevant comment.

Im afraid "The Gawds did It" is not a relevant theory, but a strategy to misrepresent science and the process of discovery to unsuspecting audiences. That’s why you ID'iot creationists/fundamentalist christian slugs so often target secondary schools with your propaganda efforts instead of conducting relevant research. The “Gawds Did It” meme is not in itself an alternative to the discipline of science. At best, the arguments of ID'iot creationists/fundie Christians can provide a scientifically irrelevant personal commentary of partisan gawds - sort of the flip side of what science does.
Hollie can't proved God does not exist. Elsewhere she has admitted she can't prove it. Since she continues to insist her unverifiable faith is correct, she can now only troll the thread with her "because I say so" attitude. Everything she projects on others, she is doing herself. I know she hates being corrected, but when she is wrong, such will continue as long as she posts her faith as truth.

how does one prove a negative.

prove that there aren't invisible flying monkeys all around you then if that the logic being used
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Hollie can't proved God does not exist. Elsewhere she has admitted she can't prove it. Since she continues to insist her unverifiable faith is correct, she can now only troll the thread with her "because I say so" attitude. Everything she projects on others, she is doing herself. I know she hates being corrected, but when she is wrong, such will continue as long as she posts her faith as truth.

how does on prove a negative.

prove that there aren't invisible lying monkeys all around you then if that the logic being used
"Prove it isn't" is the entirety of Jakes' attempt at argument.
"After reading the Bible, many people are mystified as to why grown, otherwise intelligent adults would believe that it is the direct communication or the "inspired Word" of an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good being. To many people, it seems absolutely incredible that any reasonable person could maintain this belief in the face of our current scientific knowledge and the contemporary understanding of history, religion and mythology. To outsiders, the phenomenon of Christian belief is a puzzlement.

However, after a bit of research and reflection, the mystery is resolved. It soon becomes apparent that the whole bizarre Christian belief system is predicated, to a large degree, on two compelling ideas. The first idea is that maintaining faith in Bible claims is the most morally virtuous act one can perform and will be rewarded with an eternal life of bliss. The second belief is that doubting biblical claims represents the greatest evil imaginable and will be punished with an eternity of torture. These linchpin beliefs make it possible for Christians to accept thoroughly ridiculous biblical assertions not merely in the absence of evidence, but against the evidence-against reason.

The sanctification of "faith" and demonization of doubt short-circuits the thinking process. Since it is continually drilled into Christians' brains that faith must be maintained at all costs, anything which contradicts a Bible claim is automatically rationalized away as the arrogance of the "wise," as a ploy of Satan, or as a test of faith from God himself. So when it is explained and demonstrated to a Christian that the Bible is simply a collection of ancient writings masquerading as the "Word of God," this is dismissed as the delusion of unbelievers blinded by their sin. (Seethe wisdom of the world) When scientific discoveries are shown to clearly, directly and unambiguously contradict biblical pronouncements, these scientific discoveries are interpreted by the Christian as satanic trickery. If it is patiently and painstakingly evinced to the Christian that the Bible is filled from one end to the other with obscene cruelty and violence, pagan mythology and superstition, blatant contradictions, ludicrous claims and outrageous, blithering idiocy, the Christian smiles in the face of this, confident that his faith is being tested by God and that he will be rewarded accordingly in the Age To Come.

It must be understood that in the Alice-in-Wonderland Christian world view, the more difficult it is to believe in a biblical claim, the more one is glorified for believing it. Faith, believing no matter what the facts say, is the highest manifestation of moral righteousness. Developing and maintaining one's faith in the preposterous and the incomprehensible becomes the ultimate purpose of life. Tertullian's declaration, "I believe because it is impossible," is the boast of a man who celebrates his irrationality. While liberal Christians today may pay lip service to the notion of a reasonable faith, the sentiment of Tertullin's inane "I believe because it is impossible" is alive and well and continues to be spouted from church pulpits on Sunday mornings: "Brethren, did not Paul say that God will make foolish the wisdom of the world, and choose that which is foolish to shame the wise of the world? Brothers and Sisters, did not JEEEZ-ZUSS tell us that unless we become as little children we will never enter the kingdom of heaven, that God has chosen to hide his light from the eyes of the wise and reveal himself to babes?" Reason and knowledge are ridiculed while biblical absurdities are held aloft as bless-ed revelation. This is how Christianity sustains itself. It is the only way that it can"

Thus the Christian faith's invisible attributes are now clearly to be seen. Behind all the sacraments and the rituals, the organ music and the angelic choirs, the praying lips and the arms thrust heavenward, behind all this, propping it all up, is the monstrous doctrine that gullibility and ignorance are divine.

Please don't try to explain this to a Christian though, for it has been most assuredly foretold that he would be mocked and persecuted for Jesus' sake by the "wise" of a fallen, perishing world. Yea, lo, verily, for it has been written...

Skeptic Ring
Hollie, you can't prove that God does not exist.


You will have to live with that all rational peoples know that.

The burden of proof isn't on her. It is on the individual making the positive statement. She doesn't have to prove God doesn't exist anymore than she would have to prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. The lack of supporting evidence is enough to make the statement in an intellectually honest manner.
The way to deal with superstition is not to be polite to it, but to tackle it with all arms, and so rout it, cripple it, and make it forever infamous and ridiculous. Is it, perchance, cherished by persons who should know better? Then their folly should be brought out into the light of day, and exhibited there in all its hideousness until they flee from it, hiding their heads in shame.True enough, even a superstitious man has certain inalienable rights. He has a right to harbor and indulge his imbecilities as long as he pleases, provided only he does not try to inflict them upon other men by force. He has a right to argue for them as eloquently as he can, in season and out of season. He has a right to teach them to his children. But certainly he has no right to be protected against the free criticism of those who do not hold them. He has no right to demand that they be treated as sacred. He has no right to preach them without challenge. Did Darrow, in the course of his dreadful bombardment of Bryan, drop a few shells, incidentally, into measurably cleaner camps? Then let the garrisons of those camps look to their defenses. They are free to shoot back. But they can’t disarm their enemy.
H L Mencken,
Hollie, you can't prove that God does not exist.


You will have to live with that all rational peoples know that.

The burden of proof isn't on her. It is on the individual making the positive statement. She doesn't have to prove God doesn't exist anymore than she would have to prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. The lack of supporting evidence is enough to make the statement in an intellectually honest manner.
If she claims god doesn't exist, she must make her claim credible.
Hollie can't proved God does not exist. Elsewhere she has admitted she can't prove it. Since she continues to insist her unverifiable faith is correct, she can now only troll the thread with her "because I say so" attitude. Everything she projects on others, she is doing herself. I know she hates being corrected, but when she is wrong, such will continue as long as she posts her faith as truth.

how does one prove a negative.

prove that there aren't invisible flying monkeys all around you then if that the logic being used

Actually that would not be terribly difficult. Invisible monkeys would still have body heat. Thermal imaging would prove or disprove that pretty quickly. ;)

People without God kill more
Well your inability to prove your claim diminishes your credibility yet again.

I was wondering if you can be excommunicated from the Mormon church for misrepresenting their beliefs. Does the Mormon church agree with destroying Social Security and Medicare, like you? Do they demonize other faiths, like you? I thought I'd send the church some of your posts, to show them how you are representing the Mormon faith.
Hollie can't proved God does not exist. Elsewhere she has admitted she can't prove it. Since she continues to insist her unverifiable faith is correct, she can now only troll the thread with her "because I say so" attitude. Everything she projects on others, she is doing herself. I know she hates being corrected, but when she is wrong, such will continue as long as she posts her faith as truth.

how does one prove a negative.

prove that there aren't invisible flying monkeys all around you then if that the logic being used
Prove that God is a correlative of an invisible flying monkey, then we can talk.

Your fallacy of the false comparison is ludicrous.
Hollie, you can't prove that God does not exist.


You will have to live with that all rational peoples know that.

The burden of proof isn't on her. It is on the individual making the positive statement. She doesn't have to prove God doesn't exist anymore than she would have to prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. The lack of supporting evidence is enough to make the statement in an intellectually honest manner.
If she or you make the statement that God does not exist, then, yes, the affirmation is on her and you.
Well your inability to prove your claim diminishes your credibility yet again.

I was wondering if you can be excommunicated from the Mormon church for misrepresenting their beliefs. Does the Mormon church agree with destroying Social Security and Medicare, like you? Do they demonize other faiths, like you? I thought I'd send the church some of your posts, to show them how you are representing the Mormon faith.

Well if you sent the Mormon church his posts here's what I can say:

a) That's a real dick move.

b) They won't care. I have lived in the west the vast majority of my life and I know how the Mormons work. I can assure you there is nothing Avatar has said that the Mormon church would be upset about.

c) I would not be surprised if you got spammed with Mormon propaganda or a few missionaries showed up at your door trying to convert you. The Mormon church is like the IRS. If you stand up above the crowd and wave at them, they will be all over you.
Hollie, you can't prove that God does not exist.


You will have to live with that all rational peoples know that.

The burden of proof isn't on her. It is on the individual making the positive statement. She doesn't have to prove God doesn't exist anymore than she would have to prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. The lack of supporting evidence is enough to make the statement in an intellectually honest manner.
If she or you make the statement that God does not exist, then, yes, the affirmation is on her and you.
Though I can prove that God exists, that doesn't mean anyone has to "believe" it. The truth is my God, disproving it is not possible.
Well your inability to prove your claim diminishes your credibility yet again.

I was wondering if you can be excommunicated from the Mormon church for misrepresenting their beliefs. Does the Mormon church agree with destroying Social Security and Medicare, like you? Do they demonize other faiths, like you? I thought I'd send the church some of your posts, to show them how you are representing the Mormon faith.

Well if you sent the Mormon church his posts here's what I can say:

a) That's a real dick move.

b) They won't care. I have lived in the west the vast majority of my life and I know how the Mormons work. I can assure you there is nothing Avatar has said that the Mormon church would be upset about.

c) I would not be surprised if you got spammed with Mormon propaganda or a few missionaries showed up at your door trying to convert you. The Mormon church is like the IRS. If you stand up above the crowd and wave at them, they will be all over you.

(a) Why do you say that?

(b) I'm from Colorado and lived in every state in the west. Are you a Mormon elder?

(c) The last time the Mormons came to my door, I gave them a copy of the book of Enoch. I love showing them in the bible where Jesus talked about reincarnation. Matthew 17:11=12 And telling them about Jesus when after he was crucified, he went back to India and lived to be 103.

Well your inability to prove your claim diminishes your credibility yet again.

I was wondering if you can be excommunicated from the Mormon church for misrepresenting their beliefs. Does the Mormon church agree with destroying Social Security and Medicare, like you? Do they demonize other faiths, like you? I thought I'd send the church some of your posts, to show them how you are representing the Mormon faith.

Well if you sent the Mormon church his posts here's what I can say:

a) That's a real dick move.

b) They won't care. I have lived in the west the vast majority of my life and I know how the Mormons work. I can assure you there is nothing Avatar has said that the Mormon church would be upset about.

c) I would not be surprised if you got spammed with Mormon propaganda or a few missionaries showed up at your door trying to convert you. The Mormon church is like the IRS. If you stand up above the crowd and wave at them, they will be all over you.

(a) Why do you say that?

(b) I'm from Colorado and live in every state in the west. Are you a Mormon elder?

(c) The last time the Mormons came to my door, I gave them a copy of the book of Enoch. I love showing them in the bible where Jesus talked about reincarnation. Matthew 17:11=12 And telling them about Jesus when after he was crucified, he went back to India and lived to be 103.

a) Because you are trying to interfere with Avatar's beliefs and his community.

b) I am not Mormon. I have just been around them my entire life.

c) I used to do stuff like that to them as well. I found it enjoyable to fuck with them until I realized two things. 1) me fucking with their faith was just as bad as them fucking with mine. and 2) In their minds they were trying to give me a gift. It was a gift I did not wish to receive, but they believed they were doing something nice for me and it was an act of caring. Since then I have grown up a lot. Now I simply and politely say "I am not interested." and let them go on their merry way.
Can't speak for Avatar, who, as a libertarian and a Mormon fundamentalist, does not speak for the LDS church.

Neither can I, but the church here in SLC does support expanded Medicare plans in Utah, supported the LGBT-ReligousLiberties bill that passed the state Senate yesterday, supports immigration reform strongly, and believe in a strong stewardship of public lands.

Mormons are no worse Christians than most and better than some, in my opinion.
Can't speak for Avatar, who, as a libertarian and a Mormon fundamentalist, does not speak for the LDS church.

Neither can I, but the church here in SLC does support expanded Medicare plans in Utah, supported the LGBT-ReligousLiberties bill that passed the state Senate yesterday, supports immigration reform strongly, and believe in a strong stewardship of public lands.

Mormons are no worse Christians than most and better than some, in my opinion.

Well, from my perspective, I strongly disagree with the Mormon faith. The most positive thing I can say about Joseph Smith and Brigham Young is that they were master con artists who could rival P.T. Barnum. I personally, think the beliefs of the LDS church are completely wacky...BUT...if their followers are happy, they are not hurting anyone, and they are in no real danger themselves, who the hell am I to interfere? Frankly, just from my experience and observations alone, the Mormon families I have seen have less dysfunction, a stronger sense of family and family values, and their kids get into far less trouble than others. I may think their beliefs are nuts, but I doubt they are terribly interested in what I think.

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