Are Black Americans arming themselves to prevent another Tulsa Massacre?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racists if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
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I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racistsm if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
right now blacks got a bigger problem inside their own race,, you might want to deal with that problem first,,
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racistsm if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
When was the last time white rioters attacked your neighborhood?

No white guys are going to attack your neighborhoods because the current administration has ya' all so riled up that you're burning them down and killing each other all on your own.


I say Black Americans need to go to the Gun stores and buy as many weapons that they can carry. We blacks need to start stock pilling as many weapons as possible.
Every black person should register for a legal firearm. Maybe then the gun nuts might come the bargaining table on gun control. Other than that the racists are too cowardly to even drive through a black neighborhood, much less go down there to do battle.
When the jury was out on the OJ Simpson case my black receptionist said she was staying home when the verdict was read. The rumor was that if OJ was found innocent white people were going to riot and attack Watts. So fear of white attack has a long history among black people.

In reality, white people really don't care. They might have cared in 1921, but today, white people really don't think about black people. You know that whole Black Lives Matter thing? They don't mean it. It's something to do to feel special. Otherwise, black people are left to kill themselves and each other.
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racists if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
Make sure you come to small town Texas, boy.
Every black person should register for a legal firearm. Maybe then the gun nuts might come the bargaining table on gun control. Other than that the racists are too cowardly to even drive through a black neighborhood, much less go down there to do battle.

LOLOL are you fucking out of your mind???? You think Americans are going to be concerned about African Americans legally owning guns? You must be a Washington politician because you live in some fantasy land. Don't you realize there are so many African Americans in the armed forces? as well as police? You think white people are afraid of them having guns?

Blacks getting legal fire arms! wow! meanwhile little kids are getting gunned down in Chicago every day and other big cities by gangs who are stocked up on ILLEGAL fire arms. Who the hell is going to be concerned about legal weapons? Crime and drugs is the problem, not legal firearm owners of any race.
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racists if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.

Its not going to happen. It's not 1920 anymore and I doubt you live in Tulsa.
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racists if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
They will need space guns to fight off the interracial couples on Mars.
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racists if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
I'm a white man who lives in the deep south and I have ZERO problems or issues with black Americans arming themselves to the teeth. ALL Americans have that right and should exercise it. If a violent mob of whites storms your neighborhood, defend yourself! I can ASSURE YOU that if a violent mob of ANY color or description decides to pay me a visit with the intent to harm me or mine, I won't be the ONLY one suffering.

BUT... you may find that it isn't as easy to do as you'd think if you live in Blue Cities. Just puttin' that out there for you to ponder.
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racists if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
They will need space guns to fight off the interracial couples on Mars.

that makes about as much sense.
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racists if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
I never met a black guy that didn't own a piece, even if they just kept it at the house or used it for hunting. Who do you think is killing all the black people in inner cities and poor neighborhood across America? It ain't the KKK or other white power boys. It's not the media, either. If you go to the anytime teller at night, you ain't looking over your shoulder for Ted Koppel.
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racists if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
are you not supposed to be in Brazil?....
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racistsm if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
When was the last time white rioters attacked your neighborhood?
When was the last time black rioters attacked your neighborhood?
Every black person should register for a legal firearm. Maybe then the gun nuts might come the bargaining table on gun control. Other than that the racists are too cowardly to even drive through a black neighborhood, much less go down there to do battle.
Maybe we should compromise and make gun ownership mandatory. Whether you use or want a gun or not, make it mandatory. And perhaps require that shooting must be taught in all taxpayer funded public schools too.

Sort of like when the Democrats made buying health insurance mandatory.
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