CDZ are bad cops the product of individuals suffering from mental illness caused by what theyve seen policing violent inner cities ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
weve all seen the videos of cops [though few they are] acting violently when there is no need or taking things to far to the point of criminality ....but one thing iv'e noticed is that not all but the majority of these bad cop incidences occur in violent high crime cities ... could it be that for some people policing in those areas and seeing the murder ,rape , assault and other acts of violence on a daily basis have a negative effect on their psychological health ? no im not trying to make excuses for bad cops ...they should be held accountable when they commit a crime . but maybe putting a cop in a violent high crime area for long periods of time [years] may play a role in police brutality .....
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The inner city police see some truly awful things but police have always seen awful things. It's not that. It's the government sanctioned attacks on police. That's the difference.

The wicked say they want community policing like we used to have when police walked a beat. I remember those days. Weapons were saps, knives and chains. Disrespect a cop and you would be worked over in an alley. There would be no one to complain to either.

Today the police are routinely set upon and beaten in mob attacks. Or did you not see the mayor of NYC order the Chief of Police to a riot in Brooklyn where the chief got his head bashed in. Back in the days when we had community policing a couple of hundred cops would have gone down there in hand to hand combat with nightsticks flailing. The bodies would be left where they fell.

It's the mob attacks and dead or disabled cops that have changed inner city policing.
The job attracts certain types of individuals that are ill suited for police work. The sadist, the racist, the weakling looking for respect, the lazy looking for a civil service job. Can't see that any department does enough to weed out the ones wanting to be a cop for the wrong reasons.
weve all seen the videos of cops [though few they are] acting violently when there is no need or taking things to far to the point of criminality ....but one thing iv'e noticed is that not all but the majority of these bad cop incidences occur in violent high crime cities ... could it be that for some people policing in those areas and seeing the murder ,rape , assault and other acts of violence on a daily basis have a negative effect on their psychological health ? no im not trying to make excuses for bad cops ...they should be held accountable when they commit a crime . but maybe putting a cop in a violent high crime area for long periods of time [years] may play a role in police brutality .....

that may be a factor for some of them. I dont know how that could not affect a person.
The real fact is bad cops are extremely rare, and all the bullshit about 'raycisism n stuff!' is also bullshit. The 'War on Blacks' is nothng but a media myth put out by deviants and commies and black pols who need to deflect from their own corruption and failures in running their own cities and school systems for 6 or 7 decades, producing far worse results among black people than Jim Crow ever did before the 1940's. 'Bad' killings by police officers are statistically insignificant, barely even noticable without a media who makes every violent doped up thug who resisted arrest a 'victim' and a corrupt national media fake news story for weeks.
weve all seen the videos of cops [though few they are] acting violently when there is no need or taking things to far to the point of criminality ....but one thing iv'e noticed is that not all but the majority of these bad cop incidences occur in violent high crime cities ... could it be that for some people policing in those areas and seeing the murder ,rape , assault and other acts of violence on a daily basis have a negative effect on their psychological health ? no im not trying to make excuses for bad cops ...they should be held accountable when they commit a crime . but maybe putting a cop in a violent high crime area for long periods of time [years] may play a role in police brutality .....

Well, sure there is a jading effect, from being around criminals for so long. Honestly, cops are subjected to the worst side of human life.

There is another problem though. Criminals and humanity, go hand in hand, and cops know this.

But what really breaks a cop down, is to work hard, catch the criminal, and then have the public hate the cop for it, or equally have the courts release the criminal.

Both of those are very damaging, because then you end up with a bitter cynical cop.

Wasn't it in Chicago where they were going to raid a drug house, and they got into a shooting match with the people inside, and the people of the community were standing around jeering and throwing stuff at the cops?

If that was you, and you were going out to deal with a bunch of criminal gang bangers, and the gang starts shooting at you, and next thing you know, you have citizens behind you insulting you and throwing stuff at you........

what would be your mental state after that? You are being shot at by criminals, that you are trying to deal with to protect the community, and the community is attacking you over it.

Seriously, do tell. What would your attitude be after that?

Any honest person, is going to admit, that would not fly well.
You might end up hating the communities you are assigned to protect, and I honestly couldn't blame you.

That's why I'm not a police officer. I go into a high murder zone, and get attacked as racists by the bigots in the community... I'm going to turn a blind eye. They hate police so much, I'll go elsewhere, and let them die.
weve all seen the videos of cops [though few they are] acting violently when there is no need or taking things to far to the point of criminality ....but one thing iv'e noticed is that not all but the majority of these bad cop incidences occur in violent high crime cities ... could it be that for some people policing in those areas and seeing the murder ,rape , assault and other acts of violence on a daily basis have a negative effect on their psychological health ? no im not trying to make excuses for bad cops ...they should be held accountable when they commit a crime . but maybe putting a cop in a violent high crime area for long periods of time [years] may play a role in police brutality .....

Well, sure there is a jading effect, from being around criminals for so long. Honestly, cops are subjected to the worst side of human life.

There is another problem though. Criminals and humanity, go hand in hand, and cops know this.

But what really breaks a cop down, is to work hard, catch the criminal, and then have the public hate the cop for it, or equally have the courts release the criminal.

Both of those are very damaging, because then you end up with a bitter cynical cop.

Wasn't it in Chicago where they were going to raid a drug house, and they got into a shooting match with the people inside, and the people of the community were standing around jeering and throwing stuff at the cops?

If that was you, and you were going out to deal with a bunch of criminal gang bangers, and the gang starts shooting at you, and next thing you know, you have citizens behind you insulting you and throwing stuff at you........

what would be your mental state after that? You are being shot at by criminals, that you are trying to deal with to protect the community, and the community is attacking you over it.

Seriously, do tell. What would your attitude be after that?

Any honest person, is going to admit, that would not fly well.
You might end up hating the communities you are assigned to protect, and I honestly couldn't blame you.

That's why I'm not a police officer. I go into a high murder zone, and get attacked as racists by the bigots in the community... I'm going to turn a blind eye. They hate police so much, I'll go elsewhere, and let them die.

those neighborhoods don't become shitholes by themselves or because of white people; the people who live in them make them what they want to make of them. They love the scum, so they deserve to wallow in their own filth. Cluster bombs would a much better alternative than having officers have to face that much risk for such low pay.
The real fact is bad cops are extremely rare, and all the bullshit about 'raycisism n stuff!' is also bullshit. The 'War on Blacks' is nothng but a media myth put out by deviants and commies and black pols who need to deflect from their own corruption and failures in running their own cities and school systems for 6 or 7 decades, producing far worse results among black people than Jim Crow ever did before the 1940's. 'Bad' killings by police officers are statistically insignificant, barely even noticable without a media who makes every violent doped up thug who resisted arrest a 'victim' and a corrupt national media fake news story for weeks.
Bad policing practices cover more than just murdering people. Very often the murder is just the spark that ignites long simmering resentment at a police department that refuses to look at a bunch of minor incidents of false arrest, harassment, criminality and brutality.
The real fact is bad cops are extremely rare, and all the bullshit about 'raycisism n stuff!' is also bullshit. The 'War on Blacks' is nothng but a media myth put out by deviants and commies and black pols who need to deflect from their own corruption and failures in running their own cities and school systems for 6 or 7 decades, producing far worse results among black people than Jim Crow ever did before the 1940's. 'Bad' killings by police officers are statistically insignificant, barely even noticable without a media who makes every violent doped up thug who resisted arrest a 'victim' and a corrupt national media fake news story for weeks.
Bad policing practices cover more than just murdering people. Very often the murder is just the spark that ignites long simmering resentment at a police department that refuses to look at a bunch of minor incidents of false arrest, harassment, criminality and brutality.

Rubbish. The cities with the worst 'problems' are those run by Democrats and black pols. If the cops are crooked it's because the the Mayor and the councils are. Yes, it is that simple, and babbling about 'racism' is just deflection and lying.
The real fact is bad cops are extremely rare, and all the bullshit about 'raycisism n stuff!' is also bullshit. The 'War on Blacks' is nothng but a media myth put out by deviants and commies and black pols who need to deflect from their own corruption and failures in running their own cities and school systems for 6 or 7 decades, producing far worse results among black people than Jim Crow ever did before the 1940's. 'Bad' killings by police officers are statistically insignificant, barely even noticable without a media who makes every violent doped up thug who resisted arrest a 'victim' and a corrupt national media fake news story for weeks.
Bad policing practices cover more than just murdering people. Very often the murder is just the spark that ignites long simmering resentment at a police department that refuses to look at a bunch of minor incidents of false arrest, harassment, criminality and brutality.

Yeah, no. That would be wrong.

But don't worry about it, because the police have pulled back, and now no one is being arrested for anything.

Might not be so great for all the people of the communities they have deserted.... but then you are more worried about "false arrest, harassment, criminality and brutality." right?

You don't give a crap about the people victimized by criminals.

That's why we on the right-wing are just flat out better people than you on the left.
The real fact is bad cops are extremely rare, and all the bullshit about 'raycisism n stuff!' is also bullshit. The 'War on Blacks' is nothng but a media myth put out by deviants and commies and black pols who need to deflect from their own corruption and failures in running their own cities and school systems for 6 or 7 decades, producing far worse results among black people than Jim Crow ever did before the 1940's. 'Bad' killings by police officers are statistically insignificant, barely even noticable without a media who makes every violent doped up thug who resisted arrest a 'victim' and a corrupt national media fake news story for weeks.
Considering the total number of contacts police have with the public, the problems are very rare. But, the training always reflects the worse case situations which usually involve firearms. The proliferation of easily available firearms always puts the fear factor in police. Every stop and confrontation is made with staying out of the line of Fire not with presenting a compliant and friendly atmosphere. It’s the nature of the beast and fear on the part of the cops promotes over reaction. Reduce the number of weapons available and you reduce the the violent crimes including shootings on both ends. It’s not rocket science.
The real fact is bad cops are extremely rare, and all the bullshit about 'raycisism n stuff!' is also bullshit. The 'War on Blacks' is nothng but a media myth put out by deviants and commies and black pols who need to deflect from their own corruption and failures in running their own cities and school systems for 6 or 7 decades, producing far worse results among black people than Jim Crow ever did before the 1940's. 'Bad' killings by police officers are statistically insignificant, barely even noticable without a media who makes every violent doped up thug who resisted arrest a 'victim' and a corrupt national media fake news story for weeks.
Bad policing practices cover more than just murdering people. Very often the murder is just the spark that ignites long simmering resentment at a police department that refuses to look at a bunch of minor incidents of false arrest, harassment, criminality and brutality.

Rubbish. The cities with the worst 'problems' are those run by Democrats and black pols. If the cops are crooked it's because the the Mayor and the councils are. Yes, it is that simple, and babbling about 'racism' is just deflection and lying.
You seriously don't know that the police are themselves a political entity often at odds with city government? Their powerful unions and sheer administrative inertia make them quite difficult to deal with. They go to ridiculous lengths to protect their own from the law they are supposed to enforce. The police are at their core authoritarian and do not readily submit to the will of the people.
That's why we on the right-wing are just flat out better people than you on the left.

On many levels as well; right wingers never tried to damage Goya when Michelle Obama was intensively courting them with White House visits and shaking them down for her fake 'charity' involving meals for kids or whatever it was; not one conservative every ran around crying 'Boycott!!!' then, as the left scum are doing now over the same company.
The real fact is bad cops are extremely rare, and all the bullshit about 'raycisism n stuff!' is also bullshit. The 'War on Blacks' is nothng but a media myth put out by deviants and commies and black pols who need to deflect from their own corruption and failures in running their own cities and school systems for 6 or 7 decades, producing far worse results among black people than Jim Crow ever did before the 1940's. 'Bad' killings by police officers are statistically insignificant, barely even noticable without a media who makes every violent doped up thug who resisted arrest a 'victim' and a corrupt national media fake news story for weeks.
Considering the total number of contacts police have with the public, the problems are very rare. But, the training always reflects the worse case situations which usually involve firearms. The proliferation of easily available firearms always puts the fear factor in police. Every stop and confrontation is made with staying out of the line of Fire not with presenting a compliant and friendly atmosphere. It’s the nature of the beast and fear on the part of the cops promotes over reaction. Reduce the number of weapons available and you reduce the the violent crimes including shootings on both ends. It’s not rocket science.

So quit encouraging cop baiting as a new ghetto game show, with big prizes.
The real fact is bad cops are extremely rare, and all the bullshit about 'raycisism n stuff!' is also bullshit. The 'War on Blacks' is nothng but a media myth put out by deviants and commies and black pols who need to deflect from their own corruption and failures in running their own cities and school systems for 6 or 7 decades, producing far worse results among black people than Jim Crow ever did before the 1940's. 'Bad' killings by police officers are statistically insignificant, barely even noticable without a media who makes every violent doped up thug who resisted arrest a 'victim' and a corrupt national media fake news story for weeks.
Bad policing practices cover more than just murdering people. Very often the murder is just the spark that ignites long simmering resentment at a police department that refuses to look at a bunch of minor incidents of false arrest, harassment, criminality and brutality.

Rubbish. The cities with the worst 'problems' are those run by Democrats and black pols. If the cops are crooked it's because the the Mayor and the councils are. Yes, it is that simple, and babbling about 'racism' is just deflection and lying.
You seriously don't know that the police are themselves a political entity often at odds with city government? Their powerful unions and sheer administrative inertia make them quite difficult to deal with. They go to ridiculous lengths to protect their own from the law they are supposed to enforce. The police are at their core authoritarian and do not readily submit to the will of the people.
That’s because of the job they do and what you’re asking of them. They are expected to be public servants on one end and literally a soldier on the other. Domestic violence and abuse confrontations on one end and civil unrest on the other. Its one of the most demanding jobs there are. You want better cops ? First, require all to have 4 year college degrees and secondly, pay them accordingly. I was a cop in a force near a college town where 75% of the force had bachelors and half of us had master degrees. We had many fewer problems handling the same people as the a larger metro town with cops of less training education and training in specialized areas. But at some point, there is no substitute for a full military option from specialized forces. We were lucky. The state police barracks was nearby and back up for all of us. The cops can’t do everything and related resources have to be ready when called for...that’s expensive.
The real fact is bad cops are extremely rare, and all the bullshit about 'raycisism n stuff!' is also bullshit. The 'War on Blacks' is nothng but a media myth put out by deviants and commies and black pols who need to deflect from their own corruption and failures in running their own cities and school systems for 6 or 7 decades, producing far worse results among black people than Jim Crow ever did before the 1940's. 'Bad' killings by police officers are statistically insignificant, barely even noticable without a media who makes every violent doped up thug who resisted arrest a 'victim' and a corrupt national media fake news story for weeks.
Bad policing practices cover more than just murdering people. Very often the murder is just the spark that ignites long simmering resentment at a police department that refuses to look at a bunch of minor incidents of false arrest, harassment, criminality and brutality.

Rubbish. The cities with the worst 'problems' are those run by Democrats and black pols. If the cops are crooked it's because the the Mayor and the councils are. Yes, it is that simple, and babbling about 'racism' is just deflection and lying.
You seriously don't know that the police are themselves a political entity often at odds with city government? Their powerful unions and sheer administrative inertia make them quite difficult to deal with. They go to ridiculous lengths to protect their own from the law they are supposed to enforce. The police are at their core authoritarian and do not readily submit to the will of the people.
That’s because of the job they do and what you’re asking of them. They are expected to be public servants on one end and literally a soldier on the other. Domestic violence and abuse confrontations on one end and civil unrest on the other. Its one of the most demanding jobs there are. You want better cops ? First, require all to have 4 year college degrees and secondly, pay them accordingly. I was a cop in a force near a college town where 75% of the force had bachelors and half of us had master degrees. We had many fewer problems handling the same people as the a larger metro town with cops of less training. But at some point, there is no substitute for a full military option from specialized forces. We were lucky. The state police barracks was nearby and back up for all of us. The cops can’t do everything and related resources have to be ready when called for...that’s expensive.
We are dealing with a solvable problem here but some of the authoritarian elements have to change and a lot of crappy cops have to go. It will be slow and there will be mistakes but keeping things the same or ramping up the authoritarianism are not valid options.
The real fact is bad cops are extremely rare, and all the bullshit about 'raycisism n stuff!' is also bullshit. The 'War on Blacks' is nothng but a media myth put out by deviants and commies and black pols who need to deflect from their own corruption and failures in running their own cities and school systems for 6 or 7 decades, producing far worse results among black people than Jim Crow ever did before the 1940's. 'Bad' killings by police officers are statistically insignificant, barely even noticable without a media who makes every violent doped up thug who resisted arrest a 'victim' and a corrupt national media fake news story for weeks.
Bad policing practices cover more than just murdering people. Very often the murder is just the spark that ignites long simmering resentment at a police department that refuses to look at a bunch of minor incidents of false arrest, harassment, criminality and brutality.

Rubbish. The cities with the worst 'problems' are those run by Democrats and black pols. If the cops are crooked it's because the the Mayor and the councils are. Yes, it is that simple, and babbling about 'racism' is just deflection and lying.
You seriously don't know that the police are themselves a political entity often at odds with city government? Their powerful unions and sheer administrative inertia make them quite difficult to deal with. They go to ridiculous lengths to protect their own from the law they are supposed to enforce. The police are at their core authoritarian and do not readily submit to the will of the people.
That’s because of the job they do and what you’re asking of them. They are expected to be public servants on one end and literally a soldier on the other. Domestic violence and abuse confrontations on one end and civil unrest on the other. Its one of the most demanding jobs there are. You want better cops ? First, require all to have 4 year college degrees and secondly, pay them accordingly. I was a cop in a force near a college town where 75% of the force had bachelors and half of us had master degrees. We had many fewer problems handling the same people as the a larger metro town with cops of less training education and training in specialized areas. But at some point, there is no substitute for a full military option from specialized forces. We were lucky. The state police barracks was nearby and back up for all of us. The cops can’t do everything and related resources have to be ready when called for...that’s expensive.

Well said; it's really more than ridiculous to make so many demands on police, though, and demand they do well at all of them: emergency first responders, family counselers and social workers, elderly care specialists, firefighters, race car stunt drivers, expert marksmen able to shoot guns out of people's hands like they do in the westerns n stuff without killing anybody, expert martial artists, expert psychiatrists who can instantly diagnose every kind of nutjobbery and dope crazed idiocy, and a range of other skills to be invented depending on the latest 'atrocity' the media fabricates.
The real fact is bad cops are extremely rare, and all the bullshit about 'raycisism n stuff!' is also bullshit. The 'War on Blacks' is nothng but a media myth put out by deviants and commies and black pols who need to deflect from their own corruption and failures in running their own cities and school systems for 6 or 7 decades, producing far worse results among black people than Jim Crow ever did before the 1940's. 'Bad' killings by police officers are statistically insignificant, barely even noticable without a media who makes every violent doped up thug who resisted arrest a 'victim' and a corrupt national media fake news story for weeks.
Bad policing practices cover more than just murdering people. Very often the murder is just the spark that ignites long simmering resentment at a police department that refuses to look at a bunch of minor incidents of false arrest, harassment, criminality and brutality.

Rubbish. The cities with the worst 'problems' are those run by Democrats and black pols. If the cops are crooked it's because the the Mayor and the councils are. Yes, it is that simple, and babbling about 'racism' is just deflection and lying.
You seriously don't know that the police are themselves a political entity often at odds with city government? Their powerful unions and sheer administrative inertia make them quite difficult to deal with. They go to ridiculous lengths to protect their own from the law they are supposed to enforce. The police are at their core authoritarian and do not readily submit to the will of the people.
That’s because of the job they do and what you’re asking of them. They are expected to be public servants on one end and literally a soldier on the other. Domestic violence and abuse confrontations on one end and civil unrest on the other. Its one of the most demanding jobs there are. You want better cops ? First, require all to have 4 year college degrees and secondly, pay them accordingly. I was a cop in a force near a college town where 75% of the force had bachelors and half of us had master degrees. We had many fewer problems handling the same people as the a larger metro town with cops of less training. But at some point, there is no substitute for a full military option from specialized forces. We were lucky. The state police barracks was nearby and back up for all of us. The cops can’t do everything and related resources have to be ready when called for...that’s expensive.
We are dealing with a solvable problem here but some of the authoritarian elements have to change and a lot of crappy cops have to go. It will be slow and there will be mistakes but keeping things the same or ramping up the authoritarianism are not valid options.
There are lots of studies out there and they all have similar patterns. The higher the level of education and specialize training, the fewer the problems as far as police is concerned. It’s an ongoing process. In the military you’re paid according to your grade level which is dependent upon an ongoing educational level in your specialty. Do the same with a police force.

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