Are atheists destroying the US?


People without God kill more
Well your inability to prove your claim diminishes your credibility yet again.

I was wondering if you can be excommunicated from the Mormon church for misrepresenting their beliefs. Does the Mormon church agree with destroying Social Security and Medicare, like you? Do they demonize other faiths, like you? I thought I'd send the church some of your posts, to show them how you are representing the Mormon faith.

Well if you sent the Mormon church his posts here's what I can say:

a) That's a real dick move.

b) They won't care. I have lived in the west the vast majority of my life and I know how the Mormons work. I can assure you there is nothing Avatar has said that the Mormon church would be upset about.

c) I would not be surprised if you got spammed with Mormon propaganda or a few missionaries showed up at your door trying to convert you. The Mormon church is like the IRS. If you stand up above the crowd and wave at them, they will be all over you.

(a) Why do you say that?

(b) I'm from Colorado and live in every state in the west. Are you a Mormon elder?

(c) The last time the Mormons came to my door, I gave them a copy of the book of Enoch. I love showing them in the bible where Jesus talked about reincarnation. Matthew 17:11=12 And telling them about Jesus when after he was crucified, he went back to India and lived to be 103.

a) Because you are trying to interfere with Avatar's beliefs and his community.

b) I am not Mormon. I have just been around them my entire life.

c) I used to do stuff like that to them as well. I found it enjoyable to fuck with them until I realized two things. 1) me fucking with their faith was just as bad as them fucking with mine. and 2) In their minds they were trying to give me a gift. It was a gift I did not wish to receive, but they believed they were doing something nice for me and it was an act of caring. Since then I have grown up a lot. Now I simply and politely say "I am not interested." and let them go on their merry way.
a) Nope. Exposing fake christians is not "interfering" with him or his community, it's like exposing the antichrist. On second thought, maybe it is interfering.

b) If you're not even a Mormon, I doubt you can say they wouldn't care that someone is misrepresenting them.

c) "Giving them a gift" as you say, is not "fucking" with them.
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a) Nope. Exposing fake christians is not "interfering" with him or his community, it's like exposing the antichrist. On second thought, maybe it is interfering.

Yes it is. Your motivation was not to "expose a fake Christian". Your motivation was to try to get Avatar in trouble with the church. You went and tattled on him. That was your motivation, and that's a dick move.

b) If you're not even a Mormon, I doubt you can say they wouldn't care that someone is misrepresenting them.

I am not terribly sure he is misrepresenting them. The Mormons are very aggressive when it comes to converting people to their religion and in the initial phases they are not incredibly interested in full disclosure or absolute accuracy. Avatar is also a member of the LDS church. He is one of theirs. Do you really think they are going to empathize with you?

c) "Giving them a gift" as you say, is not "fucking" with them.

Sure it is. You can bullshit yourself and some others, but you aint going to bullshit me. You get amusement in telling them why their religion is bullshit when they come to your door. That's fucking with them. Cal it what it is. Do it if you want. No skin off my back. Just a pretty infantile thing to do in my opinion.
a) Nope. Exposing fake christians is not "interfering" with him or his community, it's like exposing the antichrist. On second thought, maybe it is interfering.

Yes it is. Your motivation was not to "expose a fake Christian". Your motivation was to try to get Avatar in trouble with the church. You went and tattled on him. That was your motivation, and that's a dick move.

b) If you're not even a Mormon, I doubt you can say they wouldn't care that someone is misrepresenting them.

I am not terribly sure he is misrepresenting them. The Mormons are very aggressive when it comes to converting people to their religion and in the initial phases they are not incredibly interested in full disclosure or absolute accuracy. Avatar is also a member of the LDS church. He is one of theirs. Do you really think they are going to empathize with you?

c) "Giving them a gift" as you say, is not "fucking" with them.

Sure it is. You can bullshit yourself and some others, but you aint going to bullshit me. You get amusement in telling them why their religion is bullshit when they come to your door. That's fucking with them. Cal it what it is. Do it if you want. No skin off my back. Just a pretty infantile thing to do in my opinion.
Oh I see, when Mormans come to my house and tell me that my religion is wrong, they're giving me a gift. But when I share my knowledge it's "bullshit". You're just like Avatar.
Hollie, you can't prove that God does not exist.


You will have to live with that all rational peoples know that.

The burden of proof isn't on her. It is on the individual making the positive statement. She doesn't have to prove God doesn't exist anymore than she would have to prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. The lack of supporting evidence is enough to make the statement in an intellectually honest manner.
If she or you make the statement that God does not exist, then, yes, the affirmation is on her and you.
Your gawds not existing puts them in the status as other non-existent gawds.

You're apparently so insecure and unable to function without gawds so simply get yourself a collection of new gawds.
Can't speak for Avatar, who, as a libertarian and a Mormon fundamentalist, does not speak for the LDS church.

Neither can I, but the church here in SLC does support expanded Medicare plans in Utah, supported the LGBT-ReligousLiberties bill that passed the state Senate yesterday, supports immigration reform strongly, and believe in a strong stewardship of public lands.

Mormons are no worse Christians than most and better than some, in my opinion.
Such a ringing endorsement: "no worse Christians than most..."
Oh I see, when Mormans come to my house and tell me that my religion is wrong, they're giving me a gift. But when I share my knowledge it's "bullshit". You're just like Avatar.

No...they are coming to offer and not to receive. If you went to their house to offer your knowledge it would be different. Besides, you are not just "sharing your knowledge". You are doing what I used to do. When they came to the door, tell them MY truth instead of listening to theirs or simply telling them to go away.

When I lived in Arizona, the sub-division I lived in was all Mormon except for my house. I used to delight in mowing the lawn on the weekends while swigging beer as they held fellowship on the street. For Halloween, I would take my kids trick-or-treating dressed as a Mormon missionary. I did it just to get a rise out of them and it's the same "oh I am going to show you" mentality as you quoting them Bible verses that contradict their faith. Thankfully, I have grown up and no longer do such stuff as I have finally come to realize that they are not hurting anyone and whether I wish to receive what they are offering or not, it is being offered from a positive motivation. No need to piss on it just so I can feel like "I told them".
Oh I see, when Mormans come to my house and tell me that my religion is wrong, they're giving me a gift. But when I share my knowledge it's "bullshit". You're just like Avatar.

No...they are coming to offer and not to receive. If you went to their house to offer your knowledge it would be different. Besides, you are not just "sharing your knowledge". You are doing what I used to do. When they came to the door, tell them MY truth instead of listening to theirs or simply telling them to go away.

When I lived in Arizona, the sub-division I lived in was all Mormon except for my house. I used to delight in mowing the lawn on the weekends while swigging beer as they held fellowship on the street. For Halloween, I would take my kids trick-or-treating dressed as a Mormon missionary. I did it just to get a rise out of them and it's the same "oh I am going to show you" mentality as you quoting them Bible verses that contradict their faith. Thankfully, I have grown up and no longer do such stuff as I have finally come to realize that they are not hurting anyone and whether I wish to receive what they are offering or not, it is being offered from a positive motivation. No need to piss on it just so I can feel like "I told them".
Again you are just like Avatar, accusing me falsely. You still have a lot of growing up to do.
Hollie, you can't prove that God does not exist.


You will have to live with that all rational peoples know that.

The burden of proof isn't on her. It is on the individual making the positive statement. She doesn't have to prove God doesn't exist anymore than she would have to prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. The lack of supporting evidence is enough to make the statement in an intellectually honest manner.
If she or you make the statement that God does not exist, then, yes, the affirmation is on her and you.
Your gawds not existing puts them in the status as other non-existent gawds.

You're apparently so insecure and unable to function without gawds so simply get yourself a collection of new gawds.
I've already stated that my God is the truth. So please prove the truth is "non-existent".
Hollie, you can't prove that God does not exist.


You will have to live with that all rational peoples know that.

The burden of proof isn't on her. It is on the individual making the positive statement. She doesn't have to prove God doesn't exist anymore than she would have to prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. The lack of supporting evidence is enough to make the statement in an intellectually honest manner.
If she or you make the statement that God does not exist, then, yes, the affirmation is on her and you.
Your gawds not existing puts them in the status as other non-existent gawds.

You're apparently so insecure and unable to function without gawds so simply get yourself a collection of new gawds.
I've already stated that my God is the truth. So please prove the truth is "non-existent".
Your argument seems to be with all those claiming that their gawds are the twoof.
Hollie, you can't prove that God does not exist.


You will have to live with that all rational peoples know that.

The burden of proof isn't on her. It is on the individual making the positive statement. She doesn't have to prove God doesn't exist anymore than she would have to prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. The lack of supporting evidence is enough to make the statement in an intellectually honest manner.
If she or you make the statement that God does not exist, then, yes, the affirmation is on her and you.
Your gawds not existing puts them in the status as other non-existent gawds.

You're apparently so insecure and unable to function without gawds so simply get yourself a collection of new gawds.
I've already stated that my God is the truth. So please prove the truth is "non-existent".
Your argument seems to be with all those claiming that their gawds are the twoof.
And obviously you are here to insult the truth. Truth is, the Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of's the same God though most of all of them deny it. Truth is, if you take the science of "cause and effect" all the way back to the "big bang", the big bang is the effect of the "cause", which makes the cause the "creator". There, I have proved my God for you. But that doesn't mean you have to believe it. You can live without a god if you desire....for a while. But if reincarnation is "real" then you will have to come back until you learn the lesson you refuse. Sounds like "Groundhog day", huh.
The burden of proof isn't on her. It is on the individual making the positive statement. She doesn't have to prove God doesn't exist anymore than she would have to prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. The lack of supporting evidence is enough to make the statement in an intellectually honest manner.
If she or you make the statement that God does not exist, then, yes, the affirmation is on her and you.
Your gawds not existing puts them in the status as other non-existent gawds.

You're apparently so insecure and unable to function without gawds so simply get yourself a collection of new gawds.
I've already stated that my God is the truth. So please prove the truth is "non-existent".
Your argument seems to be with all those claiming that their gawds are the twoof.
And obviously you are here to insult the truth. Truth is, the Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of's the same God though most of all of them deny it. Truth is, if you take the science of "cause and effect" all the way back to the "big bang", the big bang is the effect of the "cause", which makes the cause the "creator". There, I have proved my God for you. But that doesn't mean you have to believe it. You can live without a god if you desire....for a while. But if reincarnation is "real" then you will have to come back until you learn the lesson you refuse. Sounds like "Groundhog day", huh.
Lovely, lovely folks.
militant atheists are the equivalent of religious fundamentalists
Since you haven’t posted anything to suggest that you're capable of presenting anything but spam, I can only assume that your befuddlement is a chronic condition. At least others of the hyper-religious ailment are willing to let people know who and what they are and simply pre-announce their agenda. I’m left to assess you as just a pointless spammer and mediocre Internet crank.
militant atheists are the equivalent of religious fundamentalists
Since you haven’t posted anything to suggest that you're capable of presenting anything but spam, I can only assume that your befuddlement is a chronic condition. At least others of the hyper-religious ailment are willing to let people know who and what they are and simply pre-announce their agenda. I’m left to assess you as just a pointless spammer and mediocre Internet crank.
Thank you for proving my point. Personal attack. No evidence that God does not exist.
You would make a great religious fundamentalist.
militant atheists are the equivalent of religious fundamentalists
Since you haven’t posted anything to suggest that you're capable of presenting anything but spam, I can only assume that your befuddlement is a chronic condition. At least others of the hyper-religious ailment are willing to let people know who and what they are and simply pre-announce their agenda. I’m left to assess you as just a pointless spammer and mediocre Internet crank.
Thank you for proving my point. Personal attack. No evidence that God does not exist.
You would make a great religious fundamentalist.
Actually, thank you. You proved my point. You're a pointless spammer. No evidence that your gawds exist.
militant atheists are the equivalent of religious fundamentalists
Since you haven’t posted anything to suggest that you're capable of presenting anything but spam, I can only assume that your befuddlement is a chronic condition. At least others of the hyper-religious ailment are willing to let people know who and what they are and simply pre-announce their agenda. I’m left to assess you as just a pointless spammer and mediocre Internet crank.
Thank you for proving my point. Personal attack. No evidence that God does not exist.
You would make a great religious fundamentalist.
Actually, thank you. You proved my point. You're a pointless spammer. No evidence that your gawds exist.

You've proved another point: you're a religious zealot.
Hollie, you can't prove that God does not exist.


You will have to live with that all rational peoples know that.

The burden of proof isn't on her. It is on the individual making the positive statement. She doesn't have to prove God doesn't exist anymore than she would have to prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. The lack of supporting evidence is enough to make the statement in an intellectually honest manner.
If she claims god doesn't exist, she must make her claim credible.

The lack of evidence for God's existence is evidence enough to make her claim credible. That's the way it works. Just like the lack of evidence that the Easter Bunny actually exists is enough to make the statement: "there is no such thing as the Easter Bunny outside of popular mythos" a credible statement.
"The lack of evidence for God's existence is evidence enough to make her claim credible"

All that means is you don't have evidence right now, not that it does not exist at all.

That's the way it works.
"The lack of evidence for God's existence is evidence enough to make her claim credible"

All that means is you don't have evidence right now, not that it does not exist at all.

That's the way it works.
There is no evidence at all that exists for your gawds or anyone else's gawds. You're the one making the claim for the existence of your partisan gawds so present the evidence. It's a simple matter: you have no evidence.

Give us a timetable for when there will be evidence for your gawds and the gawds of others which are just as likely as your gawds. Will the Greek gawds be discoverable at the same time as your gawds?
Hollie, you can't prove that God does not exist.


You will have to live with that all rational peoples know that.

The burden of proof isn't on her. It is on the individual making the positive statement. She doesn't have to prove God doesn't exist anymore than she would have to prove that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist. The lack of supporting evidence is enough to make the statement in an intellectually honest manner.
If she claims god doesn't exist, she must make her claim credible.

The lack of evidence for God's existence is evidence enough to make her claim credible. That's the way it works. Just like the lack of evidence that the Easter Bunny actually exists is enough to make the statement: "there is no such thing as the Easter Bunny outside of popular mythos" a credible statement.
I gave hollie evidence of my God in post #170, but she chooses not to believe it, as I thought she would. Because like all other religious people, she turns a blind eye to evidence that disturbs her "beliefs" that God doesn't exist. Atheism is a religion, there is even a church of atheism. So non-god is what atheists worship. FYI, here is post #170

And obviously you are here to insult the truth. Truth is, the Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the God of's the same God though most of all of them deny it. Truth is, if you take the science of "cause and effect" all the way back to the "big bang", the big bang is the effect of the "cause", which makes the cause the "creator". There, I have proved my God for you. But that doesn't mean you have to believe it. You can live without a god if you desire....for a while. But if reincarnation is "real" then you will have to come back until you learn the lesson you refuse. Sounds like "Groundhog day", huh.

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