Are Black Americans arming themselves to prevent another Tulsa Massacre?

I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racistsm if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
When was the last time white rioters attacked your neighborhood?
You mean like these white rioters (and arsonists) torching Seattle?

Watch the video here:
Police arrest Tacoma woman accused of setting five patrol cars on fire during Seattle protest
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racistsm if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
When was the last time white rioters attacked your neighborhood?
This history of Jim Crow enforced by the Klan provides context for a hard truth: In America, race riots are used to settle social discontent. The origin of race rioting begins with southern whites, resenting black advancement, attacked them to disenfranchise them of both the vote and economic prosperity.

This economic decimation of black wealth and social stability was made worse by the Great Depression and blacks being denied full access to the various New Deal programs of the 1930s and the benefits of the GI Bill in the 1940s. Thus, during the first four decades of the American Century, blacks were subjected to white race riots and social policies that destroyed their wealth.

These and other white race riots (Red Summer of 1919) not only took black lives and wiped whole black neighborhoods off the face of the earth, they ended black economic wealth that could be passed to subsequent generations. It also caused displacement of black expertise and talent, thwarting its concentration and increase.
I say Black Americans need to go to the Gun stores and buy as many weapons that they can carry. We blacks need to start stock pilling as many weapons as possible.
Along with every other American. You need to climb off of your racist high horse and be an American--Americans are ALL colors.
This history of Jim Crow enforced by the Klan provides context for a hard truth: In America, race riots are used to settle social discontent. The origin of race rioting begins with southern whites, resenting black advancement, attacked them to disenfranchise them of both the vote and economic prosperity.

This economic decimation of black wealth and social stability was made worse by the Great Depression and blacks being denied full access to the various New Deal programs of the 1930s and the benefits of the GI Bill in the 1940s. Thus, during the first four decades of the American Century, blacks were subjected to white race riots and social policies that destroyed their wealth.

These and other white race riots (Red Summer of 1919) not only took black lives and wiped whole black neighborhoods off the face of the earth, they ended black economic wealth that could be passed to subsequent generations. It also caused displacement of black expertise and talent, thwarting its concentration and increase.
Can you recount any white riots that descended upon and destroyed black neighborhoods from this century?
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The Negroes first attack the police and Whites in Tulsa. They were the bad guys.

They were the bad guys in the recent six months of rioting, looting, murdering and insurrection.

They are the bad guys when it comes to committing crime on an everyday basis way out of proportion to their demographics.

it is reasonable to assume they will continue to be bad guys.
The Negroes first attack the police and Whites in Tulsa. They were the bad guys.

They were the bad guys in the recent six months of rioting, looting, murdering and insurrection.

They are the bad guys when it comes to committing crime on an everyday basis way out of proportion to their demographics.

it is reasonable to assume they will continue to be bad guys.
And you? What do you consider yourself?
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racists if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
Dude, nobody is planning to massacre Black Americans. If anything, people are preparing for Black Americans to start massacring White Americans.

You have the right to start buying weapons, and you should. But, your real enemy is not the white dude across the street or in the next town.

It's the asshole in DC and in other high places trying to get you and white dude to fight each other so asshole can gain power.

Get your weapons ready. I will too. We will fight those assholes as brothers.
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racists if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.

You can't, homie! You keep voting for white DemoKKKrats who want to take away your guns.

I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racists if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.
Might be a good idea.
Every black person should register for a legal firearm. Maybe then the gun nuts might come the bargaining table on gun control. Other than that the racists are too cowardly to even drive through a black neighborhood, much less go down there to do battle.
Like what happened with the Mulford Act......Reagan and the NRA saw Black Panthers legally carrying long guns and just about fainted in fear.
Every black person should register for a legal firearm. Maybe then the gun nuts might come the bargaining table on gun control. Other than that the racists are too cowardly to even drive through a black neighborhood, much less go down there to do battle.
Go fuck yourself. Once again, you will try to use your racist assumptions and use black people to enact policy you like. Not surprised.
Every black person should register for a legal firearm. Maybe then the gun nuts might come the bargaining table on gun control. Other than that the racists are too cowardly to even drive through a black neighborhood, much less go down there to do battle.
Like what happened with the Mulford Act......Reagan and the NRA saw Black Panthers legally carrying long guns and just about fainted in fear.
That is the single most disgusting thing I have witnessed and I will NEVER forgive Reagan OR the NRA for that racist shit. Those men were exercising an unalienable right and those fuckers SHIT ALL OVER IT BECAUE OF RACE!!!
This history of Jim Crow enforced by the Klan provides context for a hard truth: In America, race riots are used to settle social discontent. The origin of race rioting begins with southern whites, resenting black advancement, attacked them to disenfranchise them of both the vote and economic prosperity.

This economic decimation of black wealth and social stability was made worse by the Great Depression and blacks being denied full access to the various New Deal programs of the 1930s and the benefits of the GI Bill in the 1940s. Thus, during the first four decades of the American Century, blacks were subjected to white race riots and social policies that destroyed their wealth.

These and other white race riots (Red Summer of 1919) not only took black lives and wiped whole black neighborhoods off the face of the earth, they ended black economic wealth that could be passed to subsequent generations. It also caused displacement of black expertise and talent, thwarting its concentration and increase.
Can you recount any white riots that descended upon and destroyed black neighborhoods from this century?
There are still survivors of this massacre living today but since you asked:
A Very Abbreviated History of the Destruction of Black Neighborhoods
On May 13, 1985, police fired tear gas, water cannons, and 10,000 rounds of ammunition into 6221 Osage Avenue in West Philadelphia. Then, from a helicopter, officers dropped onto the building a satchel bomb, the kind used in World War II and Vietnam. Inside the home were seven adults and six children, members of the eco-minded black liberation group, MOVE. Only two people survived. One of the five children who burned was 12-year-old Little Phil Africa. Seven years earlier, his three-week-old brother was killed after being knocked out of his mother’s arms and crushed during an altercation with police. After the bombing, a fire broke out that claimed 61 surrounding buildings and left 250 people homeless in the middle-class black neighborhood. The houses built to replace them were “tissue paper” shoddy, and the contractors tasked with replacing them served jail time for misusing the rebuilding fund. By the mid 2010s, more than half of the rebuilt homes sat boarded up, purchased by the city for $150,000 each.
Every black person should register for a legal firearm. Maybe then the gun nuts might come the bargaining table on gun control. Other than that the racists are too cowardly to even drive through a black neighborhood, much less go down there to do battle.
I have absolutely no problem with blacks owning firearms.

If I was black I would own a small collection of firearms. I also would have a concealed carry permit and carry everywhere it was legal.
I say Black Americans need to go to the Gun stores and buy as many weapons that they can carry. We blacks need to start stock pilling as many weapons as possible.
Based on the high level of gun crime in black neighborhoods NOW, I’d say you guys are pretty well armed already.
This history of Jim Crow enforced by the Klan provides context for a hard truth: In America, race riots are used to settle social discontent. The origin of race rioting begins with southern whites, resenting black advancement, attacked them to disenfranchise them of both the vote and economic prosperity.

This economic decimation of black wealth and social stability was made worse by the Great Depression and blacks being denied full access to the various New Deal programs of the 1930s and the benefits of the GI Bill in the 1940s. Thus, during the first four decades of the American Century, blacks were subjected to white race riots and social policies that destroyed their wealth.

These and other white race riots (Red Summer of 1919) not only took black lives and wiped whole black neighborhoods off the face of the earth, they ended black economic wealth that could be passed to subsequent generations. It also caused displacement of black expertise and talent, thwarting its concentration and increase.
Every black person should register for a legal firearm. Maybe then the gun nuts might come the bargaining table on gun control. Other than that the racists are too cowardly to even drive through a black neighborhood, much less go down there to do battle.
I have absolutely no problem with blacks owning firearms.

If I was black I would own a small collection of firearms. I also would have a concealed carry permit and carry everywhere it was legal.
How do black people exercise their 2A rights when the mere thought of a black man with a gun makes a cop's trigger finger twitch? Permissive gun laws are for white people alone. Everyone else is at great peril trying to act like they can legally walk around armed.
I see a lot of black people marching to commemorate the Tulsa Oklahoma massacre. But are Black Americans arming ourselves to deal with white racists if they deceide to do another Tulsa style massacre.? We black people need to stop marching and start buying all kinds of assault rifles and shotguns to deal back death to white rioters, when and if they deceide to attack our neighborhoods.

Most of White Society will not even enter your neighborhood, so you have nothing to worry about except MSM making you believe you might be a victim one day…

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