Can Conservative Atheism/Secularism Make Common Political Cause With Christians? No.

It is dangerous to mix religion and politics. ?
No, it isn't; it was colonies with varied established religious sects that formed a country.
They formed a country because they didn't choose to enforce any particular religious dogma. They essentially left their religious beliefs at the door. Atheists would have been very comfortable in that room.

Nope, wrong again; they forbade the Federal government from interfering in their religious denomination run individual states, where thery not only enforced 'particular religious dogmas' but granted their churches taxation powers. 'Atheists' were so far and few between they didn't matter, so were 'Deists', and besides, if you wanted to ban religious influence on the Federal government you would have to ban separation of church and state, the Federal state in the case of the U.S., since that was and still is a founding platform of the Baptist Convention, and dates from around 1611.
Christains can find common cause with atheists as long as they are not trying destroy religion

meaning they are not militant anteists
Sounds to me like Jag is the one declaring war, not the atheists.
"Sounds to me like Jag is the one declaring war, not the atheists."___alang
Nah, I'm to tired to go to war.
You just want others to fight your war?

"You just want others to fight your war?"___alang
If you don't mind, I'd appreciate it.
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate you taking my place.
I will vote.
I will make a post now and then.
You can get a placard and "take to the streets" in my name.
Just tell 'em "I'm out here helping JAG fight his war."
Please write on the placard "Just Say No To Dawkins."
Or maybe just Psalm 14:1

Thanks again.


Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

Slanted ridiculous rubbish. All of those 'wars' were started against Christians by those groups, not the other way around, just for starters. Like all bigots, you like to pretend Da Evul Xians have no right to defend themselves from violent sociopaths and homocidal maniacs.
Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

"If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always
been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews,
and other Christians"___alang

Christianity has never waged any war against the likes of:
Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
Daniel Dennett
The late Christopher Hitchens
Matt Dillahunty
Stephen Fry
, , , yet all these, atheists and many more, have and are waging an ideological war
against Christianity and against Theism as I noted in my Opening Post.

Then we have the atheistic murderers such as Comrade Stalin. Mao, Pol Pot, and
regardless of what you say to the contrary Old Adolphie Hitlah --- these murderous
atheistic cats racked up tens of millions of murders and none in the name of
God either.


Slanted ridiculous rubbish. All of those 'wars' were started against Christians by those groups, not the other way around, just for starters. Like all bigots, you like to pretend Da Evul Xians have no right to defend themselves from violent sociopaths and homocidal maniacs.
So the Jews who were the victims of the first Crusade had attacked Christians? How about the times that Christians went to war with other Christians? Rewriting history?
Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

"If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always
been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews,
and other Christians"___alang

Christianity has never waged any war against the likes of:
Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
Daniel Dennett
The late Christopher Hitchens
Matt Dillahunty
Stephen Fry
, , , yet all these, atheists and many more, have and are waging an ideological war
against Christianity and against Theism as I noted in my Opening Post.

Then we have the atheistic murderers such as Comrade Stalin. Mao, Pol Pot, and
regardless of what you say to the contrary Old Adolphie Hitlah --- these murderous
atheistic cats racked up tens of millions of murders and none in the name of
God either.



support your assumption that conservative atheists are waging such a war.
Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

"If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always
been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews,
and other Christians"___alang

Christianity has never waged any war against the likes of:
Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
Daniel Dennett
The late Christopher Hitchens
Matt Dillahunty
Stephen Fry
, , , yet all these, atheists and many more, have and are waging an ideological war
against Christianity and against Theism as I noted in my Opening Post.

Then we have the atheistic murderers such as Comrade Stalin. Mao, Pol Pot, and
regardless of what you say to the contrary Old Adolphie Hitlah --- these murderous
atheistic cats racked up tens of millions of murders and none in the name of
God either.



support your assumption that conservative atheists are waging such a war.

"support your assumption that conservative atheists are waging such a war."___Correll

My view is that all kinds of atheism wants a Secular World. Christendom wants a Christian World.
The two worldviews are not reconcilable --- unless we have a Conservative atheist that does NOT
want a Secular World -- and I do not know there is any such thing.
JAG Wrote In The OP:
Atheism/Secularism wants a totally different America than does Conservative Christendom
and the two sides are never going to reconcile or harmonize ---but will become more and
more hostile and war-like as conditions worsen in America. Secularism's world-view is in
direct opposition with Christendom's world-view. They want different America's.

Also, in this thread Mac said:

"Christains can find common cause with atheists as long as they are not trying destroy religion
meaning they are not militant anteists."___Mac

I replied to Mac that I agreed with that statement.


Slanted ridiculous rubbish. All of those 'wars' were started against Christians by those groups, not the other way around, just for starters. Like all bigots, you like to pretend Da Evul Xians have no right to defend themselves from violent sociopaths and homocidal maniacs.
So the Jews who were the victims of the first Crusade had attacked Christians? How about the times that Christians went to war with other Christians? Rewriting history?

You don't know squat about history, of Jews, Christians, or anybody else. The first JEwish massacre of Chrisitans en masse was during their second revolt agains the Romans around 132; before that they liked to murder Christian church leaders like James and most of the Apostles. They followed that up later with riots and murders, and not least the last kings of a Jewish state before the Muslim invasions liked to brag about the 40,000 Christians they massacred. Jews marched with the Muslim armies invading both east and west, did so well Muslims made them garrison troops and administrators over several cities in Spain, one reason why they were so unpopular: they worked hard to loot and keep the locals in poverty for hundreds of years for their Muslim masters. Crusades? What about them? Sniveling cuz the EVul Xians fought back and tried to reconquer their own lands from Muslim invaders??? lol you're a moron who wouldn't know if history was being 'rewritten' or not. Try reading the Jewish Encyclopedia or somethng; you will find out they were a war like tribe, not a bunch of hippie intellectuals sitting around pondering how best to make the world wonderful, at least not for anybody but themselves.
..sounds like a lot of babble--since you can't prove there is a god

".sounds like a lot of babble--since you can't prove there is a god"___harmonica

Aw come'on now Harmonica, that ain't nothing to do with this:
JAG Previously Wrote:
{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.

"New Atheism is a term coined by the journalist Gary Wolf in 2006 to describe the positions promoted by some atheists of the twenty-first century. This modern-day atheism is advanced by a group of thinkers and writers who advocate the view that superstition, religion and irrationalism should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever their influence arises in government, education, and politics. According to Richard Ostling, Bertrand Russell, in his 1927 essay Why I Am Not a Christian, made recommendations similar to those proposed by the New Atheists, suggesting that there are no substantive differences between traditional atheism and New Atheism"___Wiki
New Atheism - Wikipedia

Whether God exists or does not exists has nothing do do with the ideological war that some
atheists are waging on the Internet At Large against Christianity and against Theism.
These atheists wage war against The-God-That-Does-Not-Exist that is against the
idea of God as proclaimed by Christianity.

yes it does--atheist def:

  1. a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

"If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always
been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews,
and other Christians"___alang

Christianity has never waged any war against the likes of:
Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
Daniel Dennett
The late Christopher Hitchens
Matt Dillahunty
Stephen Fry
, , , yet all these, atheists and many more, have and are waging an ideological war
against Christianity and against Theism as I noted in my Opening Post.

Then we have the atheistic murderers such as Comrade Stalin. Mao, Pol Pot, and
regardless of what you say to the contrary Old Adolphie Hitlah --- these murderous
atheistic cats racked up tens of millions of murders and none in the name of
God either.


So, after two millennia of physically attacking others you're whining because some people are taking issue with your faith? Sorry but it's hard to feel sorry for your poor, put-upon, religion when Christians still want to impose their beliefs on others.
Slanted ridiculous rubbish. All of those 'wars' were started against Christians by those groups, not the other way around, just for starters. Like all bigots, you like to pretend Da Evul Xians have no right to defend themselves from violent sociopaths and homocidal maniacs.
So the Jews who were the victims of the first Crusade had attacked Christians? How about the times that Christians went to war with other Christians? Rewriting history?

"So the Jews who were the victims of the first Crusade had attacked Christians?
How about the times that Christians went to war with other Christians?
Rewriting history?"___alang

Mankind is a warrior species,.
Mankind are killers.
Human history is saturated with battles and wars fought by Humanity At large.
There are no innocent peace loving humans. When Humans are not trying to
destroy each other with Flying Metal Objects {FMO} they are trying to destroy
each other with "attack words" or with "weaponized laws." The HATE runs thick
and wide on the Internet At Large as The Cannibals gather to feast on each other.

The HATE runs thick and strong in Washington DC between the Donks and GOP.
They HATE each other and would KILL each other if they could do that and still
stay out of jail --- in moments of heated rage I mean and/or to prevent their
"favorite legislation" from being defeated. Humans are a killer species.

A Word On That Mob Out There:

That Mob in the streets, if properly motivated with what they perceive to be
"justified violence of the moment" will KILL anything that gets in their way or
burn it down --- including you and your loved ones, me, police, the disabled,
the poor, the down-trodden, people of color, people of no color, dogs and cats,
and helpless old people --- all they need is to believe "that the murder is
morally justified at the moment" and they will unleash Death and Burn.
Mobs are irrational and controlled by emotion and rage.


The first JEwish massacre of Chrisitans en masse was during their second revolt agains the Romans around 132
I was unaware of this event and can't find anything in Google. Got a source I can look at?
Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

"If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always
been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews,
and other Christians"___alang

Christianity has never waged any war against the likes of:
Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
Daniel Dennett
The late Christopher Hitchens
Matt Dillahunty
Stephen Fry
, , , yet all these, atheists and many more, have and are waging an ideological war
against Christianity and against Theism as I noted in my Opening Post.

Then we have the atheistic murderers such as Comrade Stalin. Mao, Pol Pot, and
regardless of what you say to the contrary Old Adolphie Hitlah --- these murderous
atheistic cats racked up tens of millions of murders and none in the name of
God either.



support your assumption that conservative atheists are waging such a war.

"support your assumption that conservative atheists are waging such a war."___Correll

My view is that all kinds of atheism wants a Secular World. Christendom wants a Christian World.
The two worldviews are not reconcilable --- unless we have a Conservative atheist that does NOT
want a Secular World -- and I do not know there is any such thing.
JAG Wrote In The OP:
Atheism/Secularism wants a totally different America than does Conservative Christendom
and the two sides are never going to reconcile or harmonize ---but will become more and
more hostile and war-like as conditions worsen in America. Secularism's world-view is in
direct opposition with Christendom's world-view. They want different America's.

Also, in this thread Mac said:

"Christains can find common cause with atheists as long as they are not trying destroy religion
meaning they are not militant anteists."___Mac

I replied to Mac that I agreed with that statement.



so, if the conservative atheists are the atheists that do not have a view of america that requires marginalizing christians, then they should have no problem working together.

which fits with what we have seen, such as the strong support from the religious right for the not religious trump.
Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

"If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always
been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews,
and other Christians"___alang

Christianity has never waged any war against the likes of:
Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
Daniel Dennett
The late Christopher Hitchens
Matt Dillahunty
Stephen Fry
, , , yet all these, atheists and many more, have and are waging an ideological war
against Christianity and against Theism as I noted in my Opening Post.

Then we have the atheistic murderers such as Comrade Stalin. Mao, Pol Pot, and
regardless of what you say to the contrary Old Adolphie Hitlah --- these murderous
atheistic cats racked up tens of millions of murders and none in the name of
God either.


So, after two millennia of physically attacking others you're whining because some people are taking issue with your faith? Sorry but it's hard to feel sorry for your poor, put-upon, religion when Christians still want to impose their beliefs on others.

"So, after two millennia of physically attacking others you're whining
because some people are taking issue with your faith?"___alang

I don't whine.
Maybe the most determined side will win and dominate the other side politically.
They call that Democracy.
In your world "The People" are the Supreme Being.
You must bow down to the "The People."
YOU are NOT above The People, are you?
When The People speak, you must obey.
Otherwise "The People" may "put you in jail.", , lol , , ,
Man is a warrior species. You are on Earth and can not get off of it.
If Christianity is a warrior faith as you claim, you'd better get busy.
You have your work "cut out for you."

"Sorry but it's hard to feel sorry for your poor, put-upon, religion"__alang

Don't then.
Nobody asked for your sympathy.

"when Christians still want to impose their beliefs on others."__alang
So you say.
Prove it.
You cannot.
So you will not.
What about Democracy? And The People as the highest Supreme Being?
You don't want to "go against "The People" do you?
Suppose The People want to Democratically outlaw your beliefs?
To what Authority would you appeal that would be higher than The People?
You would not appeal to God.
It'd be You vs, The People. And in a Democracy The People make the laws.

One more time , , ,
Mankind is a warrior species,.
Mankind are killers.
Human history is saturated with battles and wars fought by Humanity At large.
There are no innocent peace loving humans. When Humans are not trying to
destroy each other with Flying Metal Objects {FMO} they are trying to destroy
each other with "attack words" or with "weaponized laws." The HATE runs thick
and wide on the Internet At Large as The Cannibals gather to feast on each other.

The HATE runs thick and strong in Washington DC between the Donks and GOP.
They HATE each other and would KILL each other if they could do that and still
stay out of jail --- in moments of heated rage I mean and/or to prevent their
"favorite legislation" from being defeated. Humans are a killer species.

A Word On That Mob Out There:

That Mob in the streets, if properly motivated with what they perceive to be
"justified violence of the moment" will KILL anything that gets in their way or
burn it down --- including you and your loved ones, me, police, the disabled,
the poor, the down-trodden, people of color, people of no color, dogs and cats,
and helpless old people --- all they need is to believe "that the murder is
morally justified at the moment" and they will unleash Death and Burn.
Mobs are irrational and controlled by emotion and rage.


Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

"If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always
been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews,
and other Christians"___alang

Christianity has never waged any war against the likes of:
Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
Daniel Dennett
The late Christopher Hitchens
Matt Dillahunty
Stephen Fry
, , , yet all these, atheists and many more, have and are waging an ideological war
against Christianity and against Theism as I noted in my Opening Post.

Then we have the atheistic murderers such as Comrade Stalin. Mao, Pol Pot, and
regardless of what you say to the contrary Old Adolphie Hitlah --- these murderous
atheistic cats racked up tens of millions of murders and none in the name of
God either.



support your assumption that conservative atheists are waging such a war.

"support your assumption that conservative atheists are waging such a war."___Correll

My view is that all kinds of atheism wants a Secular World. Christendom wants a Christian World.
The two worldviews are not reconcilable --- unless we have a Conservative atheist that does NOT
want a Secular World -- and I do not know there is any such thing.
JAG Wrote In The OP:
Atheism/Secularism wants a totally different America than does Conservative Christendom
and the two sides are never going to reconcile or harmonize ---but will become more and
more hostile and war-like as conditions worsen in America. Secularism's world-view is in
direct opposition with Christendom's world-view. They want different America's.

Also, in this thread Mac said:

"Christains can find common cause with atheists as long as they are not trying destroy religion
meaning they are not militant anteists."___Mac

I replied to Mac that I agreed with that statement.



so, if the conservative atheists are the atheists that do not have a view of america that requires marginalizing christians, then they should have no problem working together.

which fits with what we have seen, such as the strong support from the religious right for the not religious trump.

"so, if the conservative atheists are the atheists that do not have a view of america
that requires marginalizing christians, then they should have no problem working
together. which fits with what we have seen, such as the strong support from the
religious right for the not religious trump."___Correll

Yeah I'll go along with that.
I'm easy to get along with.
I'm not looking for a fight.

However Secularism taken seriously is NOT reconcilable with Christendom
taken seriously. The two want different America's.

With regard to the Principle Of War:
"Politics is war by another name."
What has kept the peace so far is a fairly equal number of voters in both
the GOP and the Donks political camps. Mankind is not only a warrior
species but also a dominating species. Our national elections are usually
close --- about 50% Liberal and 50% Conservative.
But , , ,
, , , what if it was say 90% Conservative and 10% Liberal?
In every national election.

What if it was 90% Christian and 10% atheist/Secularist?
In every national election. That'd be a whole different


Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

"If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always
been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews,
and other Christians"___alang

Christianity has never waged any war against the likes of:
Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
Daniel Dennett
The late Christopher Hitchens
Matt Dillahunty
Stephen Fry
, , , yet all these, atheists and many more, have and are waging an ideological war
against Christianity and against Theism as I noted in my Opening Post.

Then we have the atheistic murderers such as Comrade Stalin. Mao, Pol Pot, and
regardless of what you say to the contrary Old Adolphie Hitlah --- these murderous
atheistic cats racked up tens of millions of murders and none in the name of
God either.



support your assumption that conservative atheists are waging such a war.

"support your assumption that conservative atheists are waging such a war."___Correll

My view is that all kinds of atheism wants a Secular World. Christendom wants a Christian World.
The two worldviews are not reconcilable --- unless we have a Conservative atheist that does NOT
want a Secular World -- and I do not know there is any such thing.
JAG Wrote In The OP:
Atheism/Secularism wants a totally different America than does Conservative Christendom
and the two sides are never going to reconcile or harmonize ---but will become more and
more hostile and war-like as conditions worsen in America. Secularism's world-view is in
direct opposition with Christendom's world-view. They want different America's.

Also, in this thread Mac said:

"Christains can find common cause with atheists as long as they are not trying destroy religion
meaning they are not militant anteists."___Mac

I replied to Mac that I agreed with that statement.



so, if the conservative atheists are the atheists that do not have a view of america that requires marginalizing christians, then they should have no problem working together.

which fits with what we have seen, such as the strong support from the religious right for the not religious trump.

"so, if the conservative atheists are the atheists that do not have a view of america
that requires marginalizing christians, then they should have no problem working
together. which fits with what we have seen, such as the strong support from the
religious right for the not religious trump."___Correll

Yeah I'll go along with that.
I'm easy to get along with.
I'm not looking for a fight.

However Secularism taken seriously is NOT reconcilable with Christendom
taken seriously. The two want different America's.

With regard to the Principle Of War:
"Politics is war by another name."
What has kept the peace so far is a fairly equal number of voters in both
the GOP and the Donks political camps. Mankind is not only a warrior
species but also a dominating species. Our national elections are usually
close --- about 50% Liberal and 50% Conservative.
But , , ,
, , , what if it was say 90% Conservative and 10% Liberal?
In every national election.

What if it was 90% Christian and 10% atheist/Secularist?
In every national election. That'd be a whole different



until pretty recently is was 90% christian, or at least something close to that. and it was not a whole different ball game.

because the christians were not motivated to "dominate" the secularists".
"when Christians still want to impose their beliefs on others."__alang
So you say.
Prove it.
You cannot.
So you will not.
Intelligent Design.

"Intelligent Design."__alang
Prove that Christendom wanted to force Intelligent Design into the schools.
What a few Christians wanted is not what Christendom wanted.
Christendom is some 2.3 billion strong in numbers.
And even if Christendom can become The People then they have a
Democratic Right to make any kind of laws they want to make.
Maybe the most determined side will win and dominate the other side politically.
They call that Democracy.
In your world "The People" are the Supreme Being.
You must bow down to the "The People."
YOU are NOT above The People, are you?
When The People speak, you must obey.
Otherwise "The People" may "put you in jail."
Man is a warrior species. You are on Earth and can not get off of it.
If Christianity is a warrior faith as you claim, you'd better get busy.
You have your work "cut out for you."
Go forth and make converts against Intelligent Design.
Otherwise The People may force it upon you through "due process of law" , , , lol , ,
{one of these days}


The thread title is a stupid premise. It suggests, as is actually the case, that atheists aren't agnostics; atheist are the enemy of faith and our faith isn't just different set of beliefs or a different viewpoint to the atheists; atheists aren't atheists at all; they hate faith.

As a person of faith, I don't care if a person abhors the killing of innocent babies out of religious faith or common decency. I don't care if a person is sickened by the dead throughout the nations cities from out-of-control gang violence out of religious faith or common decency.

Christians don't see non-believers as enemies; Christians have a sense of right and wrong that is in agreement with, but not based or dependent on, the teachings of Christ. If others have the same sense of right and wrong, things like treating others as you would wish to be treated, loving your neighbor, being kind, honest, etc., then why wouldn't we partner in political cause?

The problem isn't with the Christians; it's with the atheists who find faith offensive. Atheists who are so offended by the faith of others are not conservative, regardless of what they say; they're more aligned with the left and the social-media billionaires who are completely intolerant of those who believe differently from them.

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