Can Conservative Atheism/Secularism Make Common Political Cause With Christians? No.

Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

Slanted ridiculous rubbish. All of those 'wars' were started against Christians by those groups, not the other way around, just for starters. Like all bigots, you like to pretend Da Evul Xians have no right to defend themselves from violent sociopaths and homocidal maniacs.
Slanted ridiculous rubbish.
no sicko - your defense of christianity is as appalling as it is egregiously fraudulent.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
the false religion of christianity to the end will never be american nor abide by the principles that were established as non others at the time they were written. the authors in fact left christianity in the cold where it belongs.

the op is a red herring.
Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

"If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always
been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews,
and other Christians"___alang

Christianity has never waged any war against the likes of:
Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
Daniel Dennett
The late Christopher Hitchens
Matt Dillahunty
Stephen Fry
, , , yet all these, atheists and many more, have and are waging an ideological war
against Christianity and against Theism as I noted in my Opening Post.

Then we have the atheistic murderers such as Comrade Stalin. Mao, Pol Pot, and
regardless of what you say to the contrary Old Adolphie Hitlah --- these murderous
atheistic cats racked up tens of millions of murders and none in the name of
God either.



The left wing sociopaths are merely pagan materialists at root, despite their mumbling against 'religion'; their solution' to any problem is resorting to mass murder and thuggery, as with abortions and Maoism and Stalinism. They just don't call them ritual human sacrifices any more, but that is what they are.

We see that in the latest faux 'protests' in Democrat run cities, at the behest of the scumbag Marxist gang of sexual deviants and pyschos BLM, and major corporations are getting on board to keep them financed along with the Democrat criminal syndicate.
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JAG Writes:
Atheism/Secularism wants a different kind of America than Christendom
wants. The Atheistic/Secularistic ideology is not harmonious with the
Christian world-view and vise versa.

First there ARE many Conservative atheists in the world that stand
against Liberalism -- nonetheless this OP is about a relatively small
number of atheists -- the Conservative atheists -- so this OP is not
going to be of much interest to most atheists who are political Liberals
and not political Conservatives -- yet some atheists that have
Conservative political leanings may find this OP interesting. Plus
its "food for thought" and may lead to other more interesting OP's.

Conservative atheists , , ,
From The Harvard Political Review:
"While the idea of a conservative atheist might seem unusual at first,
according to a 2012 Pew poll ---- Thirteen percent of atheists and
agnostics self-identify as conservative
—a number that indicates a
growing group on the right that does not believe in a god."

Here is a website called The Atheist Conservative
The Atheist Conservative:


"According to a , , , Pew Forum survey, 19 percent of conservatives
are unaffiliated with any particular religion, and 14 percent of
atheists identify as conservative."___Off the web


If you google "atheist conservative" you will pull up a lot of stuff.


Can Conservative Atheism/Secularism Make Common Political Cause With Conservative Christendom? No.

{1} Atheism/Secularism wants a totally different America than does Conservative Christendom and the two sides are never going to reconcile or harmonize ---but will become more and more hostile and war-like as conditions worsen in America. Secularism's world-view is in direct opposition with Christendom's world-view. They want different America's.

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.

"New Atheism is a term coined by the journalist Gary Wolf in 2006 to describe the positions promoted by some atheists of the twenty-first century. This modern-day atheism is advanced by a group of thinkers and writers who advocate the view that superstition, religion and irrationalism should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever their influence arises in government, education, and politics. According to Richard Ostling, Bertrand Russell, in his 1927 essay Why I Am Not a Christian, made recommendations similar to those proposed by the New Atheists, suggesting that there are no substantive differences between traditional atheism and New Atheism"___Wiki
New Atheism - Wikipedia

{3} It is going to become more and more difficult for Conservative atheists to "make common cause" with Conservative Christians or with Theists because of my {1} and {2} and {4}.

{4} Christians and Theists are daily coming more and more to see activist-thread-atheists as their sworn enemy, thanks to threads in Forums on the Internet At Large and thanks to video sharing websites like You Tube -- where it is becoming more and more obvious each day that atheism/Secularism and Christendom are locked down in ideological war on the Internet. Add all forms of Social Media, eg Facebook, Twitter, etc its constant WAR all the time. Gonna get worse too. Its the principle of Superman vs. Lex Luthor and the principle of Batman vs. The Joker. Enemies. Like Patton and Rommel. Not friends, but enemies. It is what it is --- and Enemies is what it is.


To bad too.
Social and Political Tribalism is not good for the survival of the American Republic.

If the Liberal Democratic Party actually comes to political power in 2020, my prediction is your life will change for the worst at high levels of personal agony.

If the Liberal Democratic Party actually comes to power in 2020, they can:
■ increase federal spending at nation-killing levels
■ increase Federal power at nation killing levels
■ push through statehood legislation for Puerto Rico and Washington DC and thereby , , ,
■ gain control of the US Senate
■ kill the US Senate filibuster leaving the GOP minority powerless to resist Liberalism and Socialism throughout America
■ make every issue a racist issue and paint all opposition to THEM as being racist remember that
■ ridicule was one of Alinsky's Rules For Radicals and Constant Ridicule does work -- eg. the constant accusation of Racism
{ Looks to me like most Conservative leaders in DC are NOW scared to death of being called a Racist, Homophobe, Misogynist, Xenophobe, or Nativist}
■ open the flood gates to illegal immigration thus increasing their voters pool and thereby effectively destroying the Republican Party forever
■ provide legislation to enable amnesty for the 11 million to 22 million illegals already here to become Democrat Party voters.
■ allow America's some 2,000,000 prison inmates to vote {they will vote for the Democratic Party}
■ push through legislation that destroys the 2nd Amendment and effectively disarms America
■ allow chain immigration to further increase their Democratic pool of voters and thereby turn many Blue states into Red Democratic states
■ push through reparations for slavery
■ push through Medicare for all
■ push through nation killing laws based on climate scare
■ unleash Joe Biden upon America -- regular Joe'ism is bad enough , , , but there is more , ,
■ unleash Joe Biden on America allowing Joe to effectively select the next President Of the US, because Joe at his age and mental and physical condition is very unlikely to finish out his 4 years term. So? So get set for an ULTRA-Liberal female of color to be America's next President who is highly likely to be FAR-WORSE for Conservativism than Joe Biden ever thought of being.
■ destroy for all practical purposes the Republican Party and all serious political opposition to their Liberalism/Socialism/Marxism

Closing Miscellaneous Points:

"Politics is war by another name."__Selected

The 21st Century is shaping up to be a "war of all against all."

Theism is projected to hit 5.7 billion by the year 2050. That's gonna be a lot of
Theists in the world -- and unhappy with atheism/Secularism.

"The Lord Jesus said, "I come not to bring peace, but a sword."
Matthew 10:34-36 , , ,The sword is the principle of war.

The Lord Jesus said , , , "For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter
against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes
will be those of his own household.”. Matthew 10:34-36

"Only the dead have seen an end to war."___Plato

There is a correlation between atheism and socialism. It's not a perfect correlation but the distribution is clearly linked.
The first JEwish massacre of Chrisitans en masse was during their second revolt against the Romans around 132
I was unaware of this event and can't find anything in Google. Got a source I can look at?

Of course you never heard of it, you're ignorant. You can't even find it with the info I already gave you. lol I just Googled it and found the info right at second from the top of the list.

The PEanut Gallery of course will have no problem looking up the Jewish revolts against Rome from A.D. 66-ish to around 130 A.D. to 132 A.D. The first one got the Temple destroyed, and of course there are lists of the Apostles and major disciples and how they died around as well.
Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

Slanted ridiculous rubbish. All of those 'wars' were started against Christians by those groups, not the other way around, just for starters. Like all bigots, you like to pretend Da Evul Xians have no right to defend themselves from violent sociopaths and homocidal maniacs.
Slanted ridiculous rubbish.
no sicko - your defense of christianity is as appalling as it is egregiously fraudulent.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
the false religion of christianity to the end will never be american nor abide by the principles that were established as non others at the time they were written. the authors in fact left christianity in the cold where it belongs.

the op is a red herring.

this deviant is obsessed with trolling; he prayed to God and demanded a pony when he was 10, and has been enraged at Xians ever since when he didn't get one. He doesn't know that that clause was put in by Christians, and it comes directly from the Baptists, who invented the premise as part of their three main platforms around 1611 or so; see Thomas Helwys for the origins of it. They would never have formed a Federal government without such a clause, as it refers to not giving the Federal government the power of establishing a particular sect. It did not prevent the individual states from having them, obviously, as anyone can find out for themselves. It was in fact the 'evangelicals' of the Second Great Awakening that got Thomas Jefferson elected VP and President, as they were opposed to factions of Federalists who wanted kings and an Anglican Church as an official church as Britain had.
Last edited:
Slanted ridiculous rubbish. All of those 'wars' were started against Christians by those groups, not the other way around, just for starters. Like all bigots, you like to pretend Da Evul Xians have no right to defend themselves from violent sociopaths and homocidal maniacs.
So the Jews who were the victims of the first Crusade had attacked Christians? How about the times that Christians went to war with other Christians? Rewriting history?

So now that we know you're an ignorant moron, you're going to play " I Touched You Last!!!" with imbecilic one liners? Typical. Jews sided with Muslim invaders all of the time, idiot. Do you even know when the invasions of Spain were?
Atheism has little to do with political views
You don't believe the bolded red below?

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.
I don't. If atheism is at war with Christianity it is because Christianity has always been a very intolerant religion and has variously attacked pagans, atheists, Jews, and other Christians.

Slanted ridiculous rubbish. All of those 'wars' were started against Christians by those groups, not the other way around, just for starters. Like all bigots, you like to pretend Da Evul Xians have no right to defend themselves from violent sociopaths and homocidal maniacs.
Slanted ridiculous rubbish.
no sicko - your defense of christianity is as appalling as it is egregiously fraudulent.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
the false religion of christianity to the end will never be american nor abide by the principles that were established as non others at the time they were written. the authors in fact left christianity in the cold where it belongs.

the op is a red herring.

this deviant is obsessed with trolling; he prayed to God and demanded a pony when he was 10, and has been enraged at Xians ever since when he didn't get one. He doesn't know that that clause was put in by Christians, and it comes directly from the Baptists, who invented the premise as part of their three main platforms around 1611 or so; see Thomas Helwys for the origins of it. They would never have formed a Federal government without such a clause, as it refers to not giving the Federal government the power of establishing a particular sect. It did not prevent the individual states from having them, obviously, as anyone can find out for themselves. It was in fact the 'evangelicals' of the Second Great Awakening that got Thomas Jefferson elected VP and President, as they were opposed to factions of Federalists who wanted kings and an Anglican Church as an official church as Britain had.
He doesn't know that that clause was put in by Christians
the false religion of christianity to the end will never be american nor abide by the principles that were established as non others at the time they were written.
most were not 4th century christians as that was their reason for having come to the new world in the first place.

no one needs a history lesson from you - sicko, your type were no where found for the authors that actually wrote the u s constitution. ignored were the lackey's like yourself that did all possible to circumvent through state gov't a cental gov't to secure the freedoms in the broadest form possible, religious freedom being one of them - the reason for your incessant whining.

by the way, how did the articles of confederation work out for you, that one they gave you a hand in writing.
The first JEwish massacre of Chrisitans en masse was during their second revolt against the Romans around 132
I was unaware of this event and can't find anything in Google. Got a source I can look at?

Of course you never heard of it, you're ignorant. You can't even find it with the info I already gave you. lol I just Googled it and found the info right at second from the top of the list.

The PEanut Gallery of course will have no problem looking up the Jewish revolts against Rome from A.D. 66-ish to around 130 A.D. to 132 A.D. The first one got the Temple destroyed, and of course there are lists of the Apostles and major disciples and how they died around as well.
Israel was a theocracy back then so were the Jews killing Christians or were they killing heretical Jews? Besides, you should be thankful those Christians were eliminated since they considered themselves Jews. Had they controlled the Christian movement, Christianity would still be a small Jewish sect. It was Paul an the diaspora that filled the vacuum left by the destruction of the Christian Jews in Israel.
Slanted ridiculous rubbish. All of those 'wars' were started against Christians by those groups, not the other way around, just for starters. Like all bigots, you like to pretend Da Evul Xians have no right to defend themselves from violent sociopaths and homocidal maniacs.
So the Jews who were the victims of the first Crusade had attacked Christians? How about the times that Christians went to war with other Christians? Rewriting history?

So now that we know you're an ignorant moron, you're going to play " I Touched You Last!!!" with imbecilic one liners? Typical. Jews sided with Muslim invaders all of the time, idiot. Do you even know when the invasions of Spain were?
I do know that Jews were expelled from several Christian countries and took refuge in Muslim lands. They were generally treated more humanely in Muslim countries.
JAG Writes:
Atheism/Secularism wants a different kind of America than Christendom
wants. The Atheistic/Secularistic ideology is not harmonious with the
Christian world-view and vise versa.

First there ARE many Conservative atheists in the world that stand
against Liberalism -- nonetheless this OP is about a relatively small
number of atheists -- the Conservative atheists -- so this OP is not
going to be of much interest to most atheists who are political Liberals
and not political Conservatives -- yet some atheists that have
Conservative political leanings may find this OP interesting. Plus
its "food for thought" and may lead to other more interesting OP's.

Conservative atheists , , ,
From The Harvard Political Review:
"While the idea of a conservative atheist might seem unusual at first,
according to a 2012 Pew poll ---- Thirteen percent of atheists and
agnostics self-identify as conservative
—a number that indicates a
growing group on the right that does not believe in a god."

Here is a website called The Atheist Conservative
The Atheist Conservative:


"According to a , , , Pew Forum survey, 19 percent of conservatives
are unaffiliated with any particular religion, and 14 percent of
atheists identify as conservative."___Off the web


If you google "atheist conservative" you will pull up a lot of stuff.


Can Conservative Atheism/Secularism Make Common Political Cause With Conservative Christendom? No.

{1} Atheism/Secularism wants a totally different America than does Conservative Christendom and the two sides are never going to reconcile or harmonize ---but will become more and more hostile and war-like as conditions worsen in America. Secularism's world-view is in direct opposition with Christendom's world-view. They want different America's.

{2} Atheism/Secularism has turned into a political movement that is at ideological war with Christianity and with Theism.

"New Atheism is a term coined by the journalist Gary Wolf in 2006 to describe the positions promoted by some atheists of the twenty-first century. This modern-day atheism is advanced by a group of thinkers and writers who advocate the view that superstition, religion and irrationalism should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever their influence arises in government, education, and politics. According to Richard Ostling, Bertrand Russell, in his 1927 essay Why I Am Not a Christian, made recommendations similar to those proposed by the New Atheists, suggesting that there are no substantive differences between traditional atheism and New Atheism"___Wiki
New Atheism - Wikipedia

{3} It is going to become more and more difficult for Conservative atheists to "make common cause" with Conservative Christians or with Theists because of my {1} and {2} and {4}.

{4} Christians and Theists are daily coming more and more to see activist-thread-atheists as their sworn enemy, thanks to threads in Forums on the Internet At Large and thanks to video sharing websites like You Tube -- where it is becoming more and more obvious each day that atheism/Secularism and Christendom are locked down in ideological war on the Internet. Add all forms of Social Media, eg Facebook, Twitter, etc its constant WAR all the time. Gonna get worse too. Its the principle of Superman vs. Lex Luthor and the principle of Batman vs. The Joker. Enemies. Like Patton and Rommel. Not friends, but enemies. It is what it is --- and Enemies is what it is.


To bad too.
Social and Political Tribalism is not good for the survival of the American Republic.

If the Liberal Democratic Party actually comes to political power in 2020, my prediction is your life will change for the worst at high levels of personal agony.

If the Liberal Democratic Party actually comes to power in 2020, they can:
■ increase federal spending at nation-killing levels
■ increase Federal power at nation killing levels
■ push through statehood legislation for Puerto Rico and Washington DC and thereby , , ,
■ gain control of the US Senate
■ kill the US Senate filibuster leaving the GOP minority powerless to resist Liberalism and Socialism throughout America
■ make every issue a racist issue and paint all opposition to THEM as being racist remember that
■ ridicule was one of Alinsky's Rules For Radicals and Constant Ridicule does work -- eg. the constant accusation of Racism
{ Looks to me like most Conservative leaders in DC are NOW scared to death of being called a Racist, Homophobe, Misogynist, Xenophobe, or Nativist}
■ open the flood gates to illegal immigration thus increasing their voters pool and thereby effectively destroying the Republican Party forever
■ provide legislation to enable amnesty for the 11 million to 22 million illegals already here to become Democrat Party voters.
■ allow America's some 2,000,000 prison inmates to vote {they will vote for the Democratic Party}
■ push through legislation that destroys the 2nd Amendment and effectively disarms America
■ allow chain immigration to further increase their Democratic pool of voters and thereby turn many Blue states into Red Democratic states
■ push through reparations for slavery
■ push through Medicare for all
■ push through nation killing laws based on climate scare
■ unleash Joe Biden upon America -- regular Joe'ism is bad enough , , , but there is more , ,
■ unleash Joe Biden on America allowing Joe to effectively select the next President Of the US, because Joe at his age and mental and physical condition is very unlikely to finish out his 4 years term. So? So get set for an ULTRA-Liberal female of color to be America's next President who is highly likely to be FAR-WORSE for Conservativism than Joe Biden ever thought of being.
■ destroy for all practical purposes the Republican Party and all serious political opposition to their Liberalism/Socialism/Marxism

Closing Miscellaneous Points:

"Politics is war by another name."__Selected

The 21st Century is shaping up to be a "war of all against all."

Theism is projected to hit 5.7 billion by the year 2050. That's gonna be a lot of
Theists in the world -- and unhappy with atheism/Secularism.

"The Lord Jesus said, "I come not to bring peace, but a sword."
Matthew 10:34-36 , , ,The sword is the principle of war.

The Lord Jesus said , , , "For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter
against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes
will be those of his own household.”. Matthew 10:34-36

"Only the dead have seen an end to war."___Plato

There is a correlation between atheism and socialism. It's not a perfect correlation but the distribution is clearly linked.
There is a correlation between atheism and socialism. It's not a perfect correlation but the distribution is clearly linked.
the void in your mind is the link between theism and socialism - the void of a crucifier.
The first JEwish massacre of Chrisitans en masse was during their second revolt agains the Romans around 132
I was unaware of this event and can't find anything in Google. Got a source I can look at?
The second revolt - Kito's War - actually occurred around AD 115. The Jews launched their third major campaign against Rome in the 130s.
The first JEwish massacre of Chrisitans en masse was during their second revolt against the Romans around 132
I was unaware of this event and can't find anything in Google. Got a source I can look at?
The first one got the Temple destroyed, .
Hence the end of the age - of the cult of temple - and the eventual canonization of the New Testament.

I'm not sure that Christians were the targets of the Jews in their rebellions, though, although Jews were not loathe to make casualties of them. Christians fled the violence, by and large. The sword they wielded, to my mind, seemed more ideological than military.
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The OP is complete nonsense. Conservative atheists are not at war with conservative Christians. All American conservatives believe in the United States Constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion, and freedom not to have a religion.
The first JEwish massacre of Chrisitans en masse was during their second revolt against the Romans around 132
I was unaware of this event and can't find anything in Google. Got a source I can look at?
The first one got the Temple destroyed, .
Hence the end of the age - of the cult of temple - and the eventual canonization of the New Testament.

I'm not sure that Christians were the targets of the Jews in their rebellions, though, although Jews were not loathe to make casualties of them. Christians fled the violence, by and large. The sword they bore, to my mind, seemed more ideological than military.

Yes. Why some of the Jewish leaders even went the 'Big Giant Temple' route is a book in itself; the Ark of the Covenant was supposed to be kept in a tent, not a temple, in any case. David didn't attempt to build one, of all people who could have.
The first JEwish massacre of Chrisitans en masse was during their second revolt against the Romans around 132
I was unaware of this event and can't find anything in Google. Got a source I can look at?
The first one got the Temple destroyed, .
Hence the end of the age - of the cult of temple - and the eventual canonization of the New Testament.

I'm not sure that Christians were the targets of the Jews in their rebellions, though, although Jews were not loathe to make casualties of them. Christians fled the violence, by and large. The sword they bore, to my mind, seemed more ideological than military.

That was the era where they finally drove Jewish Christians out of most of the synagogues, and got even more obsessed with 'racial purity' and other post -exilic rubbish, even as they stepped up their proselytizing pagans in attempts to build their populations back up.
The OP is complete nonsense. Conservative atheists are not at war with conservative Christians. All American conservatives believe in the United States Constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion, and freedom not to have a religion.
Agreed, atheists and theists within conservatism circles share that powerful fraternal bond of conservatism, and as things are now, religion doesn't divide them.

I think religion could divide them, though (though not seriously), were they able to free themselves of their common enemy, the tyrannical left.
The first JEwish massacre of Chrisitans en masse was during their second revolt against the Romans around 132
I was unaware of this event and can't find anything in Google. Got a source I can look at?
The first one got the Temple destroyed, .
Hence the end of the age - of the cult of temple - and the eventual canonization of the New Testament.

I'm not sure that Christians were the targets of the Jews in their rebellions, though, although Jews were not loathe to make casualties of them. Christians fled the violence, by and large. The sword they bore, to my mind, seemed more ideological than military.

Yes. Why some of the Jewish leaders even went the 'Big Giant Temple' route is a book in itself; the Ark of the Covenant was supposed to be kept in a tent, not a temple, in any case. David didn't attempt to build one, of all people who could have.
Temple - tabernacle: both the same, except that one could be packed up and relocated.
The first JEwish massacre of Chrisitans en masse was during their second revolt against the Romans around 132
I was unaware of this event and can't find anything in Google. Got a source I can look at?
The first one got the Temple destroyed, .
Hence the end of the age - of the cult of temple - and the eventual canonization of the New Testament.

I'm not sure that Christians were the targets of the Jews in their rebellions, though, although Jews were not loathe to make casualties of them. Christians fled the violence, by and large. The sword they bore, to my mind, seemed more ideological than military.

That was the era where they finally drove Jewish Christians out of most of the synagogues, and got even more obsessed with 'racial purity' and other post -exilic rubbish, even as they stepped up their proselytizing pagans in attempts to build their populations back up.
Christians should have left the synagogues by then anyway. That was one of the major points of the book of Hebrews.

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